ILM CFTC COT Disaggregated PlotUse this indicator on Daily Timeframe
Please refer to the below link for CFTC Disaggregated COT
This script is very similar to COT Financial Plot indicator except that it plots the data for Disaggregated Futures
In Chart Currency TickersQuick View of Multiple Currencies & Gold Price on Chart
In Chart Currency Tickers will help quick view of Multiple Currencies (Up/Down points & Percentage), you can change symbols on settings as per your requirement
മെയിൻ കറൻസികളും സ്വർണവിലയും റിയൽ ടൈം മോണിറ്റർ ചെയ്യുന്നതിനും മാർക്കറ്റ് സെന്റിമെൻറ് അറിയുന്നതിനും അതിനനുസരിച്ച് ട്രേഡിങ്ങ് ഡിസിഷൻ എടുക്കുന്നതിനും നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കുന്നു
Happy Trading to All..!!!
Asif Kerim Naduvilaparambil
Money Supply Index (MSI) by zdmreThe primary objective of the states monetary policy is to maintain price stability with sustainable maximum economic growth. In anticipation of higher inflation , the Central Banks raise short-term interest rate thereby to reduce money supply. Conversely, the Central Banks reduce short-term interest rate to inject additional money into the economy in apprehension of unleashing recessionary forces. The stock markets usually respond negatively to interest rate increases and positively to interest rate decreases. The linkages between money market and stock market a wealth effect due to a change in money supply disturbs the equilibrium in the portfolio of investors.
This index indicates the long-run and short-run dynamic effects of broad money supply (M2) on U.S. stock market (this symbol is optional (Bitcoin, Gold or Oil or other markets etc.)).
Ultra Moving Average Rating Trend StrategyThis is a technical analysis strategy based initially on the rating strategy, but fully adapted and converted to moving average rating.
In this case we are using: Ichimoku, SMA, EMA, ALMA, SMMA, LSMA, VWMA, DEMA, HMA, KAMA FRAMA, VIDYA, JMA, TEMA, ZLEMA, TRIMA and T3 moving averages.
With all of them together I am making an index.
Rules for entry and exit:
If % percentage of all the moving averages is telling to go long , we go long or exit short. And viceversa for short.
If there are any questions, please let me know !
energies_correlation_zscoreA table to help track correlations between the four major energies contracts of the CME. The table shows the z-score of the current correlation value between HO, RB, CL, and NG. The inputs are:
- timeframe: the timeframe of the calcluation. the default is 5 minutes.
- window: the rolling window over which to calculate the correlations. the default is 48, or four hours given the default timeframe.
A score of zer means that the correlation over the latest window is in line with the average for all windows sampled from the chart history. More positive scores imply higher positive correlation than normal, and vice versa for negative scores.
Sovereign Gold Hodlers Script for comparing nations and their gold, with options including:
Default Comparing the Price of Gold
Use Relative Valuations price / prior price
Measure Reserves/Price
GDP/Gold Price
GDP/Gold Reserves
Given the state of the world I thought it'd be good do see where countries stand, how much real money they hold. I think gold is going to play an increased role in trade between economies in the near future.
10yr, 20yr, 30yr Averages: Month/Month % Change; SeasonalityCalculates 10yr, 20yr and 30yr averages for month/month % change
~shows seasonal tendencies in assets (best in commodities). In above chart: August is a seasonally bullish month for Gold: All the averages agree. And January is the most seasonally bullish month.
~averages represent current month/previous month. i.e. Jan22 average % change represents whole of jan22 / whole of dec21
~designed for daily timeframe only: I found calling monthly data too buggy to work with, and I thought weekly basis may be less precise (though it would certainly reduce calculation time!)
~choose input year, and see the previous 10yrs of monthly % change readings, and previous 10yrs Average, 20yr Average, 30yr Average for the respective month. Labels table is always anchored to input year.
~user inputs: colors | label sizes | decimal places | source expression for averages | year | show/hide various sections
~multi-yr averges always print, i.e if only 10yrs history => 10yr Av = 20yr Av = 30yr Av. 'History Available' label helps here.
Based on my previously publised script: "Month/Month Percentage % Change, Historical; Seasonal Tendency"
Publishing this as seperate indicator because:
~significantly slower to load (around 13 seconds)
~non-premium users may not have the historical bars available to use 20yr or 30yr averages =>> prefer the lite/speedier version
~after loading, touch the new right scale; then can drag the table as you like and seperate it from price chart
Comment-in the block at the end:
~test/verifify specific array elements elements.
~see the script calculation/load time
~~other ideas ~~
~could tweak the array.slice values in lines 313 - 355 to show the last 3 consecutive 10yr averages instead (i.e. change 0, 10 | 0,20 | 0, 30 to 0, 10 | 10, 20 | 20,30)
~add 40yr average by adding another block to each of the array functions, and tweaking the respective labels after line 313 (though this would likely add another 5 seconds to the load time)
~use alternative method for getting obtaining multi-year values from individual month elements. I used array.avg. You could try array.median, array.mode, array.variance, array.max, array.min (lines 313-355)
Strategy Oil Z ScoreObjective is to find forward looking indicators to find good entries into major index's.
In similar vein to my Combo Z Score script I have implemented one looking at oil and oil volatility. Interestingly the script out performs WITHOUT applying the EMA in longer timeframes but under performs in shorter timeframes, for example 2007 vs 2019. Likely due to the bullish nature of the past decade (by and large). You have some options on the underlying included Oil vs OVX (Best), MOVE vs OVX and VIX vs OVX. Oil vs OVX out performs Combo Z Script. Favours Spy over QQQ or derivations (SPXL etc).
CHN BUY SELLCHN BUY SELL is formed from two RSI indicators, those are RSI 14 and RSI 7 . I use RSI 14 to determine the trend and RSI 7 to find entry points.
+ Long (BUY) Signal:
- RSI 14 will give a "BUY" signal, then RSI 7 will give entry point to LONG when the candle turns yellow.
+ Short (SELL) Signal:
- RSI 14 will give a "EXIT" signal, then RSI 7 will give entry point to SHORT when the candle turns purple.
+ About Take Profit and Stop Loss:
- With Gold, I usually set Stop Loss and Take Profit at 50 pips
- With currency pairs, I usually keep my Stop Loss and Take Profit at 30 pips
- With crypto, I usually keep Stop Loss and Take Profit at 1.5%
Recommended to use in time frame M15 and above .
This method can be used to trade Forex, Gold and Crypto.
My idea is formed on the view that when the price is moving strongly, the RSI 14 will tell us what the current trend is through a "BUY" or "EXIT" signal. When RSI 14 reaches the oversold area it will form a "BUY" signal and when it reaches the overbought area it will give an "EXIT" signal. I believe that when the price reaches the oversold or overbought area, the price momentum has also decreased and is about to reverse.
After receiving a signal from RSI 14, my job is to wait for an Entry signal from RSI 7. When RSI 7 reaches the overbought area, a yellow candle will appear and that's when we enter a LONG order. When the RSI 7 reaches the oversold area, a purple candle will appear and that's when we enter a SHORT order.
Crude Oil: Backwardation Vs ContangoCrude Oil, CL
Plots Futures Curve: Futures contract prices over the next 3.5 years; to easily visualize Backwardation Vs Contango(carrying charge) markets.
Carrying charge (contract prices increasing into the future) = normal, representing the costs of carrying/storage of a commodity. When this is flipped to Backwardation(As the above; contract prices decreasing into the future): it's a bullish sign: Buyers want this commodity, and they want it NOW.
Note: indicator does not map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
TO UPDATE (every year or so): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of several similar Futures Curve indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains | VIX | Crude Oil
If you want to build from this; to work on other commodities; be aware that Tradingview limits the number of contract calls to 40 (hence the multiple indicators)
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and add to new scale if you prefer this not to overlay directly on price. Or move to new pane below.
-If this takes too long to load (due to so many security calls); comment out the more distant future half of the contracts; and their respective labels. Or comment out every other contract and every other label if you prefer.
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 20th June 2022
© twingall
VIX: Backwardation Vs ContangoVIX: Backwardation Vs Contango
Quickly visualize Contango vs Backwardation in the S&P 500 Volatility Index by plotting the prices of the futures contracts over the next 9 months
Note: indicator does not map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
TO UPDATE(every few months recommended): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of several similar indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains | VIX
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and pin to Scale A to plot on the same scale as price
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 15th June 2022
© twingall
Metals:Backwardation/ContangoMETALS: Gold , Silver , Copper ( GC , SI, HG)
Quickly visualize carrying charge market vs backwardized market by comparing the price of the next 2 years of futures contracts.
Carrying charge (contract prices increasing into the future) = normal, representing the costs of carrying/storage of a commodity. When this is flipped to Backwardation (contract prices decreasing into the future): its a bullish sign: Buyers want this commodity, and they want it NOW.
Note: indicator does not map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
There's likely some more efficient way to write this; e.g. when plotting for Gold ( GC ); 21 of the security requests are redundant; but they are still made; and can make this slower to load
TO UPDATE(once a year will do): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of three similar indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains
-If you want to build from this; to work on other commodities ; be aware that Tradingview limits the number of contract calls to 40 (hence the 3 seperate indicators)
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and add to new scale if you prefer this not to overlay directly on price. Or move to new pane below.
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 15th June 2022
© twingall
Grains:Backwardation/ContangoGRAINS: Wheat , Soybeans , Corn (ZW, ZS, ZC )
Quickly visualize carrying charge market vs backwardized market by comparing the price of the next 2 years of futures contracts.
Carrying charge (contract prices increasing into the future) = normal, representing the costs of carrying/storage of a commodity. When this is flipped to Backwardation (contract prices decreasing into the future): its a bullish sign: Buyers want this commodity, and they want it NOW.
The above chart shows a nice example of backwardation.
Note: indicator does not map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
There's likely some more efficient way to write this; e.g. when plotting for Wheat (ZW); 15 of the security requests are redundant; but they are still made; and can make this slower to load
TO UPDATE(once a year will do): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of three similar indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains
-If you want to build from this; to work on other commodities ; be aware that Tradingview limits the number of contract calls to 40 (hence the 3 seperate indicators)
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and add to new scale if you prefer this not to overlay directly on price. Or move to new pane below.
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 15th June 2022
© twingall
Meats: Backwardation/CantangoMEATS: Live Cattle , Feeder Cattle, Lean Hogs (LE, GF , HE)
Quickly visualize carrying charge market vs backwardized market by comparing the price of the next 2 years of futures contracts.
Carrying charge (contract prices increasing into the future) = normal, representing the costs of carrying/storage of a commodity. When this is flipped to Backwardation (contract prices decreasing into the future): its a bullish sign: Buyers want this commodity, and they want it NOW.
Note: indicator does NOT map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
There's likely some more efficient way to write this; e.g. when plotting for Live Cattle (LE); 8 of the security requests are redundant; but they are still made; and can make this slower to load
TO UPDATE(once a year will do): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of three similar indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains
-If you want to build from this; to work on other commodities ; be aware that Tradingview limits the number of contract calls to 40 (hence the 3 seperate indicators)
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and add to new scale if you prefer this not to overlay directly on price. Or move to new pane below.
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 15th June 2022
© twingall
MACD Scalper AnalysisThis is a scalper analysis movement designed around MACD and 200 EMA
The rules are simple:
For long we check if the close of the candle is above the ema200 and we have a crossover between macd and signal
Once this happens we analyse the next candle, if its close higher than open , we can consider it a win and if its close lower than open we consider a lose.
For short we check if the close of the candle is below the ema200 and we have a crossunder between macd and signal
Once this happens we analyse the next candle, if its close higher than open , we can consider it a loss and if its close lower than open we consider a win.
Once we have all of this we analyse the average percentage movement and establish if the specific asset or timeframe is worthy for us.
At the same time it can give a good idea if we can go with a divergence strategy, like for example we have a short entry, but we will actually go long and viceversa.
If you have any questions let me know !
Supply and Demand - Order Block - Energy CandlesSupply and Demand - Order Block - Energy Candles
An experimental script, designed as a visual aid, to highlight the last up or down candle before a fractal break. We can assume these candles where the point of origin that generated enough strength to break recent structure. By using them as reference points, traders are expected to follow their own set of rules and mark higher probability supply and demand zones in the area.
How to use:
Expect a potential retest in these areas, and if they fail, a potential retest in the opposite direction. The greater the number of times a zone is tested, the more likely it is to break. A fresh zone that has not yet been tested will have a higher probability of a bounce.
Fractal period and candle break type can be personalised in settings. Can be used on all timeframes (higher the better).
Indicator in use:
An option to flip candle colours if current price is above or below them has been added.
Macro EMA Correlation
This script is useful to see correlation between macroeconomic assets, displayed in different ema line shown in percentage to compare these assets on the same basis. Percentage will depend on the time frame selection. In the higher timeframe you will see higher variation and in small timeframe smaller variation.
You can select the timeframe who suit your trading style. The 1h and 4h fit well for longer trend swing trade and the lower time frame 15m, 5m, 1m are good for scalping or daily trading.
The following asset are available:
Crypto total market cap excluding bitcoin (total2)
United state 10-year government bond (US10Y)
Usdt dominance show the concentration of usdt hold. For example, when trader are fearful they sell their crypto position to keep more usdt in their portfolio (USDT.D)
The USD/JPY pair the dollar usd versus the Japanese Yen one of the most forex traded pair.
You can clic on parameter to select the asset you want to analyse.
The main correlation observed are:
bitcoin negatively correlated with the usdt dominance.
bitcoin negatively correlated with the usd/jpy pair
bitcoin is positively correlated to eth, total2 (altcoin)
bitcoin positively correlated with gold
bitcoin is mostly negatively correlated to us10y
The basis of correlation is that positively correlated asset goes in the same direction and that the negatively correlated goes in opposite direction.
So, the idea is to use these information to see trend reversing.
Example 1: when bitcoin and usdt dominance are extended in opposite direction we look for a possible retracement toward 1% wich is the middle base.
Example 2 : when bitcoin make a move we look for ethereum and total 2 to follow
Volatility Risk Premium GOLD & SILVER 1.0ENGLISH
This indicator (V-R-P) calculates the (one month) Volatility Risk Premium for GOLD and SILVER.
V-R-P is the premium hedgers pay for over Realized Volatility for GOLD and SILVER options.
The premium stems from hedgers paying to insure their portfolios, and manifests itself in the differential between the price at which options are sold (Implied Volatility) and the volatility GOLD and SILVER ultimately realize (Realized Volatility).
I am using 30-day Implied Volatility (IV) and 21-day Realized Volatility (HV) as the basis for my calculation, as one month of IV is based on 30 calendaristic days and one month of HV is based on 21 trading days.
At first, the indicator appears blank and a label instructs you to choose which index you want the V-R-P to plot on the chart. Use the indicator settings (the sprocket) to choose one of the precious metals (or both).
Together with the V-R-P line, the indicator will show its one year moving average within a range of +/- 15% (which you can change) for benchmarking purposes. We should consider this range the “normalized” V-R-P for the actual period.
The Zero Line is also marked on the indicator.
When V-R-P is within the “normalized” range, … well... volatility and uncertainty, as it’s seen by the option market, is “normal”. We have a “premium” of volatility which should be considered normal.
When V-R-P is above the “normalized” range, the volatility premium is high. This means that investors are willing to pay more for options because they see an increasing uncertainty in markets.
When V-R-P is below the “normalized” range but positive (above the Zero line), the premium investors are willing to pay for risk is low, meaning they see decreasing uncertainty and risks in the market, but not by much.
When V-R-P is negative (below the Zero line), we have COMPLACENCY. This means investors see upcoming risk as being lower than what happened in the market in the recent past (within the last 30 days).
Volatility Risk Premium
The volatility risk premium (V-R-P) is the notion that implied volatility (IV) tends to be higher than realized volatility (HV) as market participants tend to overestimate the likelihood of a significant market crash.
This overestimation may account for an increase in demand for options as protection against an equity portfolio. Basically, this heightened perception of risk may lead to a higher willingness to pay for these options to hedge a portfolio.
In other words, investors are willing to pay a premium for options to have protection against significant market crashes even if statistically the probability of these crashes is lesser or even negligible.
Therefore, the tendency of implied volatility is to be higher than realized volatility, thus V-R-P being positive.
Realized/Historical Volatility
Historical Volatility (HV) is the statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for an index over a given period of time.
Historical volatility is a well-known concept in finance, but there is confusion in how exactly it is calculated. Different sources may use slightly different historical volatility formulas.
For calculating Historical Volatility I am using the most common approach: annualized standard deviation of logarithmic returns, based on daily closing prices.
Implied Volatility
Implied Volatility (IV) is the market's forecast of a likely movement in the price of the index and it is expressed annualized, using percentages and standard deviations over a specified time horizon (usually 30 days).
IV is used to price options contracts where high implied volatility results in options with higher premiums and vice versa. Also, options supply and demand and time value are major determining factors for calculating Implied Volatility.
Implied Volatility usually increases in bearish markets and decreases when the market is bullish.
For determining GOLD and SILVER implied volatility I used their volatility indices: GVZ and VXSLV (30-day IV) provided by CBOE.
Please be aware that because CBOE doesn’t provide real-time data in Tradingview, my V-R-P calculation is also delayed, so you shouldn’t use it in the first 15 minutes after the opening.
This indicator is calibrated for a daily time frame.
Este indicador (V-R-P) calcula la Prima de Riesgo de Volatilidad (de un mes) para GOLD y SILVER.
V-R-P es la prima que pagan los hedgers sobre la Volatilidad Realizada para las opciones de GOLD y SILVER.
La prima proviene de los hedgers que pagan para asegurar sus carteras y se manifiesta en el diferencial entre el precio al que se venden las opciones (Volatilidad Implícita) y la volatilidad que finalmente se realiza en el ORO y la PLATA (Volatilidad Realizada).
Estoy utilizando la Volatilidad Implícita (IV) de 30 días y la Volatilidad Realizada (HV) de 21 días como base para mi cálculo, ya que un mes de IV se basa en 30 días calendario y un mes de HV se basa en 21 días de negociación.
Al principio, el indicador aparece en blanco y una etiqueta le indica que elija qué índice desea que el V-R-P represente en el gráfico. Use la configuración del indicador (la rueda dentada) para elegir uno de los metales preciosos (o ambos).
Junto con la línea V-R-P, el indicador mostrará su promedio móvil de un año dentro de un rango de +/- 15% (que puede cambiar) con fines de evaluación comparativa. Deberíamos considerar este rango como el V-R-P "normalizado" para el período real.
La línea Cero también está marcada en el indicador.
Cuando el V-R-P está dentro del rango "normalizado",... bueno... la volatilidad y la incertidumbre, como las ve el mercado de opciones, es "normal". Tenemos una “prima” de volatilidad que debería considerarse normal.
Cuando V-R-P está por encima del rango "normalizado", la prima de volatilidad es alta. Esto significa que los inversores están dispuestos a pagar más por las opciones porque ven una creciente incertidumbre en los mercados.
Cuando el V-R-P está por debajo del rango "normalizado" pero es positivo (por encima de la línea Cero), la prima que los inversores están dispuestos a pagar por el riesgo es baja, lo que significa que ven una disminución, pero no pronunciada, de la incertidumbre y los riesgos en el mercado.
Cuando V-R-P es negativo (por debajo de la línea Cero), tenemos COMPLACENCIA. Esto significa que los inversores ven el riesgo próximo como menor que lo que sucedió en el mercado en el pasado reciente (en los últimos 30 días).
Prima de Riesgo de Volatilidad
La Prima de Riesgo de Volatilidad (V-R-P) es la noción de que la Volatilidad Implícita (IV) tiende a ser más alta que la Volatilidad Realizada (HV) ya que los participantes del mercado tienden a sobrestimar la probabilidad de una caída significativa del mercado.
Esta sobreestimación puede explicar un aumento en la demanda de opciones como protección contra una cartera de acciones. Básicamente, esta mayor percepción de riesgo puede conducir a una mayor disposición a pagar por estas opciones para cubrir una cartera.
En otras palabras, los inversores están dispuestos a pagar una prima por las opciones para tener protección contra caídas significativas del mercado, incluso si estadísticamente la probabilidad de estas caídas es menor o insignificante.
Por lo tanto, la tendencia de la Volatilidad Implícita es de ser mayor que la Volatilidad Realizada, por lo cual el V-R-P es positivo.
Volatilidad Realizada/Histórica
La Volatilidad Histórica (HV) es la medida estadística de la dispersión de los rendimientos de un índice durante un período de tiempo determinado.
La Volatilidad Histórica es un concepto bien conocido en finanzas, pero existe confusión sobre cómo se calcula exactamente. Varias fuentes pueden usar fórmulas de Volatilidad Histórica ligeramente diferentes.
Para calcular la Volatilidad Histórica, utilicé el enfoque más común: desviación estándar anualizada de rendimientos logarítmicos, basada en los precios de cierre diarios.
Volatilidad Implícita
La Volatilidad Implícita (IV) es la previsión del mercado de un posible movimiento en el precio del índice y se expresa anualizada, utilizando porcentajes y desviaciones estándar en un horizonte de tiempo específico (generalmente 30 días).
IV se utiliza para cotizar contratos de opciones donde la alta Volatilidad Implícita da como resultado opciones con primas más altas y viceversa. Además, la oferta y la demanda de opciones y el valor temporal son factores determinantes importantes para calcular la Volatilidad Implícita.
La Volatilidad Implícita generalmente aumenta en los mercados bajistas y disminuye cuando el mercado es alcista.
Para determinar la Volatilidad Implícita de GOLD y SILVER utilicé sus índices de volatilidad: GVZ y VXSLV (30 días IV) proporcionados por CBOE.
Tenga en cuenta que debido a que CBOE no proporciona datos en tiempo real en Tradingview, mi cálculo de V-R-P también se retrasa, y por este motivo no se recomienda usar en los primeros 15 minutos desde la apertura.
Este indicador está calibrado para un marco de tiempo diario.
US Stock Market Sectors Overview Table [By MUQWISHI]US Market Overview Table will identify the bullish and bearish sectors of a day by tracking the SPDR sectors funds.
It's possible to add a ticker symbol for correlation compared to each sector.
Overview Indicator
Accurate BUY & SELL 5 mins TF by RRAlways trade using 5 mins Time frame of chart.
For Buy entry always buy 1 point above the candle closing price & SL would be previous candle low or 30 points.
For Sell Entry Always Sell 1 point below the candle opening price & SL would be previous candle high or 30 points.
Do not take trades using 3 mins Time frame, as there is lot of noise. It works best with 5 mins Time frame.
I have adjusted/set according my trading pattern, if needed use the settings options to set accordingly .
Removed range highlighter to keep the chart simple.
Original Version credits to ZacVaughn
Actual Version i just set alerts and change the parameters for Crude OIL 5min Chart.
Wait For Barclose
RedK Dual VADER with Energy Bars (VADER-DEB)VADER-DEB is not really a new indicator - This is a "visually enhanced" version of the Volume-Accelerated Directional Energy Ratio (VADER) I recently published - here's the direct link to read more about how RedK VADER works and how to use it (click the chart below to visit the link)
The visual improvements I added in VADER-DEB helps bring more insight about the market action by
1) exposing the dual/long VADER plot by default (which we use as a proxy for sentiment) - and it shows now as an area (instead of a histogram) - You can still hide the sentiment plot in indicator settings
2) by using directional "energy bars" (instead of energy lines in v3.0). Optional Red/Green DER Lines are available in study settings and are hidden by default.
So this is Dual VADER w/ Energy Bars -- or VADER-DEB for short.
These changes may be considered by some as small, but in my view, I found them to be more visually appealing and better for "driving action" - This works better for me as a visual person - so i thought to share with others who may be like me .. This is why i decided to publish this as a separate version and not as an update to the existing indicator - so you can make the choice which one you prefer to use.
There's no change in the core calculation within the code. As shown by the chart above where we compare both VADER versions side-by-side.
If you're happy with VADER v3.0, please feel free to continue to use it.
good luck !
RedK Volume-Accelerated Directional Energy Ratio (RedK VADER)The Volume-Accelerated Directional Energy Ratio (VADER) makes use of price moves (displacement) and the associated volume (effort) to estimate the positive (buying) and negative (selling) "energy" behind the scenes, enabling traders to "read the market action" in more details and adjust their trading decisions accordingly.
How does VADER work?
I have always been a fan of technical analysis concepts that are simple, and that integrate both price action and volume together - The concept behind VADER is really a simple one.
Let's walk though it as we avoid getting too technical:
Large price moves that are associated with large volume means buyers (if the move is up) or sellers (when the move is down) are serious and are "in control" of the action
On the other hand, when the price moves are small but with large volume, it means there's a fight, or more of a balance of energy, between buying and selling.
Also when large price moves are associated with relatively limited volume, there's a lack of "energy" from either buyers or sellers - and moves likes these are usually short-lived.
The analogy with VADER, is that we look at price moves (change of close between 2 bars) as the displacement (or action result) and the associated volume as the "effort" behind this action -- Combining these 2 values together, the displacement and the effort, gives us a representation or a proxy of the underlying energy (in a specific direction).
when both values (displacement and effort) are high, then the resulting energy is high - and if one of these values are low, the resulting energy is low.
we then take an average of that relative energy in each direction (positive = buying and negative = selling) and calculate the net energy.
note that we're approaching the analogy here from a trading perspective and not from physics perspective :) -- we can be forgiven if the energy calculation in physics is different ..
the blue line with crosses represents the positive energy - or the buying strength
the orange line with circles represents the negative energy - or the selling strength
the thick Green / Red main line plot represents the net energy - and generally the main signal to be looking out for is when that line crosses 0 up or down - but i find it also very valuable to keep an eye on the individual energy lines as they sometimes "tell a story" like we see in the chart above,
Volume Calculation:
- VADER by default is a volume-weighted indicator - it uses the volume associated with change in bar close value (Full mode) as an accelerator in the calculation of the directional energy
- VADER introduces another method of integrating volume, by considering "relative" or "differential" volume (Relative mode) - in this mode, we consider the ratio of volume above the minimum volume observed within a "lookback" length - so practically, ignoring the minimum volume. in other words, if a price move is associated with very low volume, it gets very low "volume accelerator" (close to 0) and if the move is associated with very large volume, it gets the maximum volume accelerator (1 or close to 1) - The relative mode of volume calculation magnifies volume effect and ignores the low volume values that may just act as noise. test both modes and find which one works better for you.
- VADER also has the ability to work without volume (volume calculation = None) - and will revert to that mode when used with instruments that have no volume data. In that mode, VADER will behave similar to an RSI (but not exactly like it given the underlying calculation is different)
- We can also setup VADER at a specific resolution / timeframe that is different than the chart.
Using VADER & Other Thoughts
The main signal to look out for, is when VADER's Green / Red line crosses the zero line.
Green (above zero) represents that the net energy is with the buyers and we should favor long positions
Red (below zero) reflects that the sellers have control and we should favor short positions (or consider to close longs)
*** However, VADER should be used as a *secondary indicator* - given the big influence of volume on the calculation - VADER doesn't directly track price trend or momentum - VADER needs to be used in the context of other indicators that show trend and momentum - i would suggest you combine VADER with Moving Averages or other trend tracking indicators on the price chart, MACD, RSI and / or other trend and momentum indicators you're already familiar with.
Suggested setup:
There's more to add to VADER in future versions - alerts, control level, maybe improve visuals... etc - please share your feedback as you start experimenting with VADER.. good luck! (and of course, May the Force be with you :) )