
By QuantraSystems
Library "DynamicFunctions"
Custom Dynamic functions that allow an adaptive calculation beginning from the first bar

RoC(src, period)
  Dynamic RoC
    src (float): and period
Custom function to calculate the actual period considering non-na source values
    period (int)

dynamicMedian(src, length)
  Dynamic Median
    src (float): and length
    length (int)

kernelRegression(src, bandwidth, kernel_type)
  Dynamic Kernel Regression Calculation \n Uses either of the following inputs for kernel_type:\nEpanechnikov\nLogistic\nWave
    src (float)
    bandwidth (int)
    kernel_type (string)

waveCalculation(source, bandwidth, width)
  Use together with kernelRegression function to get chart applicable band
    source (float)
    bandwidth (int)
    width (float)

Rsi(src, length)
  Dynamic RSI function
    src (float)
    length (int)

dynamicStdev(src, period)
  Dynamic SD function
    src (float)
    period (int)

stdv_bands(src, length, mult)
  Dynamic SD Bands
    src (float)
    length (int)
    mult (float)
  Returns: Basis, Positive SD, Negative SD

Adx(dilen, adxlen)
  Dynamic ADX
    dilen (int)
    adxlen (int)
  Returns: adx

  Dynamic ATR
    length (int)
  Returns: ATR

Macd(source, fastLength, slowLength, signalSmoothing)
  Dynamic MACD
    source (float)
    fastLength (int)
    slowLength (int)
    signalSmoothing (int)
  Returns: macdLine, signalLine, histogram
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Pine library

In true TradingView spirit, the author has published this Pine code as an open-source library so that other Pine programmers from our community can reuse it. Cheers to the author! You may use this library privately or in other open-source publications, but reuse of this code in a publication is governed by House rules.
