Inflation Vs. Interest Spread in Major CurrenciesShows the inflation vs interest spread across major western currencies that could provide the opportunity for investment. by spinanickyUpdated 3
Canada Interest RateThere you have it, Canada cuts for the 1st time in over four years! There isn't always a recession after a cut, but the last 4 US recessions started with a rate cut... #recession #inflation #fomc #boc #fed #ratesby Badcharts3
Brutal Truth: War is Good for Biz across the M.I.C.Reflecting on war through industrial eyes. Ukraine's never ending conflict has been good for business across the Military Industrial Compex, across the globe. The threat of an expansionist China has led to wholesale changes in the historically sidelined Japanese military base and business is booming from Mitsubishi Industrial to Rolls Royce to GE Aerospace down the line to various ETF's shown here. Since Jan 2022, pre-Ukraine 2.0 war, you can see the outperformance of these stocks vs. the broadest Wilshire 5000 price index. Expect more. And that includes the laggard that most people don't realize is 50% government/military----- Boeing!Longby Amkeller10
Macroeconomic Update (Income, expense, consumer credit)Real income is experiencing a steeper rate of change than real disposable income. This coupled with increased productivity and a declining quit rate is disinflationary, but frustrating for workers. This tends to translate to pessimistic economic outlook. Spending is slightly up to relatively flat while implied savings is decreasing. Don’t be surprised if we see media call this out as alarming. However, this is something that we see in the middle of economic cycles, not at the end. Sharply increasing savings and sharply decreasing spending are traits of downturns, while depleting savings and continued spending favors market continuation. Credit card delinquencies get a lot of press. However, credit card delinquencies pulling away from delinquencies in secure loans is also something that we see in the middle of an economic cycle. Additionally, the relationship between the rate of change for real income, consumer credit, and card delinquencies is similar to the middle of a cycle. After downturns incomes begin to recover, and the consumer borrowing closely follows. The rates of change for each increase and then normalize. Consumers begin to realize a flattening rate of change for income, and then we see credit card delinquencies increase and level off. Longby Ben_1148x20
canada house pprice indexcurrently at 3rd wave top , can go for abit more but not much left. time to sellby mitisme222
Baa corporate bond risk premium vs Ethereumas soon as the perceived risk in corporations ability to repay debt stops falling as soon as people became fully bullish on corporations then crypto stops rising!by Swaize0
US500 trading plan What makes you think it's gonna sell were it is?I don't have any reason to sell us500 but I have 100 reasons to buy this n hold until atleast 60k I will never sell stock markets during this coming they might climb 140% something that you never seen before don't play games of selling uptrend markets use pull backs as opportunities to get into position not overthinking,understand that srs pull backs of stocks there is something going on,either invasion or srs deases don't just dream of selling them alot of companies are just doing find n recovering from Russia invasion n covid trauma,understand what is moving n why.Longby mulaudzimpho0
US VS EU UnemploymentUpdate on the US versus Euro Area unemployment rate. US trending upwards, while the EU Area is quite stable. US came in at 3.9% While EU Area is hovering between 6.4% - 6.5%by ASignOfTime0
Rolling 5-Year InflationInstead of using the monthly inflation print, a 5-year (60-month) SMA is used to chart US inflation. The SMA is used to cut back on noise from “transitory” inflation, giving a better view of the broader inflation environment realized over the past half-decade. Said differently, it illustrates the inflation environment which policymakers and central bankers are/were “dealing with.” For a more short-term-oriented view of regime change, an EMA might be used in place of an SMA. A shorter-term view is likely to be more useful in the context of near-term interest rate cuts. Historically, inflation tends to evolve from one “regime” to another. The implications of a regime change are enormous, and I am growing in my conviction that we are now in a new regime, as evidenced by the SMA breaking through a key level (explained below). Since inflation prints (or, any macro data, for that matter) are a fool’s game to predict with a high degree of precision, I used a pseudoscientific approach which yielded 3.25% as the key level for inflation to “break through” to a new regime. Using 3.25% also gives us a “round” number, making it easier to quickly put inflation prints in context (for me, at least). My commentary and some ideas to consider: Why 3.25% is important: it had not been “breached” since 1996. Put another way: the prevailing inflation environment has reached a level not seen in 28 years. Why is 1996 important? A look back over the past century provides hindsight of when prior inflation regimes began and ended. After the “1970’s” (colloquially), we entered a new era which realized a prolonged downtrend in inflation worldwide. 1996 became a clear demarcation point upon identifying waves of “lower highs and lower lows” in the years since. Further, 1996 roughly coincides with the end of a series of markedly higher “waves” of inflation. I feel it is relevant to also point out the dramatic changes in the world since we last saw 3.25% in 1996. 1. Internet In 1996, the internet as we know it today was in its infancy. This is obviously a change of biblical proportions in the way we live, and never before in human history has the entire world been connected in this manner (i.e., we are the guinea pigs of computing). Entire libraries could be filled with commentary on the internet’s impact on the economy, so I will defer to the experts for opinions. That said, it has generally been disinflationary. 2. Tech Giants Today, the 6 highest weighted S&P 500 stocks account for ~25% of the index. In 1996, of these six, only MSFT and AAPL were “established” companies, and even then, AAPL was in the midst of an identity crisis and was nowhere near the trillion dollar behemoth it is today. As for the remaining four: NVDA was founded three years prior in 1993, and in 1996 laid off ~1/2 of its then-100 employees. GOOG was still a research project of a pair of PhD’s and wouldn’t launch for another two years. AMZN was still in its first year of operations as an online bookstore, a far cry from its monstrous scale today. And, finally, the founder and brainchild of META, Mark Zuckerberg, was 11 years old, and the term social media was still about a decade away from entering even the fringes of society’s lexicon. This is all to say, nearly 1/4 of the proxy for the “equity market” - the S&P 500 - is driven by ENTIRELY NEW “inventions” (or products, services, goods, etc.). In the context of inflation, NONE of these “inventions” have EVER existed in an economy with inflation “above 3.25%.” There is a mammoth amount of capital that is put towards tracking the S&P 500, and in order to balance weights when tracking, it involves the buying and selling of all its constituents together. Having been untested in a transition to a “higher” inflation regime, it remains to be seen how the heavyweights of the S&P will hold up. Should they demonstrate an inability to “absorb” inflation, it would likely result in a broader sell off of the S&P, and would be exacerbated by a rotation to fixed income should interest rates remain elevated and offer yield which is more attractive than uncertainty as to when the “absorption” will occur, if it does at all. 3. China In 1996, China was still in its second stage of economic reforms, privatizing SOE’s, and would not enter the WTO for another five years. The consequences of China’s reforms have been enormous, and are potentially the most important influencer of inflation over the past thirty or so years. Again, this is another topic that could fill a library, and I will not elaborate more. That said, the effects of China’s reforms have been largely disinflationary. It is uncertain whether this trend will continue, as China is now facing a host of serious financial issues which could reach a boiling point. In particular, China is now the dominant player in commodity markets, virtually controlling the supply and/or demand for many of the world’s raw materials. How this interacts with China’s navigation of financial issues is uncertain, but has potential to be highly disruptive to global supply chains, which would push inflation higher. 4. Government Debt The US’ prolonged wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, on which the country spent several trillion dollars over nearly two decades, were still several years from occurring. Unlike other wars in the 20th Century and in recent history, these wars were largely financed through government debt. In the opinion of many, these wars were considered to be failures. Largely agreeing with this notion, the expansion of deficit spending to finance “lost” wars not only diverted monies from useful purposes such as infrastructure and education, but also hastened the government’s need to “inflate away” its debt. According to a paper by Brown University’s Watson Institute, the interest expense alone on the debt used to finance these wars will likely exceed $2 TN by 2030. To put this in perspective, when considering the 2022 federal outlay for highway spending amounted to $47 BN, these interest payments on war debt are roughly equal to FIFTY YEARS worth of federal highway spending. To make matters worse, the debt from the US’ wars pales in comparison to the bonanza in government spending in response to COVID. A whopping $5 TN in stimulus was doled out in a matter of months. It will take years to determine the ultimate effect the stimulus money will have had on the economy’s “intangibles”. For now, it is clear this spending spree has bloated the government’s debt, and input can be argued the US is running a dangerously high Debt/GDP ratio - a bellwether of inflation. How does the government plan to dig itself out of this hole? Logic points towards the path of least resistance, which in this case means “inflating away the debt.” We very well may have already begun to see this process set in motion. Inflation, by its nature, carries political implications, which has often led to charged discourse and sensationalized media headlines. This rings particularly true in election years (this year) and in times of collective struggle (the COVID era). Unfortunately, this can muddy the waters when trying to make sense of the data prints. My aim was to make a simple illustration which can uncover a regime change in inflation. It is up to the user to determine whether the regime change signal holds ltstrudw0
Economic Overview | The "Yellowstone Bubble"On Thursday, May 16th, I was sipping coffee and watching The Today Show , when a guest appeared on the program to talk about how much money YOU are supposedly making in your 401(k). Oddly enough the commentator - who was identified as the "chief business correspondent for CNN" - then reminded viewers that "you really should only look at your 401(k) once or twice a year".... What?....WHAT? My first thought: we don't need to be lectured on how often we should be checking on our retirement funds. But this got me thinking, WHY do these "professional money managers" insist that working people not pay attention to their money?? I am speculating here, but I assume it is because retirement fund managers (large investment institutions) are also in the business of making money and therefore TAKING PROFIT. Is there any evidence for this?... Well, yes: Now factor in all of the nonsense that is constantly pumped by television commentators, meme stock pumpers, crypto fantasies, immature CEOs, and more recently - celebrities and professional athletes. Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that there is a television commercial for $QQQ... Things have become so obscene that money managers are paying for airtime to deceptively lure regular people into buying their securities, so they can take profits, after already receiving bailouts. You've seen it, there are several versions of the same commercial and the narrative goes something like "I'm investing in QQQ for the future". The Unemployment Rate has bottomed - there is no more growth to be had and even if we were to see unemployment trend below 3%, we can go back to the early 1950s and 1960s to see that financial markets really DON'T return much more below 3% unemployment; again this is because there is no more growth below 3% and therefore marginally less return. Credit card delinquency is rising rapidly, thanks to inflation from Covid helicopter money. And Household Debt-to-GDP has also bottomed. This one is particularly concerning because as we just explained, there is no more growth to be achieved from here (UNRATE). So, ask yourself: what happens if GDP falls ? Answer: household debt as a proportion of GDP rises by at leas that amount (it's a ratio - it has no choice). Expanding on this question, ask yourself: what happens if household debt continues to rise, amid maxed out unemployment? Answer: the already record profit-margins of investment banks increase to highly unstable levels, thereby further incentivizing profit-taking. Anyway, I am calling this market the Yellowstone Bubble . Everyone is a rich tough-guy cattle rancher, everyone is a crypto professional, everyone thinks "Tesla is the future" (LOL), everyone is an AI expert, everyone is a pro because they scroll forums and listen to some podcast. In a world that runs on "users" and "clicks" and web traffic, you must remain vigilant! Take care! Shortby ChiefMacro1
Peak Inflation-Resistance trendline unbroken -Bearish divergence on the Wolfpack -"Overbought" on the RSI -Curling price action by ILuminosityUpdated 111
Inflation has Peaked-Multi-decade resistance trendline unbroken -Bearish divergence on the Wolfpack -"Overbought" on the RSI -Curling price action by ILuminosityUpdated 2
Will the 1970s second inflation wave repeat in this cycle?🤔Will the 1970s second inflation wave repeat in this cycle?🤔 We have many similarities today with the 1970s. Will history repeat and we see another inflationary wave?by JK_Market_Recap0
ISM Manufacturing PMI is below recession range of under 50The ISM Manufacturing PMI is below recession range of under 50, pointing to a contraction in the US manufacturing sector. Market is not yet as healthy as the equity market would elude to. Something to keep an eye on to check in on the health of the US economyby JK_Market_Recap1
Inverted Yield Curve longest inversion to dateUsually when we have an inverted yield curve usually a recession follows. This has been the longest inversion to date. Is this time different? Usually the countdown to a incoming recession is when the inversion un-inverts which means goes back up to zero. Something to put on the back burner but keep an eye onby JK_Market_Recap0
The market bottomed when Reverse Repo peaked.The market bottomed when Reverse Repo peaked. After Reverse Repo started trending down, the market started its path up to new All time highs. Liquidity as measured by M2 has been picking up which explains why we see prices making or approaching new ATMby JK_Market_Recap0
CPI Index Rises over 43% per decade on Average - Don't be Fooledby the Politicians, Talking heads and Bankers. Governments can only Tax, Borrow & Spend Central Banks can only Print & Lend. If this index were to rise by the average of 43% You are looking at the CPI Index hitting 372 by Jan 2030 There is every likelihood this decade, will be a higher than average inflation rise. You must save in scarce Assets #Gold & #Bitcoin You must continue to in invest in #Technology #ETH & #LINK come to mind. Longby BallaJiUpdated 5
FEDERAL DEBT priced in the DOW JONES is too HIGH!Those dollars that the US government owes must be inflated away! As paying back 33 Trillion dollars is not feasible in today's version of dollars. So they must be paid in even more worthless dollar currency units. If the US government stops spending they will send the US economy into a recession. They must continue to pump money into the economy and the stock market. The con job that inflation is under control is a lie.. and we will continue to see higher prices the rest of the decade albeit at a slower rate. BUT even 2% annual inflation compounded will erode purchasing power quickly as we have seen in the past. And I have charted before. I believe we will continue to see the stock market ramp up the next two quarters before taking a summer break. The underlying hidden to most, inflation trend, will continue to inflate revenues and earnings for most stocks going forward. The bottom line is that Inflation is a FRAUD perpetuated on the people by the Government. They print and spend the money first, and then the workers get it after beingTAXED and after prices have gone up. Then they TAX you on the gain in asset prices! :) So if u can invest in assets that are in wrapped up Tax free vehicles --- seek those out. #Crypto can be a way to supercharge your returns for periods of time, but come with inherent, built in volatility --- most people walk away with, what could have been stories -- rather than life changing returns by BallaJiUpdated 332
Are #Stocks expensive? No measured against M2 money supplyThe 2000 Top was still the "real" peak of the US stock market Built obviously on the expectation that the internet would change the world and teh global economy. This highlights how the market foresees the future and how market participants are forward looking. The #DownJones index is still 50% down form that peak on this chart you can multiple chart patterns tat have played out previously HVF's, double top, head & shoulder tops, and inv H&S bottoms currently in a 22 year continuation inv head and shoulders which is still in progress my stance is Top in April/May 24 .... downdraft into the election and a run up for 2/3 years into the Giga Uber TOPLongby BallaJiUpdated 225
How can the Fed cut rates if liquidity is still high?Liquidity is the driving force for higher assets and higher inflation. Now with the US equity indices at new all time highs as shown in the chart below, how can the Fed cut rates if liquidity is still high? by JK_Market_Recap110
Lag for StatsHow about an indicator that shows the days from the last data point of a statistical chart, such as PMI or any government state, to the current date. Showing the lag before the release of data. Just seems to me that in these difficult days that government may be fudging the numbers. Also holding back on the release of stats for public consumption. Maybe they release it to some, but hold back to providers like TV. I do not know. But I would like to be able to see if they do. Anyone out there want to take up the challenge to make such an indicator? Which may warn us when there is bad economic news on the Steven6780
United Kingdom GDP (QoQ) ECONOMICS:GBGDPQQ Great Britain officially entered in Recession due to Two Consecutive Negative Quarters. The British economy contracted 0.3% on quarter in Q4 2023, following a 0.1% decline in Q3, worse than market forecasts of a 0.1% fall, preliminary estimates showed. The economy entered recession amid a broad-based decline in output, namely in services (-0.2%, the same as in Q3), particularly wholesale and retail trade (-0.6%); industrial production (-1% vs 0.1%), mostly manufacture of machinery and equipment (-7%) and construction (-1.3% vs 0.1%). On the expenditure side, there was a fall in exports (-2.9% vs -0.8%), imports (-0.8% vs -1.8%); household spending (-0.1% vs -0.9%), particularly lower spending on recreation and culture, miscellaneous goods and services, and transport; and government consumption (-0.3% vs 1.1%), namely lower activity in education and health. Those falls were partially offset by an increase in gross capital formation (1.4% vs -1.4%), mostly other buildings and structures. Considering full 2023, the GDP in the UK edged up 0.1%. source: Office for National Statisticsby Mr_J__fxUpdated 3