Jurik Filter [Loxx]Jurik Filter is a Jurik-filtered moving average that acts as both a baseline and a support and resistance indicator
What is Jurik Volty used in the Juirk Filter?
One of the lesser known qualities of Juirk smoothing is that the Jurik smoothing process is adaptive. "Jurik Volty" (a sort of market volatility ) is what makes Jurik smoothing adaptive. The Jurik Volty calculation can be used as both a standalone indicator and to smooth other indicators that you wish to make adaptive.
What is the Jurik Moving Average?
Have you noticed how moving averages add some lag (delay) to your signals? ... especially when price gaps up or down in a big move, and you are waiting for your moving average to catch up? Wait no more! JMA eliminates this problem forever and gives you the best of both worlds: low lag and smooth lines.
Ideally, you would like a filtered signal to be both smooth and lag-free. Lag causes delays in your trades, and increasing lag in your indicators typically result in lower profits. In other words, late comers get what's left on the table after the feast has already begun.
-Advanced filtering system using multiples of standard deviation, this filter acts paint dynamic support and resistance levels on the chart based on volatility
-Double Jurik filtering
-Toggle bar color on/off
DataCleanerLibrary "DataCleaner"
Functions for acquiring outlier levels and acquiring a cleaned version of a series.
outlierLevel(src, len, level) Gets the (standard deviation) outlier level for a given series.
src : The series to average and add a multiple of the standard deviation to.
len : The The number of bars to measure.
level : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: The average of the series plus the multiple of the standard deviation.
cleanUsing(src, result, len, maxDeviation) Returns an array representing the result series with (outliers provided by the source) removed.
src : The source series to read from.
result : The result series.
len : The maximum size of the resultant array.
maxDeviation : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: An array containing the cleaned series.
clean(src, len, maxDeviation) Returns an array representing the source series with outliers removed.
src : The source series to read from.
len : The maximum size of the resultant array.
maxDeviation : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: An array containing the cleaned series.
outlierLevelAdjusted(src, level, len, maxDeviation) Gets the (standard deviation) outlier level for a given series after a single pass of removing any outliers.
src : The series to average and add a multiple of the standard deviation to.
level : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
len : The The number of bars to measure.
maxDeviation : The optional standard deviation level to use when cleaning the series. The default is the value of the provided level.
Returns: The average of the series plus the multiple of the standard deviation.