Blockunity US Market Liquidity (BML)Get a clear view of US market liquidity and monitor its status at a glance to anticipate movements on risky assets.
The Idea
The BML aggregates and analyzes total USD market liquidity in trillions of dollars. It is used to monitor the liquidity of the USD market. When liquidity is good, all is well. If liquidity is low, the US will maneuver and sell treasury bills (debt) to replenish its treasury, which can lead to bearish pressure on markets, particularly those considered risky, such as Bitcoin.
How to Use
The indicator is very easy to use, there's nothing special about it. This tool is mainly intended to be used as fundamental information, and not for active trading.
The US Market Liquidity has several distinct components:
FED Balance Sheet
The Fed credits member banks’ Fed accounts with money, and in return, banks sell the Fed US Treasuries and/or US Mortgage-Backed Securities. This is how the Fed “prints” money to juice the financial system.
US Treasury General Account
The US Treasury General Account (TGA) balances with the NY Fed. When it decreases, it means the US Treasury is injecting money into the economy directly and creating activity. When it increases, it means the US Treasury is saving money and not stimulating economic activity. The TGA also increases when the Treasury sells bonds. This action removes liquidity from the market as buyers must pay for their bonds with dollars.
Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements
A reverse repurchase agreement (known as Reverse Repo or RRP) is a transaction in which the New York Fed under the authorization and direction of the Federal Open Market Committee sells a security to an eligible counterparty with an agreement to repurchase that same security at a specified price at a specific time in the future.
Earnings Remittances Due to the Treasury
The Federal Reserve Banks remit residual net earnings to the US Treasury after providing for the costs of operations, payment of dividends, and the amount necessary to maintain each Federal Reserve Bank’s allotted surplus cap. Positive amounts represent the estimated weekly remittances due to the US Treasury. Negative amounts represent the cumulative deferred asset position, which is incurred during a period when earnings are not sufficient to provide for the cost of operations, payment of dividends, and maintaining surplus.
Several parameters can be defined in the indicator configuration. You can:
Choose the smoothing and timeframe to be used in the plot.
Set the EMA lookback period and display it or not. This affects the color of the main plot.
Set the period to be taken into account when calculating the variation rate in the table.
Select the data to be taken into account in the calculation.
Activate or not the barcolor.
Lastly, you can modify all table parameters.
Commitments of Traders Report [Advanced]This indicator displays the Commitment of Traders (COT) report data in a clear, table format similar to an Excel spreadsheet, with additional functionalities to analyze open interest and position changes. The COT report, published weekly by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), provides valuable insights into market sentiment by revealing the positioning of various trader categories.
Release Date: When the data was released.
Open Interest: Shows the total number of open contracts for the underlying instrument held by selected trader category.
Net Contracts: Shows the difference between long and short positions for selected trader category.
Long/Short OI: Displays the long and short positions held by selected trader category.
Change in Long/Short OI: Displays the change in long and short positions since the previous reporting period. This can highlight buying or selling pressure.
Long & Short Percentage: Displays the percentage of total long and short positions held by each category.
Trader Categories (Configurable)
Commercials: Hedgers who use futures contracts to manage risk associated with their underlying business (e.g., producers, consumers).
Non-Commercials (Large Speculators): Speculative traders with large positions who aim to profit from price movements (e.g., hedge funds, investment banks).
Non-Reportable (Small Speculators/Retail Traders): Smaller traders with positions below the CFTC reporting thresholds.
CFTC Code: If the indicator fails to retrieve data, you can manually enter the CFTC code for the specific instrument. The code for instrument can be found on CFTC's website.
Using the Indicator Effectively
Market Sentiment Gauge: Analyze the positioning of each trader category to gauge overall market sentiment.
High net longs by commercials might indicate a bullish outlook, while high net shorts could suggest bearish sentiment.
Changes in open interest and long/short positions can provide additional insights into buying and selling pressure.
Trend Confirmation: Don't rely solely on COT data for trade signals. Use it alongside price action and other technical indicators for confirmation.
Identify Potential Turning Points: Extreme readings in COT data, combined with significant changes in open interest or positioning, might precede trend reversals, but exercise caution and combine with other analysis tools.
Remember, the COT report is just one piece of the puzzle. It should not be used for making isolated trading decisions. Consider incorporating it into a comprehensive trading strategy that factors in other technical and fundamental analysis.
A big shoutout to Nick from Transparent FX ! His expertise and thoughtful analysis have been a major inspiration in developing this COT Report indicator. To know more about this indicator and how to use it, be sure to check out his work.
FVG OscillatorThe FVG Oscillator, developed by OmegaTools and available on TradingView, is a specialized analytical tool designed to offer traders insight into the market's potential direction through the lens of Fair Value Gaps (FVGs). This script combines traditional oscillator functionality with a unique focus on FVGs, providing a nuanced approach to understanding market dynamics.
Understanding FVGs and Their Importance:
Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) are identified when there's a discrepancy between the high price of one session and the low of the subsequent session (or vice versa), indicating areas where price movements have skipped over, creating a gap. These gaps often signal potential price movement areas, as markets may move to "fill" these gaps. The FVG Oscillator is designed to quantify these occurrences and their potential impact on market direction.
Key Features of the FVG Oscillator:
- Adjustable Lookback Period: Traders can set the number of bars back (defaulted at 50) to adjust the sensitivity of the oscillator to recent market activity.
- Visual Area Representation: The option to display areas of positive and negative FVG occurrences provides a visual representation of market sentiment over the selected period.
- Color Customisation: Users can personalize the oscillator's appearance with color selections for positive and negative movements, enhancing readability and analysis.
- Volume and ATR Confirmation: Incorporates volume data and Average True Range (ATR) filtering to verify FVG occurrences, adding a layer of validation to the identified gaps.
Operational Mechanism:
The oscillator tallies bullish FVG occurrences as positive values and bearish FVG occurrences as negative values over the specified lookback period. It then applies volume and ATR criteria to confirm the significance of these gaps. The final output is an oscillator line that reflects the net value of bullish versus bearish FVGs, alongside histograms that show the width (or significance) of long and short patterns based on confirmed FVGs.
How to Use the FVG Oscillator:
- After adding the FVG Oscillator to your TradingView chart, adjust the 'Bars Back' input to tailor the oscillator's sensitivity to your trading strategy.
- Use the net value line to gauge the overall market sentiment based on FVG occurrences; a higher net value suggests bullish sentiment, while a lower value indicates bearish sentiment.
- The histograms provide an additional layer of insight, highlighting the relative strength and significance of confirmed bullish and bearish FVGs.
Application in Trading:
The FVG Oscillator is intended as an analytical tool to complement your existing trading strategy. By offering a unique perspective on FVG occurrences and their potential market implications, the oscillator can help inform your trading decisions. However, traders are encouraged to combine this tool with other forms of analysis and employ sound risk management practices.
Originality and Usefulness:
This oscillator is original in its integration of FVG analysis with traditional oscillator metrics, offering traders a novel tool for market analysis. Its usefulness lies in its ability to provide a quantitative and visual representation of FVGs, aiding traders in identifying potential market movements.
It is important for traders to understand that the financial markets are inherently unpredictable, and the FVG Oscillator is not a predictive tool nor does it guarantee trading success. It should be used as part of a comprehensive trading strategy, incorporating additional market analysis and risk management practices. Remember, past performance does not necessarily predict future results, and trading involves risks, including the potential loss of capital.
Bond Yield SpreadThe Bond Yield Spread Script is developed for forex traders, offering an automated tool to calculate the bond yield spread between two countries associated with the forex pair displayed on the chart.
The script starts by identifying the base and quote currencies of the current forex pair and aligns them with their corresponding national bond symbols based on user-selected maturity, with options ranging from 01Y to 30Y. It calculates the yield spread by subtracting the bond yield associated with the quote country from that of the base country, following the formula:
Yield Spread = Yield(Base Country) − Yield(Quote Country)
which is then displayed as a plot line on the chart.
This script relies solely on TradingView's internal yield symbols, with the following calculation:
"currency" => "first two letters" + maturity
And maturity, in this case, is the value that is configured in the indicator settings, for example:
"EUR" => "EU" + "02Y" will result in EU02Y -> which will be used in the formula, depending on the quote or base currency.
Application in Trading:
This indicator is invaluable for traders employing carry trading strategies or assessing currency strength based on traded interest rates as an indicator. A higher yield spread typically indicates a stronger currency, because the return obtained for holding the currency is higher.
Originality and Practicality:
This script is self-developed, aiming to fill the gap in automatic bond yield comparisons within the TradingView environment. It is particularly beneficial for traders focusing on macroeconomic factors affecting forex markets. Unlike other scripts, it integrates various bond maturities into one tool, enhancing its utility and application range.
Designed for traders incorporating macroeconomics in their strategy, this script will be useful to calculate the bond yield differences automatically without having to enter a new formula for every new currency pair.
Compliance and Limitations:
The script complies with TradingView scripting standards, ensuring no lookahead bias and maintaining real-time data integrity. However, its utility depends on the comprehensive availability of bond yield data within TradingView. As not all countries issue bonds for each listed maturity, this may limit the script’s application for certain currency pairs or specific maturities.
Min-Max Normalization TrendPrinciple
script is using defined period of last candles
over the period it discovers minimum and maximum values
all the values within the period are normalized to that range
resulting values are in range 0-100
the shown value is average from all the candlestick data, i.e. AVG(OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE) resulting in more smoothed values which helps to filter out market volatility
How to interpret
if there is a uptrend, the new candle data will be normalized as one of the highest values, around 100
similarly if there is a downtrend, the new candle data will be normalized as one of the lowest values, around 0
to help visualize, there is a configurable threshold for bullish or bearish trends
works well on higher timeframes, e.g. BTC on 1d, but can be used on any timeframe to identify local trends
even though a lookback period of candles is used to define the normalization range, this does not mean that the indicator is lagging - this is because the lookback period only defines the range, but does not influece current value's weight
you can configure bullish threshold as well as bearish threshold and respective colors
the range in between is considered sideways
lookback period can be also adjusted
Support and Resistance ZoneSupport and Resistance Zone Indicator :
Introduction :
The purpose of this indicator is to identify the chart symbol's main supports and resistances. It displays these key zones, which are very important psychological points for traders. Since support and resistance are not very precise levels, the indicator displays them as zones.
Pivots :
Pivots are a key concept in identifying support and resistance. The indicator uses two types of pivot:
Pivot high : This is a high point that has not been reached by a user-defined number of candles on either the left and right of this candle. The " left pivot leg " is the number of candles before this pivot point that have not reached the realized high, and the " right pivot leg " is the number of candles after this pivot point that have not reached this high. If these two conditions are met, the pivot point is considered a turning point, and resistance is probably the cause.
Pivot low : This is a low point that has not been reached by a user-defined number of candles on either the left or right. The " left pivot leg " is the number of candles before this pivot point that have not reached the candle low, and the " right pivot leg " is the number of candles after this pivot point that have not reached this low. If these two conditions are met, the pivot point is considered a turning point, and support is probably the cause.
Support/Resistance area :
If a pivot point has been identified, the indicator considers it a resistance if it's a pivot high, or a support if it's a pivot low. To define the support or resistance zone, we'll use the ATR (Average True Range), an indicator that measures asset volatility. We'll take the ATR of the candle for which the pivot was spotted, and use it as the width of the support or resistance zone. Thus the upper line of support/resistance is at pivot+atr/2 and the lower line is at pivot-atr/2 . The greater the volatility, the larger the zone.
New Support/Resistance :
If a new pivot has been identified, but the level of this pivot lies between the lower line and the upper line of the previous support or resistance, the indicator considers this to be the same support or resistance as before. In this case, no new support or resistance is created. The pivot must be outside the area of the previous support or resistance to be validated.
Anticipated Support/Resistance :
This indicator also allows early detection of support or resistance. To do this, the value of the right pivot legs will be shortened in order to find these areas more quickly. The support or resistance will then be considered anticipated and may disappear at any time if the high/low is reached. On the other hand, if the high/low is not reached, and a number of candles equal to the " Right Pivot Legs" parameter has elapsed since the detection of this anticipated support/resistance, it will be considered validated and will integrate the other supports/resistances of the chart.
Extended supports/resistances :
For a more optimal view, the indicator allows the user to choose the number of last support or resistance levels to be extended to the last candle. This must be specified in the indicator parameters.
Parameters :
Pivot Legs : Determine the left and right legs of the pivot i.e the number of candle before and after the pivot that doesn’t reach pivot point. The pivot is validated only if this two conditions are verified.
Extend Last Supports : Number of supports to extend to the last bar
Extend Last Resistances : Number of resistances to extend to the last bar
Show Support/Resistance Anticipated : If yes, will find anticipated support and resistance
Right Pivot Legs for Anticipation : Determine the right legs of pivots to find faster a support or a resistance.
Conclusion :
This indicator plot support and resistance zones based on pivot. The width of support and resistance zones are calculated with ATR. Possibility to find anticipated support and resistance in order to have more timeliness informations.
Enjoy the indicator and don’t forget to take the trade ;)
Blockunity Miners Synthesis (BMS)Track the status of Bitcoin and Ethereum Miners' Netflows and their asset reserves.
The Idea
The goal is to provide a simple tool for visualizing the changes in miners' flows and reserves.
How to Use
Analysing the behaviour of miners enables you to detect long-term opportunities, in particular with the state of reserves, but also in the shorter term with the visualization of Netflows.
Miners Reserves
Miners Reserves represent the balances of addresses belonging to mining pools (in BTC or ETH).
This data can also be displayed in USD via the indicator parameters:
Miners Netflow
The Netflow is calculated by subtracting the outflows from the inflows originating from addresses associated with mining pools. When this result is negative, it indicates that more funds are exiting the miners' accounts than the funds they are receiving. Consequently, negative miner netflows suggests selling activity.
This data can also be displayed in USD via the indicator parameters. You can also choose the timeframe. For example, selecting "Yearly" will give a Netflow daily average taking into account the last 365 days:
In the settings, you can first choose which asset to view, between Bitcoin and Ethereum. Here are the reserves of Ethereum miners:
As with Bitcoin, Netflow can also be displayed in the timeframe of your choice. Here you can see the average daily netflow of Ethereum miners in USD over the last 30 days:
Here are all the parameters:
Asset Selector: Choose between Bitcoin or Ethereum miner data.
Get values in USD: Displays values in USD instead of assets.
Switch between Netflow and Reserve : If checked, displays Miners' Reserves data. If unchecked, displays Miners' Netflow data.
Display timeframe: Allows you to select the timeframe for displaying the Netflow plot.
Period Lookback (in days): Select the period to be taken into account when calculating the variation percentage of Miners' Reserves.
Lastly, you can modify all table and labels parameters.
Bitcoin Leverage Sentiment - Strategy [presentTrading]█ Introduction and How it is Different
The "Bitcoin Leverage Sentiment - Strategy " represents a novel approach in the realm of cryptocurrency trading by focusing on sentiment analysis through leveraged positions in Bitcoin. Unlike traditional strategies that primarily rely on price action or technical indicators, this strategy leverages the power of Z-Score analysis to gauge market sentiment by examining the ratio of leveraged long to short positions. By assessing how far the current sentiment deviates from the historical norm, it provides a unique lens to spot potential reversals or continuation in market trends, making it an innovative tool for traders who wish to incorporate market psychology into their trading arsenal.
BTC 4h L/S Performance
█ Strategy, How It Works: Detailed Explanation
🔶 Data Collection and Ratio Calculation
Firstly, the strategy acquires data on leveraged long (**`priceLongs`**) and short positions (**`priceShorts`**) for Bitcoin. The primary metric of interest is the ratio of long positions relative to the total of both long and short positions:
BTC Ratio=priceLongs / (priceLongs+priceShorts)
This ratio reflects the prevailing market sentiment, where values closer to 1 indicate a bullish sentiment (dominance of long positions), and values closer to 0 suggest bearish sentiment (prevalence of short positions).
🔶 Z-Score Calculation
The Z-Score is then calculated to standardize the BTC Ratio, allowing for comparison across different time periods. The Z-Score formula is:
Z = (X - μ) / σ
- X is the current BTC Ratio.
- μ is the mean of the BTC Ratio over a specified period (**`zScoreCalculationPeriod`**).
- σ is the standard deviation of the BTC Ratio over the same period.
The Z-Score helps quantify how far the current sentiment deviates from the historical norm, with high positive values indicating extreme bullish sentiment and high negative values signaling extreme bearish sentiment.
🔶 Signal Generation: Trading signals are derived from the Z-Score as follows:
Long Entry Signal: Occurs when the BTC Ratio Z-Score crosses above the thresholdLongEntry, suggesting bullish sentiment.
- Condition for Long Entry = BTC Ratio Z-Score > thresholdLongEntry
Long Exit/Short Entry Signal: Triggered when the BTC Ratio Z-Score drops below thresholdLongExit for exiting longs or below thresholdShortEntry for entering shorts, indicating a shift to bearish sentiment.
- Condition for Long Exit/Short Entry = BTC Ratio Z-Score < thresholdLongExit or BTC Ratio Z-Score < thresholdShortEntry
Short Exit Signal: Happens when the BTC Ratio Z-Score exceeds the thresholdShortExit, hinting at reducing bearish sentiment and a potential switch to bullish conditions.
- Condition for Short Exit = BTC Ratio Z-Score > thresholdShortExit
🔶Implementation and Visualization: The strategy applies these conditions for trade management, aligning with the selected trade direction. It visualizes the BTC Ratio Z-Score with horizontal lines at entry and exit thresholds, illustrating the current sentiment against historical norms.
█ Trade Direction
The strategy offers flexibility in trade direction, allowing users to choose between long, short, or both, depending on their market outlook and risk tolerance. This adaptability ensures that traders can align the strategy with their individual trading style and market conditions.
█ Usage
To employ this strategy effectively:
1. Customization: Begin by setting the trade direction and adjusting the Z-Score calculation period and entry/exit thresholds to match your trading preferences.
2. Observation: Monitor the Z-Score and its moving average for potential trading signals. Look for crossover events relative to the predefined thresholds to identify entry and exit points.
3. Confirmation: Consider using additional analysis or indicators for signal confirmation, ensuring a comprehensive approach to decision-making.
█ Default Settings
- Trade Direction: Determines if the strategy engages in long, short, or both types of trades, impacting its adaptability to market conditions.
- Timeframe Input: Influences signal frequency and sensitivity, affecting the strategy's responsiveness to market dynamics.
- Z-Score Calculation Period: Affects the strategy’s sensitivity to market changes, with longer periods smoothing data and shorter periods increasing responsiveness.
- Entry and Exit Thresholds: Set the Z-Score levels for initiating or exiting trades, balancing between capturing opportunities and minimizing false signals.
- Impact of Default Settings: Provides a balanced approach to leverage sentiment trading, with adjustments needed to optimize performance across various market conditions.
Sessions Lite [TradingFinder] New York, London, Asia, NYSE Forex🔵 Introduction
A trading session is one of the basic concepts in the financial market that refers to specific time periods. In fact, a session means hours during the day and night, during which traders in a certain part of the world conduct their transactions.
Although the "Forex" and "CFDs" market is open 24 hours a day and it is possible to trade in it, but in some hours the activity in this market decreases so much that many traders prefer not to trade and only watch the market. On the other hand, there are specific times when the market is very busy and dynamic, and many traders tend to trade during these hours of the day and night.
Trading sessions are usually divided into three main categories, which are "Asian", "European" and "North American" sessions. These trading sessions are also called the "Tokyo", "London" and "New York" sessions, respectively. But they also categorized these sessions in more detailed ways such as "Sydney session", "Shanghai session" or "NYSE session".
🔵 Tokyo trading session (Asian session)
After the weekend that happens on Saturday and Sunday, the Forex market starts with the Asian session. In this continent, most of the transactions are done in the Tokyo session, and for this reason, it is usually called the Asian session or the Tokyo session. However, other countries such as Australia, China and Singapore also do a lot of trading in this session.
The Tokyo session has a lower volume of transactions compared to the London and New York sessions, and therefore the liquidity is lower. In this session, most of the Forex currency pairs move in a price range. For this reason, different people use the ups and downs with the trading strategy in the range and get profit.
The low liquidity of the Tokyo session means that trading spreads are also higher during these hours. Besides, most of the transactions of this session are done in the early hours and at the same time as the planned news release.
In the Tokyo or Asia session, the best currency pairs to trade are the "Japanese yen", the "Australian dollar", and the "New Zealand dollar".
"Nikkei" index is also a good option for trading. If you trade in the Tokyo session, you should also be aware of the release of economic news and data from Australian, New Zealand and Japanese financial institutions.
🔵 London trading session (European session)
After the Asian session, it is time for the European session. In this period of time, transactions are very large and many European markets are involved. However, the European session is usually known as the London session.
Because of its specific time zone, London is not only known as the Forex trading center in Europe, but it is also known as the Forex trading center in the world. The London session overlaps with two other major trading sessions in the world, Asia and America. This means that most of the Forex transactions are done in this session. According to the latest statistics, 32% of Forex transactions are related to the London session, which shows that about a third of the activity performed in Forex takes place during this period.
This will increase the volume of Forex transactions and increase liquidity. An event that causes the spread of transactions to decrease. Of course, high liquidity also leads to greater volatility, which is desirable for many traders.
In the European session, the pound and euro currencies and the "DAX", "FTSE100", and "CAC40" indices are known as the best tradable assets. Also, traders of this session should pay attention to the news and data published by the "European Central Bank" and the "Bank of England". The news of countries like Germany, France and Italy are also very important.
🔵 American trading session (New York session)
When the New York session begins, several hours have passed since the end of the Tokyo session, but the European session is in the middle. In this session, they usually affect the financial activities carried out in America, but they also affect other countries such as Canada, Mexico and several South American countries.
The "US dollar" and stock indices such as "S&P", "Dow Jones" and "Nasdaq" are the most important assets that are traded in this session.
The early hours of the American session have a lot of liquidity and volatility due to the overlap with the European session, but with the end of the European session, the activity in the American session also decreases.
You can trade all major Forex currency pairs in the New York trading session. In this session, the "Federal Reserve", as the most important central bank in the world, is the institution that you should pay attention to its news and data.
The trading session indicator is an analytical tool in the financial markets that is used to display and analyze specific trading periods during a day. These indicators are generally useful for determining support and resistance levels during any trading session and for detecting different trading patterns.
For example, usually these indicators display the open and close price levels, the highest and lowest prices during a trading session. Also, you may notice various price patterns such as price channels, price phase phases and market trend changes during different trading sessions using these indicators.
🔵 cause of construction
In particular, the session light indicator version is designed and built for those traders who use many different tools on their chart at the same time. These traders can include "Volume Traders", "ICT traders", "Day Traders" and... These individuals can use "Session Lite" without disturbing the display of their other trading tools such as "Order Blocks", "Liquidity", "Zigzag", "FVG" etc.
But in general, there are several reasons for making tools like trading session indicators in financial markets, some of which include the following :
1. Analysis of specific time frames : Some traders and investors like to consider specific time frames for price analysis and review. For example, analyzing price changes during each trading session can help analyze trading patterns and identify trading opportunities.
2. Recognize different price patterns : Different price patterns may be observed during trading sessions. Trading session indicators can help to make better trading decisions by analyzing these patterns and their strengths and weaknesses.
3. Identifying Support and Resistance Levels : These tools may help to identify support and resistance levels during any trading session which can be helpful in deciding whether to enter or exit the market.
🔵 How to use
The Session Lite indicator displays 8 sessions by default. Asia session, Sydney session, Tokyo session, Shanghai session, Europe session, London session, New York session and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) session are the sessions that are displayed.
You can activate or deactivate the display of each session by using the tick button next to the name of each session.
Two gray vertical dashes are also displayed by default, which indicate the beginning of the European session and the New York session. This feature is available for all sessions, but it is enabled by default only for these two sessions, and you can activate it for the rest of the session. You can enable or disable the display of this line by using the Start Session tick key.
Likewise, the information table is displayed by default, which includes the open or closed information of each session and the start and end times of each session. These timings are based on the UTC time zone.
Accordingly, the schedule of trading sessions is as follows :
Asia session from 23:00 to 06:00
Sydney session from 23:00 to 05:00
Tokyo session from 00:00 to 00:06
Shanghai session from 01:30 to 06:57
European session from 07:00 to 16:30
London session from 08:00 to 16:30
New York session from 13:00 to 22:00
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) session from 14:30 to T 22:00
Important note : the beginning of the European session coincides with the opening of the Frankfurt market.
🔵 Settings
• In the settings section, there are customization capabilities according to the type of use of each user. The settings related to showing or not showing the box of each session, the start indicator of each session, setting the start and end time of the session and choosing the desired color to display each session are among the things that can be set from this section.
• At the end of the settings, you will see the "Info Table" option; By disabling this option, the "sessions" clock table displayed on the upper right side will be disabled.
Emibap's HEX Uniswap v3 Liquidity PoolThis script will display a histogram of the Uniswap V3 HEX liquidity pool, versus as many tokens as possible.
Current supported pairs:
HEX/WETH.USD (Ethereum expressed in USD)
HEX/USDT (Just showing the USDC liquidity)
Similar to what you can see in the liquidity section of the Uniswap pool page but conveniently rendered alongside your chart.
It's meant to be used on a HEX / WETH chart only. The price should be expressed in WETH for it to work.
One of the main motivations for using this in your chart is to get an idea of the current sentiment: If most of the volume is above the price it might be an indication of an upcoming move up, for instance.
I'll try to update the liquidity regularly.
Using the 4h, daily, or weekly time frames is highly recommended.
The options are straightforward:
Histogram bars color. Default is blue
Histogram background color. Default is black at 20% opacity
Upper price limit of the diagram: Visible upper bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 200%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 3 as the upper bound
Lower price limit of the diagram. Visible lower bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 99%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 0. 01 as the upper bound
Width of the widest bar: Width (in bars) for the widest bar of the histogram. The more the higher resolution you'll get
Locked volume marker line thickness
Locked volume marker color
Relative Strength wrt ReferenceThis script evaluates the relative strength of the current symbol with respect to your chosen symbol. At the same time it gives an idea about the trend of the reference symbol.
Under default settings, it evaluates the strength with respect to NIFTY50.
While the value of the bars represents the relative strength, Colors of the bars indicate the relative strength status.
The condition action rules are as follows:
-Bar color blue implies that both the underlying and reference increased.
-Bar color green implies that the underlying increased but reference decreased.
-Bar color purple implies that both the underlying and reference decreased.
-Bar color red implies that the underlying decreased but reference increased.
On the other hand, the background colors indicate the general trend structure in the reference in terms of exponential moving averages and adx.
Green implies strong up trend.
Purple implies sideways to bullish trend.
Blue implies sideways to bearish trend
Red implies existing strong downtrend.
You can change the settings as per your choice.
COT Delta CodeThis indicator is based on the code provided by ILuvMarkets.
This script nets the Institutional Long and Short contracts of a symbol and plot the result as a line (COT Delta).
Also the script can net the COT Delta's of 2 COT-symbols.
In the example chart COT Delta's of GBP and NZD are netted and plotted on the main chart.
Crypto MVRV ZScore - Strategy [PresentTrading]█ Introduction and How it is Different
The "Crypto Valuation Extremes: MVRV ZScore - Strategy " represents a cutting-edge approach to cryptocurrency trading, leveraging the Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) Z-Score. This metric is pivotal for identifying overvalued or undervalued conditions in the crypto market, particularly Bitcoin. It assesses the current market valuation against the realized capitalization, providing insights that are not apparent through conventional analysis.
BTCUSD 6h Long/Short Performance
█ Strategy, How It Works: Detailed Explanation
The strategy leverages the Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) Z-Score, specifically designed for cryptocurrencies, with a focus on Bitcoin. This metric is crucial for determining whether Bitcoin is currently undervalued or overvalued compared to its historical 'realized' price. Below is an in-depth explanation of the strategy's components and calculations.
🔶Conceptual Foundation
- Market Capitalization (MC): This represents the total dollar market value of Bitcoin's circulating supply. It is calculated as the current price of Bitcoin multiplied by the number of coins in circulation.
- Realized Capitalization (RC): Unlike MC, which values all coins at the current market price, RC is computed by valuing each coin at the price it was last moved or traded. Essentially, it is a summation of the value of all bitcoins, priced at the time they were last transacted.
- MVRV Ratio: This ratio is derived by dividing the Market Capitalization by the Realized Capitalization (The ratio of MC to RC (MVRV Ratio = MC / RC)). A ratio greater than 1 indicates that the current price is higher than the average price at which all bitcoins were purchased, suggesting potential overvaluation. Conversely, a ratio below 1 suggests undervaluation.
🔶 MVRV Z-Score Calculation
The Z-Score is a statistical measure that indicates the number of standard deviations an element is from the mean. For this strategy, the MVRV Z-Score is calculated as follows:
MVRV Z-Score = (MC - RC) / Standard Deviation of (MC - RC)
This formula quantifies Bitcoin's deviation from its 'normal' valuation range, offering insights into market sentiment and potential price reversals.
🔶 Spread Z-Score for Trading Signals
The strategy refines this approach by calculating a 'spread Z-Score', which adjusts the MVRV Z-Score over a specific period (default: 252 days). This is done to smooth out short-term market volatility and focus on longer-term valuation trends. The spread Z-Score is calculated as follows:
Spread Z-Score = (Market Z-Score - MVVR Ratio - SMA of Spread) / Standard Deviation of Spread
- SMA of Spread is the simple moving average of the spread over the specified period.
- Spread refers to the difference between the Market Z-Score and the MVRV Ratio.
🔶 Trading Signals
- Long Entry Condition: A long (buy) signal is generated when the spread Z-Score crosses above the long entry threshold, indicating that Bitcoin is potentially undervalued.
- Short Entry Condition: A short (sell) signal is triggered when the spread Z-Score falls below the short entry threshold, suggesting overvaluation.
These conditions are based on the premise that extreme deviations from the mean (as indicated by the Z-Score) are likely to revert to the mean over time, presenting opportunities for strategic entry and exit points.
█ Practical Application
Traders use these signals to make informed decisions about opening or closing positions in the Bitcoin market. By quantifying market valuation extremes, the strategy aims to capitalize on the cyclical nature of price movements, identifying high-probability entry and exit points based on historical valuation norms.
█ Trade Direction
A unique feature of this strategy is its configurable trade direction. Users can specify their preference for engaging in long positions, short positions, or both. This flexibility allows traders to tailor the strategy according to their risk tolerance, market outlook, or trading style, making it adaptable to various market conditions and trader objectives.
█ Usage
To implement this strategy, traders should first adjust the input parameters to align with their trading preferences and risk management practices. These parameters include the trade direction, Z-Score calculation period, and the thresholds for long and short entries. Once configured, the strategy automatically generates trading signals based on the calculated spread Z-Score, providing clear indications for potential entry and exit points.
It is advisable for traders to backtest the strategy under different market conditions to validate its effectiveness and adjust the settings as necessary. Continuous monitoring and adjustment are crucial, as market dynamics evolve over time.
█ Default Settings
- Trade Direction: Both (Allows for both long and short positions)
- Z-Score Calculation Period: 252 days (Approximately one trading year, capturing a comprehensive market cycle)
- Long Entry Threshold: 0.382 (Indicative of moderate undervaluation)
- Short Entry Threshold: -0.382 (Signifies moderate overvaluation)
These default settings are designed to balance sensitivity to market valuation extremes with a pragmatic approach to trade execution. They aim to filter out noise and focus on significant market movements, providing a solid foundation for both new and experienced traders looking to exploit the unique insights offered by the MVRV Z-Score in the cryptocurrency market.
Day/Week/Month Metrics (Zeiierman)█ Overview
The Day/Week/Month Metrics (Zeiierman) indicator is a powerful tool for traders looking to incorporate historical performance into their trading strategy. It computes statistical metrics related to the performance of a trading instrument on different time scales: daily, weekly, and monthly. Breaking down the performance into daily, weekly, and monthly metrics provides a granular view of the instrument's behavior.
The indicator requires the chart to be set on a daily timeframe.
█ Key Statistics
⚪ Day in month
The performance of financial markets can show variability across different days within a month. This phenomenon, often referred to as the "monthly effect" or "turn-of-the-month effect," suggests that certain days of the month, especially the first and last days, tend to exhibit higher than average returns in many stock markets around the world. This effect is attributed to various factors including payroll contributions, investment of monthly dividends, and psychological factors among traders and investors.
⚪ Edge
The Edge calculation identifies days within a month that consistently outperform the average monthly trading performance. It provides a statistical advantage by quantifying how often trading on these specific days yields better returns than the overall monthly average. This insight helps traders understand not just when returns might be higher, but also how reliable these patterns are over time. By focusing on days with a higher "Edge," traders can potentially increase their chances of success by aligning their strategies with historically more profitable days.
⚪ Month
Historically, the stock market has exhibited seasonal trends, with certain months showing distinct patterns of performance. One of the most well-documented patterns is the "Sell in May and go away" phenomenon, suggesting that the period from November to April has historically brought significantly stronger gains in many major stock indices compared to the period from May to October. This pattern highlights the potential impact of seasonal investor sentiment and activities on market performance.
⚪ Day in week
Various studies have identified the "day-of-the-week effect," where certain days of the week, particularly Monday and Friday, show different average returns compared to other weekdays. Historically, Mondays have been associated with lower or negative average returns in many markets, a phenomenon often linked to the settlement of trades from the previous week and negative news accumulation over the weekend. Fridays, on the other hand, might exhibit positive bias as investors adjust positions ahead of the weekend.
⚪ Week in month
The performance of markets can also vary within different weeks of the month, with some studies suggesting a "week of the month effect." Typically, the first and the last week of the month may show stronger performance compared to the middle weeks. This pattern can be influenced by factors such as the timing of economic reports, monthly investment flows, and options and futures expiration dates which tend to cluster around these periods, affecting investor behavior and market liquidity.
█ How It Works
⚪ Day in Month
For each day of the month (1-31), the script calculates the average percentage change between the opening and closing prices of a trading instrument. This metric helps identify which days have historically been more volatile or profitable.
It uses arrays to store the sum of percentage changes for each day and the total occurrences of each day to calculate the average percentage change.
⚪ Month
The script calculates the overall gain for each month (January-December) by comparing the closing price at the start of a month to the closing price at the end, expressed as a percentage. This metric offers insights into which months might offer better trading opportunities based on historical performance.
Monthly gains are tracked using arrays that store the sum of these gains for each month and the count of occurrences to calculate the average monthly gain.
⚪ Day in Week
Similar to the day in the month analysis, the script evaluates the average percentage change between the opening and closing prices for each day of the week (Monday-Sunday). This information can be used to assess which days of the week are typically more favorable for trading.
The script uses arrays to accumulate percentage changes and occurrences for each weekday, allowing for the calculation of average changes per day of the week.
⚪ Week in Month
The script assesses the performance of each week within a month, identifying the gain from the start to the end of each week, expressed as a percentage. This can help traders understand which weeks within a month may have historically presented better trading conditions.
It employs arrays to track the weekly gains and the number of weeks, using a counter to identify which week of the month it is (1-4), allowing for the calculation of average weekly gains.
█ How to Use
Traders can use this indicator to identify patterns or trends in the instrument's performance. For example, if a particular day of the week consistently shows a higher percentage of bullish closes, a trader might consider this in their strategy. Similarly, if certain months show stronger performance historically, this information could influence trading decisions.
Identifying High-Performance Days and Periods
Day in Month & Day in Week Analysis: By examining the average percentage change for each day of the month and week, traders can identify specific days that historically have shown higher volatility or profitability. This allows for targeted trading strategies, focusing on these high-performance days to maximize potential gains.
Month Analysis: Understanding which months have historically provided better returns enables traders to adjust their trading intensity or capital allocation in anticipation of seasonally stronger or weaker periods.
Week in Month Analysis: Identifying which weeks within a month have historically been more profitable can help traders plan their trades around these periods, potentially increasing their chances of success.
█ Settings
Enable or disable the types of statistics you want to display in the table.
Table Size: Users can select the size of the table displayed on the chart, ranging from "Tiny" to "Auto," which adjusts based on screen size.
Table Position: Users can choose the location of the table on the chart
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
Blockunity Address Synthesis (BAS)Track the address status of the various cryptoassets and their evolution.
The Idea
The goal is to provide a simple tool for visualizing the evolution of different types of crypto addresses.
How to Use
This tool is to be used as fundamental information. It is not intended for investment or trading purposes.
Active Addresses
Active Addresses represent the subset of total addresses that made one or more on-chain transaction on a given day.
New Addresses
New Addresses refer to addresses that receive their first deposit in the selected crypto-asset.
Zero Balance Addresses
Zero Balance Addresses are addresses that transferred out (potentially sold) all of their holdings for the selected crypto-asset.
Total Addresses
Total Addresses refer to the overall count of unique addresses that have been created on a blockchain network.
In the settings, you can :
Adjust line smoothing (in terms of number of days).
Change the lookback period used to calculate the different variations.
Display or not the different address types (for better visualization, Total Addresses should be shown alone).
Show or hide labels and configure their offset.
Lastly, you can modify all table parameters.
Open Interest Inflows & Outflows [LuxAlgo]The Open Interest Inflows & Outflows indicator focuses on highlighting alterations in the overall count of active contracts associated with a specific financial instrument.
The indicator also includes an oscillator highlighting the price sentiment to use in conjunction with the open interest flow sentiment and also includes a rolling correlation of the open interest flow sentiment with a user-selected source.
Open Interest (OI) indicates the total number of active contracts, encompassing both long and short positions, for a specific financial instrument at any given moment. This key indicator helps traders and analysts assess market activity and sentiment.
An increase in open interest generally indicates new money flowing into the market, suggesting increased activity and the potential for a trending market. Conversely, a decrease in open interest indicates that traders are closing their positions, suggesting less interest in that particular contract.
Open Interest Flow Sentiment assesses the correlation between the initiation of new positions (inflows) and the closure of existing positions (outflows) for a particular instrument. Positive values suggest a prevalence of inflows, while negative values signify a prevalence of outflows.
The magnitude of the deviation from zero reflects the extent of dominance, either in inflows or outflows.
Price Sentiment estimates the relationship between the strength of bulls (buyers) and bears (sellers) on an instrument. Positive values indicate higher bull power and negative values indicate higher bear power.
The correlation feature is a key component of the indicator and helps analyze the relationship between trading volume and Open Interest changes. If volume increases along with rising Open Interest, it supports the validity of the price trend.
A divergence between price movement, volume, and Open Interest may signal potential reversals.
This indicator, based on Dr. Alexander Elder's acclaimed Elder-Ray concept, aids traders in evaluating the strength of both bulls and bears by delving beneath the surface of the markets. It uncovers data not immediately apparent from a superficial glance at prices. The indicator comprises two components: Bull Power and Bear Power.
Considering that the high price of any candle signifies the maximum power of buyers and the low price represents the maximum power of sellers, Elder employs the 13-period Exponential Moving Average (EMA) to depict the average consensus of price value. Bull Power assesses whether buyers can drive prices above the average consensus of value, while Bear Power assesses whether sellers can push prices below this average.
Here are the formulas for Bull Power and Bear Power:
bull_power = high - ema(close, 13)
bear_power = low - ema(close, 13)
This concept is utilized to calculate Open Interest Flow Sentiment and Price Sentiment. The Open Interest Flow Sentiment estimates the relationship between new positions (inflows) and positions being closed (outflows), providing insights into market dynamics. The Price Sentiment, on the other hand, gauges the correlation between price movements and the Elder-Ray components, aiding traders in identifying potential shifts in market sentiment and momentum.
🔹Open Interest Inflows & Outflows
OI Sentiment Correlation: toggles the visibility of Open Interest correlation with a variety of sources.
Money Flow Estimates: toggles the visibility of Money Flow Estimates calculated for the last bar.
OI Flow Sentiment: toggles the visibility of Open Interest Flow Sentiment, along with color customization options.
Price Sentiment: toggles the visibility of Price Sentiment, along with color customization options.
Correlation Colors: color customization option for the Correlation Area.
Smoothing: smoothing length applicable for Open Interest Flow Sentiment and Price Sentiment.
Thanks to our community for recommending this script. For more conceptual scripts and related content, we welcome you to explore by visiting >>> LuxAlgo-Scripts .
Interest Rate IndicatorThis script offers a overview of Year-over-Year (YoY) interest rates for key countries. The interest rate data utilized by default are sourced from TradingView Tickers, but they can be modified to any preferred source via the settings.
The script does not perform any calculations; its primary function is to present a comparative view of interest rates across different countries in a single indicator.
Key features include:
Interest rate data for the USA, European Union, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, United Kingdom, and New Zealand (Interest Rate Symbols are editable in the settings).
A table displaying country flags, names, and the latest interest rates, providing a clear and immediate comparison.
Country-representative colors for easy identification and visual distinction between different countries' data.
This indicator is designed for traders and analysts looking for a quick and efficient way to monitor and compare the interest rates of major economies directly within TradingView, facilitating better informed financial and investment decisions.
Candle + Volume as HistogramNow plot Candle and Volume as Histogram Oscillator. It is a very simple but very effective indicator to see what is happening at Volume and Candle levels. It clearly plots whether the market is trending, volatile, what is going to happen in next candles etc. Above Zero is price candle and below Zero is Volume histogram.
EMA : 9 period EMA on price is default, which I find the best, but you can change as you likes. Below zero line shows market is in negative phase and above zero market is positive.
PRICE CANDLE : As price and volume have different numeric value, so you have to use multiplier to set the proper price candle, which is plotted above zero
VOLUME : As price and volume have different numeric value, so you have to use multiplier to set the Volume candle, which is plotted below zero.
ZERO LINE : use ‘Gap between Candle and Volume plotting’. Increase the value until you see a thin line between price and volume histogram.
NOTE: (i) When you will plot the indicator for the first time, either price candle may not be appearing properly or volume. It means that non-appearing histogram side needs multiplication, so keep on increasing value on proper side until both side histogram appears properly.
(ii) In other case. Price or volume histogram may appear as full Candle. In this case too, you need to increase multiplier value on opposite side till value becomes equal on both sides.
These settings are important because a share price can be 10 only whereas volume may be in millions. Indicator has been tested on many shares and indexes, so never feels that indicator is improper. Just try to change the setting.
Market Activity Risk"Market Activity Risk" (MAR) - Is a dynamic tool designed to structurize the competitive landscape of blockchain transaction blocks, offering traders a strategic edge in anticipating market movements.
By capturing where market participants are actively buying and selling, the MAR indicator provides insights into areas of high competition, allowing traders to make informed decisions and potentially front-run transactions.
At the heart of this tool are blockchain transaction fees , they can represent daily shifts in transaction fee pressures.
By measuring momentum in fees, we can analyze the urgency and competition among traders to have their transactions processed first. This indicator is particularly good at revealing potential support or resistance zones, areas where traders are likely to defend their positions or increase their stakes, thus serving as critical junctures for strategic decision-making.
Key Features:
Adaptable Standard Deviation Settings: Users have the flexibility to adjust the length of the standard deviation and its multipliers, managing the risk bands to their individual risk tolerance.
Color-Coded Risk Levels: The MAR indicator employs an intuitive color scheme, making it easy to interpret the data at a glance.
Multi-Currency Compatibility: While designed with Bitcoin in mind, the MAR indicator is versatile, functioning effectively across various cryptocurrencies including Ethereum, XRP, and several other major altcoins. This broad compatibility ensures that traders across different market segments can leverage the insights provided by this tool.
Customizable Moving Average: The 730-day moving average setting is thoughtfully chosen to reflect the nuances of a typical cryptocurrency cycle, capturing long-term trends and fluctuations. However, recognizing the diverse needs and perspectives of traders, the indicator allows for the moving average period to be modified.
SAT - Sentiment Analysis Tool by Csth97This code calculates the correlation between the ATR and the OBV of the price, and plots the difference between the positive and negative OBV correlations as a line. It also plots horizontal lines at the UP and DOWN levels, and signals bullish and bearish crosses when the difference line crosses those levels.
Inflation IndicatorThis script provides a great view of Year-over-Year (YoY) inflation rates for key countries.
The inflation data used per default are TradingView Tickers, but you can change them to anything you want from the settings.
There is no calculation in this script, all it does is providing a overview of inflation rates in a single indicator.
Inflation data for the USA, European Union, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, United Kingdom, and New Zealand (Inflation Symbols editable in the settings)
Customizable static line to indicate a specific threshold value (default: 2.0).
Table displaying country flags, names, and the latest inflation rates.
Country-representative colors for easy identification.
Economic Growth Index (XLY/XLP)Keeping an eye on the macroeconomic environment is an essential part of a successful investing and trading strategy. Piecing together and analysing its complex patterns are important to detect probable changing trends. This may seem complicated, or even better left to experts and gurus, but it’s made a whole lot easier by this indicator, the Economic Growth Index (EGI).
Common sense shows that in an expanding economy, consumers have access to cash and credit in the form of disposable income, and spend it on all sorts of goods, but mainly crap they don’t need (consumer discretionary items). Companies making these goods do well in this phase of the economy, and can charge well for their products.
Conversely, in a contracting economy, disposable income and credit dry up, so demand for consumer discretionary products slows, because people have no choice but to spend what they have on essential goods. Now, companies making staple goods do well, and keep their pricing power.
These dynamics are represented in EGI, which plots the Rate of Change of the Consumer Discretionary ETF (XLY) in relation to the Consumer Staples ETF (XLP). Put simply, green is an expanding phase of the economy, and red shrinking. The signal line is the market, a smoothed RSI of the S&P500. Run this on a Daily timeframe or higher. Check it occasionally to see where the smart money is heading.
BTC Perp/Spot Price DifferenceThis is a simple script that provides you with realtime information on the actual Bitcoin price difference between the Binance Perpetual Futures and the Coinbase Spot markets.
I consider this information very useful - especially on intraday timeframes - because it immediately shows the way the retail margin traders are skewed.
Positive values mean that the margin retail daytraders are mainly long, negative values mean the opposite.
I hope this indicator will help you in your intraday Bitcoin trades.