Simple Moving Average (SMA)
MA Crossover TypeDraws the up and down crossovers of a specified MA Type.
# Inputs
- MA Type: "sma", "ema", "swma", "vwma", "wma"
- Length >=1
- Source
- Offset >= 0
- Show cross Up?
- Show cross Down?
# Open Source
The code is open source @ and uses the commonpine library
MA TypeAdd your MA Type.
# Inputs
- MA Type: "sma", "ema", "swma", "vwma", "wma"
- Length >=1
- Source
- Offset >= 0
Simple Moving Averages Alert Scriptcan set alerts on 3 moving averages (crossovers) , experiment with different moving average lengths in the input settings menu, there is also a toggle switch which turns off the 3rd moving average being used as a stop.
will add a backtesting version at some point
5 Adaptable MA [BVCC]A slight evolution to the ideas presented in the original 7-28-50 BVCC overlay. This version allows you to switch between a custom 5 MA set up of your own choosing and the BVCC recommended 7-28-50-100-200 combo. Additionally, you can choose to mix the SMA and EMA components of the combo in any way that you wish.
Daily Moving Averages - 20EMA, 100SMA and 200SMAThis prints the daily 20EMA, 100SMA and 200SMA onto any time frame you want.
Daily Simplistic Moving Average Strategy 10/22Indicates crossing over or under of the 10 and 22 SMA
Best used on the daily chart for crypto assets such as BTC & ETH
Priceit plots
ema - you can choose length
it plots a custom price say x
it plots price x*factors >
1.0005* price
1.001* price
0.9995* price
0.999* price
1.002* price
1.004* price
1.006* price
1.008* price
1.010* price
1.012* price
you can edit these , the scrip is open source
it plots ohlc4 and ohlc4* factors
1.0005* ohlc4
1.001* ohlc4
0.9995* ohlc4
0.999* ohlc4
you can edit these , the scrip is open source
Fibonacci Moving Average (EMA/SMA) Bundle //@v1.2 Fibonacci Moving Average (EMA/SMA) Bundle
//By Tantamount
//Save your TV indicator use counts by using the Fibonacci SMA/EMA all in one indicator! Toggle between Exponetial or Simple moving averages functionality, using Fibonacci the sequence.
//Fib moving averages are very good at locating support and resistance zones on multiple time frames.
//Customize and or input your very own moving average nomenclature by simply changing the input options from default: SMA (21, 55, 89, 144, 233) or EMA (21, 55, 89, 144, 233) Example: (8,13,21,55,89)
Support and Resistance Lines
Middle-High-Low Moving AverageThis indicator was originally developed by Vitali Apirine (Stocks & Commodities , V.34:9 (August, 2016): "The Middle-High-Low Moving Average").
You can use it to create a crossover trading system in conjuction with EMA/SMA.
Good luck!
Meister Shredder - Simple Moving Averages x4 ForecastIncludes the 21, 50, 100 and 200 SMA and 6 bar forecast
7-28-50 [BVCC]7 EMA
28 MA
50 MA
Derived from a strategy. I modified the 7 period to be EMA for more responsive monitoring.
7-28-507 EMA
28 MA
50 MA
Derived from a strategy. I modified the 7 period to be EMA for more responsive monitoring.
7-28-50 [BVCC]7 EMA
28 MA
50 MA
Derived from a strategy discussed in our telegram channel. I modified the 7 period to be EMA for more responsive monitoring.
MA CrossA simple configurable MA Cross (3 MAs) script. You can choose between SMA and EMA , you will get arrows up or down when MAs cross each others. The arrows have different transparency and length parameters so you can easily identify them:
- small arrow and the most transparent for fast and medium MA crosses
- medium arrow for fast and slow MA crosses
- long arrow with no transparency for medium and slow MA crosses
Default values that can be changed:
- MA type = EMA
- Source for all MAs = close
- Fast MA length = 20
- Medium MA length = 50
- Slow MA length = 200
I plan on adding feartures overtime.
SMA/WMA histogram with MTF and alertsThis histogram is based on the difference between SMA and WMA (I make it as false MACD to create signals)
Since we have the non repainting MTF function we can see the buy and the sell signals at different time frames.
the color of the histo change according to difference so as the color change from dark red to light red be ready to buy and if color change from dark green to light green be ready to sell. The signal based on cross to the 0 .
since you have MTF in build you can change time frame changing int2 to desire min you want
here 60 min MTF on 30 min graph. you can make any variation you want .it flexible model allow you to find the best setting for your purpose
Daily Moving AveragesPlots the 20, 50, 100 & 200 daily moving averages on any lower timeframe, but it uses a custom function to calculate the plots rather than using the security() function, so the lines are smooth rather than jagged.
3 MA(50,100,200)_DAILYDaily Moving Average (50, 100, 200) in one code, indicates daily MA values in all time frames
StrongerTRIXBetter version of the old-school TRIX trend indicator, a SMA for signaling and better visualization was added