US companies with small market cap

Explore US companies with the smallest capitalization: their shares might be pretty volatile, but sometimes — more profitable. The smallest value companies are on top: study all available data to make informed decisions.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
ESHAESH Acquisition Corp.
109.9 K USD10.99 USD+2.14%2710.0137.870.29 USD+369.58%0.00%Finance
AREBAmerican Rebel Holdings, Inc.
267.73 K USD0.0990 USD−27.21%10.69 M1.60−24.57 USD+16.96%0.00%Consumer non-durables
LGMKLogicMark, Inc.
335.71 K USD0.0510 USD−44.75%54 M9.36−223.50 USD+11.14%0.00%Electronic technology
RNAZTransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
362.05 K USD0.5200 USD−11.86%7.51 M0.27−265.83 USD+98.97%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
BBONBon Natural Life Limited
421.48 K USD0.1490 USD−6.88%29.51 M0.521.460.10 USD−77.16%0.00%Health technology
477.11 K USD0.5175 USD−7.59%528.36 K1.17−55.48 USD+20.37%0.00%Electronic technology
NNWTGNewton Golf Company, Inc.
514.13 K USD1.73 USD−5.46%663.54 K0.31−88.24 USD−29.73%0.00%Consumer durables
MULNMullen Automotive, Inc.
587.78 K USD0.1600 USD−19.72%70.36 M1.20−166,863.47 USD+98.82%0.00%Technology services
HEPAHepion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
658.8 K USD0.6100 USD−10.95%1.58 M0.47−219.34 USD+64.94%0.00%Health technology
IICCTiCoreConnect Inc.
746.29 K USD0.3600 USD−10.02%911.74 K1.06−59.67 USD−98.89%0.00%Technology services
JFBRJeffs' Brands Ltd
841.66 K USD1.17 USD−9.30%77.65 K1.29−3.02 USD−1,000.00%0.00%Consumer durables
UKUcommune International Ltd
848.35 K USD1.16 USD+6.33%14.51 K1.32−1.49 USD+95.81%0.00%Finance
FFMTOFemto Technologies Inc.
891.3 K USD1.36 USD−6.85%376.35 K7.36−105.93 USD−615.50%0.00%Process industries
SCPXScorpius Holdings, Inc.
909.21 K USD0.1570 USD−0.70%116.13 K0.56−101.01 USD+74.79%0.00%Health technology
TNFATNF Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
989.07 K USD0.3590 USD0.00%81.57 K0.40−13.73 USD−147.04%0.00%Health technology
CNEYCN Energy Group Inc.
1.04 M USD0.1510 USD−1.56%1.12 M2.39−3.24 USD+4.89%0.00%Producer manufacturing
IISPCiSpecimen Inc.
1.14 M USD1.18 USD−8.53%47.27 K1.04−18.93 USD+16.31%0.00%Commercial services
WWINTWindtree Therapeutics, Inc.
1.15 M USD1.64 USD−3.53%375.13 K0.02−931.66 USD+94.78%0.00%Health technology
UUPCUniverse Pharmaceuticals Inc
1.16 M USD5.36 USD+10.52%111.84 K1.120.00%Health technology
ZONECleanCore Solutions Inc.
1.2 M USD1.04 USD−6.31%30.32 K0.89−0.42 USD0.00%Distribution services
VVINCVincerx Pharma, Inc.
1.27 M USD0.5666 USD−5.97%317.71 K0.12−20.62 USD+55.21%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
STFSStar Fashion Culture Holdings Limited
1.36 M USD1.05 USD−1.87%346.96 K0.158.230.13 USD+38.39%0.00%Commercial services
LLNKSLinkers Industries Limited
1.38 M USD0.5502 USD−14.40%401.02 K0.97−0.03 USD−1,145.16%0.00%Electronic technology
DDMNDamon Inc.
1.4 M USD0.0446 USD+14.65%432.51 M4.440.00%Finance
SGNSigning Day Sports, Inc.
1.42 M USD0.7700 USD+2.19%23.82 K0.48−26.57 USD−58.79%0.00%Technology services
WORXSCWorx Corp.
1.42 M USD0.7650 USD+9.29%82.64 K5.29−2.76 USD−63.64%0.00%Technology services
RSLSReShape Lifesciences, Inc.
1.46 M USD0.4405 USD−6.73%385.49 K1.00−16.40 USD+99.28%0.00%Health technology
SSTBXStarbox Group Holdings Ltd.
1.54 M USD0.1860 USD−5.92%206.69 K0.06−4.92 USD−908.91%0.00%Commercial services
ONCOOnconetix, Inc.
1.57 M USD0.1077 USD+1.60%69.82 M7.89−88.84 USD−97.16%0.00%Health technology
NNAYANAYA Biosciences, Inc.
1.59 M USD2.38 USD−4.03%38.79 K0.51−30.54 USD+84.00%0.00%Health services
Strong buy
MINFT Limited
1.6 M USD2.28 USD+3.64%9.61 K0.320.00%Technology services
KXINKaixin Holdings
1.6 M USD0.9511 USD−4.89%126.12 K1.89−2.15 USD−2,552.53%0.00%Retail trade
SLRXSalarius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
1.61 M USD0.9200 USD+7.34%260.02 K0.38−7.42 USD+79.57%0.00%Health technology
NNIVFNewGenIvf Group Limited
1.62 M USD0.9501 USD+2.04%147.34 K0.750.00%Finance
YOSHYoshiharu Global Co.
1.62 M USD16.20 USD+9.09%102.92 K1.22−2.38 USD+28.87%0.00%Consumer services
YCBDcbdMD, Inc.
1.63 M USD0.2600 USD+0.85%234.32 K1.08−2.01 USD+78.28%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
STSSSharps Technology Inc.
1.69 M USD0.1527 USD−10.86%5.17 M0.45−9.04 USD+39.76%0.00%Health technology
ZVSAZyVersa Therapeutics, Inc.
1.76 M USD0.6999 USD−5.42%122.71 K2.11−43.19 USD+97.89%0.00%Health technology
PTIXProtagenic Therapeutics, Inc.
1.81 M USD0.2500 USD−4.94%25.38 K0.14−1.27 USD−40.51%0.00%Health technology
TTIVCTivic Health Systems, Inc.
1.81 M USD2.92 USD−2.67%16.33 K0.32−29.10 USD+91.72%0.00%Health technology
APVOAptevo Therapeutics Inc.
1.82 M USD1.25 USD−18.83%182.74 K1.92−452.26 USD+83.04%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
VVRPXVirpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
1.84 M USD1.48 USD−4.52%258.39 K0.35−128.83 USD+60.26%0.00%Health technology
TRNRInteractive Strength Inc.
1.86 M USD1.24 USD−3.88%862.21 K0.29−7,796.52 USD+55.31%0.00%Retail trade
BTOGBit Origin Limited
1.88 M USD0.2199 USD−5.54%5.1 M0.22−3.34 USD+65.45%0.00%Consumer non-durables
AWHAspira Women's Health Inc.
1.94 M USD0.1100 USD+5.77%2.39 M0.47−1.20 USD+92.31%0.00%Health technology
SUNESUNation Energy, Inc.
1.95 M USD0.4445 USD−0.27%2.89 M0.04−381.42 USD+65.85%0.00%Industrial services
PCSAProcessa Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2.06 M USD0.3900 USD−0.41%145.53 K1.88−3.89 USD+56.26%0.00%Health technology
SBETSharpLink Gaming, Inc.
2.06 M USD0.2990 USD+2.40%153.69 K0.33−1.18 USD+41.44%0.00%Commercial services
APDNApplied DNA Sciences, Inc.
2.06 M USD1.87 USD−9.22%1.52 M0.36−285.87 USD+47.98%0.00%Health technology
EZGOEZGO Technologies Ltd.
2.09 M USD0.3685 USD−2.77%22.41 K0.65−2.80 USD−1,428.65%0.00%Consumer services
AUUDAuddia Inc.
2.09 M USD0.2436 USD−27.00%1.48 M3.35−3.67 USD+72.41%0.00%Technology services
SYTASiyata Mobile, Inc.
2.12 M USD2.15 USD−0.92%260.04 K0.22−329.26 USD+92.05%0.00%Electronic technology
BBJDXBluejay Diagnostics, Inc.
2.12 M USD3.84 USD+2.95%38.58 K0.89−1,402.01 USD+63.82%0.00%Health technology
NVVENuvve Holding Corp.
2.13 M USD1.65 USD+1.23%153.87 K1.02−4.98 USD−311.25%0.00%Producer manufacturing
KKNWKnow Labs, Inc.
2.16 M USD0.7701 USD−13.47%164.26 K0.91−7.90 USD+47.57%0.00%Electronic technology
WLDSWearable Devices Ltd.
2.18 M USD2.12 USD+1.92%19.57 K0.17−21.70 USD−5.05%0.00%Electronic technology
PLRZPolyrizon Ltd.
2.19 M USD0.4986 USD+6.09%377.08 K0.38−0.37 USD−157.55%0.00%Health technology
SGDSafe and Green Development Corporation
2.21 M USD1.49 USD+9.19%100.55 K2.18−13.51 USD0.00%Finance
NXTTNext Technology Holding Inc.
2.25 M USD0.3220 USD+4.21%27.45 K0.100.048.48 USD0.00%Technology services
AAGRIAgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd.
2.26 M USD1.32 USD−2.94%32.81 K1.58−1.10 USD−157.29%0.00%Commercial services
NNDRAENDRA Life Sciences Inc.
2.28 M USD4.25 USD+1.68%6.54 K0.96−1,172.20 USD+76.05%0.00%Health technology
CCEROCERo Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.
2.32 M USD0.7650 USD−9.51%5.35 M6.78−43.79 USD−17.53%0.00%Health technology
FFAMIFarmmi, Inc. Ordinary Shares
2.35 M USD1.88 USD−4.57%80.89 K1.23−0.71 USD−453.53%0.00%Process industries
ASTIAscent Solar Technologies, Inc
2.37 M USD1.79 USD+4.68%1.7 M46.31−322.59 USD+89.71%0.00%Electronic technology
VEROVenus Concept Inc.
2.41 M USD3.65 USD+11.28%75.53 K1.70−88.18 USD−15.21%0.00%Health technology
GGCTKGlucoTrack, Inc.
2.42 M USD0.2323 USD−4.17%2.68 M0.18−57.85 USD−82.30%0.00%Health technology
FFRGTFreight Technologies, Inc.
2.43 M USD1.11 USD−1.77%14.72 K0.24−598.14 USD+92.11%0.00%Finance
TCRTAlaunos Therapeutics, Inc.
2.43 M USD1.52 USD−0.65%3.56 K0.32−7.36 USD+68.32%0.00%Health technology
AGMHAGM Group Holdings Inc.
2.44 M USD0.0926 USD+23.47%74.13 M1.64−1.59 USD0.00%Technology services
HSDTHelius Medical Technologies, Inc.
2.46 M USD0.4020 USD+0.47%12.1 K0.21−5.76 USD+59.74%0.00%Health technology
SHPHShuttle Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.
2.47 M USD0.3949 USD−2.25%38.75 K0.15−3.78 USD−7.18%0.00%Health technology
RREVBRevelation Biosciences, Inc.
2.5 M USD2.76 USD−2.47%13.12 K0.05−139.82 USD−128.56%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
MSSMaison Solutions Inc.
2.53 M USD1.13 USD+2.73%22.77 K0.17−0.06 USD−593.98%0.00%Retail trade
ENTOEntero Therapeutics Inc.
2.54 M USD0.5350 USD−7.60%28.98 K0.47−6.73 USD+95.88%0.00%Health technology
PPBMPsyence Biomedical Ltd.
2.56 M USD0.6550 USD+6.16%169.4 K1.600.00%Health technology
MYSZMy Size, Inc.
2.57 M USD1.26 USD−1.56%11.68 K0.58−20.48 USD+40.09%0.00%Technology services
GNLNGreenlane Holdings, Inc.
2.58 M USD0.3100 USD+8.77%1.06 M2.17−16.87 USD+89.11%0.00%Distribution services
THARTharimmune, Inc.
2.63 M USD1.36 USD−5.56%25.45 K0.17−9.68 USD+94.87%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
EEYENEyenovia, Inc.
2.65 M USD1.26 USD0.00%65.49 K0.07−58.50 USD−9.76%0.00%Health technology
2.66 M USD0.1704 USD−0.23%235.06 K0.02−0.14 USD+49.07%0.00%Finance
BKYIBIO-key International, Inc.
2.68 M USD0.8557 USD−23.60%818.5 K1.89−7.69 USD+51.54%0.00%Technology services
OLBThe OLB Group, Inc.
2.68 M USD1.24 USD+5.90%2.65 K0.47−15.75 USD−187.69%0.00%Technology services
SSXTP60 Degrees Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2.68 M USD1.82 USD−3.19%29.96 K0.96−44.68 USD0.00%Health technology
TTANHTantech Holdings Ltd.
2.72 M USD2.29 USD+4.09%55.23 K1.301.971.16 USD−36.05%0.00%Process industries
BBLGBone Biologics Corp
2.75 M USD0.8418 USD−0.60%32.68 K0.85−4.87 USD+93.65%0.00%Health technology
QLGNQualigen Therapeutics, Inc.
2.78 M USD3.78 USD+13.86%31.41 K5.00−55.30 USD+69.07%0.00%Health technology
GLMDGalmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
2.78 M USD1.68 USD−3.45%56.24 K0.01−12.04 USD+73.90%0.00%Health technology
IIVPInspire Veterinary Partners, Inc.
2.8 M USD1.71 USD0.00%21.51 K0.13−1,229.93 USD+70.51%0.00%Process industries
EELABPMGC Holdings Inc.
2.82 M USD4.88 USD−4.31%70.21 K0.09−409.35 USD0.00%Health technology
MTNBMatinas Biopharma Holdings, Inc.
2.87 M USD0.5650 USD−1.02%34.38 K1.36−4.56 USD+6.87%0.00%Health technology
HCTIHealthcare Triangle, Inc.
2.89 M USD0.3484 USD−1.58%79.92 K0.19−1.31 USD+53.65%0.00%Technology services
PAPLPineapple Financial Inc.
2.91 M USD0.3300 USD+20.44%237.62 K4.07−0.38 USD−25.51%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
CETXCemtrex Inc.
2.91 M USD1.63 USD+10.14%133.5 K3.42−3,240.60 USD+63.99%0.00%Electronic technology
GNPXGenprex, Inc.
2.91 M USD0.3420 USD−10.00%1.7 M0.24−11.92 USD+51.51%0.00%Health technology
2.91 M USD0.3359 USD+2.47%114.52 K0.24−19.62 USD+97.23%0.00%Finance
SGBXSafe & Green Holdings Corp.
2.92 M USD0.4840 USD+3.60%79.54 K0.07−26.29 USD−14.73%0.00%Producer manufacturing
AKANAkanda Corp.
2.93 M USD1.43 USD−2.72%92.69 K7.18−462.09 USD−41.72%0.00%Process industries
OCTOEightco Holdings Inc.
2.93 M USD1.20 USD−8.40%10.46 K0.71−4.75 USD+98.34%0.00%Technology services
ITPIT Tech Packaging, Inc.
2.94 M USD0.2920 USD+8.11%187.83 K0.35−0.97 USD+45.26%0.00%Process industries
MMNDRMobile-health Network Solutions
2.95 M USD2.02 USD+7.45%31.56 K0.50−0.35 USD0.00%Health services