Heatmap Volume [xdecow]This indicator colors the volume bars and candles according to the volume traded. The calculation of the heat map zones is done as follows:
how many standard deviations the volume are distant from the average volume?
For a better visual experience, place the borders and wicks of the candles in a neutral color.
Volume Strength Candles / Colored BarsIs Price Action Higher or Lower on STRONG or WEAK VOLUME from lookback
(Strong or Weak Bulls // Strong or Weak Bears)
Candles / Bars Indicate the Following (default 13 period lookback / Length)
MAROON Bear Candle with STRONG VOLUME more than 150% of the lookback / length (13 default), STRONG Bear Candle Confirmed With Volume
RED Bear Candle while VOLUME is BETWEEN 50% & 150% of the Lookback / Length (13 default), Neutral Bear Volume Neither strong or weak
ORANGE Bear Candle with WEAK VOLUME (Less than 50% of the Length / Lookback)
DARK GREEN Bull Candle with STRONG VOLUME MORE than 150% of lookback
GREEN Bull Candle with Neutral VOLUME BETWEEN 50% & 150% of the lookback / Length
AQUA Bull Candle with WEAK VOLUME less than 50% of the Lookback
Is price confirmed by volume?
Can Change the Lookback / Length from 13
Can Change the Colors and Transparency to easily see based off your chart background colors I recommend ZERO Transparency to easily identify volume strength (i use white background but many use black or other)