Ultimate IndicatorThis is a combination of all the price chart indicators I frequently switch between. It contains my day time highlighter (for day trading), multi-timeframe long-term trend indicator for current commodity in the bottom right, customizable trend EMA which also has multi-timeframe drawing capabilities, VWAP, customizable indicators with separate settings from the trend indicator including: EMA, HL2 over time, Donchian Channels, Keltner Channels, Bollinger Bands, and Super Trend. The settings for these are right below the trend settings and can have their length and multiplier adjusted. All of those also have multi-timeframe capabilities separate from the trend multi-time settings.
The Day Trade Highlight option will draw faint yellow between 9:15-9:25, red between 9:25-9:45, yellow between 9:45-10:05. There will be one white background at 9:30am to show the opening of the market. while the market is open there will be a very faint blue background. For the end of the day there will be yellow between 15:45-15:50, red between 15:50-16:00, and yellow between 16:00-16:05. During the night hours, there is no coloring. The purpose of this highlight is to show the opening / closing times of the market and the hot times for large moves.
The indicators can also be colored in the following ways:
1. Simple = Makes all colors for the indicator Gray
2. Trend = Will use the Donchian Channels to get the short-trend direction and by default will color the short-term direction as Blue or Red. Unless using Super Trend, the Donchian Channel is used to find short-term trend direction.
3. Trend Adv = Will use the Donchian Channels to get the short-trend direction and by default will color the short-term direction as Blue or Red. Unless using Super Trend, the Donchian Channel is used to find short-term trend direction. If there is a short-term up-trend during a long-term down-trend, the Blue will become Navy. If short-term down-trend during long-term up-trend, the Red will be Brown.
4. Squeeze = Compares the Bollinger Bands width to the Keltner Channels width and will color based on relative squeeze of the market: Teal = no squeeze. Yellow = little squeeze. Red = decent squeeze. White = huge squeeze. if you do not understand this one, try drawing the Bollinger Bands while using the Squeeze color option and it should become more apparent how this works. I also recommend leaving the length and multiplier to the default 20 and 2 if using this setting and only changing the timeframe to get longer/shorter lengths as I've seen that changing the length or multiplier can more or less make it not work at all.
Along with the indicator settings are options to draw lines/labels/fills for the indicator. I enjoy having only fills for a cleaner look.
The Labels option will show Buy/Sell signals when the short-term trend flips to agree with the long-term trend.
The Trend Bars option will do the same as the Labels option but instead will color the bars white when a Buy/Sell option is given.
The Range Bars option shows will color a bar white when the Close of a candle is outside of a respective ranging indicator option (Bollinger or Keltner).
The Trend Bars will draw white candles no matter which indicator selection you make (even "Off"). However, Range Bars will only draw white when either Bollinger or Keltner are selected.
The Donchian Channels and Super Trend are trending indicators and should be used during trending markets. I like to use the MACD in conjunction with these indicators for possibly earlier entries.
The Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel are ranging indicators and should be used during ranging markets. I like to use the RSI in conjunction with these indicators and will use 60/40 for overbought and oversold areas rather than 70/30. During a range, I wait for an overbought or oversold indication and will buy/sell when it crosses back into the middle area and close my position when it touches the opposite band.
I have a MACD/RSI combination indicator if you'd like that as well :D
As always, trade at your own risk. This is not some secret indicator that will 100% win. As always, the trades you see in the picture use a 1:1.5 or 1:2 risk to reward ratio, for today (August 8, 2022) it won 5/6 times with one trade still open at the end of the day. Manage your account correctly and you'll win in the long term. Hit me up with any questions or suggestions. Happy Trading!
Donchian with Trend IndicatorStandard Donchian Channels, this includes a Trend EMA which can be configured and the channels will use to give buy and sell signals. The channels are also colored in such a way to indicate a trend reversal. My favorite part that sets this apart from others is, if using the bClose option (which I recommend you do) the trend will not reverse until there is a close above/below the previous channel high/low. i.e. a reversal into an uptrend requires the current bar to close above the previous upper channel rather than just a new high.
The coloring of the current trend allows for a quick read of current market conditions and I use this on any timeframe across all forms of charts (forex stock, futures, crypto, etc). When taking one of the signals I use the opposite channel as the stop loss (when buying use bottom, and selling use top channel)
by RegisL76 (lebourg.regis@free.fr)
This script is based on several trend indicators.
* DMI (Directional Movement Index)
* DONCHIAN CANAL Optimized with Colored Bars
* HMA Hull
* Fair Value GAP
* VOLUME/ MA Volume
* PRICE / MA Price
All these indications are visible simultaneously on a single graph. A data table summarizes all the important information to make a good trade decision.
ICHIMOKU Indicator:
The ICHIMOKU indicator is visualized in the traditional way.
ICHIMOKU standard setting values are respected but modifiable. (Traditional defaults = .
An oriented visual symbol, near the last value, indicates the progression (Ascending, Descending or neutral) of the TENKAN-SEN and the KIJUN-SEN as well as the period used.
The CLOUD (KUMO) and the CHIKOU-SPAN are present and are essential for the complete analysis of the ICHIMOKU.
At the top of the graph are visually represented the crossings of the TENKAN and the KIJUN.
Vertical lines, accompanied by labels, make it possible to quickly visualize the particularities of the ICHIMOKU.
A line displays the current bar.
A line visualizes the end of the CLOUD (KUMO) which is shifted 25 bars into the future.
A line visualizes the end of the chikou-span, which is shifted 25 bars in the past.
DIRECTIONAL MOVEMENT INDEX (DMI) : Treated conventionally : DI+, DI-, ADX and associated with a SUPERTREND DMI.
A visual symbol at the bottom of the graph indicates DI+ and DI- crossings
A line of oriented and colored symbols (DMI Line) at the top of the chart indicates the direction and strength of the trend.
Trend following by SUPERTREND calculation.
DONCHIAN CHANNEL: Treated conventionally. (And optimized by colored bars when overshooting either up or down.
The lines, high and low of the last values of the channel are represented to quickly visualize the level of the RANGE.
SUPERTREND HMA (HULL) Treated conventionally.
The HMA line visually indicates, according to color and direction, the market trend.
A visual symbol at the bottom of the chart indicates opportunities to sell and buy.
Calculation of the MOBILE AVERAGE of the volume with comparison of the volume compared to the moving average of the volume.
The indications are colored and commented according to the comparison.
PRICE: Calculation of the MOBILE AVERAGE of the price with comparison of the price compared to the moving average of the price.
The indications are colored and commented according to the comparison.
Visualizes in the form of a box, for a given period, the max high and min low values of the price.
The configuration allows taking into account the high and low wicks of the price or the opening and closing values.
This indicator displays 'GAP' levels over the current time period and an optional higher time period.
The script takes into account the high/low values of the current bar and compares with the 2 previous bars.
The "gap" is generated from the lack of overlap between these bars. Bearish or bullish gaps are determined by whether the gap is above or below HmaPrice, as they tend to fill, and can be used as targets.
NOTE: FAIR VALUE GAP has no values displayed in the table and/or label.
Important information (DATA) relating to each indicator is displayed in real time in a table and/or a label.
Each information is commented and colored according to direction, value, comparison etc.
Each piece of information indicates the values of the current bar and the previous value (in "FULL" mode).
The other possible modes for viewing the table and/or the label allow a more synthetic view of the information ("CONDENSED" and "MINIMAL" modes).
In order not to overload the vision of the chart too much, the visualization box of the RANGE DONCHIAN, the vertical lines of the shifted marks of the ICHIMOKU, as well as the boxes of the HHLL Boxes indicator are only visualized intermittently (managed by an adjustable time delay ).
The "HISTORICAL INFO READING" configuration parameter set to zero (by default) makes it possible to read all the information of the current bar in progress (Bar #0). All other values allow to read the information of a historical bar. The value 1 reads the information of the bar preceding the current bar (-1). The value 10 makes it possible to read the information of the tenth bar behind (-10) compared to the current bar, etc.
At the bottom of the DATAS table and label, lights, red, green or white indicate quickly summarize the trend from the various indicators.
Each light represents the number of indicators with the same trend at a given time.
Green for a bullish trend, red for a bearish trend and white for a neutral trend.
The conditions for determining a trend are for each indicator:
SUPERTREND ICHIMOHU + DMI: the 2 Super trends together are either bullish or bearish.
Otherwise the signal is neutral.
DMI: 2 main conditions:
BULLISH if DI+ >= DI- and ADX >25.
BEARISH if DI+ < DI- and ADX >25.
NEUTRAL if the 2 conditions are not met.
ICHIMOKU: 3 main conditions:
BEARISH if PRICE below the cloud and TENKAN < KIJUN and RED CLOUD AHEAD.
The other additional conditions (Data) complete the analysis and are present for informational purposes of the trend and depend on the context.
DONCHIAN CHANNEL: 1 main condition:
BULLISH: the price has crossed above the HIGH DC line.
BEARISH: the price has gone below the LOW DC line.
NEUTRAL if the price is between the HIGH DC and LOW DC lines
The 2 other complementary conditions (Datas) complete the analysis:
HIGH DC and LOW DC are increasing, falling or stable.
SUPERTREND HMA HULL: The script determines several trend levels:
VOLUME: 3 trend levels:
PRICE: 3 trend levels:
If you are using this indicator/strategy and you are satisfied with the results, you can possibly make a donation (a coffee, a pizza or more...) via paypal to: lebourg.regis@free.fr.
Thanks in advance !!!
Have good winning Trades.
by RegisL76 (lebourg.regis@free.fr)
Ce script est basé sur plusieurs indicateurs de tendance.
* DMI (Directional Movement Index)
* DONCHIAN CANAL Optimized with Colored Bars
* HMA Hull
* Fair Value GAP
* VOLUME/ MA Volume
* PRIX / MA Prix
Toutes ces indications sont visibles simultanément sur un seul et même graphique.
Un tableau de données récapitule toutes les informations importantes pour prendre une bonne décision de Trade.
I- Indicateur ICHIMOKU :
L’indicateur ICHIMOKU est visualisé de manière traditionnelle
Les valeurs de réglage standard ICHIMOKU sont respectées mais modifiables. (Valeurs traditionnelles par défaut =
Un symbole visuel orienté, à proximité de la dernière valeur, indique la progression (Montant, Descendant ou neutre) de la TENKAN-SEN et de la KIJUN-SEN ainsi que la période utilisée.
Le NUAGE (KUMO) et la CHIKOU-SPAN sont bien présents et sont primordiaux pour l'analyse complète de l'ICHIMOKU.
En haut du graphique sont représentés visuellement les croisements de la TENKAN et de la KIJUN.
Des lignes verticales, accompagnées d'étiquettes, permettent de visualiser rapidement les particularités de l'ICHIMOKU.
Une ligne visualise la barre en cours.
Une ligne visualise l'extrémité du NUAGE (KUMO) qui est décalé de 25 barres dans le futur.
Une ligne visualise l'extrémité de la chikou-span, qui est décalée de 25 barres dans le passé.
Traité de manière conventionnelle : DI+, DI-, ADX et associé à un SUPERTREND DMI
Un symbole visuel en bas du graphique indique les croisements DI+ et DI-
Une ligne de symboles orientés et colorés (DMI Line) en haut du graphique, indique la direction et la puissance de la tendance.
Suivi de tendance par calcul SUPERTREND
Traité de manière conventionnelle.
(Et optimisé par des barres colorées en cas de dépassement soit vers le haut, soit vers le bas.
Les lignes, haute et basse des dernières valeurs du canal sont représentées pour visualiser rapidement la fourchette du RANGE.
Traité de manière conventionnelle.
La ligne HMA indique visuellement, selon la couleur et l'orientation, la tendance du marché.
Un symbole visuel en bas du graphique indique les opportunités de vente et d'achat.
Calcul de la MOYENNE MOBILE du volume avec comparaison du volume par rapport à la moyenne mobile du volume.
Les indications sont colorées et commentées en fonction de la comparaison.
Calcul de la MOYENNE MOBILE du prix avec comparaison du prix par rapport à la moyenne mobile du prix.
Les indications sont colorées et commentées en fonction de la comparaison.
Visualise sous forme de boite, pour une période donnée, les valeurs max hautes et min basses du prix.
La configuration permet de prendre en compte les mèches hautes et basses du prix ou bien les valeurs d'ouverture et de fermeture.
Cet indicateur affiche les niveaux de 'GAP' sur la période temporelle actuelle ET une période temporelle facultative supérieure.
Le script prend en compte les valeurs haut/bas de la barre actuelle et compare avec les 2 barres précédentes.
Le "gap" est généré à partir du manque de recouvrement entre ces barres.
Les écarts baissiers ou haussiers sont déterminés selon que l'écart est supérieurs ou inférieur à HmaPrice, car ils ont tendance à être comblés, et peuvent être utilisés comme cibles.
NOTA : FAIR VALUE GAP n'a pas de valeurs affichées dans la table et/ou l'étiquette.
Les informations importantes (DATAS) relatives à chaque indicateur sont visualisées en temps réel dans une table et/ou une étiquette.
Chaque information est commentée et colorée en fonction de la direction, de la valeur, de la comparaison etc.
Chaque information indique la valeurs de la barre en cours et la valeur précédente ( en mode "COMPLET").
Les autres modes possibles pour visualiser la table et/ou l'étiquette, permettent une vue plus synthétique des informations (modes "CONDENSÉ" et "MINIMAL").
Afin de ne pas trop surcharger la vision du graphique, la boite de visualisation du RANGE DONCHIAN, les lignes verticales des marques décalées de l'ICHIMOKU, ainsi que les boites de l'indicateur HHLL Boxes ne sont visualisées que de manière intermittente (géré par une temporisation réglable ).
Le paramètre de configuration "HISTORICAL INFO READING" réglé sur zéro (par défaut) permet de lire toutes les informations de la barre actuelle en cours (Barre #0).
Toutes autres valeurs permet de lire les informations d'une barre historique. La valeur 1 permet de lire les informations de la barre précédant la barre en cours (-1).
La valeur 10 permet de lire les information de la dixième barre en arrière (-10) par rapport à la barre en cours, etc.
Dans le bas de la table et de l'étiquette de DATAS, des voyants, rouge, vert ou blanc indique de manière rapide la synthèse de la tendance issue des différents indicateurs.
Chaque voyant représente le nombre d'indicateur ayant la même tendance à un instant donné. Vert pour une tendance Bullish, rouge pour une tendance Bearish et blanc pour une tendance neutre.
Les conditions pour déterminer une tendance sont pour chaque indicateur :
SUPERTREND ICHIMOHU + DMI : les 2 Super trends sont ensemble soit bullish soit Bearish. Sinon le signal est neutre.
DMI : 2 conditions principales :
BULLISH si DI+ >= DI- et ADX >25.
BEARISH si DI+ < DI- et ADX >25.
NEUTRE si les 2 conditions ne sont pas remplies.
ICHIMOKU : 3 conditions principales :
BULLISH si PRIX au dessus du nuage et TENKAN > KIJUN et NUAGE VERT DEVANT.
BEARISH si PRIX en dessous du nuage et TENKAN < KIJUN et NUAGE ROUGE DEVANT.
Les autres conditions complémentaires (Datas) complètent l'analyse et sont présents à titre informatif de la tendance et dépendent du contexte.
CANAL DONCHIAN : 1 condition principale :
BULLISH : le prix est passé au dessus de la ligne HIGH DC.
BEARISH : le prix est passé au dessous de la ligne LOW DC.
NEUTRE si le prix se situe entre les lignes HIGH DC et LOW DC
Les 2 autres conditions complémentaires (Datas) complètent l'analyse : HIGH DC et LOW DC sont croissants, descendants ou stables.
Le script détermine plusieurs niveaux de tendance :
VOLUME : 3 niveaux de tendance :
PRIX : 3 niveaux de tendance :
Si vous utilisez cet indicateur/ stratégie et que vous êtes satisfait des résultats,
vous pouvez éventuellement me faire un don (un café, une pizza ou plus ...) via paypal à : lebourg.regis@free.fr.
Merci d'avance !!!
Ayez de bons Trades gagnants.
Jurik Filtered, Composite Fractal Behavior (CFB) Channels [Loxx]Double Jurik-Filtered Composite Fractal Behavior (CFB) Channels is a channel indicator that acts as both a baseline, similar to Donchian, and as support and resistance levels. This indicator is price time adaptive meaning it flexes to price volatility waves. The indicators adaptive nature is calculated using the Composite Fractal Behavior (CFB) algorithm. The result of this adaptive calculation is then smoothed using Jurik Filtering, and then it's normalized to conform to a range of values. This helps better identify trends.
What is Composite Fractal Behavior (CFB)?
All around you mechanisms adjust themselves to their environment. From simple thermostats that react to air temperature to computer chips in modern cars that respond to changes in engine temperature, r.p.m.'s, torque, and throttle position. It was only a matter of time before fast desktop computers applied the mathematics of self-adjustment to systems that trade the financial markets.
Unlike basic systems with fixed formulas, an adaptive system adjusts its own equations. For example, start with a basic channel breakout system that uses the highest closing price of the last N bars as a threshold for detecting breakouts on the up side. An adaptive and improved version of this system would adjust N according to market conditions, such as momentum, price volatility or acceleration.
Since many systems are based directly or indirectly on cycles, another useful measure of market condition is the periodic length of a price chart's dominant cycle, (DC), that cycle with the greatest influence on price action.
The utility of this new DC measure was noted by author Murray Ruggiero in the January '96 issue of Futures Magazine. In it. Mr. Ruggiero used it to adaptive adjust the value of N in a channel breakout system. He then simulated trading 15 years of D-Mark futures in order to compare its performance to a similar system that had a fixed optimal value of N. The adaptive version produced 20% more profit!
This DC index utilized the popular MESA algorithm (a formulation by John Ehlers adapted from Burg's maximum entropy algorithm, MEM). Unfortunately, the DC approach is problematic when the market has no real dominant cycle momentum, because the mathematics will produce a value whether or not one actually exists! Therefore, we developed a proprietary indicator that does not presuppose the presence of market cycles. It's called CFB (Composite Fractal Behavior) and it works well whether or not the market is cyclic.
CFB examines price action for a particular fractal pattern, categorizes them by size, and then outputs a composite fractal size index. This index is smooth, timely and accurate
Essentially, CFB reveals the length of the market's trending action time frame. Long trending activity produces a large CFB index and short choppy action produces a small index value. Investors have found many applications for CFB which involve scaling other existing technical indicators adaptively, on a bar-to-bar basis.
What is Jurik Volty used in the Juirk Filter?
One of the lesser known qualities of Juirk smoothing is that the Jurik smoothing process is adaptive. "Jurik Volty" (a sort of market volatility ) is what makes Jurik smoothing adaptive. The Jurik Volty calculation can be used as both a standalone indicator and to smooth other indicators that you wish to make adaptive.
What is the Jurik Moving Average?
Have you noticed how moving averages add some lag (delay) to your signals? ... especially when price gaps up or down in a big move, and you are waiting for your moving average to catch up? Wait no more! JMA eliminates this problem forever and gives you the best of both worlds: low lag and smooth lines.
Ideally, you would like a filtered signal to be both smooth and lag-free. Lag causes delays in your trades, and increasing lag in your indicators typically result in lower profits. In other words, late comers get what's left on the table after the feast has already begun.