Ichimoku + Daily-Candle_X + HULL-MA_X + MacDIchimoku_cloud + Daily-Candle_cross(DT) + HuLL-MovingAverage_cross + MacD
any timeframe, all indicators settings adjustable for fine tuning to pair/timeframe
Target Point and Stop Loss settings
set SL low to reduce repaint
Moving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD)
MACDouble & StochRSI w/ safeties and variable time interval v0.3UPDATE:
IMPORTANT!!! MAKE SURE "RECALCULATE AFTER ORDER FILLED" IS CHECKED. I will have it on by default in the future.
This is a continuation of my previous scripts of two MACD indicators with a Stochastic RSI indicator.
New features:
- Alternate MACD time interval
You can now set the time interval for the second MACD indicator to a different resolution than the displayed chart.
Uncheck the box and select the desired interval. For example, if your chart is set to 15min then first MACD will be set at 15 min and you can select 5 min for the second MACD.
- Alternate StoRSI time interval
You can (and should) set the StochRSI to a different time interval as well. StochRSI hasn't worked great with previous versions. Now you can set it to a different time resolution as well. I strongly recommend you set it at a higher (slower) resolution; for example if your chart is set at 15min then you should test setting the StochRSI at 30 or 45min.
- ' True" StochRSI logic
Trading logic for StochRSI is now a true StochRSI, instead of just reading "k" and ignoring "d", K now has to be greater than D to buy and less than to sell.
- Safeties
A primitive but low risk safety in the form of an uptrend/downtrend price safety. If current close+high isn't greater than the previous close and high then the buy order will not be executed. The same applies for sell orders.
- Cap on losses from short positions
A stop loss safety set to 9000 for exiting sell positions. This will need refinement in the future but this puts a cap on losses from any sell position. At an initial currency of 10,000 this translates to 90.00. If it is giving you problems simply delete line 78 from the source code.
Please feel free to ask any questions or send me suggestions. This is still very much a work in progress and I'll try to polish up the rough spots but it is fully functional. With a slower StochRSI and the safeties I have gotten it to consistently outperform the old 2x MACD strategy script---typically by 3-fold.
Price Action Trading System v0.3 by JustUncleLThis is an updated and improved version of my "Price Action Trading strategy". I have added two extra optional filters, one is a trend direction filter based on the MACD slow EMA(17), blue line, and the other is a RSI(7) filter which works similarly to CCI(14) but slightly different dynamics (thank you to gianfranco60 for the suggestion). Also made a couple of corrections:
- input for lenLower minval=1 should be maxval=-1
- one bar pullback did not reset trigger, missing some alerts
Some Notes about usage:
- this is an alert indicator not a signal generator, each alert is a strong trend continuance candidate,
but should be treated on it's own merits by looking at chart dynamics and market conditions.
- will work well on trending markets only.
- works best on the first alert after MACD cross over.
- don't take trades when MACD and signal are close together.
- don't trade when channel and slow MA are flat or close together or
chopper (yellow and blue MA cross over quickly over short period).
Oscillator Moving Average (OsMA)This code for Oscillator of Moving Averages (OsMA) is based on MACD 4C indicator code published by vkno422 . Many thanks to vkno422. I have borrowed the concept of 4 colours which I find very useful.
For those who are not familiar with OsMA, it is histogram of difference between MACD (oscillator) and its MA (signal line). The zero line cross over of this indicator is used in many strategies.
This version includes MACD & its signal line together with OsMA histogram. I have programmed flexibility for switching OFF/ON individual indicator components as well as changing the periods for various moving averages.
I am dedicating this indicator to the TV trading community hoping that people will find it useful.
SMACDGraphs slope of ohlc4 MACD
When it =0, trend change
play with slow&fast lengths as well as the length used to calculate the slope.
-in progress(?)
Vertical lines in the image are as close as I could get them to SMACD=0.
Accumulation/Distribution MACDMACD of acc/dist instead of the normal stuff.
Dunno if it's actually useful.
Just wanted to see what happened.
Thanks to ChrisMoody who's macd script I stole
MTF MACD 2 By YuthavithiIf you want a good strategy without repaint. This one might be for you. Excellent profitable for BTCUSD3M for OKCoin.
It uses multiple time frame MACD for trading decision. To avoid repaint, set the delay period = 1 for both long term and midterm.
The idea is that, if long term, mid term and current time frame all agree on traidng direction, the trade will take place.
I also uses it in my automated trading bot with good result.
MultiCross v4.20Quad-HullMA-cross & VWMA & MacD & TSI combination
Version 4.20
added script for strategy settings to be already correct when strategy loads onto chart:
calc_on_order_fills= true, calc_on_every_tick=true, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, pyramiding=0
MultiCrossQuad-HullMA-cross & VWMA & MacD & TSI combination
Made for 4H - other timeframes unkown result.
Rob RSI Stoch MACD Combo Alert//Created by Robert Nance on 5/28/16. Additional credit to vdubus.
//This was a special request from rich15stan. It combines my original RSI Stoch extremes with vdubus’ MACD VXI.
//This script will give you red or green columns as an indication for oversold/overbought,
//based upon the rsi and stochastic both being at certain levels. The default oversold is at 35.
//If Stochastic and RSI fall below 35, you will get a green column. Play with your levels to see how
//your stock reacts. It now adds the MACD crossover, plotted as a blue circle.
MACDouble + RSI (rec. 15min-2hr intrv) Uses two sets of MACD plus an RSI to either long or short. All three indicators trigger buy/sell as one (ie it's not 'IF MACD1 OR MACD2 OR RSI > 1 = buy", its more like "IF 1 AND 2 AND RSI=buy", all 3 match required for trigger)
The MACD inputs should be tweaked depending on timeframe and what you are trading. If you are doing 1, 3, 5 min or real frequent trading then 21/44/20 and 32/66/29 or other high value MACDs should be considered. If you are doing longer intervals like 2, 3, 4hr then consider 9/19/9 and 21/44/20 for MACDs (experiment! I picked these example #s randomly).
Ideal usage for the MACD sets is to have MACD2 inputs at around 1.5x, 2x, or 3x MACD1's inputs.
Other settings to consider: try having fastlength1=macdlength1 and then (fastlength2 = macdlength2 - 2). Like 10/26/10 and 23/48/20. This seems to increase net profit since it is more likely to trigger before major price moves, but may decrease profitable trade %. Conversely, consider FL1=MCDL1 and FL2 = MCDL2 + (FL2 * 0.5). Example: 10/26/10 and 22/48/30 this can increase profitable trade %, though may cost some net profit.
Feel free to message me with suggestions or questions.
chentz Volume MACDA MACD indicator over the volume to see pattern over the volume.
Adaptation of script from
and using the theoretical foundation from www.moneyshow.com
MACD Divergence MultiTimeFrame [FantasticFox]This is a MACD divergence on 3 time-frames, 1h, 4h and 1D.
Please insert the indicator into a 1h chart, otherwise change the lengths' inputs.
you will see H1,H2, H3, R1, R2 and R3 in green and maroon colors.
H means hidden divergence, 1 regards to 1h, 2 to 4h, and 3 to 1D. If the color is green, its bullish, and if its maroon the divergence is bearish.
Gray circles on 4h macd is for those traders who want to check the confirmation on Elliott wave changes.
*Thanks to RicardoSantos MACD divergence.
MACD MultiTimeFrame 1h4h1D [Fantastic Fox]Please insert the indicator into 1h time-frame, otherwise you need to change the lengths' inputs.
When there are tops for two of the MACDs and they are near and close* to each other, there is a big opportunity of a "Major Top" for the security, and vice versa for "Major Bottom".
This indicator can be used for tracing multi time-frame divergence. Also, it could help traders to identify the waves of Elliott Wave, and as a signal for confirmation of an impulse after a correction or retracement.
* They should be on top of each others head, not crossing each other. not necessarily touching, but not so far from each other.
Exponential Moving Average Convergence/DivergenceMACD modified with exponential moving averages. Simple.
MACD + Stochastic, Double Strategy (by ChartArt)This strategy combines the classic stochastic strategy to buy when the stochastic is oversold with a classic MACD strategy to buy when the MACD histogram value goes above the zero line. Only difference to the classic stochastic is a default setting of 71 for overbought (classic setting 80) and 29 for oversold (classic setting 20).
Therefore this strategy goes long if the MACD histogram goes above zero and the stochastic indicator detects a oversold condition (value below 29). If the inverse logic is true, the strategy goes short (stochastic overbought condition with a value above 71 and the MACD histogram falling below the zero line value).
Please be aware that this pure double strategy using simply two classic indicators does not have any stop loss or take profit money management logic.
All trading involves high risk; past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown.
Stefan Krecher: Jeddingen DivergenceThe main idea is to identify a divergence between momentum and price movement. E.g. if the momentum is rising but price is going down - this is what we call a divergence. The divergence will be calculated by comparing the direction of the linear regression curve of the price with the linear regression curve of momentum.
A bearish divergence can be identified by a thick red line, a bullish divergence by a green line.
When there is a divergence, it is likeley that the current trend will change it's direction.
Looking at the chart, there are three divergences that need to get interpreted:
1) bearish divergence, RSI is overbought but MACD does not clearly indicate a trend change. Right after the divergence, price and momentum are going up. No clear signal for a sell trade
2) bearish divergence, RSI still overbought, MACD histogram peaked, MACD crossed the signal line, price and momentum are going down. Very clear constellation for a sell trade.
3) two bullish diverences, RSI is oversold, MACD crossover near the end of the second divergence, price and momentum started rising. Good constellation for a buy trade. Could act as exit signal for the beforementioned sell trade.
More information on the Jeddingen Divergence is available here: www.forexpython.com