Indicators OverlayHello All,
This script shows the indicators in separate windows on the main chart. Included indicators are RSI, CCI, OBV, Stochastic, Money Flow Index, Average True Range and Chande Momentum Oscillator. indicator windows are located at the top or bottom of the chart according to last moves of the Closing price. Different colors are used for each indicator. Horizontal levels are shown as dashed line and label as well.
Using the options;
You can enable/disable the indicators you want to see or not
You can change source and length for each indicator
You can set window length. using this length indicator windows are located on the chart
After you added this indicator to your chart I recommend: right click on any of the indicator windows => "Visual Order" => "Bring to front" as seen screenshot below:
in this example only 3 indicators enabled and period is set as 80:
indicator windows moves to the top or bottom of the chart according to the close price:
P.S. if you want to see any other indicator in the options then leave a comment under the indicator ;)
Trend Lines
3rd WaveHello All,
In Elliott Wave Theory, 3rd wave is not the shortest one in the waves 1/3/5 and it's usually longest one. so if we can catch it then we may get good opportunities to trade. This script finds 3rd wave experimentally. it can be also the 3rd waves in the waves 1, 3, 5, A and C. the 3rd wave should have greater volume than other waves, the script can check its volume and compare with the volumes of the waves 1 and 2 optionally.
Pine Team released Pine version 5! This script was developed in v5 and it uses Library feature of Pine v5 for the zigzag functions. This script is also an example for the Pine developers who learn Pine v5 and Libraries.
Zigzag Period: is the length that is used to calculate highest/lowest and the zigzag waves
Min/Max Retracements: is the retracement rates to check the wave 2 according to wave 1. for example; if min/max values are 0.500-0.618 then wave 2 must be minimum 0.500 of wave 1 and maximum 0.618 of wave 1.
Check Volume Support: is an option to compare the volumes of1. 2. and . waves. if you enable this option then the script checks their volume and 3rd wave volume must be greater then 1 and 2
there are 4 options for the targets. you can enable/disable and change their levels. targets are calculated using length of wave 1.
Options to show breakout zone, zigzag, wave 1 and 2.
and some options for the colors.
The Library that is used in this script:
P.S. This is an experimental work and can be improved. So do not hesitate to drop your comments under the script ;)
LTB Zigzag CirclesHello All,
Today I am here with a new idea and script, " LTB Zigzag Circles ". The idea is to create Circles using last 2 zigzag waves and to catch the breakouts earlier than horizontal lines. if a circle is broken then the script shows entry for Long/Short positions. and if broken circle reappears again then the position is closed. You can change Zigzag period as you wish and see the different results.
Here you can see how the script calculates and draws the Circles:
Below you can see how the script draws part of the circle on each bar:
Optionally the script can show levels:
P.S. I haven't tested it as a strategy, Result and Performance may change by Zigzag period, you need to find best Zigzag period according to your strategy. By the way, my Zigzag Circles idea can be improved, if you have any recommendation let me know please ;)
Point and Figure Chart - LiveHello Traders,
This is "Point and Figure Chart (PnF)" script that run in separated window in real time. The separated PnF chart window is timeless, so no relation with the time on the chart. PnF chart consist of "X" and "O" columns. While "X" columns represents rising prices, "O" column represents a falling price. If you have no idea about what PnF charting is then you should search for "Point and Figure Charting" on the net and get some info before using this script.
Now lets talk about details. PnF Chart requires at least two variables to be set => Box size and Reversal. Box size represents the size of each X/O in PnF chart and the reversal is used to calculate new X/O or reversal. for example if currrent column is X column then for new "X", "box size * 1" move is needed and for new "O" column or reversal, "box size * revelsal" move is needed. in the script I use lines as X/O columns.
In the options you can set "Box Size Assingment Method". you have 3 options Traditional, ATR, Percentage . what are they?
Traditional: user-defined box size, means you can set the box size as you wish, using the option . if you use this option then you should set it accordingly.
ATR : that's dynamic box size scaling and on each columns it's calculated once, you can set length for ATR
Percentage: that's also dynamic box size scaling according to closing price when new column appeared. if you use this option then you should set it accordingly.
Reversal: The reversal is typically 3 but you can change it as you wish
"Change Bar Color by PnF Trend": if you enable this option then bar color changes by PnF columns, by default it's not enabled
"Change Column Color When Breakout Occurs": PnF color changes if Double Top/Bottom breakout accours. enabled by default and you can set the colors as you wish using the options
"Change Bar Color When Breakout Occurs": bar colors changed if Double Top/Bottom breakout accours. enabled by default and you can set the colors as you wish using the options
the script checks only Double Top/Bottom breakouts at the moment. there are many other breakouts such Triple/Quadruple, Ascending/Descending Triple Top/Bottom breakouts, Catapult etc.
Also the script shows new X/O level and reversal Levels in PnF window. An example:
If you enable "Change Bar Color by PnF Trend" option:
An example if you disable the option "Change Column Color When Breakout Occurs
You may want to see my another/older "Point and Point Chart" script as well. you can find it in my profile/published scripts and in the Public Library. I use same PnF calculation algorithm in both scripts.
Divergence for Many Indicators v4Hello Traders,
Here is my new year gift for the community, Digergence for Many Indicators v4 . I tried to make it modular and readable as much as I can. Thanks to Pine Team for improving Pine Platform all the time!
How it works?
- On each candle it checks divergences between current and any of last 16 Pivot Points for the indicators.
- it search divergence on choisen indicators => RSI , MACD , MACD Histogram, Stochastic , CCI , Momentum, OBV, VWMACD, CMF and any External Indicator !
- it checks following divergences for 16 pivot points that is in last 100 bars for each Indicator.
--> Regular Positive Digergences
--> Regular Negative Digergences
--> Hidden Positive Digergences
--> Hidden Negative Digergences
- for positive divergences first it checks if closing price is higher than last closing price and indicator value is higher than perious value, then start searching divergence
- for negative divergences first it checks if closing price is lower than last closing price and indicator value is lower than perious value, then start searching divergence
Some Options:
Pivot Period: you set Pivot Period as you wish. you can see Pivot Points using "Show Pivot Points" option
Source for Pivot Points: you can use Close or High/Low as source
Divergence Type: you can choose Divergence type to be shown => "Regular", "Hidden", "Regular/Hidden"
Show Indicator Names: you have different options to show indicator names => "Full", "First Letter", "Don't Show"
Show Divergence Number: option to see number of indicators which has Divergence
Show Only Last Divergence : if you enable this option then it shows only last Positive and Negative Divergences
you can include any External Indicator to see if there is divergence
- enable "Check External Indicator"
- and then choose External indicator name in the list, "External Indicator"
- External indicator name is shown as Extrn
- related external indicator must be added before enabling this option
Coloring, line width and line style options for different type of divergences.
Following Alerts added:
- Positive Regular Divergence Detected
- Negative Regular Divergence Detected
- Positive Hidden Divergence Detected
- Negative Hidden Divergence Detected
Now lets see some examples:
Hidden Divergences:
Regular and Hidden Divergences together:
Showing first letters of indicators:
You can see only the number of indicators which has divergence:
You can see only divergence lines without indicators names and numbers:
option to used different label/line/text colors:
You have option to see only last divergences:
You can change Pivot Period, in following example Pivot Period = 15:
You can use Close or High/Low as Source for Divergence
You can include external indicators and get divergences on it:
Wish you all a happy new year!
TrendLine ChannelsAbstract
This script provides a set of Trendline Channels which can be tighter than Donchian Channels.
This script computes the most suitable active upper and lower trendlines and updates them as soon as possible.
We can use it for breakout signals earlier than Donchian Channels.
Channels are tools which can mark area of values of ranging markets.
Once the price leaves the original region, range traders may start admitting they are wrong and trigger trend.
Donchian Channels (misheard as Dungeon Channels) use the highest and the lowest price to define area of values.
When the price breakouts, it just like it got released from a dungeon.
However, waiting for the price making even higher or lower may be too late and risk reward ratio may be lower.
Trendlines can make the channels tighter and we can find earlier breakout signals.
Computing Trendline Channels
(1) Find the most active trendlines
In this script, a valid trendline connects two high values or two low values.
A high value means the highest value in a trading day.
A low value means the lowest value in a trading day.
In this script, every trendline does not crossover any bar but can exactly touch them.
The most flat trendline is taken. (one for upper and one for lower)
(2) Continue to use or Change a trendline
If there is a tighter trendline available, this script changes to use it.
If the previous active trendline is broken, this script re-computes the trendline available.
When this case happens, this script display with an another color.
Otherwise, this script continues using the previous trendline.
(3) Middle line
The middle line indicates the middle value between the upper and the lower.
Length : how many days are used for computation. The default value is 16 just because 16=4*4, using binary characteristic.
x_go_on : If the previous trendline is not breakout and there are no tighter trendlines available, we continue use it.
Color Options
(1) Upper trendline (no update or tighter)
(2) Upper trendline (changed due to breakout)
(3) Middle line
(4) Lower trendline (no update or tighter)
(5) Lower trendline (changed due to breakout)
Trendline Channels can be tighter than Donchian Channels and evaluate earlier breakout signals.
Comparing to known auto trendline scripts, Trendline Channels is continuous.
Once a trendline is broken, Trendline Channels can instantly point out the next available one.
If you think the price movement is boring or you cannot have good risk reward ratio, you can go to an another timeframe.
How to trade with Donchian Channels
How to trade with Trendlines
Linear Regression ChannelHello Traders,
There are several nice Linear Regression Channel scripts in the Public Library. and I tried to make one with some extra features too. This one can check if the Price breaks the channel and it shows where is was broken. Also it checks the momentum of the channel and shows it's increasing/decreasing/equal in a label, shape of the label also changes. The line colors change according to direction.
using the options, you can;
- Set the Source (Close, HL2 etc)
- Set the Channel length
- Set Deviation
- Change Up/Down Line colors
- Show/hide broken channels
- Change line width
meaning of arrows:
⇑ : Uptrend and moment incresing
⇗ : Uptrend and moment decreasing
⇓ : Downtrend and moment incresing
⇘ : Downtrend and moment decreasing
⇒ : No trend
An example for how color of lines, arrow direction and shape of label change.
RSI Multi Time FrameHello Traders,
Recently we got new features in Pine such Arrays of Lines, Labels and Strings. Thanks to the Pine Team! ( here )
So I decided to make new style of Multi Time Frame indicator and I used Array of Lines in this script. here it is, RSI Multi Time Frame script. it shows RSI for current time frame as it is and also it gets RSI for the Higher Time Frame and converts it and shows it as in time frame. as you can see, RSI for HTF moves to the right on each candle until higher time frame was completed.
You have color and line width options for both RSI, also if you want you can limit the number of bars to show higher time frame RSI by the option " Number of Bars for RSI HTF ", following example show RSI HTF for 100 bars.
Most of you know that old style Multi Time Frames indicators was like:
Hope you like this new Multi time frame style ;)
Market ProfileHello All,
This is Market Profile script. "Market Profile is an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal) devised by J. Peter Steidlmayer. Steidlmayer was seeking a way to determine and to evaluate market value as it developed in the day time frame. The concept was to display price on a vertical axis against time on the horizontal, and the ensuing graphic generally is a bell shape--fatter at the middle prices, with activity trailing off and volume diminished at the extreme higher and lower prices." You better search it on the net for more information, you can find a lot of articles and books about the Market Profile.
You have option to see Value Area, All Channels or only POC line, you can set the colors as you wish.
Also you can choose the Higher Time Frame from the list or the script can choose the HTF for you automatically.
Ehlers Instantaneous Trendline V1 [CC]The Instantaneous Trendline was created by John Ehlers (Rocket Science For Traders pgs 109-110) and this indicator is perfect for determining the medium to long term trend. Buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it is red. I will be introducing a different version of this indicator which is perfect for short term trends so these will pair great together.
Let me know if there are other scripts you would like to see me publish or if you want something custom done!
Consolidation Zones - LiveHello Traders!
This is the script that finds Consolidation Zones in Realtime.
How it works?
- The script finds highest/lowest bars by using "Loopback Period"
- Then it calculates direction
- By using the direction and highest/lowest bar info it calculates consolidation zones in realtime
- If the length of consolidation area is equal/greater than user-defined min length then this area is shown as consolidation zone
- Then Consolidation Zone extends automatically if there is no breakout
if you increase the Loopback Length then you get bigger consolidation zones:
You have option to "Paint Consolidation Area" or not:
Jsa Moving Average [CC]The Jsa Moving Average was created by George R. Arrington, Ph .D. (Stocks & Commodities V. 11:10 (427-431)) and it is an extremely simple formula but has very many great uses. For one thing it acts as support and resistance levels and it also acts like a trailing stop. It gives a wide enough berth during extended up or down trends to let you ride the wave up or down and when it gets close to the price it means that it is a choppy market. Buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if you would like to see me publish other indicators or if you want something custom done!
Note: I'm republishing this because the original script couldn't be found in searches so this will fix that.
Ehlers Correlation Angle IndicatorThe Correlation Angle Indicator was created by John Ehlers (Stocks & Commodities V. 38:06 (8–15)) and this is technically three indicators in one so I'm splitting each one to a separate script. This particular indicator was designed for trend termination and simply buy when it is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if you would like to see me publish other scripts or if you want something custom done!
Trend Exhaustion IndicatorThe Trend Exhaustion Indicator is a custom indicator of mine that is loosely based on the Trend Exhaustion Index created by Clifford L. Creel Ph.D. (Stocks & Commodities V. 9:1 (9-11))
This indicator will let you know the trend reversal points and when it falls below the signal line then the trend is ending vice versa. Buy when the indicator crosses above the signal line and sell when it falls below the signal line.
Let me know if you would like to see me write any other scripts!
Uber Trend IndicatorThis is my first custom indicator that I created as a medium to long term trend indicator. Buy if it is above 0 and sell if it is below 0.
Since this is my first unique indicator, I would love to hear your feedback! Please let me know if you would like to see any other scripts!
Validated PSARPSAR works well as trailing stop loss (or WinStop), but is often whipsaw'd as it detect trend changes over enthusiastically.
So, a filter to validate trend changes was added. It basically requires 3 straight bars completely breaking the prior saved PSAR level.
Trend Following MAs 3DHello All,
This is Moving Averages Trend Following 3D indicator. The idea is based on direction of MAs and relation between 20 moving averages (5 to 100 period).
Option to show different type of MAs: EMA, SMA, RMA, WMA, VWMA.
As I haved tested it looks succesful at calculating trend direction and trend strength.
For a better look I tried to make it 3D, it looks good I think, waiting comments ;)
Some screenshots:
By using RMA type:
When it gets tiny it means there is no trend:
An example for down trend:
Trend Lines for RSI, CCI, Momentum, OBVHello Traders!
After publishing Trend Lines for RSI yesterday, I realized that Trend Lines for more indicators needed by the traders. so I decided to make it for four different indicators: RSI, CCI, OBV, Momentum
In the indicator options you can choose the indicator from pull-down menu.
How it works?
- On each bar it finds last 10 higher and lower Pivot Points (PP) for the indicator.
- from first bar to 10. Pivot Point it searchs if a trend line is possible
- for each PP it starts searching from the last PP .
- it checks if drawing a trend line possible or not and also it's broken or not
- if it's broken then optionally it shows broken trend lines as dotted (or you can option not to see broken lines)
- if it finds a continues trend line then it stops searhing more and draw trend line, this is done by checking angles (I did this to make the script faster, otherwise you may get error because of it needs time more than .2sec)
- the script makes this process for each PP
- then shows the trend lines
P.S. it may need 3-10 seconds when you added the script to the chart at first (because of calculations)
Trend lines for CCI:
Trend Lines for OBV
Trend Lines for Momentum:
You may want to watch how Trend Lines script works (that was made for RSI)
If you still didn't see Trend Lines v2 then visit:
All Comments are welcome..
Trend Lines v2Hello Everyone. After working on new and better trend lines script for couple of weeks, finally I am proud to publish Trend Lines v2.
How it works?
- On each bar it finds last 10 higher and lower Pivot Points (PP).
- from first bar to 10. PP it search if a trend line is possible
- for each it starts searching from the last PP.
- it check if drawing a trend line possible or not and also it's broken or not
- if it's broken then optionally it shows broken trend lines as dotted
- if it finds a continues trend line and stop searhing more and draw trend line (I did this to make the script faster, otherwise you may get error because of it needs time more than .2sec)
- the script makes this process for each PP
optionally trend lines may be Solid or Dashed
optionally you may get rid of broken trend lines if you think it's crowded
and sometimes you may not see any trend line on the chart. this means you need to adjust the period for Pivot Points accordingly
also I made a video. if you watch this video you can see how the script works.
Important! after you add this tool to the chart you may need zoom-in and zoom-out to see all lines!
I thought a lot to make it free or not then I decided make it free and open source. you should know there is a lot of effort for this script, so if you think this is usefull please consider a donation ;)
Trend LinesHello Everyone! This is my new trend lines script (after beta version that was published almost one year ago)
The idea is to find Pivot Highs (PH) and Pivot Lows(PL) first.
Then, If current PH is smaller then previous PH (means no new higher high and possible downtrend) then draw trend line using them. and also it checks previous trend line (if exits) and if current angle is smaller then don't extend previous one.
Same idea when using Pivot Lows, If current PL is higher then previous PL (means no new lower low and possible uptrend) then draw trend line using them. and also it checks previous trend line (if exits) and if current angle is smaller then don't extend previous one.
Optionally style of old trend lines drawn as dashed.
Hope you enjoy it!
BEST Supertrend StrategyHello traders
Sharing a sample Supertrend strategy to illustrate how to calculate a convergence and using it in a strategy
I based the setup as follow:
- Entries on Supertrend MTF breakout + moving average cross. Entering whenever there is a convergence
- exit whenever a Simple Moving Averages cross in the opposite direction happen
- possibility to filter only Longs/Shorts or both
All the best
BEST Trend Direction Helper (Strategy Edition)Hello traders
A follower asked me to convert my Trend Direction Helper into a strategy
So blessed this indicator reached the 1400+ likes milestone - I can't believe how many people are trading with it
I based the setup as follow:
- Entries on those green/red labels
- exit whenever a Simple Moving Averages cross in the opposite direction happen
- possibility to filter only Longs/Shorts or both
The strategy includes the Zig Zag/Pivots high/low and other options from the indicator version. I only added a quick strategy component with a hard exit concept based on SMA cross
All the best fam and... HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!
Pivot Reversal Strategy - FIGS & DATES 2.0Simple Pivot Reversal Strategy with some adding settings.
Date Range: To test over specific market conditions.
Initial Capitol: $10K - This is a more realistic representation of funds used this strategy (for me anyway). The default of $100K can give different results (usually better) than when using a smaller balance.
Order Size: 100% Equity - These trend following strategies typically used this way, going all in each direction.
Commission: .075% - It's always disheartening to think you've found a ridiculously good setting, and then realize you forgot to add the commission.
All of these settings can be changed, but it's easier for me (and more fool proof) to have them set as default.