Top losing US stocks in pre-market

US stocks in the list below dropped the most in price before the market opened. Traders watch pre-market losers to detect downtrends: check available metrics to prepare for regular trading hours.
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Vol
Pre-market Gap %
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
EQEquillium, Inc.
−34.06%0.4998 USD−0.2582 USD284.51 K−3.69%0.4880 USD−35.62%1.34 M17.29 M USD−71.74%
AUUDAuddia Inc.
−33.41%0.2222 USD−0.1115 USD466.65 K−1.11%0.2436 USD−27.00%1.48 M2.09 M USD+39.19%
NXUNxu, Inc.
−30.69%0.1836 USD−0.0813 USD2.02 M0.00%0.1688 USD−36.28%10.76 M7.47 M USD
AREBAmerican Rebel Holdings, Inc.
−23.60%0.1039 USD−0.0321 USD1.97 M−22.43%0.0990 USD−27.21%10.69 M267.73 K USD−71.01%
SNXTD SYNNEX Corporation
−21.90%97.98 USD−27.48 USD99.28 K+0.27%107.54 USD−14.28%5.51 M9.07 B USD+22.38%
OOSRHOSR Holdings, Inc.
−20.84%3.00 USD−0.79 USD323.45 K−9.76%2.99 USD−21.11%1.77 M57.64 M USD
PODCPodcastOne, Inc.
−17.81%1.20 USD−0.26 USD100−17.81%1.57 USD+7.53%18.47 K39.09 M USD−10.84%
CCEROCERo Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.
−16.68%0.7044 USD−0.1410 USD4.06 M+2.91%0.7650 USD−9.51%5.35 M2.32 M USD−91.32%
TTWNPTwin Hospitality Group Inc.
−16.29%5.91 USD−1.15 USD100−16.29%7.03 USD−0.42%16.71 K20.18 M USD
RRCTRedCloud Holdings plc
−16.22%3.10 USD−0.60 USD809+4.05%3.90 USD+5.41%97.11 K254.93 M USD
PTPIPetros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−15.19%0.1145 USD−0.0205 USD18.52 M−0.30%0.1110 USD−17.78%60.48 M3.32 M USD−30.76%
IICCTiCoreConnect Inc.
−14.37%0.3426 USD−0.0575 USD101.43 K−16.75%0.3600 USD−10.02%911.74 K746.29 K USD−92.08%
LNZALanzaTech Global, Inc.
−13.31%0.3100 USD−0.0476 USD163.24 K+0.76%0.2771 USD−22.51%7.98 M54.81 M USD−85.68%
SSHFSSHF Holdings, Inc.
−12.95%4.10 USD−0.61 USD297−12.53%4.30 USD−8.70%22.09 K11.98 M USD−66.69%
JEFJefferies Financial Group Inc.
−12.16%52.96 USD−7.33 USD72.43 K−5.34%54.35 USD−9.85%5.41 M11.2 B USD+28.62%
NNANano Labs Ltd
−11.70%4.30 USD−0.57 USD100−11.70%4.70 USD−3.48%16.8 K78.97 M USD−84.47%
MIGIMawson Infrastructure Group Inc.
−11.27%0.4880 USD−0.0620 USD45.81 K−2.73%0.5196 USD−5.53%138.17 K9.72 M USD−61.78%
NVFYNova Lifestyle, Inc
−11.26%0.6389 USD−0.0811 USD5.34 K−1.26%0.7036 USD−2.28%46.86 K5.07 M USD+48.35%
XAGELongevity Health Holdings, Inc.
−11.18%0.1510 USD−0.0190 USD3.38 K−6.18%0.1550 USD−8.82%225.44 K4.67 M USD−90.11%
TSATTelesat Corporation
−10.78%18.37 USD−2.22 USD4.44 K−3.35%20.58 USD−0.05%154.96 K289.07 M USD+148.94%
BKYIBIO-key International, Inc.
−10.71%1.0000 USD−0.1200 USD80.04 K+3.57%0.8557 USD−23.60%818.5 K2.68 M USD−7.56%
HSCSHeartSciences Inc.
−10.09%2.62 USD−0.29 USD593−10.09%2.84 USD−2.38%2.72 K3.07 M USD−59.87%
VRNTVerint Systems Inc.
−9.76%19.51 USD−2.11 USD69.5 K−11.24%18.73 USD−13.37%3.79 M1.17 B USD−28.67%
ENTOEntero Therapeutics Inc.
−9.76%0.5225 USD−0.0565 USD500−9.76%0.5350 USD−7.60%28.98 K2.54 M USD−68.83%
ANEBAnebulo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−9.68%1.40 USD−0.15 USD600−4.52%1.40 USD−9.68%14.05 K57.52 M USD+34.66%
DSYBig Tree Cloud Holdings Limited
−9.52%0.95 USD−0.10 USD280−9.52%1.05 USD0.00%15.23 K5.25 M USD
LPTXLeap Therapeutics, Inc.
−9.37%0.4110 USD−0.0425 USD612.01 K−8.49%0.3648 USD−19.56%4.58 M13.98 M USD−75.64%
RDGTRidgetech, Inc.
−9.27%1.10 USD−0.11 USD18.36 K−5.15%1.18 USD−2.67%109.02 K7.29 M USD+12.04%
KDKyndryl Holdings, Inc.
−9.16%30.94 USD−3.12 USD288.26 K+0.44%32.32 USD−5.11%12.31 M7.52 B USD+60.56%
GMEGameStop Corporation
−8.85%25.85 USD−2.51 USD1.71 M−5.50%22.09 USD−22.11%96.72 M9.88 B USD+157.23%
LEDSSemiLEDS Corporation
−8.73%2.09 USD−0.20 USD230−7.42%2.32 USD+1.31%14.66 K16.73 M USD+108.19%
HEPAHepion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−8.03%0.6300 USD−0.0550 USD131.1 K−0.58%0.6100 USD−10.95%1.58 M658.8 K USD−93.08%
PNBKPatriot National Bancorp Inc.
−7.89%1.40 USD−0.12 USD963−9.21%1.33 USD−12.50%101.97 K5.31 M USD−72.18%
GMGeneral Motors Company
−7.79%46.98 USD−3.97 USD1.35 M−5.99%47.20 USD−7.36%35.8 M46.96 B USD+0.15%
TRSGTungray Technologies Inc
−7.78%1.60 USD−0.14 USD2.2 K−3.17%1.60 USD−7.78%48.81 K7.3 M USD
DGLYDigital Ally, Inc.
−7.58%0.0439 USD−0.0036 USD9.53 M+3.16%0.0429 USD−9.68%67.16 M3.4 M USD−25.25%
BIAFbioAffinity Technologies, Inc.
−7.57%0.2625 USD−0.0215 USD31.21 K+0.35%0.2705 USD−4.75%174.8 K4.22 M USD
DDD3D Systems Corporation
−7.35%2.52 USD−0.20 USD131.93 K−6.62%2.15 USD−20.96%9.9 M291.58 M USD−39.80%
−7.29%0.4070 USD−0.0320 USD300−4.33%0.4151 USD−5.44%45.64 K118.8 M USD−91.28%
DDGNXDiginex Limited
−7.26%99.50 USD−7.79 USD100−7.26%101.00 USD−5.86%83.22 K2.32 B USD
MHUAMeihua International Medical Technologies Co., Ltd.
−7.24%0.3154 USD−0.0246 USD6.28 K−7.24%0.3504 USD+3.06%30.71 K9.14 M USD−53.57% Inc.
−7.23%4.49 USD−0.35 USD3.69 K−4.96%4.78 USD−1.24%71.95 K5.95 M USD−82.77%
AAEONAEON Biopharma, Inc.
−7.12%0.6501 USD−0.0498 USD56.34 K−4.59%0.6400 USD−8.56%366.36 K6.74 M USD−99.82%
−7.10%19.50 USD−1.49 USD5.42 K−0.81%19.34 USD−7.86%2.3 M2.07 B USD+24.98%
LLGCYLegacy Education Inc.
−7.09%6.55 USD−0.50 USD250−7.09%7.14 USD+1.28%37.21 K88.4 M USD
WNWMeiwu Technology Company Limited
−7.06%0.1422 USD−0.0108 USD20.77 K−3.01%0.1520 USD−0.65%485.5 K9.63 M USD+156.06%
−6.74%0.4785 USD−0.0346 USD250−6.74%0.4650 USD−9.37%32.75 K7.55 M USD−45.62%
MAIAMAIA Biotechnology, Inc.
−6.67%1.54 USD−0.11 USD296−6.67%1.63 USD−1.21%47.74 K48.23 M USD
FEMYFemasys Inc.
−6.58%1.42 USD−0.10 USD81.23 K−1.97%1.34 USD−12.17%789.35 K30.57 M USD−7.75%
LLNKSLinkers Industries Limited
−6.53%0.6008 USD−0.0420 USD31.23 K−6.81%0.5502 USD−14.40%401.02 K1.38 M USD
MVISMicroVision, Inc.
−6.47%1.30 USD−0.09 USD123.03 K−1.44%1.30 USD−6.47%6.02 M292.48 M USD−12.15%
RTCBaijiayun Group Ltd - Class
−6.45%0.2900 USD−0.0200 USD5.17 K−3.23%0.2999 USD−3.26%139.8 K7.68 M USD−96.42%
ACONAclarion, Inc.
−6.28%0.5389 USD−0.0361 USD209.05 K+4.35%0.5220 USD−9.22%1.5 M7.15 M USD+296.01%
GLDDGreat Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation
−6.24%8.41 USD−0.56 USD200−0.56%8.99 USD+0.22%236.92 K596.58 M USD+7.38%
SURGSurgePays, Inc.
−6.21%2.20 USD−0.15 USD270.09 K−9.36%2.18 USD−7.23%2.38 M44.5 M USD−67.90%
MIRAMIRA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−6.09%1.08 USD−0.07 USD627−6.09%1.10 USD−4.35%69.45 K18.22 M USD
BTMDBiote Corp.
−5.91%3.50 USD−0.22 USD3.77 K−5.65%3.67 USD−1.34%140.83 K200.79 M USD−60.87%
HHWHHWH International Inc.
−5.67%1.33 USD−0.08 USD10.32 K−2.13%1.27 USD−9.93%78.59 K8.23 M USD−50.35%
IFRXInflaRx N.V.
−5.65%1.17 USD−0.07 USD200−5.65%1.25 USD+0.81%263.71 K83.92 M USD−13.65%
CORZCore Scientific, Inc.
−5.64%7.20 USD−0.43 USD1.01 M+0.13%7.88 USD+3.28%34.54 M2.32 B USD+330.40%
HURATuHURA Biosciences, Inc.
−5.62%3.36 USD−0.20 USD119−5.62%3.62 USD+1.69%114.37 K153.07 M USD+4,528.40%
XAIRBeyond Air, Inc.
−5.60%0.2781 USD−0.0165 USD22.26 K+2.14%0.2811 USD−4.58%681.66 K24.82 M USD−56.04%
SFHGSamfine Creation Holdings Group Limited
−5.56%0.6800 USD−0.0400 USD20.91 K−2.92%0.6885 USD−4.37%234.79 K12.6 M USD
GREEGreenidge Generation Holdings Inc.
−5.54%0.8052 USD−0.0472 USD5.3 K0.00%0.8602 USD+0.92%150.56 K9.84 M USD−59.42%
ALMSAlumis Inc.
−5.49%4.65 USD−0.27 USD25.8 K−12.40%4.70 USD−4.47%762.07 K255.71 M USD
NBISNebius Group N.V.
−5.42%23.37 USD−1.34 USD748.63 K−0.49%25.41 USD+2.83%15.94 M5.98 B USD−5.15%
CECelanese Corporation
−5.38%55.98 USD−3.18 USD22.54 K−2.94%58.23 USD−1.57%2.69 M6.51 B USD−66.12%
APDNApplied DNA Sciences, Inc.
−5.34%1.95 USD−0.11 USD86.92 K−3.88%1.87 USD−9.22%1.52 M2.06 M USD−74.00%
LGMKLogicMark, Inc.
−5.31%0.0874 USD−0.0049 USD967.96 K−0.54%0.0510 USD−44.75%54 M335.71 K USD−50.61%
MWGMulti Ways Holdings Limited
−5.30%0.2950 USD−0.0165 USD2.77 K−3.69%0.3111 USD−0.13%11.38 K9.59 M USD
HOVRNew Horizon Aircraft Ltd.
−5.09%0.5500 USD−0.0295 USD110−5.09%0.5468 USD−5.64%82.92 K17.08 M USD−66.13%
TLSATiziana Life Sciences Ltd
−5.08%1.12 USD−0.06 USD200−5.08%1.14 USD−3.39%127.56 K126.15 M USD+212.20%
KOSSKoss Corporation
−5.07%5.34 USD−0.29 USD100−5.07%4.87 USD−13.35%103.57 K45.66 M USD+111.18%
WWGRXWellgistics Health, Inc.
−5.06%3.75 USD−0.20 USD246−2.15%3.87 USD−2.03%120.31 K201.02 M USD
TLSITriSalus Life Sciences, Inc.
−5.02%5.30 USD−0.28 USD500−10.22%5.50 USD−1.43%26.64 K167.71 M USD−32.96%
−4.99%0.7743 USD−0.0407 USD600−4.99%0.7680 USD−5.77%138.58 K12.89 M USD−53.36%
LEELee Enterprises, Incorporated
−4.98%9.54 USD−0.50 USD200−5.28%10.29 USD+2.49%4.94 K63.7 M USD−35.53%
MODVModivCare Inc.
−4.93%1.64 USD−0.09 USD300−4.93%1.60 USD−7.25%506.66 K22.94 M USD−91.15%
EEHLDEuroholdings Ltd.
−4.91%4.65 USD−0.24 USD458−4.91%4.56 USD−6.75%102.09 K
QVCGAQVC Group, Inc. - Series A
−4.85%0.1999 USD−0.0102 USD13.41 K0.00%0.2102 USD+0.05%1.76 M145.74 M USD−74.61%
HGBLHeritage Global Inc.
−4.82%2.17 USD−0.11 USD1 K−4.82%2.29 USD+0.44%39.3 K81.28 M USD−19.76%
DAVEDave Inc.
−4.81%88.04 USD−4.45 USD1.26 K+0.94%88.25 USD−4.58%309.54 K1.16 B USD+162.93%
SSXTP60 Degrees Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−4.79%1.79 USD−0.09 USD896−4.79%1.82 USD−3.19%29.96 K2.68 M USD
ZVSAZyVersa Therapeutics, Inc.
−4.73%0.7050 USD−0.0350 USD20.5 K−2.03%0.6999 USD−5.42%122.71 K1.76 M USD−69.45%
AACOGAlpha Cognition Inc.
−4.71%5.26 USD−0.26 USD510−4.89%5.31 USD−3.80%105.94 K85.07 M USD+63.13%
GGNSGenius Group Limited
−4.69%0.3050 USD−0.0150 USD11.12 K−7.34%0.2960 USD−7.50%1.84 M20.3 M USD−62.36%
VSVersus Systems Inc.
−4.68%2.24 USD−0.11 USD6.98 K−2.55%2.33 USD−0.85%73.18 K6.4 M USD+8.87%
SDSTStardust Power Inc.
−4.66%0.6520 USD−0.0319 USD14.79 K−4.37%0.6831 USD−0.12%307.8 K36.06 M USD−69.03%
CLYMClimb Bio, Inc.
−4.62%1.24 USD−0.06 USD200−4.62%1.27 USD−2.31%70.33 K85.69 M USD+18.10%
AWHAspira Women's Health Inc.
−4.62%0.0992 USD−0.0048 USD128.25 K−12.60%0.1100 USD+5.77%2.39 M1.94 M USD−94.19%
CWDCaliberCos Inc.
−4.61%0.6391 USD−0.0309 USD3.59 K−6.30%0.6200 USD−7.46%44.95 K13.93 M USD−30.86%
−4.57%0.6203 USD−0.0297 USD9 K−3.08%0.6054 USD−6.86%82.21 K14.67 M USD
MMLGOMicroAlgo, Inc.
−4.55%11.32 USD−0.54 USD833.56 K−3.12%15.94 USD+34.40%76.55 M158.97 M USD+0.68%
ICADicad inc.
−4.54%2.10 USD−0.10 USD3.16 K−3.18%2.14 USD−2.73%123.62 K56.8 M USD+60.49%
CARGCarGurus, Inc.
−4.53%29.91 USD−1.42 USD7.1 K−3.00%29.72 USD−5.14%2.38 M3.1 B USD+24.22%
SPHLSpringview Holdings Ltd
−4.48%0.5922 USD−0.0278 USD3.33 K−0.05%0.5680 USD−8.39%291.22 K5.68 M USD
MMAMixed Martial Arts Group Limited
−4.43%0.8612 USD−0.0399 USD3000.00%0.8622 USD−4.32%3.74 K8.87 M USD
LITMSnow Lake Resources Ltd.
−4.42%0.5600 USD−0.0259 USD333.15 K−2.20%0.5835 USD−0.41%4.26 M54.33 M USD+129.54%
COURCoursera, Inc.
−4.40%6.95 USD−0.32 USD16.58 K−0.28%6.93 USD−4.68%1.13 M1.11 B USD−49.35%
PRZOParaZero Technologies Ltd.
−4.34%0.8125 USD−0.0369 USD129.14 K−0.33%0.7899 USD−7.00%293.63 K13.18 M USD+131.78%