Optimized Keltner Channels SL/TP Strategy for BTCThis strategy is optimized for Bitcoin with the Keltner Channel Strategy, which is TradingView's built-in strategy. In the original Keltner Channel Strategy, it was difficult to predict the timing of entry because the Buy and Sell signals floated in the middle of the candle in real time. This strategy is convenient because if the bitcoin price hits the top or bottom of the Keltner Channel and closes the closing price, you can enter Buy or Sell at the next candle start price. In addition, this strategy provides Stop Loss and Take Profit functions to maximize profit.
Recommended settings are below.
- length: 9
- multiplier: 1
- source: close
- (v) Use EMA
- Bands Style: Average True Range
- ATR Length: 19
- Stop Loss (%): 20
- Take Profit (%) : 20
- length: 9
- multiplier: 1
- source: close
- (v) Use EMA
- Bands Style: Average True Range
- ATR Length: 18
- Stop Loss (%): 20
- Take Profit (%) : 5
▶ Usefulness and Originality
- Stop Loss and Take Profit functions are available
- Convenient Buy and Sell entry compared to the original Keltner Channel Strategy
- Optimized for BTCUSD market (maximizing profits)
이 전략은 TradingView의 Built-in 전략인 Keltner Channel Strategy를 비트코인에 맞게 최적화되었습니다. 기존의 Keltner Channel Strategy는 Buy, Sell 신호가 캔들 중간에 실시간으로 떠서 진입 시점을 예측하기 어려운 불편함이 있었지만 이 전략은 비트코인 가격이 Keltner Channel 상단 혹은 하단을 찍고 종가를 마감하면 그 다음 캔들 시작가에서 Buy 혹은 Sell 진입이 가능하여 편리합니다. 또한, 이 전략은 Keltner Channel을 만나서 캔들을 마감한 가격 (bprice, sprice)을 시각적으로 plot을 제공하여 타점 및 차트를 보기에 편리하며 손절가 및 목표가를 지정한 백테스팅이 가능합니다.
Kimchi Premium Indicator with Selectable SymbolsThis indicator is the Korea Premium, also known as “Kimchi Premium” indicator, which shows how expensive and cheap the bitcoin price of the bitcoin exchange in Korea as compared to the bitcoin price traded in dollars or tether. Previously, the Kimchi premium indicator in TradingView does not have the recently added Upbit BTCKRW market, and it is not possible to select markets. In addition to the recently added Upbit BTCKRW market, this indicator is convenient because you can select all markets offered by TradingView. Therefore, not only bitcoin but also altcoin kimchi premium can be plotted.
▶ Usefulness and Originality
- Users can choose from various BTCKRW and BTCUSD markets.
- Users can plot altcoin Kimchi Premium in addition to Bitcoin.
이 지표는 달러 혹은 테더로 거래되고 있는 비트코인 가격 대비 한국에 있는 비트코인 거래소의 비트코인 원화 가격이 얼마나 비싸고 싼 지를 나타내는 코리아 프리미엄, 일명 "김치 프리미엄" 지표입니다. 이전에 트레이딩뷰에 있는 김치 프리미엄 지표는 최근에 추가된 업비트 BTCKRW 시장이 없을 뿐만 아니라 마켓을 선택할 수가 없습니다. 이 지표는 최근에 추가된 업비트 BTCKRW 마켓과 더불어 트레이딩뷰에서 제공하는 모든 마켓을 선택할 수 있어 편리합니다. 따라서 비트코인 뿐 만 아니라 알트코인의 김치 프리미엄도 plot할 수가 있습니다.
▶ 유용성과 독창성
- 사용자가 다양한 BTCKRW 및 BTCUSD 마켓을 선택할 수 있음
- 사용자가 비트코인 외에 알트코인 김치프리미엄도 plot 할 수 있음
Chanu Delta StrategyThis strategy is built on the Chanu Delta Indicator, which indicates the strength of the Bitcoin market. When the Chanu Delta Indicator hits “Delta_bull” and “Delta_bear” and closes the candle, long and short signals are triggered respectively. The example shown on the screen is a default setting optimized for a 4-hour candlestick strategy based on the Bybit BTCUSDT futures market. For the 15-minute candle, "Delta_bull=32", "Delta_bear=-31", "Source=hlc3" are best. You can use it by adjusting the setting value and modifying it to suit you.
If you use this strategy in conjunction with the Chanu Delta Indicator, it is convenient to anticipate alert signals in advance. Since the Chanu Delta Indicator represents the price difference based on the Bybit BTCUSDT futures market, backtesting is possible from March 2020.
Chanu Delta IndicatorThe Chanu Delta Indicator was created as the price difference between the two markets using the principle that the Bitcoin price fluctuations in the BTCUSD market on the BYBIT exchange are greater in the BTCUSDT market. This indicator shows the strength of the current market's buys and sells, and helps in short-term trading.
Chanu Delta Indicator (Δ) = BTCUSD ($) - BTCUSDT ($) (Unit: Dollar, Source: Close)
● Δ > 100 : Strong Buy
● 20 < Δ < 100 : Buy
● -20 < Δ < 20 : Neutral
● -100 < Δ < -20 : Sell
● Δ < -100 : Strong Sell
Bitcoin S2F(X)This indicator shows the BTCUSD price based on the S2F Model by PlanB.
We can see not only the S2F(Stock-to-Flow) but also the S2FX(Stock-to-Flow Cross Asset) model announced in 2020.
█ Overview
In this model, bitcoin is treated as comparable to commodities such as gold .
These commodities are known as "store of value" commodities because they retain their value over time due to their relative scarcity.
Bitcoins are scarce.
The number of coins in existence is limited, and the rate of supply is at an all-time low because mining the 2.2 million outstanding coins that have yet to be mined requires a lot of power and computing power.
The Stock-to-flow ratio is used to evaluate the current stock of a commodity (the total amount currently available) versus the flow of new production (the amount mined in a given year).
The higher this ratio, the more scarce the commodity is and the more valuable it is as a store of value.
█ How To View
On the above chart price is overlaid on top of the S2F(X) line. We can see that price has continued to follow the stock-to-flow of Bitcoin over time. By observing the S2F(X) line, we can expect to be able to predict where the price will go.
The coloured circles on the price line of this chart show the number of days until the next Bitcoin halving event. This is an event where the reward for mining new blocks is halved, meaning miners receive 50% fewer bitcoins for verifying transactions. Bitcoin halvings are scheduled to occur every 210,000 blocks until the maximum supply of 21 million bitcoins has been generated by the network. That makes stock-to-flow ratio (scarcity) higher so in theory price should go up.
The stock-to-flow line on this chart incorporates a 463-day average into the model to smooth out the changes caused in the market by the halving events.
I recommend using this indicator on a weekly or monthly basis for BITSTAMP:BTCUSD .
█ Reference Script
Bitcoin Stock to Flow Multiple by yomofoV
Trend From Volume And Price (TFVAP)Indicator that indicates buying and selling times based on price and volume and who is imposed of the two (VAP).
It uses the trends of the Dow theory (primary: 365 days/1 year, secondary: 90 days/3 months and tertiary: 21 days/3 weeks) and the identification of Elliot waves, both impulse and correction, based on the Fibonacci retracements (23.61% , 38.2%, etc.).
- Purple line is the evolution in percentage of the price in the primary trend
- Blue line is the evolution in percentage of the volume in the primary trend
- White line is the evolution in percentage of the (volume % - price %) in the primary trend, if white line > 0
- Green triangleup is time of start to buy
- Green square is time of stop to buy
- Red triangledown is time of sell
To understand it better:
If the purple line goes up it indicates that the price is rising, if it goes down, that the price is down.
If the blue line is greater than 0 it indicates that there are more purchases than sales, if the blue line is less than 0 it indicates that there are more sales than purchases.
If the white line is greater than 0 there is a high volume of purchases or low sales for the price that there is, it is likely that the price will rise.
If the white line is less than 0 there is a low volume of purchases or high sales for the price that there is, it is likely that the price will go down.
PD: Ignore the chart drawings, the indicator script is only represented at the bottom
Low Timeframe POCI have recently made a High Timeframe POC script (HFT POC) which is pretty popular. Thanks for this!
There are many requests to include lower timeframes in this script, that is why I created this script. I could have incorporated all the timeframe POC's into one indicator but I went this route to keep things more organized between all the different timeframes.
Currently included: Daily, 6H, 3H and 1H
Point Of Control (= POC) is a price level at which the heaviest volumes were traded.
The basis for POC is determining bias on whichever timeframe you choose.
1. Identify a POC on the timeframe of your choosing.
/* If you choose the lowest timeframe (1H here) then always make sure to look at the higher timeframes to see how it is trading against a HTF POC.
2. When the price is moving away from the POC (either to the upside or downside) this can confirm or invalidate a trade.
3. You can now enter the trade on bias or wait for a retest of the same POC.
Here is a screenshot of some of the trades that are possible using these Low Timeframe POC's and some common sense.
High Timeframe POCBecause the big Bitcoin crash I have been looking a lot at high timeframe metrics. I never spent much time learning POC so I decided to create a little script for determining these on higher timeframes.
Currently included: Monthly, 3 months and 6 months.
Point Of Control (= POC) is a price level at which the heaviest volumes were traded.
Value Area High/Low (=VAH/VAL) is a range of prices where the majority of trading volume took place. Naturally, Value Area High being the top price level and Value Area Low being the lowest. POC always is between the two.
The basis for POC is determining bias on whichever timeframe you choose.
1. Identify a POC on the timeframe of your choosing.
/* If you choose a "low" timeframe (monthly here) then make sure to look at the higher timeframes to see how it is playing against a higher timeframe POC.
2. When the price is moving away from the POC (either to the upside or downside) this will confirm or invalidate the trade.
3. You can now enter the trade on bias or wait for a retest of the same POC.
Here is a screenshot of some of the trades that are possible solely using the POC and some common sense.
Bitcoin Funds PremiumDisplay the % premium of 4 different Bitcoin Funds relative to the price of Bitcoin in your current chart.
GBTC Trust
This indicator uses the metrics from the fund management websites to calculate the "Net Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU)" to calculate the true underlying value of the fund.
The difference is then compared to the price of Bitcoin in the chart you have open.
Note that the metrics change and therefore the graph is not accurate for long past timeframes.
If TradingView would expand their script language in a way to ingest CSV data from the funds website then this could be improved.
You can update the metrics for each fund in the settings dialogue.
The script will autodetect the currency pairs of your current graph and only display compatible funds:
BTC / USD will show BTCC.U, QBTC.U and GBTC
BTC / CAD will show BTCC and QBTC
BTC / EUR will show VBTC
The script should not show in other currency pairs so it will not mess up other charts you might switch to.
If you find bugs with this logic, please comment below so I can fix them.
Due to TradingViews "no-links in description" policy, you need to google each funds website yourself to find the current metrics. These search terms should help:
BTCC search "Purpose Bitcoin ETF"
QBTC search "3iq The Bitcoin Fund (QBTC)"
GBTC search "Grayscale® Bitcoin Trust"
VBTC search "VanEck Vectors Bitcoin ETN"
BTC Multi Exchange Perpetual PremiumThis script tracks the premium/discount of Bitcoin perpetual contracts at various exchanges.
The premium/discount is calculated against an index price. The index price is calculated from spot exchange prices and are weighted as follows:
Coinbase: 38,07%
Gemini: 7,34%
Kraken: 20,28
The difference between this script and other available scripts, is that exciting script seems to only focus on one exchange. This script is also open source.
Bitcoin Funds OverlayOverlay the Net Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU) of 4 different Bitcoin Funds on your Bitcoin chart.
GBTC Trust
This indicator uses the metrics from the fund management websites to calculate the "Net Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU)" to display the true underlying value of the fund.
Note that the metrics can change and therefore the graph is not accurate for long past timeframes.
You can update the metrics for each fund in the settings dialogue.
The script will autodetect the currency pairs of your current graph and only display compatible funds:
BTC / USD will show BTCC.U, QBTC.U and GBTC
BTC / CAD will show BTCC and QBTC
BTC / EUR will show VBTC
The script should not show in other currency pairs so it will not mess up other charts you might switch to.
If you find bugs with this logic, please comment below so I can fix them.
Due to TradingViews "no-links in description" policy, you need to google each funds website yourself to find the current metrics. These search terms should help:
BTCC search "Purpose Bitcoin ETF"
QBTC search "3iq The Bitcoin Fund (QBTC)"
GBTC search "Grayscale® Bitcoin Trust"
VBTC search "VanEck Vectors Bitcoin ETN"
Binance Z VolumeBTC perpetual volume on Binance is about 4x spot volume.
Comparing spot and perpetual volumes could provide useful insights into market sentiment.
Abnormal increases in the spot market could be associated with accumulation. Abnormal increases in the perpetual market, on the other hand, could predict volatility as well lows and highs.
This script represents a Z-score of the volume of perpetual and 4xspot on Binance.
High values above 0 mean that the volume is skewed towards perpetual contracts. Values below 0 mean that the volume is skewed towards spot contracts.
Feel free to suggest changes and improvements of this script.
Translated with www.DeepL.com (free version)
Fibonacci EMAs / Trend and Chopzone identifier Implementation from the highly recommended course "Pinescript Indicator Development" on Udemy
This indicator is mostly to show some techniques in Pinescript rather than be useful for trading, however it does nicely identify trend and chop zones (sideways) on the 1-hour or 4-hour chart.
What it does:
- Has three EMAs at varying length and plots these on the chart
- Computes when the EMAs are in bullish configuration (EMA short > Medium > long)
- Computes when EMAs are in bearish configuration (EMA short < Medium < long)
- When the EMAs are crossed there is a chop zone (sideways)
- Colours the background of the chart as Green (bullish), Red (bearish) or Orange (sideways chop zone)
- Also predicts the value of the three EMA's three points into the future using linear regression (showed as dots on the chart)
Bitcoin Bulls and Bears by @dbtrBitcoin 🔥 Bulls & Bears 🔥
This free-of-charge BTC market analysis indicator helps you better understand what's going with Bitcoin from a high-level perspective. At a glance, it will give you an immediate understanding of Bitcoin’s historic price channel dating back to 2011, past and current market cycles, as well as current key support levels.
Use this indicator with any BTCUSD pairs , ideally with a long price history (such as BNC:BLX )
We recommend to use this indicator in log mode, combined with Weekly or Monthly timeframe.
🕵🏻♂️ Historic price channel curve since 2011
🚨 Bull & bear market cycles (dynamic)
🔥 All-time highs (dynamic)
🌟 Weekly support (dynamic, based on 20 SMA )
💪 Long-term support (channel bottom)
🔝 Potential future price targets (dynamic)
❎ Overbought RSI coloring
📏 Log/non-log support
🌚 Dark mode support
With exception of the price channel curve, anything in this indicator is calculated dynamically , including bull/bear market cycles (based on a tweaked 20SMA), ATHs, and so on. As a result, historic market cycles may not be 100% accurately reflected and may also differ slightly in between various time-frames (closest result: Monthly). The indicator may even consider periods of heavy ups/downs as their own market cycles, even though they weren’t. Due to its dynamic nature, this indicator can however adapt to the future and helps you quickly identify potential changes in market structure, even if the indicator is no longer updated.
On top of that bullmarket cycles (colored in green) feature an ingrained RSI: the darker the green color, the more the RSI is overbought and close to a correction (darkest color in the chart = 90 Weekly RSI). In comparison with past bull cycles, it helps you easily spot potential reversal zones.
Thanks to @quantadelic and @mabonyi which both have worked on the BTC "growth zones" indicator including the price channel, of which I have used parts of the code as well as the actual price channel data.
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Follow me here on TradingView to be notified as soon as new free and premium indicators and trading strategies are published. Inquire me for any other requests.
Enjoy & happy trading!
Heikin Ashi + Price Action Crypto LONG StrategyThis is a simple and efficient crypto strategy, designed for big timeframes like 12/24h.
On history it beats buy and hold strategy in many ocasions, and because of a low DD, pyramid can be used to elevate our winnings while still keeping a low DD < 40% avg.
For the purpose of this example, I used 100% of the capital on each trades, together with a comission of 0.1%
This strategy is made with inside Heikin Ashi candles , together with some price actions logics like for long Close > High and green candle and High > High .
We exit when we have a red candle and the current close is lower than the previous Low
If you have any questions, message me in private !
I started with the idea of creating another premium indicator with a bunch of features and add it to the bundle. However, the more complex the code was becoming, the less helpful the indicator actually was. So I started from scratch and made BTC Longs & Shorts Profile super simple (as you can see in the code).
The advantage over other similar indicators is that this one has a drop-down menu and allows you to select whether you want to see Longs, Shorts, Ratio, or Difference. Having Longs and Shorts at the same time is a bit confusing because Longs pretty much dwarf the Shorts and the ups and downs are not clearly visible. Also, you can configure the colors for each visible line.
My suggestion is to add this indicator to your BTC chart, save it as a template from the top menu on TradingView and stop switching between BTC, Bitfinex Longs and Shorts. You have everything in one simple window (that's especially the case if you are not a pro or premium member and can't have more than 2 screens simultaneously).
On a side note, if you are planning on working on a similar indicator, let me tell you what I've tried so far and it didn't work for me:
- RSI calculations including Longs and Shorts as a base
- Longs and Shorts in relation to BTC itself and a relationship with the volume
- Directional Movement Index, where Longs are DM+ and Shorts are DM-
- Smoothing both Longs and Shorts and trying to find a relationship (including some pseudo MACD lookalikes)
Anyway, if you have any ideas or suggestions on improving this indicator, please let me know. Thanks!
Bollinger Bands Fibonacci Ratio Standard Deviation LINESHello Traders.
in this script, Bollinger bands are made based on a standard deviation with respect to Fibonacci ratios. I hope you can be satisfied. If you are satisfied with this script, please like and feel free to share your comments with me.
Teal Upper and Lower B-Bands = 1.0 Standard Deviation
Aqua Upper and Lower B-Bands = 1.618 Standard Deviation
Orange Upper and Lower B-Bands = 2.618 Standard Deviation
Red Upper and Lower B-Bands = 3.618 Standard Deviation
Purple Upper and Lower B-Bands = 4.236 Standard Deviation
you can use this indicator by clicking the button (Add to Favorite Scripts) and then add it to your chart from (Fx) section.
BITCOIN CME FUTURES GAPSDisplays information about Bitcoin CME Futures Gaps over BTCUSD (or XBTUSD) charts.
You can configure a threshold percentage to only display gaps whose size is greater than that percentage. The gap precentage is calculated based on the current close price.
Gaps up are displayed in Orange, gaps down in Green
200 Week Moving Average HeatmapСolors part of the SMA depending on the change in % (delta %) to the previous value. From blue(none to low increase) through green(moderate increase) to red(high increase).
Finex PremiumBitfinex:BTCUSD premium/discount compared to market average spot exchanges.
Smoothed option available.
Keltner Channels Color BarsAnother tweak to a classic built-in script. Simply replacing the Keltner Channels overlay plot with color bars.
Bitcoin Binance Sentiment IndexThe divergence of the price between the futures and spot markets for perpetual contracts could be a gauge of sentiment on a traded cryptoasset.
Sentiment analysis could be used to improve the the predictive value of technical and fundamental analysis.
The price of the perpetual contract is divided by the spot price for Bitcoin on Binance and two simple moving averages of this ratio are plotted together. For graphical purposes, the ratio between the two prices has been multiplied by 100. The moving averages were chosen arbitrarily and can be changed. Values above 100 mean that the average price of the futures over the last x periods was above the spot price over the same period. Conversely, values below 100 mean that the mean price of the futures over the last x periods was below the spot price over the same period. The indicator has been created for a daily timeframe.
This indicator is clearly intended for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.
If you are interested in updates on this indicator or interested on sentiment analysis, put a like, subscribe or contact me in pm.