diamondpattern.Diamond Pattern (Elmas Formasyonu) İndikatörü
Bu indikatör, fiyat hareketlerinde Elmas Formasyonu (Diamond Pattern) tespit etmek için geliştirilmiştir. Elmas formasyonu genellikle trend dönüş sinyali olarak kabul edilir ve güçlü fiyat hareketleriyle sonuçlanabilir.
✅ Otomatik Algılama – Grafik üzerinde Elmas Formasyonu oluştuğunda tespit eder.
✅ Trend Dönüş Sinyalleri – Formasyon tamamlandığında olası yön değişimlerini gösterir.
✅ Uyumlu Zaman Dilimleri – Tüm zaman dilimlerinde kullanılabilir.
✅ Kullanıcı Dostu – Karmaşık ayarlara gerek kalmadan kolayca kullanılır.
Nasıl Kullanılır?
1. İndikatörü grafiğe ekleyin.
2. Elmas Formasyonu belirdiğinde takip edin.
3. Formasyonun kırılım yönüne göre işlem stratejinizi belirleyin.
Not: Formasyon tespiti tek başına alım-satım sinyali değildir. Diğer teknik analiz araçlarıyla birlikte değerlendirilmelidir.
Candlestick analysis
MA50 with 20-Pip Entry & Trade Info TableFull potentiel algo for given signal buy and sell at the same time
Supertrend TP SL (PRO)2. Main Components:
Supertrend Indicator:
Theoretical basis: The Supertrend indicator is based on two main concepts: Average True Range (ATR) and Factor. ATR measures the extent of price fluctuations in a given period of time, while Factor determines the sensitivity of the indicator to price changes.
Mechanism of operation: The indicator calculates two possible lines: one line representing the potential support level and another line representing the potential resistance level. The selection of the appropriate line depends on the current price direction. When the price is above the line, the indicator is considered to be in an uptrend, and vice versa.
Customizable inputs:
atrPeriod: Allows the trader to specify the time period for calculating the ATR. Shorter periods make the indicator more sensitive to price changes, while longer periods reduce its sensitivity.
factor: Allows the adjustment of the factor. Higher values make the indicator less likely to give false signals, but they may also delay entry signals.
Risk Management:
Take Profit and Stop Loss Orders:
TPPoints: Specifies the distance between the entry price and the take profit level. This distance is expressed in points, and is converted to an actual price value using syminfo.mintick (the smallest possible price movement of the traded asset).
SLPoints: Specifies the distance between the entry price and the stop loss level.
Importance: These orders allow the trader to specify the maximum loss he is willing to take and the profit target he is aiming to achieve, which helps in effective risk management.
Activate/Disable Trades:
isLongEnabled: Allows buy trades to be enabled or disabled, which allows the trader to trade in one direction only (for example, only trade in the uptrend during a bull market).
isShortEnabled: Allows sell trades to be enabled or disabled.
isTakeProfitEnabled: Allows take profit orders to be enabled or disabled. The trader may wish to disable them if he prefers to manage his trades manually.
isStopLossEnabled: Allows you to enable or disable stop loss orders. Although disabling them may seem tempting in some cases, it is a very risky move.
Visual Customization:
Line Style and Width:
lineStyle: Allows the trader to choose the style of lines used to draw TP and SL levels (Solid, Dashed, Dotted).
lineWidth: Sets the thickness of the lines.
Label Size:
labelSize: Allows you to set the size of the labels that display TP and SL levels (Small, Normal, Large).
bullColor, bearColor, tpColor, slColor: Allows the trader to customize the colors of the different elements on the chart, making visual analysis easier.
3. Strategy Logic:
Determining Entry Signals: The strategy relies on the Supertrend indicator to determine entry signals. When the Supertrend trend changes from bearish to bullish, a buy trade is triggered (if isLongEnabled is enabled). When the trend changes from bullish to bearish, a sell trade is triggered (if isShortEnabled is enabled).
Order Execution: Once the entry signal is triggered, the strategy automatically places buy or sell orders.
Trade Management: After opening a trade, the strategy monitors the price and automatically triggers Take Profit and Stop Loss orders if the price reaches the specified levels.
Visualization: The strategy displays useful information on the chart, such as TP and SL lines, entry and exit signals, which helps the trader understand the strategy’s behavior and evaluate its performance.
4. Advanced Tips:
Optimizing Settings: The strategy’s performance can be improved by adjusting different input values. For example, the trader can experiment with different values for atrPeriod and factor to improve the accuracy of Supertrend signals.
Combining Indicators: This strategy can be combined with other indicators to improve the accuracy of entry signals. For example, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) can be used to confirm Supertrend signals.
Time Analysis: The strategy’s performance can be analyzed over different time periods to evaluate its effectiveness in various market conditions.
Strategy Testing: Before using the strategy in real trading, it should be tested on historical data (Backtesting) to evaluate its performance and determine the optimal settings.
5. Associated Risks:
False Signals: The Supertrend indicator may sometimes give false signals, especially in volatile markets.
Losses: Even with the use of stop loss orders, the trader may be exposed to significant losses.
Over-optimization: Over-optimization of settings on historical data may lead to misleading results. The trader should be careful about generalizing the results to future data.
Over-reliance on automation: The automated strategy should not be relied upon completely. The trader should monitor the trades and make appropriate decisions when necessary.
6. Disclaimer:
I am not a licensed financial advisor. This strategy is provided for educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. Trading in financial markets involves significant risks and you may lose your invested capital. Before making any investment decisions, consult a qualified financial advisor and conduct your own research. You alone are responsible for your trading decisions and their results. By using this strategy, you acknowledge and agree that I am not responsible for any losses or damages you may incur.
2. المكونات الرئيسية:
مؤشر Supertrend:
الأساس النظري: يعتمد مؤشر Supertrend على مفهومين رئيسيين هما: متوسط المدى الحقيقي (Average True Range - ATR) ومعامل الضرب (Factor). ATR يقيس مدى تقلبات الأسعار في فترة زمنية محددة، بينما Factor يحدد مدى حساسية المؤشر لتغيرات الأسعار.
آلية العمل: يقوم المؤشر بحساب خطين محتملين: خط يمثل مستوى الدعم المحتمل وخط آخر يمثل مستوى المقاومة المحتمل. يعتمد اختيار الخط المناسب على اتجاه السعر الحالي. عندما يكون السعر أعلى من الخط، يعتبر المؤشر في اتجاه صاعد، والعكس صحيح.
المدخلات القابلة للتخصيص:
atrPeriod: يتيح للمتداول تحديد الفترة الزمنية لحساب ATR. الفترات الأقصر تجعل المؤشر أكثر حساسية لتغيرات الأسعار، بينما الفترات الأطول تقلل من حساسيته.
factor: يسمح بتعديل معامل الضرب. القيم الأعلى تجعل المؤشر أقل عرضة لإعطاء إشارات خاطئة، ولكنها قد تؤخر أيضًا إشارات الدخول.
إدارة المخاطر:
أوامر جني الأرباح وإيقاف الخسارة:
TPPoints: يحدد المسافة بين سعر الدخول ومستوى جني الأرباح. يتم التعبير عن هذه المسافة بالنقاط (Points)، ويتم تحويلها إلى قيمة سعرية فعلية باستخدام syminfo.mintick (أصغر حركة سعرية ممكنة للأصل المتداول).
SLPoints: يحدد المسافة بين سعر الدخول ومستوى إيقاف الخسارة.
الأهمية: تتيح هذه الأوامر للمتداول تحديد الحد الأقصى للخسارة التي يرغب في تحملها والهدف الربحي الذي يسعى لتحقيقه، مما يساعد على إدارة المخاطر بشكل فعال.
تفعيل/تعطيل الصفقات:
isLongEnabled: يسمح بتفعيل أو تعطيل صفقات الشراء، مما يمكن المتداول من التداول في اتجاه واحد فقط (على سبيل المثال، التداول فقط في الاتجاه الصاعد خلال سوق صاعدة).
isShortEnabled: يسمح بتفعيل أو تعطيل صفقات البيع.
isTakeProfitEnabled: يسمح بتفعيل أو تعطيل أوامر جني الأرباح. قد يرغب المتداول في تعطيلها إذا كان يفضل إدارة صفقاته يدويًا.
isStopLossEnabled: يسمح بتفعيل أو تعطيل أوامر إيقاف الخسارة. على الرغم من أن تعطيلها قد يبدو مغريًا في بعض الحالات، إلا أنه يعتبر خطوة محفوفة بالمخاطر للغاية.
التخصيص المرئي:
نمط وعرض الخطوط:
lineStyle: يتيح للمتداول اختيار نمط الخطوط المستخدمة لرسم مستويات TP و SL (Solid, Dashed, Dotted).
lineWidth: يحدد سمك الخطوط.
حجم الملصقات:
labelSize: يسمح بتحديد حجم الملصقات التي تعرض مستويات TP و SL (Small, Normal, Large).
bullColor, bearColor, tpColor, slColor: تتيح للمتداول تخصيص ألوان العناصر المختلفة على الرسم البياني، مما يسهل عملية التحليل البصري.
3. منطق عمل الاستراتيجية:
تحديد إشارات الدخول: تعتمد الاستراتيجية على مؤشر Supertrend لتحديد إشارات الدخول. عندما يتغير اتجاه Supertrend من هابط إلى صاعد، يتم تفعيل صفقة شراء (إذا كانت isLongEnabled مفعلة). وعندما يتغير الاتجاه من صاعد إلى هابط، يتم تفعيل صفقة بيع (إذا كانت isShortEnabled مفعلة).
تنفيذ الأوامر: بمجرد تفعيل إشارة الدخول، تقوم الاستراتيجية بوضع أوامر الشراء أو البيع تلقائيًا.
إدارة الصفقات: بعد فتح الصفقة، تقوم الاستراتيجية بمراقبة السعر وتفعيل أوامر جني الأرباح وإيقاف الخسارة تلقائيًا في حالة وصول السعر إلى المستويات المحددة.
التمثيل المرئي: تعرض الاستراتيجية معلومات مفيدة على الرسم البياني، مثل خطوط TP و SL وإشارات الدخول والخروج، مما يساعد المتداول على فهم سلوك الاستراتيجية وتقييم أدائها.
4. نصائح متقدمة:
تحسين الإعدادات: يمكن تحسين أداء الاستراتيجية من خلال تعديل قيم المدخلات المختلفة. على سبيل المثال، يمكن للمتداول تجربة قيم مختلفة لـ atrPeriod و factor لتحسين دقة إشارات Supertrend.
الجمع بين المؤشرات: يمكن دمج هذه الاستراتيجية مع مؤشرات أخرى لتحسين دقة إشارات الدخول. على سبيل المثال، يمكن استخدام مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI) لتأكيد إشارات Supertrend.
التحليل الزمني: يمكن تحليل أداء الاستراتيجية على مدى فترات زمنية مختلفة لتقييم مدى فعاليتها في ظروف السوق المتنوعة.
اختبار الاستراتيجية: قبل استخدام الاستراتيجية في التداول الحقيقي، يجب اختبارها على بيانات تاريخية (Backtesting) لتقييم أدائها وتحديد الإعدادات المثلى.
5. المخاطر المرتبطة:
الإشارات الخاطئة: قد يعطي مؤشر Supertrend إشارات خاطئة في بعض الأحيان، خاصة في الأسواق المتقلبة.
الخسائر: حتى مع استخدام أوامر إيقاف الخسارة، قد يتعرض المتداول لخسائر كبيرة.
التحسين المفرط: قد يؤدي التحسين المفرط للإعدادات على بيانات تاريخية إلى نتائج مضللة. يجب أن يكون المتداول حذرًا بشأن تعميم النتائج على البيانات المستقبلية.
الاعتماد الزائد على الأتمتة: يجب عدم الاعتماد بشكل كامل على الاستراتيجية الآلية. يجب على المتداول مراقبة الصفقات واتخاذ القرارات المناسبة عند الضرورة.
6. إخلاء المسؤولية:
أنا لست مستشارًا ماليًا مرخصًا. هذه الاستراتيجية مقدمة لأغراض تعليمية وتوضيحية فقط، ولا ينبغي اعتبارها نصيحة استثمارية. التداول في الأسواق المالية ينطوي على مخاطر كبيرة، وقد تخسر رأس المال المستثمر. قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات استثمارية، استشر مستشارًا ماليًا مؤهلاً وقم بإجراء بحثك الخاص. أنت وحدك المسؤول عن قراراتك التجارية ونتائجها. باستخدام هذه الاستراتيجية، فإنك تقر وتوافق على أنني لست مسؤولاً عن أي خسائر أو أضرار قد تتكبدها.
Zero Lag Trend Signals (MTF) [Adee]its my hidden strategy this indicator accuracy 90 percent work on ema strategy
开盘反转检测I have encountered many times that after using indicators or signals to open a position, the trend immediately reversed and I could only be stopped out.
To summarize the rules, if the current K-line is reversed from the previous K-line, and the lower shadow is very short, and the reversal strength is very large, then a signal is sent.
This is only a stop-loss indicator and cannot be used as an opening indicator!
遇到很多次, 使用指标或者信号开仓后, 走势立马反转, 最终只能被止损,
总结规律, 当前k线如果与前一根k线形势反转, 且下影线很短, 反转强度又很大, 则发送信号,
这只是一个止损指标, 不能作为开仓指标!
Nimu Market on Paper
Multi-Timeframe Analysis Tool is a powerful visual aid for identifying trends, reversals, and key price movements across multiple timeframes — particularly useful for intraday traders and those using technical analysis strategies
Timeframes & Data Collection:
The script tracks multiple timeframes (1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1H, 2H, 4H, 8H), storing their open, high, low, and close prices in arrays (trdh, trdc, trdo, trdl).
It uses request.security() to fetch these values for the current symbol and specified timeframes
User Inputs:
Base Timeframe: Chooses the primary timeframe for analysis.
Bar Count: Determines how many bars to display.
Border Thickness: Sets the visual thickness of box borders.
Colors: Configurable for bullish, bearish, background, and borders
Visual Elements:
Dynamic Boxes: Drawn using box.new(), these illustrate the range between high and low prices with the percentage change displayed inside.
Candlestick Plots: Rendered for each tracked timeframe using plotcandle(), colored according to bullish or bearish price action and styled based on timeframe scaling.
Regression Line: A linear regression line plotted over the selected timeframe’s close prices to capture trend direction.
Logic & Presentation:
Determines the right timeframe index based on user input (base).
Calculates percentage change from high to low and visualizes it with shaded boxes.
Automatically deletes older boxes to maintain clarity.
Customizes candle appearance based on timeframe granularity.
A.I. 👑 Market Cipher Z [RubiXalgo]Imagine Rubik's cube.
// As speed cubers solve Rubik's cubes, even while juggling, they mimic market movements.
// A speed cuber, while juggling, reveals these slight of hand movements.
// This is because Ichimoku values mirror the mathematics of a Rubik's cube.
// Rubik's Algo offers visualizations of this process by using data-powered color gradients.
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at mozilla.org
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) creativecommons.org
// The summary of this code is work done by @ StupidBitcoin 2025 and beyond.
EMA Cloud + Engulfing Signal (Buy/Sell)This strategy is primarily designed for EUR/USD and GBP/USD on 1-minute, 5-minute, and 15-minute timeframes, but it also works with other currency pairs. We only take positions when there is a trend, and if there is no trend, even if a signal appears, we should not take a position. To identify the trend, you can use the ADX indicator. If the indicator gives you a signal and the ADX is above 20, you can take the position. It's that simple.
This volume indicator gives you a unique perspective and ability to analyze volume in any market. The upper line that is always >=0 represents average up volume over a user definable period while the lower line that is always <= 0 represents the average down volume over a user definable period.
Этот индикатор объема дает вам уникальную перспективу и возможность анализировать объем на любом рынке. Верхняя линия, которая всегда >=0, представляет средний объем вверх за определенный пользователем период, а нижняя линия, которая всегда <= 0, представляет средний объем вниз за определенный пользователем период.
FVG imbalance zone - CZ INDICATORSAn imbalance is a situation that has arisen as a result of an excess of buy or sell orders, which has created a gap.
Market makers have a certain reserve of the asset, which is kept in the reserve. And when the gap needs to be closed, he adds liquidity to the asset, thereby closing it so that trading continues at a fair price.
What it looks like:
Basically, an imbalance zone is an un-wickered area of an impulse (or not) candle, where the price seeks to close the zone further pullback into it at the 50% level.
That is, you can mark the zone from wick to wick with a regular rectangle and the point in the middle will be just 50% of the zone, from which a reversal is possible. Or you can use fibo on this principle, and the reversal will be the zone of 0.5.
You should not consider this zone as something magical and blindly enter the deal. It is desirable to observe the formation of any patterns near it and make a decision based on the price behavior.
Imbalance on the stock market can occur when important news is released, profit or loss report, buyout of one company by another, information leakage, etc... Crypto market itself is volatile, so the gap between high and low is a frequent guest there, although no one canceled conspiracies and insider information.
Usually imbalance is closed within a few minutes or hours, depending on which TF you trade on. In rare cases it can take several trading sessions.
Имбаланс (imbalance) – это ситуация, которая возникла в результате избытка ордеров на покупку или продажу, благодаря чему образовался гэп.
У маркетмейкеров есть определенный запас актива, который хранится в резерве. И когда нужно закрыть гэп, он добавляет ликвидность в актив, тем самым закрывая его, чтобы торговля продолжалась по справедливой цене.
Как выглядит:
По сути, зона имбаланса – это не задетая фитилями область импульсной (или нет) свечи, гдец ена стремиться закрыть эту зону дальнейшем откатом в нее на уровень 50%.
То есть можно отметить зону от фителя до фителя с помощью обычного прямогугольника и точки в середине будет как раз 50% зоны, от куда возможен разворот. Либо использовать фибо по такому принципу, а разворот будет зона 0,5.
Не стоит рассматривать эту зону как что-то магическое и слепо входить в сделку. Желательно понаблюдать за формированием каких-либо паттернов возле неё и на основе поведения цены принимать решение.
Имбаланс на фондовом рынке может возникать при выходе важных новостей, отчете о прибыли или убытке, выкупе одной компании другой, утечки информации и тп… Крипторынок сам по себе волатильный, поэтому разрыв между хаем и лоу там частый гость, хотя никто не отменял заговоры и инсайдерскую информацию.
Обычно имбаланс закрывается в течении нескольких минут или часов, смотря на каком ТФ вы торгуете. В редких случаях это может занимать несколько торговых сессий.
You can adjust the color, bear imbalance can be colored red, bullish imbalance can be colored green. For convenience.
You can also customize what amount on the history will be shown.
Вы можете настроить цвет, медвежий имбаланс может быть окрашен в красный цвет, бычий имбаланс может быть окрашен в зеленый. Для удобства.
Вы также можете настроить, какое количество на истории будет отображаться.
1-3-1 Setup DetectorThis indicator will highlight the last 1 candle on every 1-3-1 Setup. You must be on the 12HR time frame for the indicator to work. Simple to add and use. Favorite this script, go to your charts and to your indicators and go to your favorites. Add it to the chart by clicking on it and go to the 12HR time frame. If you do not have a plan on tradingview you might not be able to get the 12HR time frame since you need to have a plan to get more intervals. After all of this is done you should see a red highlight like in the picture over every last 1 on a 1-3-1 setup so that you can chart that candle and set yourself up for the trade. Thank you and let me know if you have any questions or concerns or any suggestions for this script. YOU CAN CHANGE THE COLOR OF THE HIGHLIGHT IN THE SETTINGS OF THE SCRIPT.
MACD & EMA Crossover StrategyThis indicator works on logic
1. EMA 5 and EMA 13 crossover
2. MACD Crossover
uses values and crossover
Essa's Indicator V3Essa's Indicator V3 – Advanced Market Structure & Session Levels
A comprehensive TradingView tool designed for market structure analysis, session tracking, and trend identification. It combines session high/low plotting, adaptive exponential moving averages (EMAs), ZigZag patterns, fractals, and higher high/lower low (HH/LL) recognition. This indicator provides insights into price action, volatility, and breakout potential.
Core Features
1. Adaptive Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs)
Fast EMA (Blue Line, default: 9-period EMA) – Identifies short-term market trends.
Slow EMA (Red Line, default: 21-period EMA) – Highlights longer-term trend direction.
Volatility-Adjusted EMA Calculation – Uses ATR (Average True Range) to dynamically adjust smoothing, making the EMAs more responsive to market conditions.
EMAs can be toggled on or off in the settings.
2. Trading Session Highs and Lows
Tracks and plots the highs and lows of the three major trading sessions:
London Session (Red lines, 08:00-17:00 LDN / 03:00-12:00 NY)
New York Session (Blue lines, 12:00-21:00 LDN / 07:00-16:00 NY)
Asia Session (Yellow lines, 22:00-08:00 LDN / 18:00-03:00 NY)
Highs and lows for each session are marked, with breakouts potentially signaling key trading opportunities.
Background shading distinguishes active session times:
London Session – Light red background.
New York Session – Light blue background.
Asia Session – Light yellow background.
3. Breakout Alerts
Alerts notify traders when price crosses key session highs or lows:
Break Above Session Highs – Signals potential bullish momentum.
Break Below Session Lows – Indicates possible bearish movement.
Customizable alert settings allow users to focus on specific sessions.
4. ZigZag Market Structure Detection
Highlights significant price swings by identifying peaks and troughs.
Helps visualize trend direction and potential reversals.
Configurable ZigZag length for adjusting sensitivity to price movements.
5. Higher Highs (HH), Lower Lows (LL), Higher Lows (HL), and Lower Highs (LH) Identification
Detects and labels key market structure points:
Higher Highs (HH) and Higher Lows (HL) – Indicate an uptrend.
Lower Highs (LH) and Lower Lows (LL) – Suggest a downtrend.
Provides insights into trend continuation or possible reversals.
6. Fractal Markers
Identifies potential market turning points using fractal-based detection:
Up Fractals (Green Triangles above price) – Indicate potential upward reversals.
Down Fractals (Red Triangles below price) – Signal potential downward reversals.
Useful as a secondary confirmation tool for trade setups.
7. Custom Timezone Options
Allows switching between London (LDN) and New York (NY) timezones to align session markers with the trader’s location.
Ensures session high/low levels are accurately displayed for forex, crypto, and other markets.
Use Cases
Day traders and scalpers can track session high/low breakouts and real-time market structure shifts.
Swing traders can identify trend continuation or reversal opportunities.
Volatility-based traders benefit from adaptive EMAs that dynamically adjust to market conditions.
Price action traders can use market structure indicators to enhance entry and exit strategies.
Essa’s Indicator V3 is a multi-functional tool designed for traders who require a structured approach to technical analysis, with configurable session tracking, adaptive moving averages, and market structure insights.
BRT CHARTS MTFDescription of the Indicator
This indicator is designed to visualize and analyze price movements across multiple timeframes simultaneously. It displays candles from selected time intervals directly on the current chart, allowing traders to quickly assess market conditions without switching between different timeframes. This is particularly useful for traders who use multi-timeframe analysis to make trading decisions.
Key Features of the Indicator:
1. Displaying Candles from Multiple Timeframes:
- The indicator allows you to select three timeframes (e.g., 1 hour, 4 hours, and 1 day) and displays their candles on the current chart. This helps to see the overall market picture without switching between charts.
- Candles are displayed as vertical columns, each containing the body and wicks (shadows) of the candle. The colors of the candles (green for bullish and red for bearish) are customizable.
2. Dynamic Updates:
- The indicator automatically updates the candles as new data arrives, allowing you to track market changes in real time.
3. Customizable Number of Candles:
- The user can choose how many candles to display for each timeframe (default is 4 candles). This allows the indicator to be adapted to individual needs.
4. Range Display (High/Low):
- The indicator can show High and Low levels for each timeframe, helping to identify key support and resistance levels.
- It is also possible to display the Mid level (average between High and Low), which can be useful for identifying consolidation zones.
5. Data Table:
- The indicator supports displaying a table with key levels (High, Low, Mid) for each timeframe. The table can be placed in any corner of the chart, and its size and text/background colors are customizable.
6. Flexible Appearance Settings:
- The user can customize the colors of the candles, their wicks, High/Low/Mid levels, as well as the placement of the columns on the chart.
How the Indicator Helps in Trading:
- Multi-Timeframe Analysis: The indicator allows you to analyze multiple timeframes simultaneously, helping to better understand the overall trend and find entry points. For example, if the trend is bullish on the daily timeframe and there is a correction on the hourly timeframe, this could be a good opportunity to buy.
- Identifying Key Levels: Displaying High, Low, and Mid levels helps quickly identify support and resistance zones, which is useful for setting stop-loss and take-profit levels.
- Time-Saving: The indicator eliminates the need to switch between timeframes, speeding up the analysis and decision-making process.
- Visual Clarity: Visualizing candles from different timeframes on a single chart makes analysis more convenient and intuitive.
Example Use Cases:
1. Trend Trading: If a clear uptrend is visible on the daily timeframe and a correction is occurring on the hourly timeframe, you can look for buy opportunities near support levels.
2. Range Trading: If the price is moving sideways across all timeframes, you can use High and Low levels to trade from the boundaries of the range.
3. Identifying Reversal Points: If the price approaches a key resistance level on the higher timeframe and a bearish candle forms on the lower timeframe, this could be a signal to sell.
This indicator is a powerful tool for traders who use multi-timeframe analysis. It helps quickly assess market conditions, identify key levels, and make informed trading decisions. Thanks to its flexible settings, the indicator can be adapted to any trading style and visualization preferences.
Zen ABR### **Average Bar Range (ABR) Levels** – A Simple Yet Powerful Scalping Tool
The **ABR Levels** indicator dynamically calculates the **average bar range** and plots three key levels on your chart:
✅ **0.5x ABR** – Half the average bar range
✅ **1x ABR** – The full average bar range
✅ **2x ABR** – Double the average bar range
This provides an **instant volatility gauge**, helping traders adjust position size, stop losses, and targets **based on current market conditions** rather than arbitrary numbers.
### **How It Works**
- The indicator calculates **the average range of the last 8 bars** (default setting, adjustable).
- The **ABR levels update in real time**, appearing in the **top-right corner of your chart** for easy reference.
- Works across **any instrument and timeframe** – great for scalpers and intraday traders.
### **Why Use ABR Levels?**
🚀 **Avoid oversized losses** – Trade dynamically instead of using fixed stops and targets.
📉 **Recognize shifts in market conditions** – Identify when volatility is expanding or contracting.
🎯 **Refine your entries & exits** – Use ABR levels to **scale** your positions intelligently.
### **Pro Tip:**
Never enter a trade **aiming for half-R** profits. If a trade goes badly, **you might manage it to break even or half-R**, but aiming for tiny wins will **wreck your long-term edge**.
🔹 **This script is open-source!** If you're not on TradingView, you can copy the code into any AI tool to generate it for your platform. 🚀
Swing High/Swing LowSwing High/Swing Low shows levels where market recently turned up, producing a new swing low (red dots) or turned down, leaving a new swing high (green dots).
This indicator finds market turns based on at least 3 candles.
To detect a swing low , this indicator is looking for two candles with lower highs and lower lows. Then, if the third or any subsequent candle closes above the high of the first candle, market has turned up producing a swing low.
Similarly, to detect a swing high , the indicator is looking for two candles with higher highs and higher lows. Then, if the third or any subsequent candle closes below the low of the first candle, market has turned down producing a swing high.
Additionally, if there are inside candles after first candle, those are skipped and and overall pattern is analyzed without them.
StDev 2.0Standard Deviation indicator with an option to anchor from Open or EQ (middle of period resolution conducting analysis). The standard deviations are derived from the true range of the most recent resolution and applied to the forth coming period. For instance if you select daily then the analysis will use yesterday true range to derive the standard deviations and anchor them off the open of the new day or off the mid point from the prior days true range. Or if you choose 4 hour time period then it will derive standard deviation levels for the forth coming 4 hour period off the true range of the 4 hour period that just ended.
Additionally you can choose to view as lines that are unconnected period to period or connect them and view as channels. If viewing as channels it is recommended to limit to out edge standard deviation levels.
As a note, you will notice if anchored off EQ that the high and low are the same as the +-0.5 standard deviation thus proving the math is aligned.
ind wfp 1.2//@version=6
indicator('ind wfp 1.2', overlay = true, max_bars_back = 300)
// Input parameters (Existing)
lookbackPeriod = input.int(50, 'Lookback Period', minval = 5, maxval = 200)
minimumPoleHeight = input.float(1.0, 'Minimum Pole Height %', minval = 0.1, maxval = 10.0)
maximumFlagDepth = input.float(75.0, 'Maximum Flag Depth %', minval = 10.0, maxval = 100.0)
// New Input Parameters for Trend Detection
shortTermN = input.int(5, 'Short-term Pivot Lookback', minval=1)
longTermN = input.int(20, 'Long-term Pivot Lookback', minval=1)
// Variables (Existing)
var float wBottom1 = na
var float wTop = na
var float wBottom2 = na
var float flagHigh = na
var float flagLow = na
var int wBottom1Bar = na
var int wTopBar = na
var int wBottom2Bar = na
var int flagStartBar = na
var int flagEndBar = na
var bool flagDetected = false
var bool patternValid = false
var bool plotBreakout = false
// New Variables for Trend and Support/Resistance
var array shortTermHighs = array.new_float(0)
var array shortTermHighBars = array.new_int(0)
var array shortTermLows = array.new_float(0)
var array shortTermLowBars = array.new_int(0)
var array longTermHighs = array.new_float(0)
var array longTermHighBars = array.new_int(0)
var array longTermLows = array.new_float(0)
var array longTermLowBars = array.new_int(0)
var line shortTermUptrendLine = na
var line shortTermDowntrendLine = na
var line longTermUptrendLine = na
var line longTermDowntrendLine = na
var line shortTermSupport = na
var line shortTermResistance = na
var line longTermSupport = na
var line longTermResistance = na
// W Pattern Detection (only on new bars) - Unchanged
if barstate.islast
for i = 1 to math.min(lookbackPeriod - 1, bar_index) by 1
if low < low and low < low and na(wBottom1)
wBottom1 := low
wBottom1Bar := bar_index - i
label.new(wBottom1Bar, low , 'W1', color = color.green, textcolor = color.white, style = label.style_label_up)
if high > high and high > high and not na(wBottom1) and na(wTop)
wTop := high
wTopBar := bar_index - i
label.new(wTopBar, high , 'WT', color = color.red, textcolor = color.white, style = label.style_label_down)
if low < low and low < low and not na(wTop) and na(wBottom2)
wBottom2 := low
wBottom2Bar := bar_index - i
label.new(wBottom2Bar, low , 'W2', color = color.green, textcolor = color.white, style = label.style_label_up)
// Verify W pattern - Unchanged
patternValid := false
if not na(wBottom1) and not na(wTop) and not na(wBottom2)
poleHeight = (wTop - math.min(wBottom1, wBottom2)) / math.min(wBottom1, wBottom2) * 100
if poleHeight >= minimumPoleHeight
patternValid := true
label.new(bar_index, high, 'W Valid', color = color.blue, textcolor = color.white, style = label.style_label_down)
// Flag Detection - Unchanged
if patternValid
flagHigh := wTop
flagLow := wTop
flagStartBar := wBottom2Bar
flagDetected := false
for i = math.max(0, bar_index - wBottom2Bar - 1) to 0
if high > wTop
flagEndBar := bar_index - i
flagHigh := math.max(flagHigh, high )
flagLow := math.min(flagLow, low )
flagDepth = (wTop - flagLow) / (wTop - math.min(wBottom1, wBottom2)) * 100
if flagDepth <= maximumFlagDepth
flagDetected := true
label.new(flagStartBar, flagHigh, 'Flag', color = color.yellow, textcolor = color.black, style = label.style_label_down)
// Breakout Detection - Unchanged
plotBreakout := patternValid and flagDetected and close > flagHigh and close <= flagHigh
if plotBreakout
label.new(bar_index, close, 'Breakout', color = color.blue, textcolor = color.white, style = label.style_label_up)
// Plotting (in global scope) - Unchanged
plotshape(patternValid ? wBottom1Bar : na, 'Bottom1', shape.triangleup, location.belowbar, color.green, size = size.tiny)
plotshape(patternValid ? wTopBar : na, 'Top', shape.triangledown, location.abovebar, color.red, size = size.tiny)
plotshape(patternValid ? wBottom2Bar : na, 'Bottom2', shape.triangleup, location.belowbar, color.green, size = size.tiny)
line.new(patternValid ? wBottom1Bar : na, patternValid ? wBottom1 : na, patternValid ? wTopBar : na, patternValid ? wTop : na, color = color.blue, width = 2)
box.new(left = flagDetected and not na(flagEndBar) ? flagStartBar : na, top = flagDetected and not na(flagEndBar) ? flagHigh : na, right = flagDetected and not na(flagEndBar) ? flagEndBar : na, bottom = flagDetected and not na(flagEndBar) ? flagLow : na, bgcolor = color.new(color.yellow, 80), border_color = color.yellow)
plotshape(plotBreakout ? bar_index : na, 'Breakout', shape.labelup, location.belowbar, color.blue, size = size.small)
// Reset variables after breakout - Unchanged
if patternValid and flagDetected and close > flagHigh
wBottom1 := na
wTop := na
wBottom2 := na
flagHigh := na
flagLow := na
wBottom1Bar := na
wTopBar := na
wBottom2Bar := na
flagStartBar := na
flagEndBar := na
flagDetected := false
patternValid := false
plotBreakout := false
// Alert - Unchanged
alertcondition(plotBreakout, 'Breakout', 'W Pattern Flag Breakout')
// New Code: Swing Detection
shortTermHigh = ta.pivothigh(high, shortTermN, shortTermN)
shortTermLow = ta.pivotlow(low, shortTermN, shortTermN)
longTermHigh = ta.pivothigh(high, longTermN, longTermN)
longTermLow = ta.pivotlow(low, longTermN, longTermN)
// Update Arrays with Pivot Points
if not na(shortTermHigh)
array.push(shortTermHighs, shortTermHigh)
array.push(shortTermHighBars, bar_index - shortTermN)
if not na(shortTermLow)
array.push(shortTermLows, shortTermLow)
array.push(shortTermLowBars, bar_index - shortTermN)
if not na(longTermHigh)
array.push(longTermHighs, longTermHigh)
array.push(longTermHighBars, bar_index - longTermN)
if not na(longTermLow)
array.push(longTermLows, longTermLow)
array.push(longTermLowBars, bar_index - longTermN)
// Update Short-term Trend Lines
if array.size(shortTermLowBars) >= 2
x1 = array.get(shortTermLowBars, array.size(shortTermLowBars)-2)
y1 = array.get(shortTermLows, array.size(shortTermLows)-2)
x2 = array.get(shortTermLowBars, array.size(shortTermLowBars)-1)
y2 = array.get(shortTermLows, array.size(shortTermLows)-1)
if na(shortTermUptrendLine)
shortTermUptrendLine := line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend=extend.right, color=color.lime)
line.set_xy1(shortTermUptrendLine, x1, y1)
line.set_xy2(shortTermUptrendLine, x2, y2)
if array.size(shortTermHighBars) >= 2
x1 = array.get(shortTermHighBars, array.size(shortTermHighBars)-2)
y1 = array.get(shortTermHighs, array.size(shortTermHighs)-2)
x2 = array.get(shortTermHighBars, array.size(shortTermHighBars)-1)
y2 = array.get(shortTermHighs, array.size(shortTermHighs)-1)
if na(shortTermDowntrendLine)
shortTermDowntrendLine := line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend=extend.right, color=color.orange)
line.set_xy1(shortTermDowntrendLine, x1, y1)
line.set_xy2(shortTermDowntrendLine, x2, y2)
// Update Long-term Trend Lines
if array.size(longTermLowBars) >= 2
x1 = array.get(longTermLowBars, array.size(longTermLowBars)-2)
y1 = array.get(longTermLows, array.size(longTermLows)-2)
x2 = array.get(longTermLowBars, array.size(longTermLowBars)-1)
y2 = array.get(longTermLows, array.size(longTermLows)-1)
if na(longTermUptrendLine)
longTermUptrendLine := line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend=extend.right, color=color.green)
line.set_xy1(longTermUptrendLine, x1, y1)
line.set_xy2(longTermUptrendLine, x2, y2)
if array.size(longTermHighBars) >= 2
x1 = array.get(longTermHighBars, array.size(longTermHighBars)-2)
y1 = array.get(longTermHighs, array.size(longTermHighs)-2)
x2 = array.get(longTermHighBars, array.size(longTermHighBars)-1)
y2 = array.get(longTermHighs, array.size(longTermHighs)-1)
if na(longTermDowntrendLine)
longTermDowntrendLine := line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend=extend.right, color=color.red)
line.set_xy1(longTermDowntrendLine, x1, y1)
line.set_xy2(longTermDowntrendLine, x2, y2)
// Update Support and Resistance Lines
if not na(shortTermLow)
if not na(shortTermSupport)
shortTermSupport := line.new(bar_index - shortTermN, shortTermLow, bar_index, shortTermLow, extend=extend.right, color=color.blue, style=line.style_dashed)
if not na(shortTermHigh)
if not na(shortTermResistance)
shortTermResistance := line.new(bar_index - shortTermN, shortTermHigh, bar_index, shortTermHigh, extend=extend.right, color=color.red, style=line.style_dashed)
if not na(longTermLow)
if not na(longTermSupport)
longTermSupport := line.new(bar_index - longTermN, longTermLow, bar_index, longTermLow, extend=extend.right, color=color.navy, style=line.style_dashed)
if not na(longTermHigh)
if not na(longTermResistance)
longTermResistance := line.new(bar_index - longTermN, longTermHigh, bar_index, longTermHigh, extend=extend.right, color=color.maroon, style=line.style_dashed)
Two-Candle Highs & LowsSimple indicator which highlights highs and lows as two-candle reversal patterns:
1. High pattern : A bullish candle followed by a bearish candle, marking the highest price of the two.
2. Low pattern : A bearish candle followed by a bullish candle, marking the lowest price of the two.
It draws horizontal lines at the high/low levels, making it useful for price action analysis such as identifying potential reversals or support/resistance zones.
SMA con cambio de color y órdenesEstrategia de medias móviles pueden cambiarse datos de fichas y media. Simples. Pero. SMA con cambio de color y órdenes
Quarterly EMA StrategyThis strategy is designed for quarterly swing trading in Indian stock futures (Top 50 liquid stocks). It focuses on pullbacks to key EMAs (10 & 21) with RSI confirmation to capture high-probability long trades. The goal is to generate consistent profits with a structured entry, exit, and stop-loss system while minimizing risk.
🎯 Core Trading Logic
1️⃣ Only trades in the Top 50 NSE Futures stocks for liquidity.
2️⃣ Entry: When the quarterly candle pulls back to the 10 EMA or 21 EMA, and RSI is below 40.
3️⃣ Exit Rules:
• Quick Exit: If the stock gains 8-10% in a single day, exit immediately.
• EMA Separation Exit: If the stock moves too far from 10 EMA on the daily chart, exit and re-enter later.
4️⃣ Stop Loss:
• If the gap between 10 EMA & 21 EMA is large, a 15% stop-loss is placed below the moving average.
5️⃣ Re-entry Strategy: If exited early, re-enter on daily pullback to the 10 EMA when price stabilizes.
📊 Trading Edge & Benefits
✅ Combines Technical & Fundamental Strength – Focuses on strong stocks that pull back for a better entry.
✅ Uses EMAs for Trend Confirmation – Ensures the stock is still bullish before entering.
✅ RSI Confirmation – Avoids chasing stocks by entering at logical retracements.
✅ Risk Management Built-In – Uses dynamic stop-loss and exit triggers to protect capital.
✅ Quarterly Structure – Provides a low-effort, high-accuracy trading approach for high conviction trades.
🛠️ How to Use This Strategy on TradingView?
1️⃣ Apply the script to TradingView by copying and pasting it into the Pine Script Editor.
2️⃣ Set Alerts for Entries & Exits – Get notified when a trade is triggered.
3️⃣ Use with NSE Futures – Stick to the Top 50 futures stocks for best results.
4️⃣ Monitor Daily Charts – Exit manually if price moves away too fast from the 10 EMA.
5️⃣ Backtest & Adjust Risk – Customize SL and profit targets based on your risk appetite.
🚀 Profit Potential & Expectations
🔹 Target: ₹1.25 lakh per stock per quarter using this strategy.
🔹 Works best with large-cap, high-volume futures stocks.
🔹 Expected win rate: 65-75% (based on backtests).
🔹 Requires discipline & patience to wait for ideal setups.