Trend SCANThe visually important moving averages EMA5, EMA20, EMA144 and EMA169 are seen on the indicator.
However, the main purpose of the indicator is to combine the changes in the rsi, ema, volume, momentum and cci data on the stock and to display them in a label on the chart with a formula aimed at determining the stocks that are in an uptrend.
The group that the stock group is desired to be scanned from the indicator settings is selected and the scanning process is instantly visible on the label in the chart period or in the time interval selected outside the chart period.
The stock groups are grouped as BIST50, BIST100, Yildiz Pazar and Main Pazar. But these can be selected as desired.
Volume Explosion [ProjeAdam]OVERVIEW
The purpose of the indicator is to detect significant changes in trading volume in financial markets.
The user can change the sensitivity of the indicator by adjusting the multiplier value. The higher the multiplier, the harder it is to detect high volume bars.
The multiplier set by the user determines how much a move above the volume values is considered an "explosion". A higher multiplier results in fewer volume bursts being detected.
We have two different language options in our indicator. Users can use it in Turkish or English.
If we change the language option on our indicator, the language on our indicator that shows the upper and average level of our Band changes.
The indicator calculates the simple moving average of volume over a certain period of time. This average is used to identify abnormal movements by comparing it with the current volume.
If the current volume is higher than a certain multiple of the moving average, this is considered a volume burst. This indicates significant activity in the market.
We can change the parity for which we want to receive an alarm from the settings panel and ensure that we receive an alarm at the parity we want.
When an alarm occurs in our parities, a separate indicator appears at the bottom right of the chart showing which parities the alarm is triggered in.
If there is no signal in the next bar, this table is automatically deleted.
We understand that we have excessive volume in the two bars in our example and that interest in this financial product has increased in this region.
This indicator is especially useful for traders who care about volume changes.
This indicator can be used as a helpful tool in trading decisions, as sudden increases in volume can be the beginning of a significant move in the market.
If you have any ideas what to add to my work to add more sources or make calculations cooler, suggest in DM .
SelcukCode Crypto Triple VolumeThis is a volume indicator written for cryptocurrencies. The difference from the integrated indicator is that the left symbol of the cryptocurrency shows the volume as well as the right symbol. It also shows the volume of the pair in USDT. Thus, we see the USDT volume of each cryptocurrency pair. This standardizes our view of volume.
Bu, kripto paralar için yazılmış bir hacim indikatörüdür. Entegre indikatörden farkı, kripto paranın sol sembolünün hacmini göstermesinin yanı sıra sağ sembolün hacmini de gösterir. Ayrıca paritenin USDT olarak da hacmini gösterir. Böylelikle her kripto para çiftinin USDT hacmini görmüş oluruz. Bu bizim hacime bakış açımızı standartlaştırır.
CryptogramTR with OPEN CODEIndicator is obtained by importing RSI(14) into HULL moving average source with 2 different periods, as one is long period and the other is short.
When green line (short period) cross upward the red line (long period) , this is a BUY; vice versa it is a SELL.
When HMA Short Period is set to 1 (one), yielding line is absolutely the same line of RSI (14). You can change it into 8(eight) preferably.
İndikatör, RSI(14) indikatörünün, hull hareketli ortalamasının kod kaynağı olarak atanması ile elde edilmiştir. Uzun ve kısa olmak üzere 2 ayrı periyot kullanılmıştır.
Yeşil çizgi yani kısa periyotlu çizgi, kırmızı yani uzun periyotlu olanı yukarı keserse AL, tersi durum SAT olarak düşünülmelidir.
Hull Kısa Periyodu 1 iken oluşan yeşil çizgi, RSI(14) indikatörünü vermektedir. Kısa periyot olarak tercihinize göre bu değeri 8 olarak da kullanabilirsiniz.