EchoMorphicAverageLibrary "EchoMorphicAverage"
Original Self Referencing Moving Average which references
it's own output agsainst itself and the incoming source to dynamically
alter smoothness and length internally per calculation cycle.
Inputs are float length series.
Contact Me for More Dynamic Float Length Indicators.
wema(src, mod, len)
Waited Echo-Morphic Average
src : (float) input value
mod : (float) modifier(0-1) mix of current value
len : (float) length
Returns: output processed smoothed value
wemaStack(src, mod, len)
Stacked Multipass Waited Echo-Morphic Average
src : (float) input value
mod : (float) modifier(0-1) mix of current value
len : (float) length
Returns: output processed smoothed value
Range Adaptive EMA Float Series Inputuses range and change distance on arrays to allow for more control as well as any choice of input value as a controller for how tightly it grips the input signal.
Function - Sequence From SeriesFunction to create a array from a sample taken from a series (ex:. close, hlc3...).
Example - Switching LineExample of manipulating a float series to:
• switch from one source to another
• maintain a level by referencing itself
This script publication is intended for:
• Educational Purposes
Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to learn how to change the position or state of an active float series.
Min/Max Value Multiple Series FunctionTrying different solutions to find the minimum/maximum value in a set of predefined series
Back to zero: Understanding seriestype: pine series basic example
time required: 10 minutes
level: medium (need to know the "array" data variable as a generic programming concept, basic Pine syntax)
tl;dr how variables and series work in Pine
Pine is an array/vector language. That's something that twists how it behaves, and how we have to think about it. A lot of misunderstandings come from forgetting this fact. This example tries to clear that concept.
First, you need to know what an array is, and how it works in a programmig language. Also, having javascript under your belt helps too. If you don't, google "javascript array basic tutorial" is your friend :)
So, in pine arrays are called "series". Every variable is an array with values for each candle in the chart. if we do:
myVar = true
this is not a constant. It is a series of values for each candle, { true, true,....., true }
In practice, the result is the same, but we can access each of the values in the series, like myVar{0}, myVar{7}, myVar{anyNumber}....
Again, it is not a constant, since you can access/modify the each value individually
so, lets show it:
plot (myVar, clolor = gray)
this plots an horizontal line of value 1 ( 1 is equal to true ) so it's all good.
On to a more usual series:
tipicalSeries = close > open ? true : false
plot(tipicalSeries, color= blue)
This gives the expected result, a tipical up and down line with values at 1 or 0. Naturally, "tipicalSeries" is an array, the "ups" and "downs" are all stored under the same variable, indexed by the candles.
In Pine, the ZERO position in the array is the last one, which corresponds to the last candle on the right. Say you have a chart with 12 candles. The close would be the closing value of what we intuitively think as first candle, the one on the left. then close ... and so on.... until close , the value of the "last" candle, the one on the right. It actually helps to start thinking of the positions backwards, counting down to zero, rocket launch style :)
And back to our series. The myVar will also be the same size, from myVar to myVar .
When we do some operation with them, something simple like
if ( myVar == tipicalSeries)
what is really happening is that internally, Pine is checking each of the indexes, as in myVar == tipicalSeries , myVar == tipicalSeries .... myVar == tipicalSeries
And we can store that stuff to check it. simply:
result = (myVar == tipicalSeries) ? true : false //yes, this is the same as tipicalSeries, but we're not in a boolean logic tut ;)
plot (result)
The reason we can plot the result is that it is an array, not a single value. The example indicator i provide shows a plot where the values are obtained from different places in the array, this line here:
mySeries3 = mySeries2 and mySeries1
this creates a series that is the result of the PREVIOUS values stored (the zero index is the one most at the right, or the "current" one), which here just causes a shift in the plotted line by one candle.
Go ahead, grab a copy of my code, try to change the indexes and see the results. Understanding this stuff is critical to go deeper into Pine :)
Substratum Module [snowsilence]This module is meant to act as a framework and platform over which to develop other indicators. On its own it does essentially nothing, yet simplifies the work of adding basic customizations and flexibility to ideas immediately. The chart on this post is not a demo, so its better to just try adding the indicator to a test chart — you may find it more convenient to set "overlay=true" in the study header — and look into the settings for an intuitive sense of its purpose.
Please build off of this, let me know if you find it useful, and credit/reference me where it seems reasonable. Feedback is always appreciated!