Martingale + Grid DCA Strategy [YinYangAlgorithms]

This Strategy focuses on strategically Martingaling when the price has dropped X% from your current Dollar Cost Average (DCA). When it does Martingale, it will create a Purchase Grid around this location to likewise attempt to get you a better DCA. Likewise following the Martingale strategy, it will sell when your Profit has hit your target of X%.

Martingale may be an effective way to lower your DCA. This is due to the fact that if your initial purchase; or in our case, initial Grid, all went through and the price kept going down afterwards, that you may purchase more to help lower your DCA even more. By doing so, you may bring your DCA down and effectively may make it easier and quicker to reach your target profit %.

Grid trading may be an effective way of reducing risk and lowering your DCA as you are spreading your purchases out over multiple different locations. Likewise we offer the ability to ‘Stack Grids’. What this means, is that if a single bar was to go through 20 grids, the purchase amount would be 20x what each grid is valued at. This may help get you a lower DCA as rather than creating 20 purchase orders at each grid location, we create a single purchase order at the lowest grid location, but for 20x the amount.

By combining both Martingale and Grid DCA techniques we attempt to lower your DCA strategically until you have reached your target profit %.

Before we start, we just want to make it known that first off, this Strategy features 8% Commission Fees, you may change this in the Settings to better reflect the Commission Fees of your exchange. On a similar note, due to Commission Fees being one of the number one profit killers in fast swing trade strategies, this strategy doesn’t focus on low trades, but the ideology of it may result in low amounts of trades. Please keep in mind this is not a bad thing. Since it has the ability to ‘Stack Grid Purchases’ it may purchase more for less and result in more profit, less commission fees, and likewise less # of trades.



In this example above, we have it set so we Martingale twice, and we use 100 grids between the upper and lower level of each martingale; for a total of 200 Grids. This strategy will take total capital (initial capital + net profit) and divide it by the amount of grids. This will result in the $ amount purchased per grid. For instance, say you started with $10,000 and you’ve made $2000 from this Strategy so far, your total capital is $12,000. If you likewise are implementing 200 grids within your Strategy, this will result in $12,000 / 200 = $60 per grid. However, please note, that the further down the grid / martingale is, the more volume it is able to purchase for $60.

The white line within the Strategy represents your DCA. As the Strategy makes purchases, this will continue to get lower as will your Target Profit price (Blue Line). When the Close goes above your Target Profit price, the Strategy will close all open positions and claim the profit. This profit is then reinvested back into the Strategy, which may exponentially help the Strategy become more profitable the longer it runs for.


In the example above, we’ve zoomed in on the first example. In this we want to focus on how the Strategy got back into the trades shortly after it sold. Currently within the Settings we have it set so our entry is when the Lowest with a length of 3 is less than the previous Lowest with a length of 3. This is 100% customizable and there are multiple different entry options you can choose from and customize such as:
  • EMA 7 Crossover EMA 21
  • EMA 7 Crossunder EMA 21
  • RSI 14 Crossover RSI MA 14
  • RSI 14 Crossunder RSI MA 14
  • MFI 14 Crossover MFI MA 14
  • MFI 14 Crossunder MFI MA 14
  • Lowest of X Length < Previous Lowest of X Length
  • Highest of X Length > Previous Highest of X Length

All of these entry options may be tailored to be checked for on a different Time Frame than the one you are currently using the Strategy on. For instance, you may be running the Strategy on the 15 minute Time Frame yet decide you want the RSI to cross over the RSI MA on the 1 Day to be a valid entry location.

Please keep in mind, this Strategy focuses on DCA, this means you may not want the initial purchase to be the best location. You may want to buy when others think it is a good time to sell. This is because there may be strong bearish momentum which drives the price down drastically and potentially getting you a good DCA before it corrects back up.

We will continue to add more Entry options as time goes on, and if you have any in mind please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Now, back to the example above, if we refer to the Yellow circle, you may see that the Lowest of a length of 3 was less than its previous lowest, this triggered the martingales to create their grids. Only a few bars later, the price went into the first grid and went a little lower than its midpoint (Yellow line). This caused about 60% of the first grid to be purchased. Shortly after the price went even lower into this grid and caused the entire first martingale grid to be purchased. However, if you notice, the white line (your DCA) is lower than the midpoint of the first grid. This is due to the fact that we have ‘Stack Grid Purchases’ enabled. This allows the Strategy to purchase more when a single bar crosses through multiple grid locations; and effectively may lower your average more than if it simply executed a purchase order at each grid.


Still looking at the same location within our next example, if we simply increase the Martingale amount from 2 to 3 we can see something strange happens. What happened is our Target Profit price was reached, then our entry condition was met, which caused all of the martingale grids to be formed; however, the price continued to increase afterwards. This may not be a good thing, sure the price could correct back down to these grid locations, but what if it didn’t and it just kept increasing? This would result in this Strategy being stuck and unable to make any trades. For this reason we have implemented a Failsafe in the Settings called ‘Reset Grids if no purchase happens after X bars’.


We have enabled our Failsafe ‘Reset Grids if no purchase happens after X bars’ in this example above. By default it is set to 100 bars, but you can change this to whatever works best for you. If you set it to 0, this Failsafe will be disabled and act like the example prior where it is possible to be stuck with no trades executing.

This Failsafe may be an important way to ensure the Strategy is able to make purchases, however it may also mean the Grids increase in price when it is used, and if a massive correction were to occur afterwards, you may lose out on potential profit.


This Strategy was designed with WebHooks in mind. WebHooks allow you to send signals from the Strategy to your exchange. Simply set up a Custom TradingView Bot within the OKX exchange or 3Commas platform (which has your exchange API), enter the data required from the bot into the settings here, select your bot type in ‘Webhook Alert Type’, and then set up the alert. After that you’re good to go and this Strategy will fully automate all of its trades within your exchange for you. You need to format the Alert a certain way for it to work, which we will go over in the next example.


Add an alert for this Strategy and simply modify the alert message so all it says is:
  • {{strategy.order.alert_message}}

Likewise change from the Alert ‘Settings’ to Alert ‘Notifications’ at the top of the alert popup. Within the Notifications we will enable ‘Webhook URL’ and then we will pass the URL we are sending the Webhook to. In this example we’ve put OKX exchange Webhook URL, however if you are using 3Commas you’ll need to change this to theirs.

OKX Webhook URL:

3Commas Webhook URL:

Make sure you click ‘Create’ to actually create this alert. After that you’re all set! There are many Tutorials videos you can watch if you are still a little confused as to how Webhook trading works.


Due to the nature of this Strategy and how it is designed to work, it has the ability to never sell unless there it will make profit. However, because of this it also may be stuck waiting in trades for quite a long period of time (usually a few months); especially when your Target Profit % is 15% like in the example above. However, this example above may be a good indication that it may maintain profitability for a long period of time; considering this ‘Deep Backtest’ is from 2017-8-17.

We will conclude the tutorial here. Hopefully you understand how this Strategy has the potential to make calculated and strategic DCA Grid purchases for you and then based on a traditional Martingale fashion, bulk sell at the desired Target Profit Percent.


Purchase Settings:
  • Only Purchase if its lower than DCA: Generally speaking, we want to lower our Average, and therefore it makes sense to only buy when the close is lower than our current DCA and a Purchase Condition is met.
  • Purchase Condition: When creating the initial buy location you must remember, you want to Buy when others are Fearful and Sell when others are Greedy. Therefore, many of the Buy conditions involve times many would likewise Sell. This is one of the bonuses to using a Strategy like this as it will attempt to get you a good entry location at times people are selling.
  • Lower / Upper Change Length: This Lower / Upper Length is only used if the Purchase Condition is set to 'Lower Changed' or 'Upper Changed'. This is when the Lowest or Highest of this length changes. Lowest would become lower or Highest would become higher.
  • Purchase Resolution: Purchase Resolution is the Time Frame that the Purchase Condition is calculated on. For instance, you may only want to start a new Purchase Order when the RSI Crosses RSI MA on the 1 Day, but yet you run this Strategy on the 15 minutes.

Sell Settings:
  • Trailing Take Profit: Trailing Take Profit is where once your Target Profit Percent has been hit, this will trail up to attempt to claim even more profit.
  • Target Profit Percent: What is your Target Profit Percent? The Strategy will close all positions when the close price is greater than your DCA * this Target Profit Percent.

Grid Settings:
  • Stack Grid Purchases: If a close goes through multiple Buy Grids in one bar, should we amplify its purchase amount based on how many grids it went through?
  • Reset Grids if no purchase happens after X Bars: Set this to 0 if you never want to reset. This is very useful in case the price is very bullish and continues to increase after our Target Profit location is hit. What may happen is, Target Profit location is hit, then the Entry condition is met but the price just keeps increasing afterwards. We may not want to be sitting waiting for the price to drop, which may never happen. This is more of a failsafe if anything. You may set it very large, like 500+ if you only want to use it in extreme situations.
  • Grid % Less than Initial Purchase Price: How big should our Buy Grid be? For instance if we bought at 0.25 and this value is set to 20%, that means our Buy Grid spans from 0.2 - 0.25.
  • Grid Amounts: How many Grids should we create within our Buy location?

Martingale Settings:
  • Amount of Times 'Planned' to Martingale: The more Grids + the More Martingales = the less $ spent per grid, however the less risk. Remember it may be better to be right and take your time than risk too much and be stuck too long.
  • Martingale Percent: When the current price is this percent less than our DCA, lets create another Buy Grid so we can lower our average more. This will make our profit location less.

Webhook Alerts:
  • Webhook Alert Type: How should we format this Alert? 3Commas and OKX take their alerts differently, so please select the proper one or your webhooks won't work.

3Commas Webhook Alerts:
  • 3Commas Bot ID: The 3Commas Bot ID is needed so we know which BOT ID we are sending this webhook too.
  • 3Commas Email Token: The 3Commas Email Token is needed for your webhooks to work properly as it is linked to your account.

OKX Webhook Alerts:
  • OKX Signal Token: This Signal Token is attached to your OKX bot and will be used to access it within OKX.

If you have any questions, comments, ideas or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.

Release Notes
Modified the 3commas webhook alert to make it more efficient
Release Notes
- Cleaned up the GUI
- Small changes to 3commas webhook alert for efficiency
Release Notes
- Adjusted Purchase Resolution in Settings from 15 Minute to 1 Hour
automationCyclesdca-botsdcastrategygridtradingmartingale_strategyPortfolio managementpurchasesignalsstatisticsstrategywebhookbot

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