loxxfftLibrary "loxxfft"
This code is a library for performing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) operations. FFT is an algorithm that can quickly compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence. The library includes functions for performing FFTs on both real and complex data. It also includes functions for fast correlation and convolution, which are operations that can be performed efficiently using FFTs. Additionally, the library includes functions for fast sine and cosine transforms.
fastfouriertransform(a, nn, inversefft)
Returns Fast Fourier Transform
a (float ) : float , An array of real and imaginary parts of the function values. The real part is stored at even indices, and the imaginary part is stored at odd indices.
nn (int) : int, The number of function values. It must be a power of two, but the algorithm does not validate this.
inversefft (bool) : bool, A boolean value that indicates the direction of the transformation. If True, it performs the inverse FFT; if False, it performs the direct FFT.
Returns: float , Modifies the input array a in-place, which means that the transformed data (the FFT result for direct transformation or the inverse FFT result for inverse transformation) will be stored in the same array a after the function execution. The transformed data will have real and imaginary parts interleaved, with the real parts at even indices and the imaginary parts at odd indices.
realfastfouriertransform(a, tnn, inversefft)
Returns Real Fast Fourier Transform
a (float ) : float , A float array containing the real-valued function samples.
tnn (int) : int, The number of function values (must be a power of 2, but the algorithm does not validate this condition).
inversefft (bool) : bool, A boolean flag that indicates the direction of the transformation (True for inverse, False for direct).
Returns: float , Modifies the input array a in-place, meaning that the transformed data (the FFT result for direct transformation or the inverse FFT result for inverse transformation) will be stored in the same array a after the function execution.
fastsinetransform(a, tnn, inversefst)
Returns Fast Discrete Sine Conversion
a (float ) : float , An array of real numbers representing the function values.
tnn (int) : int, Number of function values (must be a power of two, but the code doesn't validate this).
inversefst (bool) : bool, A boolean flag indicating the direction of the transformation. If True, it performs the inverse FST, and if False, it performs the direct FST.
Returns: float , The output is the transformed array 'a', which will contain the result of the transformation.
fastcosinetransform(a, tnn, inversefct)
Returns Fast Discrete Cosine Transform
a (float ) : float , This is a floating-point array representing the sequence of values (time-domain) that you want to transform. The function will perform the Fast Cosine Transform (FCT) or the inverse FCT on this input array, depending on the value of the inversefct parameter. The transformed result will also be stored in this same array, which means the function modifies the input array in-place.
tnn (int) : int, This is an integer value representing the number of data points in the input array a. It is used to determine the size of the input array and control the loops in the algorithm. Note that the size of the input array should be a power of 2 for the Fast Cosine Transform algorithm to work correctly.
inversefct (bool) : bool, This is a boolean value that controls whether the function performs the regular Fast Cosine Transform or the inverse FCT. If inversefct is set to true, the function will perform the inverse FCT, and if set to false, the regular FCT will be performed. The inverse FCT can be used to transform data back into its original form (time-domain) after the regular FCT has been applied.
Returns: float , The resulting transformed array is stored in the input array a. This means that the function modifies the input array in-place and does not return a new array.
fastconvolution(signal, signallen, response, negativelen, positivelen)
Convolution using FFT
signal (float ) : float , This is an array of real numbers representing the input signal that will be convolved with the response function. The elements are numbered from 0 to SignalLen-1.
signallen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the length of the input signal array. It specifies the number of elements in the signal array.
response (float ) : float , This is an array of real numbers representing the response function used for convolution. The response function consists of two parts: one corresponding to positive argument values and the other to negative argument values. Array elements with numbers from 0 to NegativeLen match the response values at points from -NegativeLen to 0, respectively. Array elements with numbers from NegativeLen+1 to NegativeLen+PositiveLen correspond to the response values in points from 1 to PositiveLen, respectively.
negativelen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the "negative length" of the response function. It indicates the number of elements in the response function array that correspond to negative argument values. Outside the range , the response function is considered zero.
positivelen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the "positive length" of the response function. It indicates the number of elements in the response function array that correspond to positive argument values. Similar to negativelen, outside the range , the response function is considered zero.
Returns: float , The resulting convolved values are stored back in the input signal array.
fastcorrelation(signal, signallen, pattern, patternlen)
Returns Correlation using FFT
signal (float ) : float ,This is an array of real numbers representing the signal to be correlated with the pattern. The elements are numbered from 0 to SignalLen-1.
signallen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the length of the input signal array.
pattern (float ) : float , This is an array of real numbers representing the pattern to be correlated with the signal. The elements are numbered from 0 to PatternLen-1.
patternlen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the length of the pattern array.
Returns: float , The signal array containing the correlation values at points from 0 to SignalLen-1.
tworealffts(a1, a2, a, b, tn)
Returns Fast Fourier Transform of Two Real Functions
a1 (float ) : float , An array of real numbers, representing the values of the first function.
a2 (float ) : float , An array of real numbers, representing the values of the second function.
a (float ) : float , An output array to store the Fourier transform of the first function.
b (float ) : float , An output array to store the Fourier transform of the second function.
tn (int) : float , An integer representing the number of function values. It must be a power of two, but the algorithm doesn't validate this condition.
Returns: float , The a and b arrays will contain the Fourier transform of the first and second functions, respectively. Note that the function overwrites the input arrays a and b.
█ Detailed explaination of each function
Fast Fourier Transform
The fastfouriertransform() function takes three input parameters:
1. a: An array of real and imaginary parts of the function values. The real part is stored at even indices, and the imaginary part is stored at odd indices.
2. nn: The number of function values. It must be a power of two, but the algorithm does not validate this.
3. inversefft: A boolean value that indicates the direction of the transformation. If True, it performs the inverse FFT; if False, it performs the direct FFT.
The function performs the FFT using the Cooley-Tukey algorithm, which is an efficient algorithm for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse. The Cooley-Tukey algorithm recursively breaks down the DFT of a sequence into smaller DFTs of subsequences, leading to a significant reduction in computational complexity. The algorithm's time complexity is O(n log n), where n is the number of samples.
The fastfouriertransform() function first initializes variables and determines the direction of the transformation based on the inversefft parameter. If inversefft is True, the isign variable is set to -1; otherwise, it is set to 1.
Next, the function performs the bit-reversal operation. This is a necessary step before calculating the FFT, as it rearranges the input data in a specific order required by the Cooley-Tukey algorithm. The bit-reversal is performed using a loop that iterates through the nn samples, swapping the data elements according to their bit-reversed index.
After the bit-reversal operation, the function iteratively computes the FFT using the Cooley-Tukey algorithm. It performs calculations in a loop that goes through different stages, doubling the size of the sub-FFT at each stage. Within each stage, the Cooley-Tukey algorithm calculates the butterfly operations, which are mathematical operations that combine the results of smaller DFTs into the final DFT. The butterfly operations involve complex number multiplication and addition, updating the input array a with the computed values.
The loop also calculates the twiddle factors, which are complex exponential factors used in the butterfly operations. The twiddle factors are calculated using trigonometric functions, such as sine and cosine, based on the angle theta. The variables wpr, wpi, wr, and wi are used to store intermediate values of the twiddle factors, which are updated in each iteration of the loop.
Finally, if the inversefft parameter is True, the function divides the result by the number of samples nn to obtain the correct inverse FFT result. This normalization step is performed using a loop that iterates through the array a and divides each element by nn.
In summary, the fastfouriertransform() function is an implementation of the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm, which is an efficient algorithm for computing the DFT and its inverse. This FFT library can be used for a variety of applications, such as signal processing, image processing, audio processing, and more.
Feal Fast Fourier Transform
The realfastfouriertransform() function performs a fast Fourier transform (FFT) specifically for real-valued functions. The FFT is an efficient algorithm used to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse, which are fundamental tools in signal processing, image processing, and other related fields.
This function takes three input parameters:
1. a - A float array containing the real-valued function samples.
2. tnn - The number of function values (must be a power of 2, but the algorithm does not validate this condition).
3. inversefft - A boolean flag that indicates the direction of the transformation (True for inverse, False for direct).
The function modifies the input array a in-place, meaning that the transformed data (the FFT result for direct transformation or the inverse FFT result for inverse transformation) will be stored in the same array a after the function execution.
The algorithm uses a combination of complex-to-complex FFT and additional transformations specific to real-valued data to optimize the computation. It takes into account the symmetry properties of the real-valued input data to reduce the computational complexity.
Here's a detailed walkthrough of the algorithm:
1. Depending on the inversefft flag, the initial values for ttheta, c1, and c2 are determined. These values are used for the initial data preprocessing and post-processing steps specific to the real-valued FFT.
2. The preprocessing step computes the initial real and imaginary parts of the data using a combination of sine and cosine terms with the input data. This step effectively converts the real-valued input data into complex-valued data suitable for the complex-to-complex FFT.
3. The complex-to-complex FFT is then performed on the preprocessed complex data. This involves bit-reversal reordering, followed by the Cooley-Tukey radix-2 decimation-in-time algorithm. This part of the code is similar to the fastfouriertransform() function you provided earlier.
4. After the complex-to-complex FFT, a post-processing step is performed to obtain the final real-valued output data. This involves updating the real and imaginary parts of the transformed data using sine and cosine terms, as well as the values c1 and c2.
5. Finally, if the inversefft flag is True, the output data is divided by the number of samples (nn) to obtain the inverse DFT.
The function does not return a value explicitly. Instead, the transformed data is stored in the input array a. After the function execution, you can access the transformed data in the a array, which will have the real part at even indices and the imaginary part at odd indices.
Fast Sine Transform
This code defines a function called fastsinetransform that performs a Fast Discrete Sine Transform (FST) on an array of real numbers. The function takes three input parameters:
1. a (float array): An array of real numbers representing the function values.
2. tnn (int): Number of function values (must be a power of two, but the code doesn't validate this).
3. inversefst (bool): A boolean flag indicating the direction of the transformation. If True, it performs the inverse FST, and if False, it performs the direct FST.
The output is the transformed array 'a', which will contain the result of the transformation.
The code starts by initializing several variables, including trigonometric constants for the sine transform. It then sets the first value of the array 'a' to 0 and calculates the initial values of 'y1' and 'y2', which are used to update the input array 'a' in the following loop.
The first loop (with index 'jx') iterates from 2 to (tm + 1), where 'tm' is half of the number of input samples 'tnn'. This loop is responsible for calculating the initial sine transform of the input data.
The second loop (with index 'ii') is a bit-reversal loop. It reorders the elements in the array 'a' based on the bit-reversed indices of the original order.
The third loop (with index 'ii') iterates while 'n' is greater than 'mmax', which starts at 2 and doubles each iteration. This loop performs the actual Fast Discrete Sine Transform. It calculates the sine transform using the Danielson-Lanczos lemma, which is a divide-and-conquer strategy for calculating Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs) efficiently.
The fourth loop (with index 'ix') is responsible for the final phase adjustments needed for the sine transform, updating the array 'a' accordingly.
The fifth loop (with index 'jj') updates the array 'a' one more time by dividing each element by 2 and calculating the sum of the even-indexed elements.
Finally, if the 'inversefst' flag is True, the code scales the transformed data by a factor of 2/tnn to get the inverse Fast Sine Transform.
In summary, the code performs a Fast Discrete Sine Transform on an input array of real numbers, either in the direct or inverse direction, and returns the transformed array. The algorithm is based on the Danielson-Lanczos lemma and uses a divide-and-conquer strategy for efficient computation.
Fast Cosine Transform
This code defines a function called fastcosinetransform that takes three parameters: a floating-point array a, an integer tnn, and a boolean inversefct. The function calculates the Fast Cosine Transform (FCT) or the inverse FCT of the input array, depending on the value of the inversefct parameter.
The Fast Cosine Transform is an algorithm that converts a sequence of values (time-domain) into a frequency domain representation. It is closely related to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and can be used in various applications, such as signal processing and image compression.
Here's a detailed explanation of the code:
1. The function starts by initializing a number of variables, including counters, intermediate values, and constants.
2. The initial steps of the algorithm are performed. This includes calculating some trigonometric values and updating the input array a with the help of intermediate variables.
3. The code then enters a loop (from jx = 2 to tnn / 2). Within this loop, the algorithm computes and updates the elements of the input array a.
4. After the loop, the function prepares some variables for the next stage of the algorithm.
5. The next part of the algorithm is a series of nested loops that perform the bit-reversal permutation and apply the FCT to the input array a.
6. The code then calculates some additional trigonometric values, which are used in the next loop.
7. The following loop (from ix = 2 to tnn / 4 + 1) computes and updates the elements of the input array a using the previously calculated trigonometric values.
8. The input array a is further updated with the final calculations.
9. In the last loop (from j = 4 to tnn), the algorithm computes and updates the sum of elements in the input array a.
10. Finally, if the inversefct parameter is set to true, the function scales the input array a to obtain the inverse FCT.
The resulting transformed array is stored in the input array a. This means that the function modifies the input array in-place and does not return a new array.
Fast Convolution
This code defines a function called fastconvolution that performs the convolution of a given signal with a response function using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique. Convolution is a mathematical operation used in signal processing to combine two signals, producing a third signal representing how the shape of one signal is modified by the other.
The fastconvolution function takes the following input parameters:
1. float signal: This is an array of real numbers representing the input signal that will be convolved with the response function. The elements are numbered from 0 to SignalLen-1.
2. int signallen: This is an integer representing the length of the input signal array. It specifies the number of elements in the signal array.
3. float response: This is an array of real numbers representing the response function used for convolution. The response function consists of two parts: one corresponding to positive argument values and the other to negative argument values. Array elements with numbers from 0 to NegativeLen match the response values at points from -NegativeLen to 0, respectively. Array elements with numbers from NegativeLen+1 to NegativeLen+PositiveLen correspond to the response values in points from 1 to PositiveLen, respectively.
4. int negativelen: This is an integer representing the "negative length" of the response function. It indicates the number of elements in the response function array that correspond to negative argument values. Outside the range , the response function is considered zero.
5. int positivelen: This is an integer representing the "positive length" of the response function. It indicates the number of elements in the response function array that correspond to positive argument values. Similar to negativelen, outside the range , the response function is considered zero.
The function works by:
1. Calculating the length nl of the arrays used for FFT, ensuring it's a power of 2 and large enough to hold the signal and response.
2. Creating two new arrays, a1 and a2, of length nl and initializing them with the input signal and response function, respectively.
3. Applying the forward FFT (realfastfouriertransform) to both arrays, a1 and a2.
4. Performing element-wise multiplication of the FFT results in the frequency domain.
5. Applying the inverse FFT (realfastfouriertransform) to the multiplied results in a1.
6. Updating the original signal array with the convolution result, which is stored in the a1 array.
The result of the convolution is stored in the input signal array at the function exit.
Fast Correlation
This code defines a function called fastcorrelation that computes the correlation between a signal and a pattern using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method. The function takes four input arguments and modifies the input signal array to store the correlation values.
Input arguments:
1. float signal: This is an array of real numbers representing the signal to be correlated with the pattern. The elements are numbered from 0 to SignalLen-1.
2. int signallen: This is an integer representing the length of the input signal array.
3. float pattern: This is an array of real numbers representing the pattern to be correlated with the signal. The elements are numbered from 0 to PatternLen-1.
4. int patternlen: This is an integer representing the length of the pattern array.
The function performs the following steps:
1. Calculate the required size nl for the FFT by finding the smallest power of 2 that is greater than or equal to the sum of the lengths of the signal and the pattern.
2. Create two new arrays a1 and a2 with the length nl and initialize them to 0.
3. Copy the signal array into a1 and pad it with zeros up to the length nl.
4. Copy the pattern array into a2 and pad it with zeros up to the length nl.
5. Compute the FFT of both a1 and a2.
6. Perform element-wise multiplication of the frequency-domain representation of a1 and the complex conjugate of the frequency-domain representation of a2.
7. Compute the inverse FFT of the result obtained in step 6.
8. Store the resulting correlation values in the original signal array.
At the end of the function, the signal array contains the correlation values at points from 0 to SignalLen-1.
Fast Fourier Transform of Two Real Functions
This code defines a function called tworealffts that computes the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of two real-valued functions (a1 and a2) using a Cooley-Tukey-based radix-2 Decimation in Time (DIT) algorithm. The FFT is a widely used algorithm for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse.
Input parameters:
1. float a1: an array of real numbers, representing the values of the first function.
2. float a2: an array of real numbers, representing the values of the second function.
3. float a: an output array to store the Fourier transform of the first function.
4. float b: an output array to store the Fourier transform of the second function.
5. int tn: an integer representing the number of function values. It must be a power of two, but the algorithm doesn't validate this condition.
The function performs the following steps:
1. Combine the two input arrays, a1 and a2, into a single array a by interleaving their elements.
2. Perform a 1D FFT on the combined array a using the radix-2 DIT algorithm.
3. Separate the FFT results of the two input functions from the combined array a and store them in output arrays a and b.
Here is a detailed breakdown of the radix-2 DIT algorithm used in this code:
1. Bit-reverse the order of the elements in the combined array a.
2. Initialize the loop variables mmax, istep, and theta.
3. Enter the main loop that iterates through different stages of the FFT.
a. Compute the sine and cosine values for the current stage using the theta variable.
b. Initialize the loop variables wr and wi for the current stage.
c. Enter the inner loop that iterates through the butterfly operations within each stage.
i. Perform the butterfly operation on the elements of array a.
ii. Update the loop variables wr and wi for the next butterfly operation.
d. Update the loop variables mmax, istep, and theta for the next stage.
4. Separate the FFT results of the two input functions from the combined array a and store them in output arrays a and b.
At the end of the function, the a and b arrays will contain the Fourier transform of the first and second functions, respectively. Note that the function overwrites the input arrays a and b.
█ Example scripts using functions contained in loxxfft
Real-Fast Fourier Transform of Price w/ Linear Regression
Real-Fast Fourier Transform of Price Oscillator
Normalized, Variety, Fast Fourier Transform Explorer
Variety RSI of Fast Discrete Cosine Transform
STD-Stepped Fast Cosine Transform Moving Average
GKD-C Fast Discrete Cosine Transform of Price [Loxx]Giga Kaleidoscope GKD-C Fast Discrete Cosine Transform of Price is a Confirmation module included in Loxx's "Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System".
█ Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System
What is Loxx's "Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System"?
The Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System is a trading system built on the philosophy of the NNFX (No Nonsense Forex) algorithmic trading.
What is the NNFX algorithmic trading strategy?
The NNFX (No-Nonsense Forex) trading system is a comprehensive approach to Forex trading that is designed to simplify the process and remove the confusion and complexity that often surrounds trading. The system was developed by a Forex trader who goes by the pseudonym "VP" and has gained a significant following in the Forex community.
The NNFX trading system is based on a set of rules and guidelines that help traders make objective and informed decisions. These rules cover all aspects of trading, including market analysis, trade entry, stop loss placement, and trade management.
Here are the main components of the NNFX trading system:
1. Trading Philosophy: The NNFX trading system is based on the idea that successful trading requires a comprehensive understanding of the market, objective analysis, and strict risk management. The system aims to remove subjective elements from trading and focuses on objective rules and guidelines.
2. Technical Analysis: The NNFX trading system relies heavily on technical analysis and uses a range of indicators to identify high-probability trading opportunities. The system uses a combination of trend-following and mean-reverting strategies to identify trades.
3. Market Structure: The NNFX trading system emphasizes the importance of understanding the market structure, including price action, support and resistance levels, and market cycles. The system uses a range of tools to identify the market structure, including trend lines, channels, and moving averages.
4. Trade Entry: The NNFX trading system has strict rules for trade entry. The system uses a combination of technical indicators to identify high-probability trades, and traders must meet specific criteria to enter a trade.
5. Stop Loss Placement: The NNFX trading system places a significant emphasis on risk management and requires traders to place a stop loss order on every trade. The system uses a combination of technical analysis and market structure to determine the appropriate stop loss level.
6. Trade Management: The NNFX trading system has specific rules for managing open trades. The system aims to minimize risk and maximize profit by using a combination of trailing stops, take profit levels, and position sizing.
Overall, the NNFX trading system is designed to be a straightforward and easy-to-follow approach to Forex trading that can be applied by traders of all skill levels.
Core components of an NNFX algorithmic trading strategy
The NNFX algorithm is built on the principles of trend, momentum, and volatility. There are six core components in the NNFX trading algorithm:
1. Volatility - price volatility; e.g., Average True Range, True Range Double, Close-to-Close, etc.
2. Baseline - a moving average to identify price trend
3. Confirmation 1 - a technical indicator used to identify trends
4. Confirmation 2 - a technical indicator used to identify trends
5. Continuation - a technical indicator used to identify trends
6. Volatility/Volume - a technical indicator used to identify volatility/volume breakouts/breakdown
7. Exit - a technical indicator used to determine when a trend is exhausted
What is Volatility in the NNFX trading system?
In the NNFX (No Nonsense Forex) trading system, ATR (Average True Range) is typically used to measure the volatility of an asset. It is used as a part of the system to help determine the appropriate stop loss and take profit levels for a trade. ATR is calculated by taking the average of the true range values over a specified period.
True range is calculated as the maximum of the following values:
-Current high minus the current low
-Absolute value of the current high minus the previous close
-Absolute value of the current low minus the previous close
ATR is a dynamic indicator that changes with changes in volatility. As volatility increases, the value of ATR increases, and as volatility decreases, the value of ATR decreases. By using ATR in NNFX system, traders can adjust their stop loss and take profit levels according to the volatility of the asset being traded. This helps to ensure that the trade is given enough room to move, while also minimizing potential losses.
Other types of volatility include True Range Double (TRD), Close-to-Close, and Garman-Klass
What is a Baseline indicator?
The baseline is essentially a moving average, and is used to determine the overall direction of the market.
The baseline in the NNFX system is used to filter out trades that are not in line with the long-term trend of the market. The baseline is plotted on the chart along with other indicators, such as the Moving Average (MA), the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and the Average True Range (ATR).
Trades are only taken when the price is in the same direction as the baseline. For example, if the baseline is sloping upwards, only long trades are taken, and if the baseline is sloping downwards, only short trades are taken. This approach helps to ensure that trades are in line with the overall trend of the market, and reduces the risk of entering trades that are likely to fail.
By using a baseline in the NNFX system, traders can have a clear reference point for determining the overall trend of the market, and can make more informed trading decisions. The baseline helps to filter out noise and false signals, and ensures that trades are taken in the direction of the long-term trend.
What is a Confirmation indicator?
Confirmation indicators are technical indicators that are used to confirm the signals generated by primary indicators. Primary indicators are the core indicators used in the NNFX system, such as the Average True Range (ATR), the Moving Average (MA), and the Relative Strength Index (RSI).
The purpose of the confirmation indicators is to reduce false signals and improve the accuracy of the trading system. They are designed to confirm the signals generated by the primary indicators by providing additional information about the strength and direction of the trend.
Some examples of confirmation indicators that may be used in the NNFX system include the Bollinger Bands, the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), and the Stochastic Oscillator. These indicators can provide information about the volatility, momentum, and trend strength of the market, and can be used to confirm the signals generated by the primary indicators.
In the NNFX system, confirmation indicators are used in combination with primary indicators and other filters to create a trading system that is robust and reliable. By using multiple indicators to confirm trading signals, the system aims to reduce the risk of false signals and improve the overall profitability of the trades.
What is a Continuation indicator?
In the NNFX (No Nonsense Forex) trading system, a continuation indicator is a technical indicator that is used to confirm a current trend and predict that the trend is likely to continue in the same direction. A continuation indicator is typically used in conjunction with other indicators in the system, such as a baseline indicator, to provide a comprehensive trading strategy.
What is a Volatility/Volume indicator?
Volume indicators, such as the On Balance Volume (OBV), the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF), or the Volume Price Trend (VPT), are used to measure the amount of buying and selling activity in a market. They are based on the trading volume of the market, and can provide information about the strength of the trend. In the NNFX system, volume indicators are used to confirm trading signals generated by the Moving Average and the Relative Strength Index. Volatility indicators include Average Direction Index, Waddah Attar, and Volatility Ratio. In the NNFX trading system, volatility is a proxy for volume and vice versa.
By using volume indicators as confirmation tools, the NNFX trading system aims to reduce the risk of false signals and improve the overall profitability of trades. These indicators can provide additional information about the market that is not captured by the primary indicators, and can help traders to make more informed trading decisions. In addition, volume indicators can be used to identify potential changes in market trends and to confirm the strength of price movements.
What is an Exit indicator?
The exit indicator is used in conjunction with other indicators in the system, such as the Moving Average (MA), the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and the Average True Range (ATR), to provide a comprehensive trading strategy.
The exit indicator in the NNFX system can be any technical indicator that is deemed effective at identifying optimal exit points. Examples of exit indicators that are commonly used include the Parabolic SAR, the Average Directional Index (ADX), and the Chandelier Exit.
The purpose of the exit indicator is to identify when a trend is likely to reverse or when the market conditions have changed, signaling the need to exit a trade. By using an exit indicator, traders can manage their risk and prevent significant losses.
In the NNFX system, the exit indicator is used in conjunction with a stop loss and a take profit order to maximize profits and minimize losses. The stop loss order is used to limit the amount of loss that can be incurred if the trade goes against the trader, while the take profit order is used to lock in profits when the trade is moving in the trader's favor.
Overall, the use of an exit indicator in the NNFX trading system is an important component of a comprehensive trading strategy. It allows traders to manage their risk effectively and improve the profitability of their trades by exiting at the right time.
How does Loxx's GKD (Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System) implement the NNFX algorithm outlined above?
Loxx's GKD v1.0 system has five types of modules (indicators/strategies). These modules are:
1. GKD-BT - Backtesting module (Volatility, Number 1 in the NNFX algorithm)
2. GKD-B - Baseline module (Baseline and Volatility/Volume, Numbers 1 and 2 in the NNFX algorithm)
3. GKD-C - Confirmation 1/2 and Continuation module (Confirmation 1/2 and Continuation, Numbers 3, 4, and 5 in the NNFX algorithm)
4. GKD-V - Volatility/Volume module (Confirmation 1/2, Number 6 in the NNFX algorithm)
5. GKD-E - Exit module (Exit, Number 7 in the NNFX algorithm)
(additional module types will added in future releases)
Each module interacts with every module by passing data between modules. Data is passed between each module as described below:
GKD-B => GKD-V => GKD-C(1) => GKD-C(2) => GKD-C(Continuation) => GKD-E => GKD-BT
That is, the Baseline indicator passes its data to Volatility/Volume. The Volatility/Volume indicator passes its values to the Confirmation 1 indicator. The Confirmation 1 indicator passes its values to the Confirmation 2 indicator. The Confirmation 2 indicator passes its values to the Continuation indicator. The Continuation indicator passes its values to the Exit indicator, and finally, the Exit indicator passes its values to the Backtest strategy.
This chaining of indicators requires that each module conform to Loxx's GKD protocol, therefore allowing for the testing of every possible combination of technical indicators that make up the six components of the NNFX algorithm.
What does the application of the GKD trading system look like?
Example trading system:
Backtest: Strategy with 1-3 take profits, trailing stop loss, multiple types of PnL volatility, and 2 backtesting styles
Baseline: Hull Moving Average
Volatility/Volume: Hurst Exponent
Confirmation 1: Fast Discrete Cosine Transform of Price as shown on the chart above
Confirmation 2: Williams Percent Range
Continuation: Fisher Transform
Exit: Rex Oscillator
Each GKD indicator is denoted with a module identifier of either: GKD-BT, GKD-B, GKD-C, GKD-V, or GKD-E. This allows traders to understand to which module each indicator belongs and where each indicator fits into the GKD protocol chain.
Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System Signals (based on the NNFX algorithm)
Standard Entry
1. GKD-C Confirmation 1 Signal
2. GKD-B Baseline agrees
3. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume agrees
Baseline Entry
1. GKD-B Baseline signal
2. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume agrees
6. GKD-C Confirmation 1 signal was less than 7 candles prior
Continuation Entry
1. Standard Entry, Baseline Entry, or Pullback; entry triggered previously
2. GKD-B Baseline hasn't crossed since entry signal trigger
3. GKD-C Confirmation Continuation Indicator signals
4. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
5. GKD-B Baseline agrees
6. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
1-Candle Rule Standard Entry
1. GKD-C Confirmation 1 signal
2. GKD-B Baseline agrees
3. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
Next Candle:
1. Price retraced (Long: close < close or Short: close > close )
2. GKD-B Baseline agrees
3. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume agrees
1-Candle Rule Baseline Entry
1. GKD-B Baseline signal
2. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
4. GKD-C Confirmation 1 signal was less than 7 candles prior
Next Candle:
1. Price retraced (Long: close < close or Short: close > close )
2. GKD-B Baseline agrees
3. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume Agrees
PullBack Entry
1. GKD-B Baseline signal
2. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price is beyond 1.0x Volatility of Baseline
Next Candle:
1. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
3. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume Agrees
█ GKD-C Fast Discrete Cosine Transform of Price
What is Fast Discrete Cosine Transform?
What is the Fast Discrete Cosine Transform?
Algolib is a C++ library for algorithmic trading that provides various algorithms for processing and analyzing financial data. The library includes a Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT) implementation, which is a fast version of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) algorithm used for signal processing and data compression.
The FDCT implementation in Algolib is based on the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) algorithm, which is a widely used method for computing the DCT. The implementation is optimized for performance and can handle large datasets efficiently. It uses the standard divide-and-conquer approach to compute the DCT recursively and combines the resulting coefficients to obtain the final DCT of the input signal.
The input to the FDCT algorithm in Algolib is a one-dimensional array of real numbers, which represents a time series or a financial signal. The algorithm then computes the DCT of the input sequence and returns a one-dimensional array of DCT coefficients, which represent the frequency components of the signal.
The implementation of the FDCT algorithm in Algolib uses C++ templates to provide a generic implementation that can work with different data types. It also includes various optimizations, such as loop unrolling, to improve the performance of the algorithm.
The steps involved in the FDCT algorithm in Algolib are:
-Divide the input sequence into even and odd parts.
-Compute the DCT of the even and odd parts recursively.
-Combine the DCT coefficients of the even and odd parts to obtain the final DCT coefficients.
-The implementation of the FDCT algorithm in Algolib uses the FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West) library to perform the FFT computations, which is a highly optimized library for computing Fourier transforms.
In summary, the Fast Discrete Cosine Transform implementation in Algolib is a fast and efficient implementation of the DCT algorithm, which is used for processing financial signals and time series data. The implementation is optimized for performance and uses the FFT algorithm for fast computation. The implementation is generic and can work with different data types, and includes optimizations such as loop unrolling to improve the performance of the algorithm.
What is the Fast Discrete Cosine Transform in terms of Forex trading?
The Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT) is an algorithm used for signal processing and data compression that can also be applied in trading forex. The FDCT is used to transform financial data into a set of coefficients that represent the data in terms of cosine functions of different frequencies. These coefficients can be used to analyze the frequency components of financial signals and to develop trading strategies based on these components.
In trading forex, the FDCT can be applied to various financial signals, such as price data, volume data, and technical indicators. By applying the FDCT to these signals, traders can identify the dominant frequency components of the signals and use this information to develop trading strategies.
For example, traders can use the FDCT to identify cycles in the market and use this information to develop trend-following strategies. The FDCT can also be used to identify short-term fluctuations in the market and develop mean-reversion strategies based on these fluctuations.
The FDCT can also be used in combination with other technical analysis tools, such as moving averages, to improve the accuracy of trading signals. For example, traders can apply the FDCT to the moving average of a financial signal to identify the dominant frequency components of the moving average and use this information to develop trading signals.
The FDCT can also be used in conjunction with machine learning algorithms to develop predictive models for financial markets. By applying the FDCT to financial data and using the resulting coefficients as inputs to a machine learning algorithm, traders can develop models that predict future price movements and identify profitable trading opportunities.
In summary, the FDCT can be applied in trading forex to analyze the frequency components of financial signals and develop trading strategies based on these components. The FDCT can be used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and machine learning algorithms to improve the accuracy of trading signals and develop predictive models for financial markets.
This indicator has period lengths that are powers of powers of 2. There is also a features to increase the resolution of the FDCT.
Confirmation 1 and Solo Confirmation: GKD-V Volatility / Volume indicator
Confirmation 2: GKD-C Confirmation indicator
Confirmation 2 and Solo Confirmation Complex: GKD-E Exit indicator
Confirmation 1: GKD-C Confirmation indicator
Continuation: GKD-E Exit indicator
Solo Confirmation Simple: GKD-BT Backtest strategy
Additional features will be added in future releases.
GKD-C RSI of Fast Discrete Cosine Transform [Loxx]Giga Kaleidoscope GKD-C RSI of Fast Discrete Cosine Transform is a Confirmation module included in Loxx's "Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System".
█ Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System
What is Loxx's "Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System"?
The Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System is a trading system built on the philosophy of the NNFX (No Nonsense Forex) algorithmic trading.
What is the NNFX algorithmic trading strategy?
The NNFX (No-Nonsense Forex) trading system is a comprehensive approach to Forex trading that is designed to simplify the process and remove the confusion and complexity that often surrounds trading. The system was developed by a Forex trader who goes by the pseudonym "VP" and has gained a significant following in the Forex community.
The NNFX trading system is based on a set of rules and guidelines that help traders make objective and informed decisions. These rules cover all aspects of trading, including market analysis, trade entry, stop loss placement, and trade management.
Here are the main components of the NNFX trading system:
1. Trading Philosophy: The NNFX trading system is based on the idea that successful trading requires a comprehensive understanding of the market, objective analysis, and strict risk management. The system aims to remove subjective elements from trading and focuses on objective rules and guidelines.
2. Technical Analysis: The NNFX trading system relies heavily on technical analysis and uses a range of indicators to identify high-probability trading opportunities. The system uses a combination of trend-following and mean-reverting strategies to identify trades.
3. Market Structure: The NNFX trading system emphasizes the importance of understanding the market structure, including price action, support and resistance levels, and market cycles. The system uses a range of tools to identify the market structure, including trend lines, channels, and moving averages.
4. Trade Entry: The NNFX trading system has strict rules for trade entry. The system uses a combination of technical indicators to identify high-probability trades, and traders must meet specific criteria to enter a trade.
5. Stop Loss Placement: The NNFX trading system places a significant emphasis on risk management and requires traders to place a stop loss order on every trade. The system uses a combination of technical analysis and market structure to determine the appropriate stop loss level.
6. Trade Management: The NNFX trading system has specific rules for managing open trades. The system aims to minimize risk and maximize profit by using a combination of trailing stops, take profit levels, and position sizing.
Overall, the NNFX trading system is designed to be a straightforward and easy-to-follow approach to Forex trading that can be applied by traders of all skill levels.
Core components of an NNFX algorithmic trading strategy
The NNFX algorithm is built on the principles of trend, momentum, and volatility. There are six core components in the NNFX trading algorithm:
1. Volatility - price volatility; e.g., Average True Range, True Range Double, Close-to-Close, etc.
2. Baseline - a moving average to identify price trend
3. Confirmation 1 - a technical indicator used to identify trends
4. Confirmation 2 - a technical indicator used to identify trends
5. Continuation - a technical indicator used to identify trends
6. Volatility/Volume - a technical indicator used to identify volatility/volume breakouts/breakdown
7. Exit - a technical indicator used to determine when a trend is exhausted
What is Volatility in the NNFX trading system?
In the NNFX (No Nonsense Forex) trading system, ATR (Average True Range) is typically used to measure the volatility of an asset. It is used as a part of the system to help determine the appropriate stop loss and take profit levels for a trade. ATR is calculated by taking the average of the true range values over a specified period.
True range is calculated as the maximum of the following values:
-Current high minus the current low
-Absolute value of the current high minus the previous close
-Absolute value of the current low minus the previous close
ATR is a dynamic indicator that changes with changes in volatility. As volatility increases, the value of ATR increases, and as volatility decreases, the value of ATR decreases. By using ATR in NNFX system, traders can adjust their stop loss and take profit levels according to the volatility of the asset being traded. This helps to ensure that the trade is given enough room to move, while also minimizing potential losses.
Other types of volatility include True Range Double (TRD), Close-to-Close, and Garman-Klass
What is a Baseline indicator?
The baseline is essentially a moving average, and is used to determine the overall direction of the market.
The baseline in the NNFX system is used to filter out trades that are not in line with the long-term trend of the market. The baseline is plotted on the chart along with other indicators, such as the Moving Average (MA), the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and the Average True Range (ATR).
Trades are only taken when the price is in the same direction as the baseline. For example, if the baseline is sloping upwards, only long trades are taken, and if the baseline is sloping downwards, only short trades are taken. This approach helps to ensure that trades are in line with the overall trend of the market, and reduces the risk of entering trades that are likely to fail.
By using a baseline in the NNFX system, traders can have a clear reference point for determining the overall trend of the market, and can make more informed trading decisions. The baseline helps to filter out noise and false signals, and ensures that trades are taken in the direction of the long-term trend.
What is a Confirmation indicator?
Confirmation indicators are technical indicators that are used to confirm the signals generated by primary indicators. Primary indicators are the core indicators used in the NNFX system, such as the Average True Range (ATR), the Moving Average (MA), and the Relative Strength Index (RSI).
The purpose of the confirmation indicators is to reduce false signals and improve the accuracy of the trading system. They are designed to confirm the signals generated by the primary indicators by providing additional information about the strength and direction of the trend.
Some examples of confirmation indicators that may be used in the NNFX system include the Bollinger Bands, the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), and the Stochastic Oscillator. These indicators can provide information about the volatility, momentum, and trend strength of the market, and can be used to confirm the signals generated by the primary indicators.
In the NNFX system, confirmation indicators are used in combination with primary indicators and other filters to create a trading system that is robust and reliable. By using multiple indicators to confirm trading signals, the system aims to reduce the risk of false signals and improve the overall profitability of the trades.
What is a Continuation indicator?
In the NNFX (No Nonsense Forex) trading system, a continuation indicator is a technical indicator that is used to confirm a current trend and predict that the trend is likely to continue in the same direction. A continuation indicator is typically used in conjunction with other indicators in the system, such as a baseline indicator, to provide a comprehensive trading strategy.
What is a Volatility/Volume indicator?
Volume indicators, such as the On Balance Volume (OBV), the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF), or the Volume Price Trend (VPT), are used to measure the amount of buying and selling activity in a market. They are based on the trading volume of the market, and can provide information about the strength of the trend. In the NNFX system, volume indicators are used to confirm trading signals generated by the Moving Average and the Relative Strength Index. Volatility indicators include Average Direction Index, Waddah Attar, and Volatility Ratio. In the NNFX trading system, volatility is a proxy for volume and vice versa.
By using volume indicators as confirmation tools, the NNFX trading system aims to reduce the risk of false signals and improve the overall profitability of trades. These indicators can provide additional information about the market that is not captured by the primary indicators, and can help traders to make more informed trading decisions. In addition, volume indicators can be used to identify potential changes in market trends and to confirm the strength of price movements.
What is an Exit indicator?
The exit indicator is used in conjunction with other indicators in the system, such as the Moving Average (MA), the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and the Average True Range (ATR), to provide a comprehensive trading strategy.
The exit indicator in the NNFX system can be any technical indicator that is deemed effective at identifying optimal exit points. Examples of exit indicators that are commonly used include the Parabolic SAR, the Average Directional Index (ADX), and the Chandelier Exit.
The purpose of the exit indicator is to identify when a trend is likely to reverse or when the market conditions have changed, signaling the need to exit a trade. By using an exit indicator, traders can manage their risk and prevent significant losses.
In the NNFX system, the exit indicator is used in conjunction with a stop loss and a take profit order to maximize profits and minimize losses. The stop loss order is used to limit the amount of loss that can be incurred if the trade goes against the trader, while the take profit order is used to lock in profits when the trade is moving in the trader's favor.
Overall, the use of an exit indicator in the NNFX trading system is an important component of a comprehensive trading strategy. It allows traders to manage their risk effectively and improve the profitability of their trades by exiting at the right time.
How does Loxx's GKD (Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System) implement the NNFX algorithm outlined above?
Loxx's GKD v1.0 system has five types of modules (indicators/strategies). These modules are:
1. GKD-BT - Backtesting module (Volatility, Number 1 in the NNFX algorithm)
2. GKD-B - Baseline module (Baseline and Volatility/Volume, Numbers 1 and 2 in the NNFX algorithm)
3. GKD-C - Confirmation 1/2 and Continuation module (Confirmation 1/2 and Continuation, Numbers 3, 4, and 5 in the NNFX algorithm)
4. GKD-V - Volatility/Volume module (Confirmation 1/2, Number 6 in the NNFX algorithm)
5. GKD-E - Exit module (Exit, Number 7 in the NNFX algorithm)
(additional module types will added in future releases)
Each module interacts with every module by passing data between modules. Data is passed between each module as described below:
GKD-B => GKD-V => GKD-C(1) => GKD-C(2) => GKD-C(Continuation) => GKD-E => GKD-BT
That is, the Baseline indicator passes its data to Volatility/Volume. The Volatility/Volume indicator passes its values to the Confirmation 1 indicator. The Confirmation 1 indicator passes its values to the Confirmation 2 indicator. The Confirmation 2 indicator passes its values to the Continuation indicator. The Continuation indicator passes its values to the Exit indicator, and finally, the Exit indicator passes its values to the Backtest strategy.
This chaining of indicators requires that each module conform to Loxx's GKD protocol, therefore allowing for the testing of every possible combination of technical indicators that make up the six components of the NNFX algorithm.
What does the application of the GKD trading system look like?
Example trading system:
Backtest: Strategy with 1-3 take profits, trailing stop loss, multiple types of PnL volatility, and 2 backtesting styles
Baseline: Hull Moving Average
Volatility/Volume: Hurst Exponent
Confirmation 1: RSI of Fast Discrete Cosine Transform as shown on the chart above
Confirmation 2: Williams Percent Range
Continuation: Fisher Transform
Exit: Rex Oscillator
Each GKD indicator is denoted with a module identifier of either: GKD-BT, GKD-B, GKD-C, GKD-V, or GKD-E. This allows traders to understand to which module each indicator belongs and where each indicator fits into the GKD protocol chain.
Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System Signals (based on the NNFX algorithm)
Standard Entry
1. GKD-C Confirmation 1 Signal
2. GKD-B Baseline agrees
3. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume agrees
Baseline Entry
1. GKD-B Baseline signal
2. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume agrees
6. GKD-C Confirmation 1 signal was less than 7 candles prior
Continuation Entry
1. Standard Entry, Baseline Entry, or Pullback; entry triggered previously
2. GKD-B Baseline hasn't crossed since entry signal trigger
3. GKD-C Confirmation Continuation Indicator signals
4. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
5. GKD-B Baseline agrees
6. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
1-Candle Rule Standard Entry
1. GKD-C Confirmation 1 signal
2. GKD-B Baseline agrees
3. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
Next Candle:
1. Price retraced (Long: close < close or Short: close > close )
2. GKD-B Baseline agrees
3. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume agrees
1-Candle Rule Baseline Entry
1. GKD-B Baseline signal
2. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
4. GKD-C Confirmation 1 signal was less than 7 candles prior
Next Candle:
1. Price retraced (Long: close < close or Short: close > close )
2. GKD-B Baseline agrees
3. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume Agrees
PullBack Entry
1. GKD-B Baseline signal
2. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price is beyond 1.0x Volatility of Baseline
Next Candle:
1. Price is within a range of 0.2x Volatility and 1.0x Volatility of the Goldie Locks Mean
3. GKD-C Confirmation 1 agrees
4. GKD-C Confirmation 2 agrees
5. GKD-V Volatility/Volume Agrees
█ Fast Discrete Cosine Transform
What is the Fast Discrete Cosine Transform?
Algolib is a C++ library for algorithmic trading that provides various algorithms for processing and analyzing financial data. The library includes a Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT) implementation, which is a fast version of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) algorithm used for signal processing and data compression.
The FDCT implementation in Algolib is based on the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) algorithm, which is a widely used method for computing the DCT. The implementation is optimized for performance and can handle large datasets efficiently. It uses the standard divide-and-conquer approach to compute the DCT recursively and combines the resulting coefficients to obtain the final DCT of the input signal.
The input to the FDCT algorithm in Algolib is a one-dimensional array of real numbers, which represents a time series or a financial signal. The algorithm then computes the DCT of the input sequence and returns a one-dimensional array of DCT coefficients, which represent the frequency components of the signal.
The implementation of the FDCT algorithm in Algolib uses C++ templates to provide a generic implementation that can work with different data types. It also includes various optimizations, such as loop unrolling, to improve the performance of the algorithm.
The steps involved in the FDCT algorithm in Algolib are:
-Divide the input sequence into even and odd parts.
-Compute the DCT of the even and odd parts recursively.
-Combine the DCT coefficients of the even and odd parts to obtain the final DCT coefficients.
-The implementation of the FDCT algorithm in Algolib uses the FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West) library to perform the FFT computations, which is a highly optimized library for computing Fourier transforms.
In summary, the Fast Discrete Cosine Transform implementation in Algolib is a fast and efficient implementation of the DCT algorithm, which is used for processing financial signals and time series data. The implementation is optimized for performance and uses the FFT algorithm for fast computation. The implementation is generic and can work with different data types, and includes optimizations such as loop unrolling to improve the performance of the algorithm.
What is the Fast Discrete Cosine Transform in terms of Forex trading?
The Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT) is an algorithm used for signal processing and data compression that can also be applied in trading forex. The FDCT is used to transform financial data into a set of coefficients that represent the data in terms of cosine functions of different frequencies. These coefficients can be used to analyze the frequency components of financial signals and to develop trading strategies based on these components.
In trading forex, the FDCT can be applied to various financial signals, such as price data, volume data, and technical indicators. By applying the FDCT to these signals, traders can identify the dominant frequency components of the signals and use this information to develop trading strategies.
For example, traders can use the FDCT to identify cycles in the market and use this information to develop trend-following strategies. The FDCT can also be used to identify short-term fluctuations in the market and develop mean-reversion strategies based on these fluctuations.
The FDCT can also be used in combination with other technical analysis tools, such as moving averages, to improve the accuracy of trading signals. For example, traders can apply the FDCT to the moving average of a financial signal to identify the dominant frequency components of the moving average and use this information to develop trading signals.
The FDCT can also be used in conjunction with machine learning algorithms to develop predictive models for financial markets. By applying the FDCT to financial data and using the resulting coefficients as inputs to a machine learning algorithm, traders can develop models that predict future price movements and identify profitable trading opportunities.
In summary, the FDCT can be applied in trading forex to analyze the frequency components of financial signals and develop trading strategies based on these components. The FDCT can be used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and machine learning algorithms to improve the accuracy of trading signals and develop predictive models for financial markets.
What is the Fast Discrete Cosine Transform in terms of Forex trading?
The Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT) is an algorithm used for signal processing and data compression that can also be applied in trading forex. The FDCT is used to transform financial data into a set of coefficients that represent the data in terms of cosine functions of different frequencies. These coefficients can be used to analyze the frequency components of financial signals and to develop trading strategies based on these components.
In trading forex, the FDCT can be applied to various financial signals, such as price data, volume data, and technical indicators. By applying the FDCT to these signals, traders can identify the dominant frequency components of the signals and use this information to develop trading strategies.
For example, traders can use the FDCT to identify cycles in the market and use this information to develop trend-following strategies. The FDCT can also be used to identify short-term fluctuations in the market and develop mean-reversion strategies based on these fluctuations.
The FDCT can also be used in combination with other technical analysis tools, such as moving averages, to improve the accuracy of trading signals. For example, traders can apply the FDCT to the moving average of a financial signal to identify the dominant frequency components of the moving average and use this information to develop trading signals.
The FDCT can also be used in conjunction with machine learning algorithms to develop predictive models for financial markets. By applying the FDCT to financial data and using the resulting coefficients as inputs to a machine learning algorithm, traders can develop models that predict future price movements and identify profitable trading opportunities.
In summary, the FDCT can be applied in trading forex to analyze the frequency components of financial signals and develop trading strategies based on these components. The FDCT can be used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and machine learning algorithms to improve the accuracy of trading signals and develop predictive models for financial markets.
█ Relative Strength Index (RSI)
This indicator contains 7 different types of RSI .
Ehlers Smoothed
What is RSI?
RSI stands for Relative Strength Index . It is a technical indicator used to measure the strength or weakness of a financial instrument's price action.
The RSI is calculated based on the price movement of an asset over a specified period of time, typically 14 days, and is expressed on a scale of 0 to 100. The RSI is considered overbought when it is above 70 and oversold when it is below 30.
Traders and investors use the RSI to identify potential buy and sell signals. When the RSI indicates that an asset is oversold, it may be considered a buying opportunity, while an overbought RSI may signal that it is time to sell or take profits.
It's important to note that the RSI should not be used in isolation and should be used in conjunction with other technical and fundamental analysis tools to make informed trading decisions.
What is RSX?
Jurik RSX is a technical analysis indicator that is a variation of the Relative Strength Index Smoothed ( RSX ) indicator. It was developed by Mark Jurik and is designed to help traders identify trends and momentum in the market.
The Jurik RSX uses a combination of the RSX indicator and an adaptive moving average (AMA) to smooth out the price data and reduce the number of false signals. The adaptive moving average is designed to adjust the smoothing period based on the current market conditions, which makes the indicator more responsive to changes in price.
The Jurik RSX can be used to identify potential trend reversals and momentum shifts in the market. It oscillates between 0 and 100, with values above 50 indicating a bullish trend and values below 50 indicating a bearish trend . Traders can use these levels to make trading decisions, such as buying when the indicator crosses above 50 and selling when it crosses below 50.
The Jurik RSX is a more advanced version of the RSX indicator, and while it can be useful in identifying potential trade opportunities, it should not be used in isolation. It is best used in conjunction with other technical and fundamental analysis tools to make informed trading decisions.
What is Slow RSI?
Slow RSI is a variation of the traditional Relative Strength Index ( RSI ) indicator. It is a more smoothed version of the RSI and is designed to filter out some of the noise and short-term price fluctuations that can occur with the standard RSI .
The Slow RSI uses a longer period of time than the traditional RSI , typically 21 periods instead of 14. This longer period helps to smooth out the price data and makes the indicator less reactive to short-term price fluctuations.
Like the traditional RSI , the Slow RSI is used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in the market. It oscillates between 0 and 100, with values above 70 indicating overbought conditions and values below 30 indicating oversold conditions. Traders often use these levels as potential buy and sell signals.
The Slow RSI is a more conservative version of the RSI and can be useful in identifying longer-term trends in the market. However, it can also be slower to respond to changes in price, which may result in missed trading opportunities. Traders may choose to use a combination of both the Slow RSI and the traditional RSI to make informed trading decisions.
What is Rapid RSI?
Same as regular RSI but with a faster calculation method
What is Harris RSI?
Harris RSI is a technical analysis indicator that is a variation of the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ). It was developed by Larry Harris and is designed to help traders identify potential trend changes and momentum shifts in the market.
The Harris RSI uses a different calculation formula compared to the traditional RSI . It takes into account both the opening and closing prices of a financial instrument, as well as the high and low prices. The Harris RSI is also normalized to a range of 0 to 100, with values above 50 indicating a bullish trend and values below 50 indicating a bearish trend .
Like the traditional RSI , the Harris RSI is used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in the market. It oscillates between 0 and 100, with values above 70 indicating overbought conditions and values below 30 indicating oversold conditions. Traders often use these levels as potential buy and sell signals.
The Harris RSI is a more advanced version of the RSI and can be useful in identifying longer-term trends in the market. However, it can also generate more false signals than the standard RSI . Traders may choose to use a combination of both the Harris RSI and the traditional RSI to make informed trading decisions.
What is Cuttler RSI?
Cuttler RSI is a technical analysis indicator that is a variation of the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ). It was developed by Curt Cuttler and is designed to help traders identify potential trend changes and momentum shifts in the market.
The Cuttler RSI uses a different calculation formula compared to the traditional RSI . It takes into account the difference between the closing price of a financial instrument and the average of the high and low prices over a specified period of time. This difference is then normalized to a range of 0 to 100, with values above 50 indicating a bullish trend and values below 50 indicating a bearish trend .
Like the traditional RSI , the Cuttler RSI is used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in the market. It oscillates between 0 and 100, with values above 70 indicating overbought conditions and values below 30 indicating oversold conditions. Traders often use these levels as potential buy and sell signals.
The Cuttler RSI is a more advanced version of the RSI and can be useful in identifying longer-term trends in the market. However, it can also generate more false signals than the standard RSI . Traders may choose to use a combination of both the Cuttler RSI and the traditional RSI to make informed trading decisions.
What is Ehlers Smoothed RSI?
Ehlers smoothed RSI is a technical analysis indicator that is a variation of the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ). It was developed by John Ehlers and is designed to help traders identify potential trend changes and momentum shifts in the market.
The Ehlers smoothed RSI uses a different calculation formula compared to the traditional RSI . It uses a smoothing algorithm that is designed to reduce the noise and random fluctuations that can occur with the standard RSI . The smoothing algorithm is based on a concept called "digital signal processing" and is intended to improve the accuracy of the indicator.
Like the traditional RSI , the Ehlers smoothed RSI is used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in the market. It oscillates between 0 and 100, with values above 70 indicating overbought conditions and values below 30 indicating oversold conditions. Traders often use these levels as potential buy and sell signals.
The Ehlers smoothed RSI can be useful in identifying longer-term trends and momentum shifts in the market. However, it can also generate more false signals than the standard RSI . Traders may choose to use a combination of both the Ehlers smoothed RSI and the traditional RSI to make informed trading decisions.
█ GKD-C RSI of Fast Discrete Cosine Transform
What is the RSI of Fast Discrete Cosine Transform in terms of Forex trading?
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a popular technical indicator used in trading forex to measure the strength of a trend and identify potential trend reversals. While the Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT) is not directly related to the RSI, it can be used to analyze the frequency components of the price data used to calculate the RSI and improve its accuracy.
The RSI is calculated by comparing the average gains and losses of a financial instrument over a given period of time. The RSI value ranges from 0 to 100, with values above 70 indicating an overbought market and values below 30 indicating an oversold market.
One limitation of the RSI is that it only considers the average gains and losses over a fixed period of time, which may not capture the complex patterns and dynamics of financial markets. This is where the FDCT can be useful.
By applying the FDCT to the price data used to calculate the RSI, traders can identify the dominant frequency components of the price data and use this information to adjust the RSI calculation. For example, traders can weight the gains and losses based on the frequency components identified by the FDCT, giving more weight to the dominant frequencies and less weight to the lower frequencies.
This approach can improve the accuracy of the RSI calculation and provide traders with more reliable signals for identifying trends and potential trend reversals. Traders can also use the frequency components identified by the FDCT to develop more advanced trading strategies, such as identifying cycles in the market and using this information to develop trend-following strategies.
In summary, while the FDCT is not directly related to the RSI, it can be used to analyze the frequency components of the price data used to calculate the RSI and improve its accuracy. Traders can use the FDCT to identify dominant frequency components and adjust the RSI calculation accordingly, providing more reliable signals for identifying trends and potential trend reversals.
This indicator has period lengths that are powers of powers of 2. There is also a features to increase the resolution of the FDCT.
Confirmation 1 and Solo Confirmation: GKD-V Volatility / Volume indicator
Confirmation 2: GKD-C Confirmation indicator
Confirmation 2 and Solo Confirmation Complex: GKD-E Exit indicator
Confirmation 1: GKD-C Confirmation indicator
Continuation: GKD-E Exit indicator
Solo Confirmation Simple: GKD-BT Backtest strategy
Additional features will be added in future releases.
Fourier Spectrometer of Price w/ Extrapolation Forecast [Loxx]Fourier Spectrometer of Price w/ Extrapolation Forecast is a forecasting indicator that forecasts the sinusoidal frequency of input price. This method uses Linear Regression with a Fast Fourier Transform function for the forecast and is different from previous forecasting methods I've posted. Dotted lines are the forecast frequencies. You can change the UI colors and line widths. This comes with 8 frequencies out of the box. Instead of drawing sinusoidal manually on your charts, you can use this instead. This will render better results than eyeballing the Sine Wave that folks use for trading. this is the real math that automates that process.
Each signal line can be shown as a linear superposition of periodic (sinusoidal) components with different periods (frequencies) and amplitudes. Roughly, the indicator shows those components. It strongly depends on the probing window and changes (recalculates) after each tick; e.g., you can see the set of frequencies showing whether the signal is fast or slow-changing, etc. Sometimes only a small number of leading / strongest components (e.g., 3) can extrapolate the signal quite well.
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***The period parameter doesn't correspond to how many bars back the drawing begins. Lines re rendered according to skipping mechanism due to TradingView limitations.
STD-Stepped Fast Cosine Transform Moving Average [Loxx]STD-Stepped Fast Cosine Transform Moving Average is an experimental moving average that uses Fast Cosine Transform to calculate a moving average. This indicator has standard deviation stepping in order to smooth the trend by weeding out low volatility movements.
What is the Discrete Cosine Transform?
A discrete cosine transform (DCT) expresses a finite sequence of data points in terms of a sum of cosine functions oscillating at different frequencies. The DCT, first proposed by Nasir Ahmed in 1972, is a widely used transformation technique in signal processing and data compression. It is used in most digital media, including digital images (such as JPEG and HEIF, where small high-frequency components can be discarded), digital video (such as MPEG and H.26x), digital audio (such as Dolby Digital, MP3 and AAC), digital television (such as SDTV, HDTV and VOD), digital radio (such as AAC+ and DAB+), and speech coding (such as AAC-LD, Siren and Opus). DCTs are also important to numerous other applications in science and engineering, such as digital signal processing, telecommunication devices, reducing network bandwidth usage, and spectral methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations.
The use of cosine rather than sine functions is critical for compression, since it turns out (as described below) that fewer cosine functions are needed to approximate a typical signal, whereas for differential equations the cosines express a particular choice of boundary conditions. In particular, a DCT is a Fourier-related transform similar to the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), but using only real numbers. The DCTs are generally related to Fourier Series coefficients of a periodically and symmetrically extended sequence whereas DFTs are related to Fourier Series coefficients of only periodically extended sequences. DCTs are equivalent to DFTs of roughly twice the length, operating on real data with even symmetry (since the Fourier transform of a real and even function is real and even), whereas in some variants the input and/or output data are shifted by half a sample. There are eight standard DCT variants, of which four are common.
The most common variant of discrete cosine transform is the type-II DCT, which is often called simply "the DCT". This was the original DCT as first proposed by Ahmed. Its inverse, the type-III DCT, is correspondingly often called simply "the inverse DCT" or "the IDCT". Two related transforms are the discrete sine transform (DST), which is equivalent to a DFT of real and odd functions, and the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT), which is based on a DCT of overlapping data. Multidimensional DCTs (MD DCTs) are developed to extend the concept of DCT to MD signals. There are several algorithms to compute MD DCT. A variety of fast algorithms have been developed to reduce the computational complexity of implementing DCT. One of these is the integer DCT (IntDCT), an integer approximation of the standard DCT, : ix, xiii, 1, 141–304 used in several ISO/IEC and ITU-T international standards.
Notable settings
windowper = period for calculation, restricted to powers of 2: "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", this reason for this is FFT is an algorithm that computes DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) in a fast way, generally in 𝑂(𝑁⋅log2(𝑁)) instead of 𝑂(𝑁2). To achieve this the input matrix has to be a power of 2 but many FFT algorithm can handle any size of input since the matrix can be zero-padded. For our purposes here, we stick to powers of 2 to keep this fast and neat. read more about this here: Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm
smthper = smoothing count, this smoothing happens after the first FCT regular pass. this zeros out frequencies from the previously calculated values above SS count. the lower this number, the smoother the output, it works opposite from other smoothing periods
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Additional reading
A Fast Computational Algorithm for the Discrete Cosine Transform by Chen et al.
Practical Fast 1-D DCT Algorithms With 11 Multiplications by Loeffler et al.
Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm