Predictive Channels [LuxAlgo]The Predictive Channels indicator is a real-time estimate of a trend channel. The indicator returns 2 resistances, 2 supports, and an average line.
The Predictive Channels attempt to find a real-time estimate of an underlying linear trend in the price, the returned supports/resistances are constructed from this estimate.
The area between the price and the estimated trend is also highlighted, with a green color when the price is above the estimated trend, indicating a bullish variation relative to the trend, and a red color indicating a bearish variation.
Price deviating significantly from an estimated trend will return new channels. The Factor setting controls the allowed distance between the price and the trend estimate, with higher values allowing for greater distances and less frequent channels.
The Slope setting will affect the steepness of the channels, with lower values returning steeper channels, this can cause the price to more quickly deviate from the estimated trend, increasing the frequency at which new channels are created.
Factor: Multiplicative factor, determines the allowed distance between the price and an estimated trend before a new channel is constructed.
Slope: Controls the line steepness of the channels, with lower values returning steeper lines.
Order Block v1Hello Traders :)
I am Only Fibonacci.
While coding this indicator, I examined many concepts and decided to blend them.
I took the method shared by most traders and added different perspectives and options.
First of all, you can choose how many order block regions you want to see on the screen.
Note: The levels displayed on the screen are the sum of bears and bulls.
You can also choose whichever you want to see, bearish or bullish.
You can specify the precision of pivot points.
Whether you want to select a zone with a body or a zone with a wick, you can see this in the settings.
You can extend the regions infinitely with the right extension option.
Histogram-based price zonesThis indicator provides a new approach to creating price zones that can be used as support and resistance. The approach does not use pivot points or Fibonacci levels. Instead, it uses the frequency of occurence of local maxima and minima to determine zones of interest where price often changed direction.
The algorithm is as follows:
- Gather price data from the last Lookback trading periods
- Calculate rolling minima and rolling maxima along the price points with window size Window size
- Build a histogram from the rolling extrema which are binned into different zones. The number of bins and therefore the width of a zone can be adjusted with the parameter Zone width factor
- Select only the top fullest bins. The number of bins selected for plotting can be controlled with Zone multiplier
The result are a number of boxes that appear on the chart which mark levels of interest to watch for. You can combine multiple instances of this indicator on different settings to find zones that are very relevant.
Shown as an example is the Nasdaq 100 futures ( NQ1! ) on the D timeframe with levels built from the last 100 periods with default settings. The boxes are the only output of the indicator, no signals are created.
Support and Resistance: Triangles [YinYangAlgorithms]Overview:
Triangles have always been known to be the strongest shape. Well, why wouldn’t that likewise apply to trading? This Indicator will create Upwards and Downwards Triangles which in turn create Support and Resistance locations. For example, we find 2 highs that meet the criteria (within deviation %, Minimum Distance and Lookback Distance). We calculate the distance between these two and create an Equilateral Triangle Downwards (You can adjust the % if you want more of an Isosceles Triangle). The midpoint (tip) of this triangle is the Support and the bottom (base) of it is the Resistance. The exact opposite applies for an Upwards Triangle.
The reason why Triangles may make for good Support and Resistance locations is the % 's used, much like the fibonacci, use ratios relevant in nature and everywhere in the world around us, so why not for trading too?
If you look at the locations we’ve circled above, all of them exhibit strong rejections are predictive Support and Resistance locations plotted by the triangles created. There can only ever be 1 Upward and 1 Downward Triangle at a time, so when a new one is created, the Support and Resistance locations are moved.
If you scroll back far enough you’ll notice the Triangles disappear but their Support and Resistance locations are still plotted. This has to do with the fact you are allowed only so many Lines plotted and when a new Triangle is created, an old one will be removed. The Support and Resistance locations however will stay.
If we look at the example above, you can see the Support and Resistance locations the Triangles made here may have helped predict where the price would struggle to surpass.
By default the Look Back Distance is set to 50 and the Min Distance is 10 (settings used in all previous examples). However, you can modify these to make Triangles more ‘Rare’ and therefore the Support and Resistance locations change less. In the example above for Instance we left Look Back Distance to 50 but changed Min Distance from 10 to 25. This results in Support and Resistance locations that may hold better in the long term.
If we scroll back a bit, we can see the settings ‘Look Back Distance’ 50 and ‘Minimum Distance’ 25 had done a decent job at predicting the ATH resistance and many Support and Resistance locations around it. Keep in mind, previous results don’t mean future results, but Triangles may create ratios which apply well to trading.
We will conclude our Tutorial here. Hopefully you can see the benefit to the ratio Triangles make when predicting Support and Resistance locations.
Show Triangles: If all you want to know is the Support and Resistance locations, there’s no need to draw the Triangles.
Triangle Zones: What types of triangles should we create our zones for? Options are Upward, Downward, Both, None.
Max Deviation Allowed: Maximum Deviation up or down from the last bars High/Low for potential to create a Triangle.
Lookback Distance: How far back we look to see for potential of a High/Low within Deviation range.
Min Distance: This is so triangles are spaced properly and not from 2 bars beside each other. Min distance allocated between 2 points to create a Triangle.
Bar Percent Increase: How much % multiplier do we apply for each bar spacing of the triangle. 0.005 creates a close to Equilateral Triangle, but other values like 0.004 and 0.006 seem to work well too.
If you have any questions, comments, ideas or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.
Machine Learning: Support and Resistance [YinYangAlgorithms]Overview:
Support and Resistance is normally based upon Pivot Points and Highest Highs and Lowest Lows. Many times coders even incorporate Volume, RSI and other factors into the equation. However there may be a downside to doing a pure technical approach based on historical levels. We live in a time where Machine Learning is becoming more and more used; thus we have decided to create a Machine Learning Support and Resistance Projection based Indicator. Rather than using traditional Support and Resistance calculations using historical data, we have taken a rather different approach. This Indicator instead attempts to Predict and Project where Support and Resistance locations will be based on a Machine Learning Model using a form of KNN (k-Nearest Neighbors).
Since this indicator creates a Projection of where it deems Support and Resistance will be, it has the ability to move its Support and Resistance before the price even gets to it if it believes it will surpass its projections. This may create a more accurate placement of Support and Resistance as they’re not based on historical levels.
This Indicator does not Repaint.
How it works:
This Indicator makes its projections based on the source you provide (by default close) of the previous bar and submits the source, RSI and EMA to our Projection Function to get its projection of the current bar.
The Projection function essentially calculates potential movement after finding the differences between the source the MA from the current bar, previous bar and average over the span of Machine Learning Length.
Potential movement is defined as:
Average Difference + Average(Machine Learning Average, Average Last Distance)
Average Difference: (Absolute value of Current Source - Current MA) - (Absolute value of Machine Learning Average - Machine Learning MA)
Average Last Distance: Average(Current Source - Current MA, Previous Source - Previous MA)
It then predicts the next bars directional movement (bullish or bearish bar) using several factors:
Previous Source > Previous MA
Current Source - Current MA > Average Source - Average MA
Current RSI > Previous RSI
Current RSI > 30 and Previous RSI <= 30
Current RSI < 70 and Previous RSI >= 70
This helps us to predict the direction the next bar may move.
We then calculate a multiplier that we apply to our Potential Movement value to get our final result which is our Current Bars Close Projection.
Our multiplier is calculated using:
(Current RSI > 30 and Previous RSI <= 30) OR (Current RSI < 70 and Previous RSI >= 70)
Current Source - Current MA > Previous Source - Previous MA
We then create an array and fill it with the previous X projections (Machine Learning Length) and send it to another function. This function, if told to, will sort the data accordingly and then output the KNN average of the length given.
We calculate and plot various KNN lengths to create different Zones:
Strong Support: Length of 2 but sort the data Ascending (low to high)
Strong Resistance: Length of 2 but sort the data Descending (high to low)
Support: Length of Machine Length Length / 10 or Min of 2 sorted by Ascending
Resistance: Length of Machine Length Length / 10 or Min of 2 sorted by Descending
There are also 4 other plots you may be wondering what they are, there is your AVG, VWMA, Long Term Memory and Current Projection.
By default your Current Projection is disabled in settings but you can enable it if you are curious to see how the projections for each close are calculated. It is, however, not a crucial point of interest (white line).
The average is simply the average value of the Machine Learning Data (purple line).
The VWMA is a VWMA calculation applied to our Data over a length specified in settings (by default 1)(blue line). The VWMA is crucial when combined with the Avg as they can cross over and under each other. These crosses represent potential Bullish and Bearish zones.
Lastly, but certainly not least, we have the Long Term Memory (maroon line). The Long Term Memory can be displayed either as an ‘Average’, ‘Hard Line’ or ‘None’. The Long Term Average is only updated every Machine Learning Length Bar Index’s and is populated with the average of the Machine Learning Data. For Instance, if Machine Learning Length is set to 100, the Long Term Memory is only updated every 100 bars, and since its length is the same as the Machine Learning Length, that means its data is composed of 10,000 bars worth of data. The Long Term Memory may be very beneficial for determining where Support and Resistance lie over the Long Term within a Machine Learning Algorithm. When set to ‘Average’ it plots the connection lines diagonally, and although they may be more visually appealing, they’re less useful when it comes to actually seeing support and resistance as generally speaking, support and resistance lie on the horizontal. When set to ‘Hard Line’ the Long Term Memory is connected with hard lines and holds the price value until the next time it is updated. This makes it much more useful for potentially identifying Support and Resistance.
Here is an overview of what the Indicator looks like, now let's start to dissect it.
In the example above we can see how all of the lines between the Major Support and Resistance zones may act as BOTH Support and Resistance depending on which side the price is currently on. In the circle on the left, we can see how it can fluctuate between the two. If you look at the circle on the right, we can see how the Average line acts as a strong support before it fails to maintain it. Generally speaking, most Support and Resistance locations may potentially fail to hold after 3 tests, as the Average did in this example.
As you can see, the Support and Resistance doesn’t wait to be tested before adjusting, which is why there are 2 lines which create their zones. The inner line is the Support/Resistance and the outer line is the Strong Support/Resistance. The Yellow Circle shows the inner line was able to calculate the moving resistance correctly and then adjusted accordingly as it was projecting the price to keep increasing. However, if you look at the White Circle, you can see that since there was first a crash, and then parabolic movement, that the inner zone could not move and predict the resistance as well as the outer zone could.
We consider the price to be ‘Overvalued’ when it is above the VWMA (blue line) and ‘Undervalued’ when it is below the VWMA. It is considered ‘fair’ price when it is within the VWMA to Average zone (between the blue and purple lines). If you look at the example above, you’ll notice where the two yellow circles are, it is not only considered ‘Overvalued’, but it then proceeds to ride the inner resistance line upwards. This is common when the market is overly bullish and vice versa when it is bearish. Please keep in mind, although it is common, it doesn’t mean a correction can’t happen.
In this example above we look at the last bull run that may have started due to the halving. This bull run was very bullish as you can see in the example above. The price was constantly sitting within the Resistance Zone and the VWMA that was very close to it was constantly acting as a Support. Naturally, due to the Algorithm used in this Indicator, as the momentum starts to slow down, the VWMA (blue line) will start to space out more and more from the Resistance Zone. This doesn’t mean the momentum is gone, it just means it may be slowing down.
Unfortunately we have to study the Bear Market with a different perspective than the Bull Market. However, there are still some similarities within the two. If you refer to the example above and the previous example, you can clearly see that the Bull Market loves to stay with the Resistance Zone and use the VWMA as a Support. However, the Bear Market does not. This is a normal occurrence, however we can see from the example above you may see a correction / horizontal movement when the Outer Support Line is touched. If you look at all 3 yellow circles, the Outer Support Line was touched, then either a small correction or horizontal consolidation occurred.
We will conclude our Tutorial here, hopefully you’ll be able to benefit from a moving Support and Resistance calculated with Machine Learning that projects its locations, rather than using traditional calculations.
Source: This source is the base for all our calculations
Machine Learning Length: How much projection data are we storing and using to make calculations.
Smoothing Length: We need to smooth calculations such as RSI, EMA and VWMA. What length are we smoothing it with?
VWMA ML Projection Length: How far into our Machine Learning data should we average for our VWMA. Please note the 'Smoothing Length' is still applied here after getting the Projection Average.
Long Term Memory: Long term memory has the same storage length but is only updated once per Machine Learning Length. For instance, if Machine Learning Length is 100, it will save the Average of our data once every 100 bars. This means its memory is an average of 10,000 bars of Machine Learning. 'Average' connects its values diagonally whereas 'Hard Line' holds its value until it changes.
Use Average Last Distance In Potential Movement: This can help accuracy but generally also displaces the Support and Resistance by projecting it further.
Show Current Projection: Projections occur for each bar, and our Machine Learning utilizes these projections by storing and evaluating them. This toggle will display the Current Projection Line which is used to create all our Projections.
If you have any questions, comments, ideas or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.
Liquidity Spike PoolThe “Liquidity Pools” indicator is a tool for market analysts that stands out for its ability to clearly project the intricate zones of manipulation present in financial markets. These crucial territories emerge when supply or demand takes over, resulting in long shadows (wicks) on the chart candles. Imagine these regions as "magnets" for prices, as they represent authentic "liquidity pools" where the flow of money into the market is significantly concentrated. But the value of the indicator goes beyond this simple visualization: these zones, when identified and interpreted correctly, can play a crucial role for traders looking for profitable entry points. They can mutate into important bastions of support or resistance, providing traders with key anchor points to make informed decisions within their trading strategies.
A key aspect to consider is the importance of different time frames in analyzing markets. Larger time frames, such as daily or 4h, tend to host larger and more relevant liquidity zones. Therefore, a successful strategy might involve identifying these areas of manipulation over longer time frames through the use of this indicator, and then applying these findings to shorter time frames. This approach allows you to turn manipulation zones into crucial reference points that merit constant surveillance while making trading decisions on shorter time frames.
The indicator uses color to convey information clearly and effectively:
- Dark blue lines highlight candles with significant upper wick, signaling the possible presence of an important manipulation area in the considered area.
- Dark red lines are reserved for sizable candlesticks with significant upper wick, emphasizing situations that are particularly relevant to traders.
- Dark gray lines highlight candles with significant lower wick, providing a valuable indication of manipulation zones where the bid may have prevailed.
- White lines highlight sizable candlesticks with significant lower wick, clearly indicating situations where demand has been predominant and may have helped form a liquidity pool.
This indicator constitutes an important resource for identifying and clearly displaying candles with significant wicks, allowing traders to distinguish between ordinary market conditions and circumstances particularly relevant to their trading strategies. Thanks to the distinctive colors of the lines, the indicator offers intuitive visual guidance, allowing traders to make more informed decisions while carrying out their analyses.
Monthly Range Support & Resistance [QuantVue]The Monthly Range Support & Resistance Levels is an advanced analytical tool designed to assess monthly price movements and provide potential support and resistance levels.
This tool examines the average monthly price fluctuations over the past 7 months (default), and creates support and resistance levels based on the opening price.
The indicator also considers a standard deviation multiplier.
This enables traders and investors to identify potential price zones.
The support and resistance levels are dynamically updated every month.
Users can also choose to view previous daily levels as well.
Customizable settings for this tool include:
-Averaging Period: Adjust the number of months to calculate the average monthly range.
-Standard Deviation Multiplier: Modify the standard deviation multiplier to fine-tune the sensitivity of the support and resistance levels. A higher multiplier will result in wider levels, accommodating higher price fluctuations.
-Toggle Support & Resistance Prices: Easily switch on or off the display of support and resistance price levels.
-Show Monthly Open Line: Display the monthly opening price as a reference point on the chart.
-Show Previous Levels: Choose whether to display past daily support and resistance levels.
Note: this indicator works on a 1 hour timeframe or higher
Give this indicator a BOOST and COMMENT your thoughts!
We hope you enjoy.
VWAP with CharacterizationThis indicator is a visual representation of the VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price), it calculates the weighted average price based on trading volume. Essentially, it provides a measure of the average price at which an asset has traded during a given period, but with a particular focus on trading volume. In our case, the indicator calculates the VWAP for the current trading symbol, using a predefined simple moving average (SMA) with a period of 14. This volume-weighted moving average offers a clearer view of the behavior of the VWAP and, of consequence of market dynamics.
One of the distinctive features of this indicator is its ability to provide a more "linear" representation of the data. This means that the data is "smoothed" to remove noise, allowing you to more easily identify the direction of the market trend. This smoother representation is especially useful because the financial market can be subject to significant fluctuations and volatility, and this indicator can help get a more stable view of the trend.
The indicator also offers a visualization of the market trend in a very intuitive way. Using an evaluation of the highs and lows of the last 10 days, determine whether the market is in an uptrend, downtrend, or no trend at all. To make this evaluation even clearer and more immediate, the indicator line is colored dynamically. When the trend is bullish, the line is blue, while in case of a bearish trend, it takes on a distinctive color, such as pink. If the trend is not defined, the line will be colored differently, for example light yellow. This coloration gives traders an immediate visual indication of the prevailing trend, allowing them to make more informed decisions regarding trading operations.
One potential strategy involves watching candles when they cross the VWAP line strongly. If, for example, a candlestick breaks above the VWAP line, we may look for retest areas near key support levels to gauge a potential long entry. In other words, we would consider that the price may have the potential to rise further after breaking above the VWAP line, and we would look to enter a long position to take advantage of this opportunity.
On the other hand, if a candlestick crosses below the VWAP line, we might consider looking for retest areas near the VWAP line itself, which now serves as potential resistance. This could indicate a possible short entry opportunity, as the price may struggle to break above the resistance represented by the VWAP line after breaking it down. In this case, we would look to take advantage of the expected continuation of the downtrend.
In both cases, the idea is to exploit significant movements across the VWAP line as signals of potential reversal or continuation of the trend. This strategy can help identify key entry points based on price behavior relative to the VWAP line.
Support & Resistance IndicatorThe MACD Support & Resistance indicator is an enhanced tool to better visualize potential supply (resistance) and demand (support) zones based on the MACD indicator. It combines the strength of the MACD with recent price highs and lows to depict potential breakout or reversal areas in the market.
MACD Settings: Users can adjust the fast length, slow length, source of MACD, signal smoothing, and MA type for both the oscillator and the signal line.
Dynamic Color Settings: Customize the color of supply boxes, demand boxes, and closed boxes for improved visualization.
Table View: An optional table can be displayed showing the average MACD high and low values, with customizable table position, size, background color, and text color.
Historical MACD Average: The indicator uses a historical average of MACD pivot highs and lows to determine potential support and resistance zones.
Real-Time Zone Detection: The indicator plots 'High Boxes' when the MACD crosses above its average high and 'Low Boxes' when it crosses below its average low, which signifies potential breakout or reversal zones.
How It Works:
The MACD line is calculated using user-defined moving average types (either EMA or SMA).
Pivot highs and pivot lows of the MACD are identified over a specified period.
Historical MACD highs and lows are stored and managed for average calculation. The average MACD high and low values are then used to determine potential trading zones.
When the MACD crosses over its average high, a 'High Box' (representing a potential breakout zone) is plotted from the recent high price to the candle top.
Conversely, when the MACD crosses under its average low, a 'Low Box' (indicating a potential reversal zone) is plotted from the recent low price to the candle base.
As price progresses, the boxes can either extend (if price stays within the zone) or close if a breakout happens.
For those who prefer a tabular view, an optional table displays the average MACD high and low, enhancing the on-chart data representation.
Use Cases:
Traders can use this indicator as an additional tool to spot potential breakout or reversal areas based on the MACD's behavior against its historical average. The visual representation in the form of boxes can assist in making better trading decisions by offering a clear picture of potential supply and demand zones.
Note: As with all trading indicators, it's advisable to use this tool in conjunction with other technical analysis methods or indicators for more informed decision-making.
Encapsulation BoxThe “Encapsulation Box” indicator is designed to locate areas of the chart where the highs and lows of candlesticks are “embedded” or enclosed within the body of a previous candlestick. This setup indicates a significant contraction in the market and can provide important trading signals. Here's how it works in more detail:
Detecting contraction: The indicator looks for situations where the price range of the candles is very narrow, i.e. when subsequent candles have highs and lows that are contained within the range of a previous candle. This condition indicates a contraction in the market before a possible directional move.
When a contraction is detected, the indicator draws a rectangle around the area where the highs and lows of the candles are embedded. The rectangle has its upper vertex corresponding to the maximum of the candles involved and its lower vertex corresponding to the minimum. The width of the rectangle is defined by can be customized by the user.
A key feature of this indicator is the horizontal line drawn outside the rectangle. This line is positioned in the middle of the rectangle and represents 50% of the range of the rectangle itself. This line acts as a significant support or resistance level depending on the direction the contraction breaks.
The indicator can generate buy or sell signals when a break in the rectangle or horizontal line occurs. For example, if the price breaks above the rectangle and the horizontal line, it could generate a buy signal, indicating a possible uptrend. Conversely, if the price breaks below the rectangle and the horizontal line, it could generate a sell signal, indicating a possible downtrend.
Psychological Support/Resistence [BigBeluga]The Psychological Support/Resistance indicator aims to provide the user with hypothetical support and resistance zones that are likely to provoke a strong reaction in price, either in both directions, providing good bouncing zones or significant movements once those levels are breached.
The script takes into consideration the total number of sequential candles moving in the same direction, as determined by the user's settings. When this sequence is identified, a level is created.
A level is considered broken when the candle's close is above the top/bottom of the level.
Users have the option to select the width of the area based on the Average (AVG), Open, or Close.
AVG will provide the average width of the level of the area.
Close will offer a broader range to work with.
Open will provide a very narrow area.
The idea behind these areas is that the price will be more likely to produce either a substantial move in the ongoing direction or, when breached, a strong price reaction.
The more the support level is touched or tested, the more likely it is to break.
The longer it has been since its creation and the less it has been tested, the more likely it is to offer strong support or resistance.
Wicks starting to close above the level will indicate a potential breakout to the upside or downside if a candle manages to close above it.
Users have the option to determine the number of sequential candles.
Users also have the option to decide how many zones to display on the chart.
Color changes are possible.
The possibility to show volume on the creation of the zone is included."
Pivot Points [MisterMoTA]The Pivot Points indicator by MisterMoTA allow users to get pivots points calculated from last candle high, low and close on any timeframe from 1 minute to weekly.
This will help users that are trading ins small timeframes to see the pivots that are near their timeframes and not only daily timeframe.
Here is an example on the chart from nex image the timeframe is set to 1 minute and pivot points displayed are at 15 minutes :
The users have control on pivots colors, pivot labels colors, text color from labels, decimal numbers displayed in the labels and style of the pivots lines.
Please follow me for other script like this one.
Kind regards,
Contraction Box & Doji LinesContraction & Doji Lines indicator is designed to identify and visualize potential support and resistance levels on a price chart. It does this by detecting doji candlestick patterns and drawing horizontal lines from the middle of the doji bodies to the right. Additionally, it also highlights price contraction zones with colored boxes.
The indicator first identifies doji candlestick patterns that it suggests indecision in the market, a horizontal line and these horizontal lines can act as potential support or resistance levels. Traders can observe price reactions around these lines. If the price approaches a line and bounces off it, it may indicate a significant level in the market.
In addition to doji lines, this indicator also highlights price contraction zones. When a contraction zone is detected, a colored box is drawn to highlight this zone. The box extends from the fifth bar ago (left side) to the current bar (right side), with the highest high and lowest low of the identified zone. The color and width of this box can be customized using the "Box Line Border Color," "Box Background Color," and "Box Width" parameters.
A possible strategy could be can use the doji lines as potential support and resistance levels to make trading decisions. For example, if the price breaks above a doji line and holds, it may indicate a bullish signal.
The colored boxes highlight areas of price contraction, which often precede significant price movements. Traders can use these zones to anticipate potential breakouts or breakdowns.
For example, you might enter a long (buy) position if it anticipate a breakout from a contraction zone with a target price set above the breakout level. Conversely, you might enter a short (sell) position if they anticipate a breakdown from a contraction zone with a target price set below the breakdown level.
Support & Resistance PROHi Traders!
The Support & Resistance PRO
A simple and effective indicator that helped me a bunch!
This indicator will chart simple support and resistance zones on 2 time frames of your choice.
It uses a 30 day lookback period and will find the last high and low.
Each zone is built from the highest/lowest closure, and the highest/lowest wick, creating a liquid zone between the 2.
It is perfect for people trading support and resistance, watching key areas, scalping zones and much more!
*You can change the time frames you are looking at and the lookback period.
*The example in the picture is looking at the Daily and Weekly zones on BTC.
Liquidity Sentiment Profile (Auto-Anchored) [LuxAlgo]
The Liquidity Sentiment Profile (Auto-Anchored) is an advanced charting tool that measures by combining PRICE and VOLUME data over specified anchored periods and highlights the distribution of the liquidity and the market sentiment at specific price levels. This version is a variation of the previously published Liquidity Sentiment Profile , wherewith this version allows users to select a variety of different anchoring periods, such as 'Auto', 'Fixed Range', 'Swing High', 'Swing Low', 'Session', 'Day', 'Week', 'Month', 'Quarter', and 'Year'
Liquidity refers to the availability of orders at specific price levels in the market, allowing transactions to occur smoothly.
A Liquidity Sentiment Profile (Auto-Anchored) is a combination of liquidity and a sentiment profile, where the right side of the profile highlights the distribution of the traded activity at different price levels, and the left side of the profile highlights the market sentiment at those price levels
The liquidity profile is categorized by assigning different colors based on the significance of the traded activity of the specific price levels, allowing traders to reveal significant price levels, such as support and resistance levels, supply and demand zones, liquidity gaps, consolidation zones, etc
The Liquidity Sentiment Profiles aim to present Value Areas based on the significance of price levels, thus allowing users to identify value areas that can be formed more than once within the range of a single profile
Level of Significance Line - displays the changes in the price levels with the highest traded activity (developing POC)
Buyside & Sellside Liquidity Zones - displays Liquidity Levels, also known as Supply and Demand Zones
The script takes into account user-defined parameters and plots the profiles, where detailed usage for each user-defined input parameter in indicator settings is provided with the related input's tooltip.
🔹 Liquidity Sentiment Profile
Anchor Period: The indicator resolution is set by the input of the Anchor Period.
Fixed Period: Applicable if the Anchor Period is set to 'Fixed Range' then the period of the profile is defined with this option
Swing Detection Length: Applicable if the Anchor Period is set to 'Swing High' or 'Swing Low' then the length required to detect the Swing Levels is defined with this option which is then used to determine the period of the profile
🔹 Liquidity Profile
Liquidity Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Liquidity Profiles
High Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for High Traded Nodes
Average Traded Nodes: Color option for Average Traded Nodes
Low Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for Low Traded Nodes
🔹 Sentiment Profile
Sentiment Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Sentiment Profiles
Bullish Nodes: Color option for Bullish Nodes
Bearish Nodes: Color option for Bearish Nodes
🔹 Buyside & Sellside Liquidity Zones
Buyside & Sellside Liquidity Zones: Toggles the visibility of the Liquidity Levels
Buyside Liquidity Nodes: Color option for Buyside Liquidity Nodes
Sellside Liquidity Nodes: Color option for Sellside Liquidity Nodes
🔹 Other Settings
Level of Significance: Toggles the visibility of the Level of Significance Line
Price Levels, Color: Toggles the visibility of the Profile Price Levels
Number of Rows: Specify how many rows each profile histogram will have. Caution, having it set to high values will quickly hit Pine Script™ drawing objects limit and fewer historical profiles will be displayed
Profile Width %: Alters the width of the rows in the histogram, relative to the profile length
Profile Range Background Fill: Toggles the visibility of the Profiles Range
Bollinger Bands Liquidity Cloud [ChartPrime]This indicator overlays a heatmap on the price chart, providing a detailed representation of Bollinger bands' profile. It offers insights into the price's behavior relative to these bands. There are two visualization styles to choose from: the Volume Profile and the Z-Score method.
Volume Profile: This method illustrates how the price interacts with the Bollinger bands based on the traded volume.
Z-Score: In this mode, the indicator samples the real distribution of Z-Scores within a specified window and rescales this distribution to the desired sample size. It then maps the distribution as a heatmap by calculating the corresponding price for each Z-Score sample and representing its weight via color and transparency.
Length: The period for the simple moving average that forms the base for the Bollinger bands.
Multiplier: The number of standard deviations from the moving average to plot the upper and lower Bollinger bands.
Style: Choose between "Volume" and "Z-Score" visual styles.
Sample Size: The size of the bin. Affects the granularity of the heatmap.
Window Size: The lookback window for calculating the heatmap. When set to Z-Score, a value of `0` implies using all available data. It's advisable to either use `0` or the highest practical value when using the Z-Score method.
Lookback: The amount of historical data you want the heatmap to represent on the chart.
Smoothing: Implements sinc smoothing to the distribution. It smoothens out the heatmap to provide a clearer visual representation.
Heat Map Alpha: Controls the transparency of the heatmap. A higher value makes it more opaque, while a lower value makes it more transparent.
Weight Score Overlay: A toggle that, when enabled, displays a letter score (`S`, `A`, `B`, `C`, `D`) inside the heatmap boxes, based on the weight of each data point. The scoring system categorizes each weight into one of these letters using the provided percentile ranks and the median.
Color: Color for high values.
Standard Deviation Color: Color to represent the standard deviation on the Bollinger bands.
Text Color: Determines the color of the letter score inside the heatmap boxes. Adjusting this parameter ensures that the score is visible against the heatmap color.
Once this indicator is applied to your chart, the heatmap will be overlaid on the price chart, providing a visual representation of the price's behavior in relation to the Bollinger bands. The intensity of the heatmap is directly tied to the price action's intensity, defined by your chosen parameters.
When employing the Volume Profile style, a brighter and more intense area on the heatmap indicates a higher trading volume within that specific price range. On the other hand, if you opt for the Z-Score method, the intensity of the heatmap reflects the Z-Score distribution. Here, a stronger intensity is synonymous with a more frequent occurrence of a specific Z-Score.
For those seeking an added layer of granularity, there's the "Weight Score Overlay" feature. When activated, each box in your heatmap will sport a letter score, ranging from `S` to `D`. This score categorizes the weight of each data point, offering a concise breakdown:
- `S`: Data points with a weight of 1.
- `A`: Weights below 1 but greater than or equal to the 75th percentile rank.
- `B`: Weights under the 75th percentile but at or above the median.
- `C`: Weights beneath the median but surpassing the 25th percentile rank.
- `D`: All that fall below the 25th percentile rank.
This scoring feature augments the heatmap's visual data, facilitating a quicker interpretation of the weight distribution across the dataset.
Further Explanations
Volume Profile
A volume profile is a tool used by traders to visualize the amount of trading volume occurring at specific price levels. This kind of profile provides a deep insight into the market's structure and helps traders identify key areas of support and resistance, based on where the most trading activity took place. The concept behind the volume profile is that the amount of volume at each price level can indicate the potential importance of that price.
In this indicator:
- The volume profile mode creates a visual representation by sampling trading volumes across price levels.
- The representation displays the balance between bullish and bearish volumes at each level, which is further differentiated using a color gradient from `low_color` to `high_color`.
- The volume profile becomes more refined with sinc smoothing, helping to produce a smoother distribution of volumes.
Z-Score and Distribution Resampling
Z-Score, in the context of trading, represents the number of standard deviations a data point (e.g., closing price) is from the mean (average). It’s a measure of how unusual or typical a particular data point is in relation to all the data. In simpler terms, a high Z-Score indicates that the data point is far away from the mean, while a low Z-Score suggests it's close to the mean.
The unique feature of this indicator is that it samples the real distribution of z-scores within a window and then resamples this distribution to fit the desired sample size. This process is termed as "resampling in the context of distribution sampling" . Resampling provides a way to reconstruct and potentially simplify the original distribution of z-scores, making it easier for traders to interpret.
In this indicator:
- Each Z-Score corresponds to a price value on the chart.
- The resampled distribution is then used to display the heatmap, with each Z-Score related price level getting a heatmap box. The weight (or importance) of each box is represented as a combination of color and transparency.
How to Interpret the Z-Score Distribution Visualization:
When interpreting the Z-Score distribution through color and alpha in the visualization, it's vital to understand that you're seeing a representation of how unusual or typical certain data points are without directly viewing the numerical Z-Score values. Here's how you can interpret it:
Intensity of Color: This often corresponds to the distance a particular data point is from the mean.
Lighter shades (closer to `low_color`) typically indicate data points that are more extreme, suggesting overbought or oversold conditions. These could signify potential reversals or significant deviations from the norm.
Darker shades (closer to `high_color`) represent data points closer to the mean, suggesting that the price is relatively typical compared to the historical data within the given window.
Alpha (Transparency): The degree of transparency can indicate the significance or confidence of the observed deviation. More opaque boxes might suggest a stronger or more reliable deviation from the mean, implying that the observed behavior is less likely to be a random occurrence.
More transparent boxes could denote less certainty or a weaker deviation, meaning that the observed price behavior might not be as noteworthy.
- Combining Color and Alpha: By observing both the intensity of color and the level of transparency, you get a richer understanding. For example:
- A light, opaque box could suggest a strong, significant deviation from the mean, potentially signaling an overbought or oversold scenario.
- A dark, transparent box might indicate a weak, insignificant deviation, suggesting the price is behaving typically and is close to its average.
Grid by Volatility (Expo)█ Overview
The Grid by Volatility is designed to provide a dynamic grid overlay on your price chart. This grid is calculated based on the volatility and adjusts in real-time as market conditions change. The indicator uses Standard Deviation to determine volatility and is useful for traders looking to understand price volatility patterns, determine potential support and resistance levels, or validate other trading signals.
█ How It Works
The indicator initiates its computations by assessing the market volatility through an established statistical model: the Standard Deviation. Following the volatility determination, the algorithm calculates a central equilibrium line—commonly referred to as the "mid-line"—on the chart to serve as a baseline for additional computations. Subsequently, upper and lower grid lines are algorithmically generated and plotted equidistantly from the central mid-line, with the distance being dictated by the previously calculated volatility metrics.
█ How to Use
Trend Analysis: The grid can be used to analyze the underlying trend of the asset. For example, if the price is above the Average Line and moves toward the Upper Range, it indicates a strong bullish trend.
Support and Resistance: The grid lines can act as dynamic support and resistance levels. Price tends to bounce off these levels or breakthrough, providing potential trade opportunities.
Volatility Gauge: The distance between the grid lines serves as a measure of market volatility. Wider lines indicate higher volatility, while narrower lines suggest low volatility.
█ Settings
Volatility Length: Number of bars to calculate the Standard Deviation (Default: 200)
Squeeze Adjustment: Multiplier for the Standard Deviation (Default: 6)
Grid Confirmation Length: Number of bars to calculate the weighted moving average for smoothing the grid lines (Default: 2)
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
Support and Resistance Signals MTF [LuxAlgo]The Support and Resistance Signals MTF indicator aims to identify undoubtedly one of the key concepts of technical analysis Support and Resistance Levels and more importantly, the script aims to capture and highlight major price action movements, such as Breakouts , Tests of the Zones , Retests of the Zones , and Rejections .
The script supports Multi-TimeFrame (MTF) functionality allowing users to analyze and observe the Support and Resistance Levels/Zones and their associated Signals from a higher timeframe perspective.
This script is an extended version of our previously published Support-and-Resistance-Levels-with-Breaks script from 2020.
Identification of key support and resistance levels/zones is an essential ingredient to successful technical analysis.
Support and resistance are key concepts that help traders understand, analyze and act on chart patterns in the financial markets. Support describes a price level where a downtrend pauses due to demand for an asset increasing, while resistance refers to a level where an uptrend reverses as a sell-off happens.
The creation of support and resistance levels comes as a result of an initial imbalance of supply/demand, which forms what we know as a swing high or swing low. This script starts its processing using the swing highs/lows. Swing Highs/Lows are levels that many of the market participants use as a historical reference to place their trading orders (buy, sell, stop loss), as a result, those price levels potentially become and serve as key support and resistance levels.
One of the important features of the script is the signals it provides. The script follows the major price movements and highlights them on the chart.
🔹 Breakouts (non-repaint)
A breakout is a price moving outside a defined support or resistance level, the significance of the breakout can be measured by examining the volume. This script is not filtering them based on volume but provides volume information for the bar where the breakout takes place.
🔹 Retests
Retest is a case where the price action breaches a zone and then revisits the level breached.
🔹 Tests
Test is a case where the price action touches the support or resistance zones.
🔹 Rejections
Rejections are pin bar patterns with high trading volume.
Finally, Multi TimeFrame (MTF) functionality allows users to analyze and observe the Support and Resistance Levels/Zones and their associated Signals from a higher timeframe perspective.
The script takes into account user-defined parameters to detect and highlight the zones, levels, and signals.
🔹 Support & Resistance Settings
Detection Timeframe: Set the indicator resolution, the users may examine higher timeframe detection on their chart timeframe.
Detection Length: Swing levels detection length
Check Previous Historical S&R Level: enables the script to check the previous historical levels.
🔹 Signals
Breakouts: Toggles the visibility of the Breakouts, enables customization of the color and the size of the visuals
Tests: Toggles the visibility of the Tests, enables customization of the color and the size of the visuals
Retests: Toggles the visibility of the Retests, enables customization of the color and the size of the visuals
Rejections: Toggles the visibility of the Rejections, enables customization of the color and the size of the visuals
🔹 Others
Sentiment Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Sentiment Profiles
Bullish Nodes: Color option for Bullish Nodes
Bearish Nodes: Color option for Bearish Nodes
Engulfing Box & LinesThe "Engulfing Box & Lines" indicator aims to spot and highlight Engulfing candlestick patterns within a trend. These patterns can provide valuable indications of a possible trend reversal, and the indicator underlines them through the use of colored rectangles and horizontal lines. To fully understand the functioning and use of this indicator, let's explore its key elements and associated strategies.
Identification of Engulfing Patterns:
The indicator focuses on detecting two types of Engulfing candles:
Bullish Engulfing: Occurs when a bullish candle (open lower than close) completely encloses the body of the previous bearish candle. This could indicate a possible upside reversal.
Bearish Engulfing: Occurs when a bearish candle (opening higher than closing) entirely engulfs the body of the previous bullish candle. This could signal a potential bearish reversal.
Using the EMA 200:
The indicator uses the 200-period Exponential Moving Average (EMA) as a reference to determine the position of the candles with respect to the long-term trend. When the price is above the 200 EMA, the bullish Engulfing candles are highlighted with a green box, while below the 200 EMA, red boxes are shown for the bearish Engulfing candles.
Size of Boxes and Lines:
The colored boxes represent the size of the body of the candle that caused the Engulfing. Additionally, a horizontal line is drawn close to the body of the candle, serving as the fulcrum of the indicator.
Trading Strategies:
This indicator can be used for different trading strategies:
Trend Continuation: During a positive trend, the onset of an engulfing pattern suggests a possible continuation of the trend. The horizontal lines represent potential support areas, where the price could bounce. Traders might consider buying during such bounces.
Retracements and Entries: Lines can act as support or resistance zones, depending on the trend. When the price approaches a line, a retracement could occur. Traders might move to a lower timeframe to spot entry signals, using the line as a reference.
Closing Positions: Lines could also be used to define exit levels. For example, a trader might decide to exit a position when the price approaches a resistance line.
Confirmations with Other Indicators: The indicator could be used in conjunction with other technical tools, such as oscillators or candlestick analysis, to confirm signals and improve the accuracy of trading decisions.
Support and Resistance Oscillator [CC]The Support and Resistance Oscillator is an experimental script I created to identify when the current price breaks a support or resistance line and reflect this value in an oscillator formula. This indicator uses a threshold to decide the dividing line between buying and selling points. Feel free to change the threshold or smoothing settings to see if you find anything better since this is so experimental. I'm double smoothing the difference between the indicator and its signal line to attempt to capture a combo of the price momentum combined with the general support and resistance levels. I have used dark colors for strong signals and lighter colors for normal signals and make sure to buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other scripts or indicators you would like to see me publish!
Smart Money Range [ChartPrime]The Smart Money Range indicator is designed to provide traders with a holistic view of market structure, emphasizing potential key support and resistance levels within a predefined range. This indicator is not just a visually pleasing, but also a comprehensive guide to understanding the market’s dynamics at a given level.
Key Features:
Defined Range: The indicator demarcates a clear range, highlighting support and resistance levels within it. This aids in identifying potential areas of buying and selling pressure. These are derived from highly significant areas that have been touched many times before.
Touches Counter: Underneath the support and resistance lines, there are numerical values that show the number of times price has interacted with these levels. This can provide insights into the strength or weakness of a particular level.
Zig-Zag Projections: Within the range, there's a zig-zag pattern indicating possible future touches, helping traders anticipate future price movements.
Double-Sided Profile: To the right of the range, a dual-profile is showcased. One side of the profile displays the volume traded at specific price levels, giving insights into where significant buying or selling has occurred. On the other side, it reflects the number of touches at that given price level, reinforcing the importance of particular price points.
Customizability: Users have the option to adjust the period setting, allowing them to cater the indicator to their specific trading style and configuration. Additionally, with volume levels settings, traders can adjust the number of bins in the profile for a tailored view.
OrderBlock [kyleAlgo]The principle of this indicator
ATR (Average True Range) Setting: The code uses ATR to help calculate the Supertrend indicator.
Supertrend Trend Direction: Identify bullish and bearish trends with the Supertrend method.
Order Block Recognition: This part of the code recognizes and creates order blocks, visualizing them as boxes on the chart. If the number of blocks exceeds the maximum limit, old blocks will be deleted.
Function to prevent overlapping: check whether the new order block overlaps with the existing order block through the isOverlapping function.
Order block color setting: The code sets the color according to whether the block is bullish or bearish, and whether it breaks above or below. Afterwards the color of the existing order blocks will be updated.
Sensitivity settings: Through the input settings of factor and atrPeriod, the sensitivity of Supertrend and the detection of order blocks can be affected.
Visualization: Use TradingView's function to draw and visualize order blocks on the chart.
Support and Resistance Levels: Order blocks may represent areas of support and resistance in the market. By visualizing these areas, traders can better understand when price reversals are likely to occur.
Trading Signals: Traders may be able to identify trading signals based on the color changes of blocks and price breakouts. For example, if the price breaks above a bullish block, this could be a signal to buy.
Risk Management: By using ATR to adjust the sensitivity of Supertrend, the symbol helps traders to adjust their strategies according to market volatility. This can be used as a risk management tool to help identify stop loss and take profit points.
Multi-timeframe analysis: Although the code itself does not implement multi-timeframe analysis directly, it can be done by applying this indicator on different timeframes. This helps to analyze the market from different angles.
Flexibility and Customization: Through sensitivity settings, traders can customize the indicator according to their needs and trading style.
Reduced screen clutter: By removing overlapping order blocks and limiting the maximum number of order blocks, this code helps reduce clutter on charts, allowing traders to analyze the market more clearly.
Overall, this "Pine Script" can be a powerful analytical tool for trend traders and those looking to improve their trading decisions by visualizing key market areas. It can be used alone or combined with other indicators and trading systems for enhanced functionality.
Fibo Levels with Volume Profile and Targets [ChartPrime]The Fib Levels With Volume Profile and Targets (FIVP) is a trading tool designed to provide traders with a unique understanding of price movement and trading volume through the lens of Fibonacci levels. This dynamic indicator merges the concepts of Fibonacci retracement levels with trading volume analytics to offer predictive insights into potential price trajectories.
1. Fibonacci Levels: The FPI showcases three prominent Fibonacci levels on both sides of the current price, offering an intricate picture of potential support and resistance levels.
2. Support and Resistance Recognition: Harnessing the power of Fibonacci levels, the FPI provides traders with potential areas of support and resistance, aiding in informed decision-making for entries, exits, and stop placements.
3. Customizable Timeframe Settings: In order to cater to different trading strategies and styles, users can manually select their preferred timeframe for the Fibonacci calculations, ensuring optimal relevance and accuracy for their trading approach.
4. Volume Analytics: One of the standout features of the FIVP is its ability to calculate trading volume for every bar that is sandwiched between the top and lower Fibonacci levels. This ensures traders have a clear vision of where the majority of trading activity is occurring, lending weight to the credibility of the displayed support and resistance zones.
5. Volume-Derived Price Targeting: The Possible Target Arrow function is an innovative feature. By analyzing and comparing the trading volume in the bearish and bullish zones, it provides an arrow indicating the potential direction the market might take. If the bull volume surpasses the bear volume, the market is likely skewing bullish and vice versa.
Ideal for both novice and seasoned traders, the FPI offers a rich tapestry of information. It allows for refined technical analysis, more precise entries and exits, and a holistic view of the interplay between price and trading volume. Whether you're scalping, day trading, or swing trading, the Fibonacci Profile Indicator is designed to enhance your trading strategy, providing a comprehensive perspective of the market's potential movements.