Penny stocks — US stocks

US stocks with low prices in one list: available to a wider range of investors, they can potentially bring gains, but can be highly volatile too. We sorted them by price and supplied with important metrics to watch.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
DGLYDigital Ally, Inc.
0.0429 USD−9.68%67.16 M1.183.4 M USD−6.69 USD+39.17%0.00%Commercial services
DDMNDamon Inc.
0.0446 USD+14.65%432.51 M4.441.4 M USD0.00%Finance
LGMKLogicMark, Inc.
0.0510 USD−44.75%54 M9.36335.71 K USD−223.50 USD+11.14%0.00%Electronic technology
OCEAOcean Biomedical, Inc.
0.0780 USD−6.81%220.95 M2.1710.97 M USD−0.84 USD+78.12%0.00%Health technology
AGMHAGM Group Holdings Inc.
0.0926 USD+23.47%74.13 M1.642.44 M USD−1.59 USD0.00%Technology services
AREBAmerican Rebel Holdings, Inc.
0.0990 USD−27.21%10.69 M1.60267.73 K USD−24.57 USD+16.96%0.00%Consumer non-durables
ICONIcon Energy Corp.
0.1000 USD+2.15%7.18 M0.32Transportation
Strong buy
AEHLAntelope Enterprise Holdings Limited
0.1024 USD−2.20%1.23 M1.323.41 M USD−3.02 USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
TGLTreasure Global Inc.
0.1028 USD+10.06%3.83 M0.355.39 M USD−3.61 USD−625.88%0.00%Commercial services
GTIGraphjet Technology
0.1039 USD−3.26%101.49 M31.2115.25 M USD0.00%Finance
ONCOOnconetix, Inc.
0.1077 USD+1.60%69.82 M7.891.57 M USD−88.84 USD−97.16%0.00%Health technology
AWHAspira Women's Health Inc.
0.1100 USD+5.77%2.39 M0.471.94 M USD−1.20 USD+92.31%0.00%Health technology
PTPIPetros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.1110 USD−17.78%60.48 M0.363.32 M USD0.00%Health technology
LYTLytus Technologies Holdings PTV. Ltd.
0.1180 USD+89.41%1.01 B14.693.67 M USD0.00%Technology services
AIMAIM ImmunoTech Inc.
0.1279 USD−1.39%262.4 K0.768.79 M USD−0.47 USD−10.16%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
STISolidion Technology, Inc.
0.1331 USD−0.97%1.67 M0.2117.63 M USD−3.92 USD−5,357.18%0.00%Producer manufacturing
DDCDDC Enterprise Limited
0.1363 USD−7.91%664.5 K0.9810.73 M USD0.00%Technology services
EEFSH1847 Holdings LLC
0.1380 USD−2.13%150.67 K0.483.66 M USD−5,818.79 USD+87.44%0.00%Commercial services
FOXOFOXO Technologies Inc.
0.1446 USD−0.28%500.92 K0.184.59 M USD−1.26 USD+91.91%0.00%Technology services
BBONBon Natural Life Limited
0.1490 USD−6.88%29.51 M0.52421.48 K USD1.460.10 USD−77.16%0.00%Health technology
CNEYCN Energy Group Inc.
0.1510 USD−1.56%1.12 M2.391.04 M USD−3.24 USD+4.89%0.00%Producer manufacturing
WNWMeiwu Technology Company Limited
0.1520 USD−0.65%485.5 K0.689.63 M USD−6.29 USD−5,486.59%0.00%Retail trade
LYRALyra Therapeutics, Inc.
0.1527 USD−2.05%293.45 K0.3310.06 M USD−1.44 USD−7.20%0.00%Health technology
STSSSharps Technology Inc.
0.1527 USD−10.86%5.17 M0.451.69 M USD−9.04 USD+39.76%0.00%Health technology
AIEVThunder Power Holdings, Inc.
0.1550 USD−5.37%209.95 K0.377.86 M USD−0.04 USD−137.34%0.00%Consumer durables
XAGELongevity Health Holdings, Inc.
0.1550 USD−8.82%225.44 K0.494.67 M USD0.00%Consumer non-durables
SCPXScorpius Holdings, Inc.
0.1570 USD−0.70%116.13 K0.56909.21 K USD−101.01 USD+74.79%0.00%Health technology
MULNMullen Automotive, Inc.
0.1600 USD−19.72%70.36 M1.20587.78 K USD−166,863.47 USD+98.82%0.00%Technology services
WTOUTime Limited
0.1650 USD+1.85%509.74 K1.165.95 M USD−1.47 USD−50.71%0.00%Electronic technology
NXUNxu, Inc.
0.1688 USD−36.28%10.76 M6.767.47 M USD−2.12 USD+98.90%0.00%Producer manufacturing
0.1704 USD−0.23%235.06 K0.022.66 M USD−0.14 USD+49.07%0.00%Finance
LLGCBLinkage Global Inc
0.1729 USD−6.49%235.56 K0.305.33 M USD−0.00 USD+50.00%0.00%Technology services
PIIIP3 Health Partners Inc.
0.1808 USD+1.52%968.36 K0.9964.92 M USD−0.84 USD+68.83%0.00%Commercial services
TWGTop Wealth Group Holding Limited
0.1828 USD+13.61%15.67 M35.9310.24 M USD0.00%Distribution services
GRYPGryphon Digital Mining, Inc
0.1860 USD+6.10%582.23 K1.0912.83 M USD0.00%Technology services
SSTBXStarbox Group Holdings Ltd.
0.1860 USD−5.92%206.69 K0.061.54 M USD−4.92 USD−908.91%0.00%Commercial services
PETWag! Group Co.
0.1870 USD−1.68%91.86 K0.359.49 M USD−0.39 USD−11.58%0.00%Commercial services
FTFTFuture FinTech Group Inc.
0.1876 USD−1.42%145.84 K0.333.89 M USD−2.09 USD+8.41%0.00%Finance
LRHCLa Rosa Holdings Corp.
0.1900 USD−5.00%284.69 K0.846.55 M USD−1.28 USD−454.88%0.00%Finance
WCTWellchange Holdings Company Limited
0.1929 USD−3.55%1.97 M0.294.1 M USD0.00%Technology services
JOBGEE Group Inc.
0.2000 USD−3.38%459.18 K2.2621.88 M USD−0.21 USD−443.96%0.00%Commercial services
BURUNuburu, Inc.
0.2009 USD+0.45%3.15 M0.364.07 M USD−20.04 USD+2.25%0.00%Electronic technology
NCLNorthann Corp.
0.2060 USD+1.48%48.21 K0.4311.43 M USD−0.19 USD−49.61%0.00%Technology services
DTCSolo Brands, Inc.
0.2075 USD+15.15%2 M0.9419.15 M USD−1.94 USD+0.12%0.00%Distribution services
INABIN8bio, Inc.
0.2081 USD−0.43%507.14 K0.4916.91 M USD−0.62 USD+38.53%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
QVCGAQVC Group, Inc. - Series A
0.2102 USD+0.05%1.76 M0.41145.74 M USD−3.31 USD−789.68%0.00%Consumer services
NVNINvni Group Limited
0.2125 USD+3.66%53.86 M3.187.1 M USD0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
WAITop KingWin Ltd
0.2160 USD+0.93%91.71 K0.9739.52 M USD0.00%Commercial services
BTOGBit Origin Limited
0.2199 USD−5.54%5.1 M0.221.88 M USD−3.34 USD+65.45%0.00%Consumer non-durables
YHCLQR House Inc.
0.2210 USD−10.24%5.68 M0.635.01 M USD−2.90 USD+88.63%0.00%Commercial services
ERNAErnexa Therapeutics Inc.
0.2263 USD−1.48%160.23 K1.0211.82 M USD−7.28 USD−78.47%0.00%Health technology
CGBSCrown LNG Holdings Limited
0.2268 USD−4.47%281.05 K0.43104.62 M USD−0.95 USD−1,090.22%0.00%Miscellaneous
GGCTKGlucoTrack, Inc.
0.2323 USD−4.17%2.68 M0.182.42 M USD−57.85 USD−82.30%0.00%Health technology
OGENOragenics Inc.
0.2340 USD−4.96%513.85 K1.595.03 M USD−1.85 USD+76.55%0.00%Health technology
ALLKAllakos Inc.
0.2347 USD+1.69%312 K0.4121.17 M USD−1.31 USD+38.65%0.00%Health technology
CVMCel-Sci Corporation
0.2389 USD−0.46%676.47 K0.2220.1 M USD−0.47 USD+30.96%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
DDEVSDevvStream Corp.
0.2430 USD+4.61%240.27 K0.137.06 M USD−0.45 USD−397.82%0.00%Commercial services
GWAVGreenwave Technology Solutions, Inc.
0.2431 USD−3.61%1.07 M0.6114.78 M USD−286.04 USD+7.64%0.00%Commercial services
AUUDAuddia Inc.
0.2436 USD−27.00%1.48 M3.352.09 M USD−3.67 USD+72.41%0.00%Technology services
GLYCGlycoMimetics, Inc.
0.2443 USD+0.08%84 K0.3715.76 M USD−0.59 USD−0.58%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
BLMZBloomZ Inc.
0.2466 USD−3.86%231.58 K1.033.56 M USD0.00%Commercial services
SCLXScilex Holding Company
0.2483 USD−2.17%642.1 K0.6460.41 M USD−0.80 USD+8.27%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
PTIXProtagenic Therapeutics, Inc.
0.2500 USD−4.94%25.38 K0.141.81 M USD−1.27 USD−40.51%0.00%Health technology
DHAIDIH Holding US, Inc.
0.2590 USD−0.42%267.32 K0.5112.26 M USD−0.32 USD0.00%Health technology
TAOPTaoping Inc.
0.2600 USD−3.74%223.26 K1.813.48 M USD0.510.51 USD0.00%Technology services
EVTVEnvirotech Vehicles, Inc.
0.2600 USD+3.26%102.22 K0.386.01 M USD−0.63 USD+80.29%0.00%Producer manufacturing
YCBDcbdMD, Inc.
0.2600 USD+0.85%234.32 K1.081.63 M USD−2.01 USD+78.28%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
PITAHeramba Electric plc
0.2600 USD−7.83%1.9 M1.6512.36 M USD0.00%Miscellaneous
ELEVElevation Oncology, Inc.
0.2601 USD−1.14%952.91 K0.2815.4 M USD−0.80 USD+47.73%0.00%Health technology
KKLTOKlotho Neurosciences, Inc.
0.2620 USD+2.62%248.49 K5.387.1 M USD−0.21 USD−252.65%0.00%Commercial services
CHSNChanson International Holding
0.2630 USD+15.45%442.68 K1.415.63 M USD−0.00 USD+81.62%0.00%Consumer non-durables
HTOOFusion Fuel Green PLC
0.2640 USD+2.21%74.91 K0.376.18 M USD0.00%Process industries
NEGGNewegg Commerce, Inc.
0.2658 USD−2.64%348.81 K0.36101.47 M USD0.00%Retail trade
0.2690 USD−1.82%191.37 K0.334.13 M USD−1.62 USD+90.92%0.00%Consumer non-durables
BIAFbioAffinity Technologies, Inc.
0.2705 USD−4.75%174.8 K0.344.22 M USD−0.80 USD+5.64%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
XFORX4 Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.2711 USD+0.63%1.31 M0.7447.08 M USD−0.19 USD+69.24%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
FAASDigiAsia Corp.
0.2750 USD−7.97%237.01 K0.7616.69 M USD0.00%Technology services
WATTEnergous Corporation
0.2767 USD−2.91%283.56 K0.548.42 M USD−2.56 USD+39.34%0.00%Electronic technology
LNZALanzaTech Global, Inc.
0.2771 USD−22.51%7.98 M5.3554.81 M USD−0.66 USD+32.69%0.00%Industrial services
XAIRBeyond Air, Inc.
0.2811 USD−4.58%681.66 K0.4224.82 M USD−1.05 USD+50.14%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
CPHIChina Pharma Holdings, Inc.
0.2903 USD+10.05%1.18 M1.685.59 M USD−0.34 USD+81.80%0.00%Health technology
WLGSWang & Lee Group, Inc.
0.2910 USD−9.12%14.02 M2.296.16 M USD138.570.00 USD0.00%Industrial services
ITPIT Tech Packaging, Inc.
0.2920 USD+8.11%187.83 K0.352.94 M USD−0.97 USD+45.26%0.00%Process industries
GGNSGenius Group Limited
0.2960 USD−7.50%1.84 M1.1020.3 M USD−0.15 USD+95.74%0.00%Technology services
RYDERyde Group Ltd.
0.2969 USD+2.38%41.84 K0.547.81 M USD−0.95 USD−298.49%0.00%Technology services
RLMDRelmada Therapeutics, Inc.
0.2980 USD−2.90%319.78 K0.778.99 M USD−2.87 USD+22.59%0.00%Health technology
SBETSharpLink Gaming, Inc.
0.2990 USD+2.40%153.69 K0.332.06 M USD−1.18 USD+41.44%0.00%Commercial services
BGLCBioNexus Gene Lab Corp
0.2992 USD−6.50%12.16 M9.305.38 M USD−0.05 USD+72.49%0.00%Distribution services
RTCBaijiayun Group Ltd - Class
0.2999 USD−3.26%139.8 K0.247.68 M USD−3.24 USD−812.32%0.00%Technology services
IGCIGC Pharma, Inc.
0.3000 USD−3.23%132.78 K0.4023.91 M USD−0.12 USD+50.63%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
ATHAAthira Pharma, Inc.
0.3010 USD−4.11%48.26 K0.1711.75 M USD−2.52 USD+18.61%0.00%Health technology
HCWBHCW Biologics Inc.
0.3025 USD+0.10%82.53 K0.8913.47 M USD−1.00 USD−82.74%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
CYCCCyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.3058 USD+0.46%81.62 K0.5663.4 M USD−11.21 USD+62.27%0.00%Health technology
SYRASyra Health Corp.
0.3064 USD+1.63%74.98 K0.383.65 M USD−0.54 USD−7.99%0.00%Commercial services
GNLNGreenlane Holdings, Inc.
0.3100 USD+8.77%1.06 M2.172.58 M USD−16.87 USD+89.11%0.00%Distribution services
MWGMulti Ways Holdings Limited
0.3111 USD−0.13%11.38 K0.689.59 M USD0.00%Distribution services
SPRCSciSparc Ltd.
0.3112 USD−0.99%179.19 K0.593.37 M USD−4.87 USD−350.84%0.00%Health technology
BSLKBolt Projects Holdings, Inc.
0.3170 USD+0.96%92.42 K0.7810.9 M USD16.340.02 USD0.00%Finance
TRXTRX Gold Corporation
0.3174 USD+1.03%209.66 K0.4389.47 M USD61.780.01 USD0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
SPRBSpruce Biosciences, Inc.
0.3175 USD−0.47%47.13 K0.2913.11 M USD−0.96 USD+35.83%0.00%Health technology