Hawkeye Levels ATR down

By hawkeyetraders
Exit at the right time with Levels ATR!

Levels ATR is a powerful series of user pre-defined levels, which act as both potential exit positions and stop loss management.

The Levels ATR indicator helps traders identify clear exit strategies.

Inexperienced traders can:

  • spend too long focusing on where to enter the position
  • spend no time on where to exit or take profits
  • allow the market to dictate the exit following a particular chart pattern or set up
  • be panicked into exiting

Few traders concentrate on their exit strategies, yet this is where the big profits are made!
hawkeyelevelsprofitsstopstrendTrend AnalysisVolumeVSA
Randy Lindsey

Hawkeye Traders, LLC

Invite-only script

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Please note that this is a private, invite-only script that was not analyzed by script moderators. Its compliance to House Rules is undetermined. TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

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