Multi BTC Rolling APY Calculator [presentTrading]

█ Introduction and How it is Different

The "Multi BTC Rolling APY Calculator [presentTrading]" is an innovative Pine Script indicator tailored for cryptocurrency traders, providing insights into arbitrage opportunities and market sentiment by calculating the Rolling Annual Percentage Yield (APY) between spot and futures prices of Bitcoin. Unlike traditional APY calculators, this tool specializes in capturing the nuances of the highly volatile and less efficient cryptocurrency markets. Rolling APY is derived from traditional market basis arbitrage but adapted to highlight significant discrepancies that frequently occur between derivative and underlying asset prices in crypto markets.

Historical backtesting has revealed that Bitcoin's Rolling APY can serve as a robust indicator of market sentiment:

- Below 0%: Often indicates panic or 'end-of-world' scenarios.
- 0-5%: Signifies extreme market fear.
- 5-10%: Reflects a calm market environment.
- 10-15%: Suggests a moderately warm market.
- 15-20%: Indicates an overheated market.
- **Above 20%: Signals FOMO (fear of missing out).


This nuanced understanding of Rolling APY helps investors not only spot arbitrage opportunities but also gauge the emotional state of the market, providing a dual function that enhances trading strategies in the volatile realm of cryptocurrencies.

█ Strategy: How It Works – Detailed Explanation

🔶 Rolling APY Calculation

The Rolling APY calculation is crucial for understanding the annualized potential returns from arbitrage strategies, given by the formula:
APY = ((Future Price - Spot Price) / Spot Price) * (365 / Days Until Expiration) * 100

This annualizes the observed premium or discount on futures contracts relative to the spot price, providing a year-over-year expectation of returns if one were to engage in arbitrage over the specified period.

🔶 Days Calculation

The accuracy of APY is contingent upon the precise calculation of days until each contract expires:
Days = (Expiration Timestamp - Current Timestamp) / 86400000
This calculation ensures the APY reflects true market dynamics for each futures contract's duration.

█ Trade Direction

While this tool does not provide direct trading signals, it informs traders about potential arbitrage opportunities and the prevailing market sentiment. Traders can leverage this data to make strategic decisions, aligning long or short positions with the anticipated market movements and arbitrage conditions.

█ Usage

By inputting specific parameters related to their market analysis, traders can monitor discrepancies in Bitcoin’s pricing across different timelines, which is especially beneficial for those involved in derivatives trading, arbitrage, and sentiment analysis.

█ Default Settings

- Resolution: Controls the frequency of data (default is daily).
- Show numbers in annual: Determines whether APY is displayed on an annual basis.
- Base Symbol and Future Symbols: Specify the spot and futures markets for analysis.

Release Notes
update the new future
APYBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCcryptoCycleseducationalfuturespremiumpresenttradingsentiment

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