Top losing US stocks in post-market

Post-market trading risk is often compensated by the timing advantage. US stocks below are the biggest losers of the last after-hours session, they’re sorted by post-market price change and supplied with other stats too.
Post-market Chg %
Post-market Close
Post-market Chg
Post-market Vol
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
DRCTDirect Digital Holdings, Inc.
−36.09%0.85 USD−0.48 USD3.29 M1.33 USD+71.61%24.25 M8.58 M USD−95.42%
XTIAXTI Aerospace, Inc.
−26.86%1.80 USD−0.66 USD158.67 K2.46 USD−3.53%274.89 K9.1 M USD+11.85%
SUGPSU Group Holdings Limited
−24.72%0.6990 USD−0.2295 USD3.51 K0.9285 USD+2.26%8.35 K12.86 M USD−73.70%
ICUSeaStar Medical Holding Corporation
−18.18%1.80 USD−0.40 USD144.44 K2.20 USD−9.47%389.01 K19.18 M USD−65.00%
BGLCBioNexus Gene Lab Corp
−18.08%0.2451 USD−0.0541 USD226.51 K0.2992 USD−6.50%12.16 M5.38 M USD−60.70%
LGMKLogicMark, Inc.
−17.06%0.0423 USD−0.0087 USD28.69 M0.0510 USD−44.75%54 M335.71 K USD−50.61%
OCEAOcean Biomedical, Inc.
−12.82%0.0680 USD−0.0100 USD6.41 M0.0780 USD−6.81%220.95 M10.97 M USD−94.71%
DRMADermata Therapeutics, Inc.
−11.27%1.26 USD−0.16 USD606.6 K1.42 USD+5.19%76.33 M7.71 M USD+148.66%
ROLRHigh Roller Technologies, Inc.
−10.83%3.21 USD−0.39 USD2503.60 USD+11.11%22.95 K30.15 M USD
DDMNDamon Inc.
−10.54%0.0399 USD−0.0047 USD21.45 M0.0446 USD+14.65%432.51 M1.4 M USD
GTECGreenland Technologies Holding Corporation
−10.14%1.95 USD−0.22 USD790.03 K2.17 USD+65.65%78.57 M29.5 M USD−36.59%
LULUlululemon athletica inc.
−10.11%307.00 USD−34.53 USD1.19 M341.53 USD+1.11%4.47 M43.34 B USD−32.10%
ALZNAlzamend Neuro, Inc.
−9.99%0.99 USD−0.11 USD8.85 K1.10 USD+10.00%183.09 K7.26 M USD−15.30%
−9.87%1.37 USD−0.15 USD1.89 M1.52 USD+3.40%17.2 M17.91 M USD−24.28%
GGCTKGlucoTrack, Inc.
−9.64%0.2099 USD−0.0224 USD202.57 K0.2323 USD−4.17%2.68 M2.42 M USD−48.26%
EQEquillium, Inc.
−9.51%0.4416 USD−0.0464 USD44.98 K0.4880 USD−35.62%1.34 M17.29 M USD−71.74%
OXMOxford Industries, Inc.
−9.24%56.76 USD−5.78 USD86.77 K62.54 USD+1.25%525.28 K981.94 M USD−44.14%
−9.21%0.91 USD−0.09 USD2.9 K1.00 USD+5.51%9.05 K7.08 M USD−52.04%
AQBAquaBounty Technologies, Inc.
−9.10%0.7000 USD−0.0701 USD38.83 K0.7701 USD−24.50%1.43 M2.98 M USD−70.61%
PTPIPetros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−9.10%0.1009 USD−0.0101 USD2.32 M0.1110 USD−17.78%60.48 M3.32 M USD−30.76%
DGLYDigital Ally, Inc.
−9.09%0.0390 USD−0.0039 USD3.89 M0.0429 USD−9.68%67.16 M3.4 M USD−25.25%
SLRXSalarius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−9.02%0.8370 USD−0.0830 USD12.76 K0.9200 USD+7.34%260.02 K1.61 M USD−42.50%
ASSTAsset Entities Inc.
−8.92%0.5400 USD−0.0529 USD302.57 K0.5929 USD+14.09%22.15 M8.24 M USD
AGMHAGM Group Holdings Inc.
−8.42%0.0848 USD−0.0078 USD5 M0.0926 USD+23.47%74.13 M2.44 M USD−96.19%
TBBKThe Bancorp, Inc.
−8.34%49.12 USD−4.47 USD62.13 K53.59 USD+0.06%403.35 K2.58 B USD+40.09%
GUREGulf Resources, Inc.
−8.29%0.6603 USD−0.0597 USD2490.7200 USD−0.41%74.23 K9.21 M USD−34.04%
CODXCo-Diagnostics, Inc.
−8.05%0.3600 USD−0.0315 USD49.3 K0.3915 USD−6.02%705.86 K12.5 M USD−55.95%
IICCTiCoreConnect Inc.
−7.75%0.3321 USD−0.0279 USD31.78 K0.3600 USD−10.02%911.74 K746.29 K USD−92.08%
MME23andMe Holding Co.
−7.69%0.7108 USD−0.0592 USD984.29 K0.7700 USD+45.15%179.45 M20.66 M USD−78.34%
RRETOReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc.
−7.47%3.22 USD−0.26 USD8963.48 USD+2.05%19.04 K10.21 M USD+179.99%
HHOLOMicroCloud Hologram Inc.
−7.46%0.8192 USD−0.0660 USD2.88 M0.8852 USD+2.60%28.82 M18.19 M USD−48.97%
−7.30%0.5704 USD−0.0449 USD2.08 K0.6153 USD+2.55%627.22 K4.16 M USD−57.05%
GTIGraphjet Technology
−7.22%0.0964 USD−0.0075 USD804.21 K0.1039 USD−3.26%101.49 M15.25 M USD−16.14%
CHSNChanson International Holding
−7.11%0.2443 USD−0.0187 USD51.87 K0.2630 USD+15.45%442.68 K5.63 M USD−75.50%
CDTGCDT Environmental Technology Investment Holdings Limited
−7.02%1.72 USD−0.13 USD1481.85 USD+7.56%8.52 K19.8 M USD
LVTXLAVA Therapeutics N.V.
−6.92%1.21 USD−0.09 USD1.61 K1.30 USD+1.96%23.74 K34.18 M USD−57.00%
PAPLPineapple Financial Inc.
−6.91%0.3072 USD−0.0228 USD91.99 K0.3300 USD+20.44%237.62 K2.91 M USD
CCTORCitius Oncology, Inc.
−6.81%0.6104 USD−0.0446 USD11.35 K0.6550 USD+2.34%232.39 K46.87 M USD−54.90%
ABVEAbove Food Ingredients Inc.
−6.71%0.6434 USD−0.0463 USD1750.6897 USD+1.42%187.37 K19.68 M USD−86.32%
−6.65%0.4845 USD−0.0345 USD5.27 K0.5190 USD+11.13%241.89 K5.57 M USD+175.48%
AVTXAvalo Therapeutics, Inc.
−6.64%8.15 USD−0.58 USD1.7 K8.73 USD+4.43%83.7 K93.17 M USD+2,233.23%
CSLRComplete Solaria, Inc.
−6.21%1.51 USD−0.10 USD22.4 K1.61 USD−5.29%259.28 K118.77 M USD+387.71%
LNZALanzaTech Global, Inc.
−6.17%0.2600 USD−0.0171 USD137.73 K0.2771 USD−22.51%7.98 M54.81 M USD−85.68%
DOMHDominari Holdings Inc.
−6.12%4.91 USD−0.32 USD9.97 K5.23 USD+4.18%190.8 K75.29 M USD+436.27%
YOSHYoshiharu Global Co.
−5.86%15.25 USD−0.95 USD2.65 K16.20 USD+9.09%102.92 K1.62 M USD
NCINeo-Concept International Group Holdings Limited
−5.68%0.4150 USD−0.0250 USD8500.4400 USD+4.74%15.36 K8.94 M USD
HOURHour Loop, Inc.
−5.67%1.81 USD−0.11 USD26.04 K1.92 USD−4.00%1.78 M67.48 M USD
CDIOCardio Diagnostics Holdings Inc.
−5.61%0.3900 USD−0.0232 USD37.46 K0.4132 USD−3.37%803.75 K21.55 M USD−5.21%
LLGPSLogProstyle Inc.
−5.61%2.61 USD−0.16 USD57.44 K2.77 USD+58.01%1.85 M
XAGELongevity Health Holdings, Inc.
−5.42%0.1466 USD−0.0084 USD1.75 K0.1550 USD−8.82%225.44 K4.67 M USD−90.11%
FLUXFlux Power Holdings, Inc.
−5.42%1.92 USD−0.11 USD14.96 K2.03 USD+4.64%41.87 K33.87 M USD−59.94%
SDSTStardust Power Inc.
−5.39%0.6463 USD−0.0368 USD42.81 K0.6831 USD−0.12%307.8 K36.06 M USD−69.03%
MIGIMawson Infrastructure Group Inc.
−5.31%0.4920 USD−0.0276 USD4.95 K0.5196 USD−5.53%138.17 K9.72 M USD−61.78%
KDLYKindly MD, Inc.
−5.28%1.97 USD−0.11 USD22.3 K2.08 USD+21.64%574.68 K12.43 M USD
UCARU Power Limited
−5.28%2.46 USD−0.14 USD1 K2.60 USD+0.66%47.37 K10.46 M USD
PNBKPatriot National Bancorp Inc.
−5.26%1.26 USD−0.07 USD6.7 K1.33 USD−12.50%101.97 K5.31 M USD−72.18%
MMLPMartin Midstream Partners L.P.
−5.23%3.44 USD−0.19 USD6253.63 USD−0.55%43.03 K141.77 M USD+40.58%
GCIGannett Co., Inc.
−5.23%2.90 USD−0.16 USD183.03 K3.06 USD−0.97%1.16 M450.95 M USD+45.36%
VTSIVirTra, Inc.
−5.13%4.90 USD−0.26 USD26.47 K5.17 USD−2.55%98.96 K58.11 M USD−43.06%
IHRTiHeartMedia, Inc.
−5.11%1.67 USD−0.09 USD55.1 K1.76 USD−2.76%432.04 K243.15 M USD−6.86%
XBPXBP Europe Holdings, Inc.
−5.07%1.31 USD−0.07 USD2.62 K1.38 USD+6.98%19.98 K41.9 M USD−40.59%
ASTIAscent Solar Technologies, Inc
−5.03%1.70 USD−0.09 USD1.47 M1.79 USD+4.68%1.7 M2.37 M USD+66.54%
GSIWGarden Stage Limited
−5.00%0.4826 USD−0.0254 USD2.38 K0.5080 USD+5.64%40.54 K7.94 M USD
INZYInozyme Pharma, Inc.
−5.00%0.9450 USD−0.0497 USD46.67 K0.9947 USD+3.65%420.42 K63.9 M USD−82.42%
BAFNBayFirst Financial Corp.
−4.99%17.89 USD−0.94 USD34618.83 USD−0.53%9.88 K78.09 M USD+52.22%
IIBGInnovation Beverage Group Limited
−4.99%0.5026 USD−0.0264 USD2.08 K0.5290 USD−0.19%105.62 K4.41 M USD
CISOCISO Global, Inc.
−4.97%0.4400 USD−0.0230 USD1.23 M0.4630 USD+3.95%74.28 M6.7 M USD−38.21%
CCEROCERo Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.
−4.97%0.7270 USD−0.0380 USD37.41 K0.7650 USD−9.51%5.35 M2.32 M USD−91.32%
SPHLSpringview Holdings Ltd
−4.93%0.5400 USD−0.0280 USD6.53 K0.5680 USD−8.39%291.22 K5.68 M USD
SEPNSepterna, Inc.
−4.93%5.98 USD−0.31 USD30.14 K6.29 USD+2.44%239.67 K279.29 M USD
GGMHSGamehaus Holdings Inc.
−4.92%1.74 USD−0.09 USD7511.83 USD−0.54%15.34 K98.03 M USD−7.60%
SHPHShuttle Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.
−4.91%0.3755 USD−0.0194 USD1.12 K0.3949 USD−2.25%38.75 K2.47 M USD
RLYBRallybio Corporation
−4.91%0.6704 USD−0.0346 USD5.13 K0.7050 USD+10.61%19.5 K29.34 M USD−52.25%
NXTTNext Technology Holding Inc.
−4.91%0.3062 USD−0.0158 USD1.89 K0.3220 USD+4.21%27.45 K2.25 M USD−74.97%
TNMGTNL Mediagene
−4.89%0.97 USD−0.05 USD8571.02 USD+15.12%195.77 K26.77 M USD
ANVSAnnovis Bio, Inc.
−4.86%1.76 USD−0.09 USD3.97 K1.85 USD0.00%167.34 K36.05 M USD−69.64%
HOVRNew Horizon Aircraft Ltd.
−4.86%0.5202 USD−0.0266 USD2.62 K0.5468 USD−5.64%82.92 K17.08 M USD−66.13%
NVFYNova Lifestyle, Inc
−4.76%0.6701 USD−0.0335 USD2.92 K0.7036 USD−2.28%46.86 K5.07 M USD+48.35%
NCRANocera, Inc.
−4.71%1.00 USD−0.05 USD1.9 K1.05 USD−3.72%6.75 K14.71 M USD+11.80%
NIXXNixxy, Inc.
−4.69%2.03 USD−0.10 USD18.27 K2.13 USD+9.23%420.59 K31.82 M USD+1,153.08%
SBETSharpLink Gaming, Inc.
−4.68%0.2850 USD−0.0140 USD6.24 K0.2990 USD+2.40%153.69 K2.06 M USD−53.33%
CYHCommunity Health Systems, Inc.
−4.68%2.65 USD−0.13 USD119.17 K2.78 USD+0.36%885.06 K390.29 M USD−17.56%
FBIOFortress Biotech, Inc.
−4.62%1.65 USD−0.08 USD10.14 K1.73 USD+2.98%241.32 K47.76 M USD+35.27%
DTSSDatasea Inc.
−4.60%2.28 USD−0.11 USD7.04 K2.39 USD+6.22%80.76 K17.9 M USD−22.02%
OLPXOlaplex Holdings, Inc.
−4.51%1.27 USD−0.06 USD128.18 K1.33 USD+3.91%1.85 M883.94 M USD−28.08%
CVGICommercial Vehicle Group, Inc.
−4.48%1.28 USD−0.06 USD31.62 K1.34 USD−2.19%355.37 K46.42 M USD−74.89%
OABIOmniAb, Inc.
−4.45%2.36 USD−0.11 USD75.14 K2.47 USD+1.65%636.97 K301.67 M USD−51.21%
AATPCAgape ATP Corporation
−4.40%1.06 USD−0.05 USD1.36 K1.11 USD+7.77%81.15 K4.45 M USD−85.92%
JJUNSJupiter Neurosciences, Inc.
−4.38%0.7103 USD−0.0325 USD2190.7428 USD−0.83%84.32 K24.59 M USD
AUSTAustin Gold Corp.
−4.35%1.32 USD−0.06 USD5401.38 USD+3.76%338.08 K18.32 M USD
OMEXOdyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.
−4.34%0.4122 USD−0.0187 USD7060.4309 USD+0.75%196.07 K12.55 M USD−84.02%
SCWO374Water Inc.
−4.32%0.3432 USD−0.0155 USD43.4 K0.3587 USD−7.55%1 M51.28 M USD−69.81%
VVPRVivoPower International PLC
−4.31%4.00 USD−0.18 USD424.42 K4.18 USD0.00%44.83 M18.56 M USD−32.58%
GGLXGGalaxy Payroll Group Limited
−4.30%0.6603 USD−0.0297 USD2290.6900 USD−3.50%84.32 K12.43 M USD
GRYPGryphon Digital Mining, Inc
−4.30%0.1780 USD−0.0080 USD37.71 K0.1860 USD+6.10%582.23 K12.83 M USD−74.34%
CETXCemtrex Inc.
−4.29%1.56 USD−0.07 USD3.73 K1.63 USD+10.14%133.5 K2.91 M USD−40.14%
FLGCFlora Growth Corp.
−4.29%0.6403 USD−0.0287 USD7620.6690 USD−0.70%207.87 K13 M USD+20.25%
OTLKOutlook Therapeutics, Inc.
−4.29%1.34 USD−0.06 USD16.49 K1.40 USD+8.53%268.85 K45.67 M USD−67.84%
−4.29%1.34 USD−0.06 USD3001.40 USD+4.48%4.72 K14.24 M USD+523.87%
LFWDLifeward Ltd.
−4.26%1.80 USD−0.08 USD5.59 K1.88 USD+2.73%273.52 K19.98 M USD−55.38%