
By ubiquity
Library "Signal_Data_2021_09_09__2021_11_18"
Functions to support my timing signals system

import_start_time(harmonic) get the start time for each harmonic signal
    harmonic: is an integer identifying the harmonic
  Returns: the starting timestamp of the harmonic data

import_signal(index, harmonic) access point for pre-processed data imported here by copy paste
    index: is the current data index, use 0 to initialize
    harmonic: is the data set to index, use 0 to initialize
  Returns: the data from the indicated harmonic array starting at index, and the starting timestamp of that data
Release Notes
v2 added a length parameter to return the length of an array

import_signal(index, harmonic, length) access point for pre-processed data imported here by copy paste
    index: is the current data index, use 0 to initialize
    harmonic: is the data set to index, use 0 to initialize
    length: when true returns the length of the indicated harmonic array rather than the data
  Returns: the data from the indicated harmonic array starting at index, and the starting timestamp of that data
Release Notes
v3 change name of 'length' parameter to 'get_length'

import_signal(index, harmonic, get_length) access point for pre-processed data imported here by copy paste
    index: is the current data index, use 0 to initialize
    harmonic: is the data set to index, use 0 to initialize
    get_length: when true returns the length of the indicated harmonic array rather than the data
  Returns: the data from the indicated harmonic array starting at index, and the starting timestamp of that data
Release Notes
v4 debugging...
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
v9 refactored to put the strings in the global scope. Hoping that will help conserve memory in the local function scope.
Release Notes
Release Notes
v11 different initialization method
Release Notes
v12 updates to conserve time and memory initializing the data

Pine library

In true TradingView spirit, the author has published this Pine code as an open-source library so that other Pine programmers from our community can reuse it. Cheers to the author! You may use this library privately or in other open-source publications, but reuse of this code in a publication is governed by House rules.
