Originality comes from proprietary formula we use to measure the relationship between Volume and Price Volatility in relation to overall current market positioning in developing Volume Profile and multiple custom period Volume Profiles. We combine that with our own approach to measure price velocity in correlation to average daily/weekly/monthly ranges of the given market.
The relationship between current volume and price volatility gives us information about how much the volume that is currently coming into the market affects the price movement (volatility) and which side is more dominant/involved in the market (Buyers/Sellers). We call this the " Volume Impact " factor.
This information is then compared in relation to overall current market positioning in developing Volume Profile and Multiple custom period Volume Profiles. We have created a rating system based on current price positioning in relation to the Volume Profile. Volume profile consists of different volume nodes, high volume nodes where we consider market interest to be high (a lot of transactions - High Volume) and low volume nodes where we consider market interest to be low (not a lot of transactions - Low Volume). We call this the current " Market Interest " factor.
We combine this information with our own approach to measure price velocity in correlation to the higher-timeframe price ranges. Calculation is done by measuring current ranges of market movement in correlation to average daily/weekly/monthly ranges. We call this " Price Velocity " factor.
This approach was applied to develop key components of our Tradingview Indicators, we've simplified some of the calculations and made them easy to use by programming them to display buying/selling volume pressure with colors.
In addition to our own proprietary formulas and criterias to measure volume impact on price, we've also used an array of indicators that measure the percentage change in volume over custom specified periods of time, including custom period ranged Volume Profile, Developing VA, Accumulation/Distribution (A/D Line), Volume Rate of Change (VROC), Volume Price Trend (VPT) - all of them with of course fine-tuned settings to fit the purpose in the overall calculation.
Reasons for multiple indicator use:
Custom period ranged Volume Profiles: To determine current interest of market participants. Used for " Market Interest "
Developing VA: To determine current fair price of the market (value area). Used for " Market Interest ".
Accumulation/Distribution (A/D Line): Helping to gauge the strength of buying and selling pressure. Used for " Volume Impact "
Volume Rate of Change (VROC): To give us information about percentage change in volume. Used for " Volume Impact "
Volume Price Trend (VPT): To help identify potential trends. Used for " Volume Impact ".
Average True Range (ATR): Used for measuring volatility. Used for " Volume Impact " and " Price Velocity" .
Average Daily Range (ADR): Used for measuring average market price movement. Used for " Price Velocity ".
How it all works together:
"Volume Impact" factor tells us the influence of incoming market volume on price movement. This information alongside the overall market positioning information derived from "Market Interest" factor combined with information about speed and direction relative to higher-timeframe price ranges frin "Price Velocity.
This is the basis of our proprietary developed Volume Dynamics analysis approach
"Volume Impact" x "Market Interest" x "Price Velocity"
Combining this factors together gives a good overall understanding of which side is currently more involved in the market to gauge the direction ("Volume Impact"), where the market is currently positioned to gauge the context ("Market Interest") and what the current market's momentum to improve the timing of our trades ("Price Velocity"). This increases our probabilities for successful trades, executed with good timing.
To simplify - our indicators will always analyze the volume behind every price movement and rate those movements based on the relationship between movement distance and volume behind it through an array of criterias and rate them.
Colors displayed by the indicators will be a result of that, suggesting which side of the market (Buyers or sellers) is currently more involved in the market, aiming to increase the probabilities for profitable trades. With the help of our indicators you have deep volume analysis behind price movements done without looking at anything else then indicator components.
Cygni 75 Algorithm is a TradingView indicator crafted to refine your market analysis and assist in identifying potential entry and exit points by analyzing the underlying volume behind market movements. It helps you determine the overall daily context of the market and its conditions/trends by offering a suite of features tailored to provide insights to traders across various market conditions.
▊ Candle Coloring
▊ Deviation Bands
▊ Momentum Bar | on the bottom of the chart
▊ Area of Interest (AOI) | Yellow rectangle
□ Candles will color in reference to the dominance of buyers or sellers based on underlying volume calculated by a proprietary formula. The green color indicates that buyers are in control, and the red color indicates the selling volume is dominating the market. To simplify, green means there's more buying - red means there's more selling.
□ Deviation bands are used to determine potential trade entries and exits, derived by average price weighted by volume.
□ Momentum Bar shows market momentum by analyzing the differences between multiple moving averages. Green is bullish; red is bearish. The colors will lighten up when momentum is strong, and once the market slows down, they will get darker.
□ Area of Interest (AOI) is used for contextual reference, derived from the previous day's market movements. They remain static throughout the current day.
□ In general, we look for areas where all components are in sync. This are valid trading signals (refer to the usage example below).
□ Candle Colors: Looking for longs when the candles are green, and looking for shorts when the colors are red
□ Deviation Bands: Once we enter the trade, we can place the SL and TP levels at the closest bands.
□ Momentum Bar: Helps with the timing of the entry, looking to enter on light Green/Red colors. Longs when green and shorts when red.
□ Area Of Interest: Generally, we're expecting rotational conditions inside the area and breakouts above/below once the market price gets outside of it. Longs above the area and shorts below the area for breakouts.
Each component of the indicator serves it's own purpose and analyzes the market from it's own perspective and with its own custom settings and formulas (one looks at trading direction from the perspective of the overall trend and the other looks at price volatility to measure momentum - different perspectives). The calculation of the individual component is done independently from other components. Once all of them align we're able to execute trades with edge as it signals that different aspects of volume and price analysis line up for the trading opportinity.
- Candle Colors are used for determining trading direction
- Deviation bands are used for determining TP/SL levels
- Momentum bar is used to for better timing of your entries/exits.
- AOI is used to help you determine potential market conditions
It's important to combine the components to increase the probability of success - here's how you should look for a trade:
1. Determine the direction you want to trade in with the help of Candle Colors
2. Assess the current market price in reference to AOI - look for longs if the price is above the AOI, shorts if the price is below AOI, and rotations if it's inside the AOI.
3. Wait for the right momentum to develop to improve the timing of the entry by using Momentum Bar.
4. Place TP/SL levels with the help of Deviation bands based on your risk appetite.
A valid example of the trade would be:
- Green Candle Colors (indicating longs)
- Market price is currently above the AOI or breaking the edge of AOI in the upside movement (indicating longs)
- Momentum Bar is Green (indicating long momentum)
- Placing SL to the closest Deviation Band below the price and TP to the closest Deviation Band above the price.
Originality comes from proprietary formula we use to measure the relationship between Volume and Price Volatility in relation to overall current market positioning in developing Volume Profile and multiple custom period Volume Profiles. We combine that with our own approach to measure price velocity in correlation to average daily/weekly/monthly ranges of the given market.
The relationship between current volume and price volatility gives us information about how much the volume that is currently coming into the market affects the price movement (volatility) and which side is more dominant/involved in the market (Buyers/Sellers). We call this the "Volume Impact" factor.
This information is then compared in relation to the overall current market positioning in developing Volume Profile and Multiple custom period Volume Profiles. We have created a rating system based on current price positioning in relation to the Volume Profile. Volume profile consists of different volume nodes, high volume nodes where we consider market interest to be high (a lot of transactions - High Volume) and low volume nodes where we consider market interest to be low (not a lot of transactions - Low Volume). We call this the current "Market Interest" factor.
We combine this information with our own approach to measure price velocity in correlation to the higher-timeframe price ranges. Calculation is done by measuring current ranges of market movement in correlation to average daily/weekly/monthly ranges. We call this "Price Velocity" factor.
This approach was applied to develop key components of our Tradingview Indicators, we've simplified some of the calculations and made them easy to use by programming them to display buying/selling volume pressure with colors.
In addition to our own proprietary formulas and criterias to measure volume impact on price, we've also used an array of indicators that measure the percentage change in volume over custom specified periods of time, including custom period ranged Volume Profile, Developing VA, Accumulation/Distribution (A/D Line), Volume Rate of Change (VROC), Volume Price Trend (VPT) - all of them with of course fine-tuned settings to fit the purpose in the overall calculation.
Reasons for multiple indicator use:
Custom period ranged Volume Profiles: To determine current interest of market participants. Used for "Market Interest"
Developing VA: To determine current fair price of the market (value area). Used for "Market Interest".
Accumulation/Distribution (A/D Line): Helping to gauge the strength of buying and selling pressure. Used for "Volume Impact"
Volume Rate of Change (VROC): To give us information about percentage change in volume. Used for "Volume Impact"
Volume Price Trend (VPT): To help identify potential trends. Used for "Volume Impact".
Average True Range (ATR): Used for measuring volatility. Used for "Volume Impact" and "Price Velocity".
Average Daily Range (ADR): Used for measuring average market price movement. Used for "Price Velocity".
How it all works together:
"Volume Impact" factor tells us the influence of incoming market volume on price movement. This information alongside the overall market positioning information derived from "Market Interest" factor combined with information about speed and direction relative to higher-timeframe price ranges frin "Price Velocity.
This is the basis of our proprietary developed Volume Dynamics analysis approach
"Volume Impact" x "Market Interest" x "Price Velocity"
Combining this factors together gives a good overall understanding of which side is currently more involved in the market to gauge the direction ("Volume Impact"), where the market is currently positioned to gauge the context ("Market Interest") and what the current market's momentum to improve the timing of our trades ("Price Velocity"). This increases our probabilities for successful trades, executed with good timing.
To simplify - our indicators will always analyze the volume behind every price movement and rate those movements based on the relationship between movement distance and volume behind it through an array of criterias and rate them.
Colors displayed by the indicators will be a result of that, suggesting which side of the market (Buyers or sellers) is currently more involved in the market, aiming to increase the probabilities for profitable trades. With the help of our indicators you have deep volume analysis behind price movements done without looking at anything else then indicator components.
Cygni 71 Algorithm is a TradingView indicator designed for short-term trading (scalping) and enhancing the precision of your entries/exits based on a higher timeframe market context. It analyzes the underlying volume behind market movements and colors the candles with the help of the Heiken-Ashi methodology to provide a clearer perspective on the market's potential direction and intentions.
▊ Candle Coloring
▊ Upper Colored Bar
▊ Lower Colored Bar
□ Candles will color in reference to the Heiken ashi "average bar" methodology, which uses a modified formula based on two-period averages. This way, you can observe the normal candlesticks with less noise as colors will suggest the most likely direction where the market might be heading.
□ Upper Colored Bar analyzes daily volume dynamics in the market's price action by referencing the daily average price weighted by volume. If the market is bullish, you’ll see the green bars, and if the market is bearish, the bars will color red.
□ Lower Colored Bar analyzes volume dynamics and the market's price action every few second and minute intervals by referencing average price weighted by volume. This makes it much more sensitive than the Upper Colored Bar. If the market is bullish, you’ll see the green bars, and if the market is bearish, the bars will color red.
□ In general, we look for areas where all components are in sync. These are valid trading signals (refer to the usage example below).
□ If all components are not in sync, we should look for at least two of them to be in sync while one of them must be Upper Colored Bar.
□ Candle Colors: Looking for longs when the candles are green and looking for shorts when the colors are red
□ Upper Colored Bar: The most important component of this indicator is that we favor trading in the direction suggested by this component. Additional confirmation of other components is a bonus. The green color suggests a bullish market, trading long. Red color suggests bearish market, trading short.
□ Lower Colored Bar: This should not be used on its own but always combined with at least one of the other components due to its sensitivity. Colors are indicating longs when green and shorts when red.
Each component of the indicator serves it's own purpose and analyzes the market from it's own perspective and with its own custom settings and formulas. The calculation of the individual component is done independently from other components. Once all of them align, we're able to execute trades with an edge as it signals that different aspects of volume and price analysis line up for the trading opportunity.
- Candle Colors are used for improving the timing of your entries/exits based on market structure
- Upper Colored Bar is used for determining the favorable direction of the market based on Daily Volume Dynamics.
- Lower Colored Bar used for determining the favorable direction of the market based on Second/Minute/3-minute Volume Dynamics.
It's important to combine the components to increase the probability of success - here's how you should look for a trade:
1. Assess the current most favorable market direction by referencing the Upper Colored bar, look for longs if it’s green and for shorts if it’s red
2. Look for the Candle Colors to align with the Upper Colored bar, look for longs if it’s green and for shorts if it’s red
3. Look for short-time frame volume dynamics to align with your entries, by referencing the Lower Colored Bar - look for longs if it’s green and for shorts if it’s red.
A valid example of the trade would be:
- Upper Colored Bar is green, indicating the favorable trading directions is long
- Lower Colored Bar is green, indicating the favorable trading directions is long
- Candle Colors are green, indicating the market structure is favorable to enter your positions
Volume spike detection🔶What it is ?
Volume spike detection that is a tool to help you to define Volume spike better to know whether that is a real signal to focus to trade/invest or you should skip it.
This indicator will measure the current trading volume and then compare with average trading volume to give out volume spike signal. A candle has volume spike that will be marked by a yellow dot below the candle.
Our purpose is, help traders to define Volume spike faster and easier by automation tools and save time during analyzation to give out an exactly investing decision.
What is Volume spike in detail ?
To help you to undertand better about Volume spike, please refer to below picture :
We're having some candles that their trading volume are higher than average volume (blue line on the bottom of chart). They're candles with volume spike and giving us the signal about a huge money flow joined to Bitcoin at that time. You should be careful if you're taking any position that is reversal with these trading volume.
🔶 Who can use it ?
1. All traders who are using NCI, ICT , Smart money concepts, MACD system and other systems...
2. Recommend to use it for H1 timeframe and higher
3. All traders who are trading on Forex, Crypto, Stock, Indicies...
4. All traders who are new or experienced traders
5. Recommend to use for investing or long swing trader
🔶 The purpose of indicator
1. Define big money flow when it joined to market.
2. Helping trader to define MOMENTUM of WAVE
3. Helping trader to define MOMENTUM of candle/price patterns
4. Always "Empty your mind" during Trading because you checked chart less with automation tool.
🔶 How will indicator appear on chart
After you added it on chart, indicator will mearsure and give out the candle having volume spike. Indicator will mark a yellow dot right below the candle for you to recognize the power better.
🔶 INPUT value
There're 2 input value that you can change if you need :
1. Spike ratio % : The value is over from average trading volume
As above picture, you can see we're having 3 volume that is over average trading volume.
The gap is from average value to highest trading volume is spike ratio.
2. Trading period : Here is length of period you want to compare.
For example, you want calculate average volume of 20 periods before as standard to compare and judge a volume spike.
I recommend to set these numbers as default.
🔶 How to use indicator
After setting indicator, indicator will mearsure and run automatically to mark volume spike below the candles on your chart.
You can combine volume spike with your own system to define momentum of wave, price patterns to trade or invest normally.
I hope this indicator help you to trade more effectively.
Day Open Line + SMA 8/3 Crossover + BollingerHow Users Can Make Profit Using This Script:
1.Purpose: Publishing a "Days Open Line" indicator serves to inform customers about the operational schedule of a business or service.
2.Visibility: It ensures that the information regarding the days of operation is easily accessible to current and potential customers.
3.Transparency: By making the operational schedule public, businesses demonstrate transparency and reliability to their customers.
4.Accessibility: The indicator should be published on various platforms such as the business website, social media channels, and physical locations to ensure accessibility to a wide audience.
5.Clarity: The information should be presented in a clear and concise manner, specifying the days of the week the business is open and the corresponding operating hours.
6.Updates: It's important to regularly update the "Days Open Line" indicator to reflect any changes in the operational schedule, such as holidays or special events.
7.Customer Convenience: Providing this information helps customers plan their visits accordingly, reducing inconvenience and frustration due to unexpected closures.
8.Expectation Management: Setting clear expectations regarding the business hours helps manage customer expectations and reduces the likelihood of disappointment or complaints.
9.Customer Service: Publishing the "Days Open Line" indicator demonstrates a commitment to customer service by ensuring that customers have the information they need to engage with the business.
10.Brand Image: Consistently .maintaining and updating the indicator contributes to a positive brand image, as it reflects professionalism, reliability, and a customer-centric approach.
1.This indicator generates buy and sell signals based on the crossover of two Simple Moving Averages (SMA): a shorter 3-day SMA and a longer 8-day SMA.
When the 3-day SMA crosses above the 8-day SMA, it generates a buy signal indicating a potential upward trend.
Conversely, when the 3-day SMA crosses below the 8-day SMA, it generates a sell signal indicating a potential downward trend.
Signal Interpretation:
2.Buy Signal: Generated when the 3-day SMA crosses above the 8-day SMA.
Sell Signal: Generated when the 3-day SMA crosses below the 8-day SMA.
3.Traders can use this indicator to identify potential entry and exit points in the market.
Buy signals suggest a bullish trend, indicating a favorable time to enter or hold a long position.
4.Sell signals suggest a bearish trend, indicating a potential opportunity to exit or take a short position.
5.Periods: 3-day SMA and 8-day SMA.
Price: Closing price is commonly used, but users can choose other price types (open, high, low) for calculation.
6.It's recommended to use additional technical analysis tools or confirmatory indicators to validate signals and minimize false signals.
Risk Management:
7.Implement proper risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders, to mitigate losses in case of adverse price movements.
8.Before using the indicator in live trading, conduct thorough backtesting to evaluate its effectiveness under various market conditions.
9.While SMA crossovers can provide valuable insights, they may generate false signals during ranging or choppy markets.
Combine this indicator with other technical analysis techniques for comprehensive market analysis.
Continuous Optimization:
10.Monitor the performance of the indicator and adjust parameters or incorporate additional filters as needed to enhance accuracy over time.
1.Definition: A Bollinger Band indicator is a technical analysis tool that consists of a centerline (typically a moving average) and two bands plotted above and below it. These bands represent volatility around the moving average.
2.Purpose: Publishing a Bollinger Band indicator serves to provide traders and investors with insights into the volatility and potential price movements of a financial instrument.
3.Visualization: The indicator is typically displayed on price charts, allowing users to visualize the relationship between price movements and volatility levels.
4.Interpretation: Traders use Bollinger Bands to identify overbought and oversold conditions, potential trend reversals, and volatility breakouts.
5.Components: The indicator consists of three main components: the upper band, lower band, and centerline (usually a simple moving average). These components are calculated based on standard deviations from the moving average.
6.Parameters: Traders can adjust the parameters of the Bollinger Bands, such as the period length and standard deviation multiplier, to customize the indicator based on their trading strategy and preferences.
7.Signals: Bollinger Bands generate signals when prices move outside the bands, indicating potential trading opportunities. For example, a price breakout above the upper band may signal a bullish trend continuation, while a breakout below the lower band may indicate a bearish trend continuation.
8.Confirmation: Traders often use other technical indicators or price action analysis to confirm signals generated by Bollinger Bands, enhancing the reliability of their trading decisions.
9.Education: Publishing Bollinger Band indicators can serve an educational purpose, helping traders learn about technical analysis concepts and how to apply them in real-world trading scenarios.
10.Risk Management: Traders should exercise proper risk management when using Bollinger Bands, as false signals and market volatility can lead to losses. Publishing educational content alongside the indicator can help users understand the importance of risk management in trading.
1.Calculation: VWAP is calculated by dividing the cumulative sum of price times volume traded for every transaction (price * volume) by the total volume traded.
2.Time Frame: VWAP is typically calculated for a specific time frame, such as a trading day or a session.
3.Intraday Trading: It's commonly used by intraday traders to assess the fair value of a security and to determine if the current price is above or below the average price traded during the day.
4.Execution: Institutional traders often use VWAP as a benchmark for executing large orders, aiming to buy at prices below VWAP and sell at prices above VWAP.
5.Benchmark: It serves as a benchmark for traders to evaluate their trading performance. Trades executed below VWAP are considered good buys, while those above are considered less favorable.
6.Sensitivity: VWAP is more sensitive to price and volume changes during periods of high trading activity and less sensitive during periods of low trading activity.
7.Day's End: VWAP resets at the end of each trading day, providing a new reference point for the following trading session.
8.Volume Weighting: The weighting by volume means that prices with higher trading volumes have a greater impact on VWAP than those with lower volumes.
9.Popular with Algorithmic Traders: Algorithmic trading systems often incorporate VWAP strategies to execute trades efficiently and minimize market impact.
10.Limitations: While VWAP is a useful indicator, it's not foolproof. It may lag behind rapidly changing market conditions and may not be suitable for all trading strategies or market conditions. Additionally, it's more effective in liquid markets where there is significant trading volume.
How the Script Works:
1.Utilizes Day Open Line for accurate market entry points.
2.Identifies bullish trends with SMA 3 crossover SMA 8.
3.Signals potential sell opportunities with SMA 8 crossunder SMA 3.
4.Bollinger Bands indicate overbought and oversold conditions.
5.VWAP offers insights into average price levels weighted by volume.
6.Combination of indicators enhances trade confirmation.
7.Facilitates precise timing for buy and sell decisions.
8.Enables traders to capitalize on market volatility.
9.Empowers users to navigate dynamic market conditions.
10.Supports profitable trading strategies with comprehensive analysis.
11.It is known when the market is sideways.
Money Flow Profile [LuxAlgo]The Money Flow Profile is a charting tool that measures the traded volume or the money flow at all price levels on the market over a specified time period and highlights the relationship between the price of a given asset and the willingness of traders to either buy or sell it, allowing traders to reveal dominant and/or significant price levels and to analyze the trading activity of a particular user-selected range.
This tool combines a volume/money flow profile, a sentiment profile, and price levels, where the right side of the profile highlights the distribution of the traded activity/money flow at different price levels, the left side of the profile highlights the market sentiment at those price levels, and in the middle the price levels.
A volume/money flow profile is an advanced charting tool that displays the traded volume/money flow at different price levels over a specific period. It helps traders visualize where the majority of trading activity/money flow has occurred.
A sentiment profile is a difference between buy and sell volume/money flow aiming to highlight the sentiment/dominance at specific price levels.
Each row of the profile presents figures on volume and money flow specific to price levels.
High volume/money flow nodes indicate areas of high activity and are likely to act as support or resistance in the future. They attract price and try to hold it there. Conversely, low-volume nodes are areas with low trading activity, that are less subject to get revisited by the price. The market often bounces right over these levels, not staying for long. The "Profile Heatmap" option of the script helps to better emphasize the trading activity within each areas.
By measuring the traded activity at each price level the script presents an ability to highlight the consolidation zones, in other words, highlights accumulation and distribution zones. When the price moves toward one end of the consolidation and volume pick up, it can foreshadow a potential breakout.
Level of Significance, Point of Control, Highest Sentiment Zone, and Profile Price levels are some of the other profile-related options available with the script.
The script takes into account user-defined parameters and plots the profiles, where detailed usage for each user-defined input parameter in indicator settings is provided with the related input's tooltip.
🔹 Profile Generic Settings
Lookback Length / Fixed Range: Sets the lookback length.
Profile Source: Sets the profile source, Volume, or Money Flow.
🔹 Profile Presentation Settings
Volume/Money Flow Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Volume/Money Flow Profile.
High Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for high traded nodes.
Average Traded Nodes: Color option for average traded nodes.
Low Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for low traded nodes.
🔹 Sentiment Profile Settings
Sentiment Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Sentiment Profile.
Sentiment Polarity Method: Sets the method used to calculate the up/down volume/money flow.
Bullish Nodes: Color option for Bullish Nodes.
Bearish Nodes: Color option for Bearish Nodes.
🔹 Profile Heatmap Settings
Profile Heatmap: Toggles the visibility of the profile heatmap.
Heatmap Source: Sets the source of the profile heatmap, Volume/Money Flow Profile, or Sentiment Profile.
Heatmap Transparency: Control the transparency of the profile heatmap.
🔹 Other Presentation Settings
Level of Significance: Toggles the visibility of the level of significance line/zone.
Consolidation Zones: Toggles the visibility of the consolidation zones.
Consolidation Threshold, Color: Sets the threshold value and zone color.
Highest Sentiment Zone: Toggles the visibility of the highest bullish or bearish sentiment zone.
Profile Price Levels, Color, Size: Toggles the visibility of the profile price levels, and sets the color and the size of the level labels.
Profile Range Background Fill: Toggles the visibility of the profiles range.
🔹 Other Settings
Number of Rows: Specify how many rows each profile histogram will have.
Profile Width %: Alters the width of the rows in the histogram, relative to the profile length
Profile Text Size: Alters the size of the text. Setting to Auto will keep the text within the box limits.
Profile Horizontal Offset: Enables to move profile in the horizontal axis.
For more and other conceptual scripts you are kindly invited to visit LuxAlgo-Scripts .
USD VolumeA volume tool but the candles represent Volume in USD Format which is usually
here are some examples of what the numbers represent on the right-hand side.
.01 = $10,000
.5 = $500,000
1 = $1,000,000
50 = $50,000,000
250 = $250,000,000
1000 = $1,000,000,000
The lower line is the "Average Volume" based on lifetime history. Anytime volume is below average, this likely denotes most people have capitulated or the markets have grown bored at these price ranges. A squeeze in volume primes the asset for a big move.
The upper line is the 3rd standard of Deviation from the average line. Anytime volume touches that line or goes higher, this denotes its a very big move relative to how the asset typically trades. If the volume stays above this range for an extended period of time, it would be wise to watch the chart closely and start taking profits off the table whether you're shorting or longing the asset.
VWAP SuiteThis indicator automates the plotting of various timeframe based VWAP Values. This utilizes a different calculation method for the standard deviations bands compared to the native Tradingview AVWAP. While the Tradingview AVWAP indicator calculates the standard devation based on the VWAP variance, this indicator calculates the std dev based on the price sum variance (i.e. the variance of the hlc3, ohlc4, etc. values).
Current timeframes include:
- Daily VWAP with three user configurable standard deviation bands
- Multi-Day VWAP that allows you to plot 2-day to 5-day VWAP
- Weekly VWAP with three user configurable standard deviation bands
- Monthly VWAP with three user configurable standard deviation bands
Some unique aspects of this indicator is that it allows the user to calculate VWAP for only a specific session range if you are only interested in the VWAP when specific participants are active in the market. For example, the default session range only calculates VWAP for the New York RTH session (0930-1600).
If the user wants to compare how the session range chosen varies from the VWAP calculation with ETH you can select the 'Include Extended Trading Hours' check box which will ignore the session range input variable and simply calculate what is exactly on the chart without filtering.
You can also toggle whether the VWAP values show up in the price scale, status line, or both which can limit the amount of clutter that shows up on the chart based upon the user's preferences.
1. [Pufferman] - Comprehensive VolumeThis indicator presents a comprehensive approach to volume analysis, incorporating several key metrics to provide traders with a detailed view of market activity. Here's what's included:
1. Cumulative Relative Volume (Intraday): This metric accumulates volume data throughout the day, comparing it to historical session averages up to the current time. It's particularly useful for intraday analysis to determine if the stock is trading high or low volume before the day is over.
2. Real Relative Volume - This feature calculates the relative volume of a stock in comparison to the SPY, offering insight into whether a stock is trading with higher relative volume than the broader market.
3. Configurable Moving Average for Volume: Users can adjust the moving average period for average volume, allowing for flexible adaptation to different trading strategies and time frames. (green line in photo)
4. Above/Below Average Line: This line indicates whether the current volume bar exceeds or falls short of the session's average volume, providing immediate context for volume analysis. (red line in photo).
5. Volume Display in Abbreviations: Actual volume figures are presented in an abbreviated format, using "K" for thousands and "M" for millions, facilitating quick and easy analysis.
6. Color-Coded Relative and Real Relative Volume: Both the Relative Volume (RVOL) and Real Relative Volume (RRVOL) are color-coded to instantly convey volume concentration levels, enhancing visual analysis across multiple charts.
7. Volume Bars with Bullish and Bearish Highlights: Traditional volume bars are color-highlighted according to corresponding candle patterns, aiding in the identification of market sentiment.
Key Points:
The RVOL is a cumulative metric, considering time-of-day volume comparisons for intraday analysis. This approach offers a nuanced understanding of volume patterns specific to the timeframe being viewed.
The RRVOL provides a comparative analysis against the market, offering insights into stock-specific volume activity relative to market trends.
Note: This indicator is designed for intraday analysis and may not function as intended on timeframes above daily due to the cumulative nature of its volume calculations.
Effective Volume Z-ScoreThis indicator aims at responding the question: is the current trend supported by volume?
The concept and formula
The central concept is the Effective Volume, calculated as follow:
effectiveVolume = volume * (close - open) / (high - low)
Then the Effective Volume Z-Score indicator is calculated by smoothing the effective volume and applying the z-score function:
zscore(x) = (x - mean) / stdev
Essentially, the indicator's value represents the number of standard deviations of the effective volume away from the mean.
How to use it
This indicator should be used for trend confirmation.
For an uptrend, the bigger the indicator value, the greater the volume support, while for a downtrend, the lower the indicator value, the greater the volume support.
Divergences are also important, as with every volume indicator.
Liquidity Finder v2.0Description:
The Liquidity Finder v2.0 is a powerful technical indicator designed to identify divergence between volume and price movements in financial markets. Divergence occurs when there is a significant disparity between trading volume and price action, often signaling potential changes in market direction or trends.
This indicator calculates the relative volume and relative price change over a user-defined lookback period. Relative volume is determined by comparing the current volume to the average volume over the specified period, while relative price change compares the current price change to the average price change over the same period.
Key Features:
Customizable parameters allow users to adjust the lookback period, volume threshold, and price threshold to suit their trading preferences.
Divergence detection is visually represented by changing the color of price bars, making it easy for traders to identify potential trading opportunities.
Alerts can be set to notify traders when divergence is detected, enabling timely decision-making and trade execution.
The Volume-Price Divergence Detector is a valuable tool for traders and investors seeking to enhance their technical analysis toolkit. By spotting divergence between volume and price movements, traders can anticipate potential trend reversals or continuations, leading to more informed trading decisions and improved trading outcomes.
Periodic Activity Tracker [LuxAlgo]The Periodic Activity Tracker tool periodically tracks the cumulative buy and sell volume in a user-defined period and draws the corresponding matching bars and volume delta for each period.
Users can select a predefined aggregation period from the following options: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
This tool provides a simple and clear way of analyzing volumes for each aggregated period and is made up of the following elements:
Buy and sell volumes by period as red and green lines with color gradient area
Delta (difference) between buy & sell volume for each period
Buy & sell volume bars for each period
Separator between lines and bars, and period tags below each pair of bars for ease of reading
On the chart above we can see all the elements displayed, the volume level on the lines perfectly matches the volume level on the bars for each period.
In this case, the tool has the default settings so the anchor period is set to Daily and we can see how the period tag (each day of the week) is displayed below each pair of bars.
Users can disable the delta display and adjust the bar size.
🔹 Reading The Tool
In trading, assessing the strength of the bulls (buyers) and bears (sellers) is key to understanding the current trading environment. Which side, if any, has the upper hand? To answer this question, some traders look at volume in relation to price.
This tool provides you with a view of buy volume versus sell volume, allowing you to compare both sides of the market.
As with any volume tool, the key is to understand when the forces of the two groups are balanced or unbalanced.
As we can observe on the chart:
NOV '23: Buy volume greater than sell volume, both moving up close together, flat delta. We can see that the price is in range.
DEC '23: Buy volume bigger than Sell volume, both moving up but with a bigger difference, bigger delta than last month but still flat. We can see the price in the range above last month's range.
JAN '24: Buy and sell volume tied together, no delta whatsoever. We can see the price in range but testing above and below last month's range.
FEB '24: Buy volume explodes higher and sell volume cannot keep up, big growing delta. Price explodes higher above last month's range.
Traders need to understand that there is always an equal number of buyers and sellers in a liquid market, the quality here is how aggressive or passive they are. Who is 'attacking' and who is 'defending', who is using market orders to move prices, and who is using limit orders waiting to be filled?
This tool gives you the following information:
Lines: if the top line is green, the buyers are attacking, if it is red, the sellers are attacking.
Delta: represents the difference in their strength, if it is above 0 the buyers are stronger, if it is below 0 the sellers are stronger.
Bars: help you to see the difference in strength between buyers and sellers for each period at a glance.
🔹 Anchor Period
By default, the tool is set to Hourly. However, users can select from a number of predefined time periods.
Depending on the user's selection, the bars are displayed as follows:
Hourly : hours of the current day
Daily : days of the current week
Weekly : weeks of the current month
Monthly : months of the current year
On the chart above we can see the four periods displayed, starting at the top left and moving clockwise we have hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly.
🔹 Chart TimeFrame
The chart timeframe has a direct impact on the visualization of the tool, and the user should select a chart timeframe that is compatible with the Anchor period in the tool's settings panel.
For the chart timeframe to be compatible it must be less than the Anchor period parameter. If the user selects an incompatible chart timeframe, a warning message will be displayed.
As a rule of thumb, the smaller the chart timeframe, the more data the tool will collect, returning indications for longer-term price variations.
These are the recommended chart timeframes for each period:
Hourly : 5m charts or lower
Daily : 1H charts or lower
Weekly : 4H charts or lower
Monthly : 1D charts or lower
🔹 Warnings
This chart shows both types of warnings the user may receive
At the top, we can see the warning that is given when the 'Bar Width' parameter exceeds the allowed value.
At the bottom is the incompatible chart timeframe warning, which prompts the user to select a smaller chart timeframe or a larger "Anchor Period" parameter.
🔹 Data Gathering
Anchor period: Time period representing each bar: hours of the day, days of the week, weeks of the month, and months of the year. The timeframe of the chart must be less than this parameter, otherwise a warning will be displayed.
🔹 Style
Bars width: Size of each bar, there is a maximum limit so a warning will be displayed if it is reached.
Volume color
Delta: Enable/Disable Delta Area Display
VR1 DEMASure, here's a description for the "Volume Range Dual EMA" indicator:
**Indicator Name:** Volume Range Dual EMA
The "Volume Range Dual EMA" indicator is a technical analysis tool designed for TradingView charts. It calculates the ratio of volume to the price range of each bar and plots two Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) of this ratio.
- This indicator helps traders analyze the relationship between volume and price range in a given timeframe.
- The primary purpose of the indicator is to identify trends and potential changes in market sentiment based on volume and price movements.
- Traders can adjust the lengths of the EMAs according to their trading strategies and preferences.
- When the shorter EMA crosses above the longer EMA, it may signal a bullish trend, whereas a crossover in the opposite direction could indicate a bearish trend.
1. **EMA Length 1:** Defines the length of the first Exponential Moving Average (EMA) used in the calculation.
2. **EMA Length 2:** Defines the length of the second Exponential Moving Average (EMA) used in the calculation.
Volume Quartile IndicatorThe Volume Quartile Indicator is a tool designed to analyze and classify trading volumes based on quartile levels, offering traders a visual means to assess market strength and momentum. This indicator calculates volume levels using a default length of 60 periods to determine the quartiles at 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%. Each quartile range is represented by a specific color, providing a clear, visual representation of volume intensity relative to historical data.
Color-Coded Volume Strength: Volume strength is visually represented through a color-coded system for quick and intuitive analysis:
Red: Volume below the 10% level indicates very weak market activity.
Orange: Volume between 10% and 30% signifies weak market activity.
Gray: Volume in the 30% to 50% range represents medium activity with a weak bias.
Silver: Volume between 50% and 70% indicates medium activity with a strong bias.
Blue: Volume in the 70% to 90% range denotes strong market activity.
Green: Volume above the 90% level signifies very strong market activity.
Special Volume Markers: Yellow diamond markers highlight volumes that stand out due to their significance, providing traders with visual cues for potential market entry or exit points.
Q-Lines: The indicator draws q-lines at the 70%, 90%, and the midpoint between these two levels. The convergence of these q-lines suggests potential volatility in volume, which could significantly impact price movements.
The Volume Quartile Classification Indicator is atool for traders looking to incorporate volume analysis into their trading strategy.
OI Bubbles aggrThis indicator visually represents the positioning of market participants using open interest (OI) data of Bitcoin futures obtained from multiple exchanges.
The main features and functions of the indicator are as follows:
1. Aggregation of OI data from multiple exchanges
- Retrieves and sums OI data from 5 symbols: Binance (BTCUSDTPERP, BTCPERP), Kraken (BTCUSDTPERP), and BitMEX (XBTUSD, XBTUSDT)
2. Calculation of Z-score for OI
- Calculates the Z-score for the total OI
- Uses a moving average (default period is 21) specified for the Z-score calculation
- The Z-score expresses how much the OI value deviates from the average in units of standard deviation
3. Display of signals based on Z-score
- Displays signals when the Z-score exceeds/falls below multiple predefined thresholds (default is 5 levels: 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5)
- Signals are displayed as colored circles in the middle of the corresponding candle
- The size of the circle increases as the threshold is significantly exceeded, visually emphasizing the magnitude of the position bias
4. Customizable parameters
- Selection of exchanges and symbols to use
- Setting of the type and period of moving average used for Z-score calculation
- Setting of Z-score thresholds
- Setting of signal colors
Extreme position biases may lead to subsequent price movements, making them a key signal for trading.
However, this indicator is based solely on OI data and does not consider other market data such as price action or trading volume.
Therefore, it is crucial to combine the signals obtained from this indicator with other analytical methods for a comprehensive assessment.
Furthermore, the results can be greatly influenced by the parameter settings of the indicator, such as the Z-score thresholds and calculation periods. As a result, it is necessary to conduct thorough backtesting on historical data to find the optimal settings.
Smart Money Concepts [UAlgo]🔶 Description:
Smart Money Concepts (SMC) refer to a trading strategy that revolves around understanding and following the actions of institutional investors, such as banks and hedge funds, who are considered the “smart money” in the market. The concept is based on the idea that these institutions have more information and resources, and thus their market activities can indicate future market movements.
This script designed to be a tool that will automatically provide many features related to SMC concept for investors, offering a market structure analysis that includes the identification of order blocks, breaker blocks, and liquidity points. It also delineates premium and discount zones, highlights Fair Value Gaps (FVG), Volume Imbalance (VI) and Order Gap (OG) areas, providing users with a multifaceted view of market dynamics.
🔶 Key Features:
Market Structure Analysis : Simplifies the overview of market behavior, identifies market breakouts or trend continuation.
It detects the market structure as shown in the image below :
Order Blocks : Detects Order Blocks based on market structure analysis and volume characteristics. It draws these blocks and provides information such as volume.
Order Block Identification:
Breaker Blocks : Detects Breaker Blocks based on market structure analysis.
Breaker Block Identification:
When Order Block above is broken,
As you can see, it has now turned into a Bearish Breaker Block,
And it seems that the price is getting a reaction from this breaker block above.
Liquidity Sweeps : Tracks liquidity sweeps on both the buy and sell sides, offering traders a perspective on market momentum and potential shifts.
Multi-Timeframe Fair Value Gap (FVG), Volume Imbalance (VI), Order Gaps (OG) Detection : Detects Fair Value Gap (FVG), Volume Imbalance (VI) and Order Gaps (OG) based on different criteria such as price movements and volume characteristics. It marks these gaps/voids and provides visual cues for analysis.
Examle for FVG:
Premium & Discount Zone Analysis : Analyzes premium and discount zones, showing prices within these zones and highlighting equilibrium (0.5) levels.
Customizable Options : Provides various input parameters for customization, such as market structure length, sensitivity settings, display preferences, and mitigation methods.
Previous Key Levels : Identifies previous key levels include previous highs, lows, equilibrium points, and open prices across different timeframes such as daily, weekly, and monthly.
🔶 Disclaimer:
Use with Caution: This indicator is provided for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Users should exercise caution and perform their own analysis before making trading decisions based on the indicator's signals.
Not Financial Advice: The information provided by this indicator does not constitute financial advice, and the creator (UAlgo) shall not be held responsible for any trading losses incurred as a result of using this indicator.
Backtesting Recommended: Traders are encouraged to backtest the indicator thoroughly on historical data before using it in live trading to assess its performance and suitability for their trading strategies.
Risk Management: Trading involves inherent risks, and users should implement proper risk management strategies, including but not limited to stop-loss orders and position sizing, to mitigate potential losses.
No Guarantees: The accuracy and reliability of the indicator's signals cannot be guaranteed, as they are based on historical price data and past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Volume Liqidations [EagleVSniper]The Volume Liquidations Indicator is designed for traders who want to spot significant liquidation events in the cryptocurrency markets, particularly between spot and futures volumes. This powerful tool auto-detects the trading asset and compares the volume data from both spot and futures markets to highlight potential high-volume liquidation points that can significantly impact price movement. Raw source code owner - tartigradia
Auto-Detect Functionality: Automatically identifies the current trading asset, providing an option for manual selection for both spot and futures symbols.
Volume Comparison: Calculates the difference between futures and spot volumes within a user-defined timeframe, helping to identify liquidation events.
Customizable Parameters: Offers customizable options for multipliers, lookback periods, and timeframe selection to tailor the indicator to your trading strategy.
Visual Indicators: Displays liquidation volumes as color-coded columns, with green indicating potential long liquidations and red for short liquidations. It also highlights bars that exceed the high-volume threshold, providing a clear visual cue for significant liquidation events.
Spot and Futures Volume MA: Includes optional moving average plots for both spot and futures volumes, allowing for a deeper analysis of market trends.
Highlighting High-Volatility Candles: The indicator uniquely colors candles that reach a predefined volatility threshold, determined by the user-set multiplier. This functionality aims to spotlight moments of significant market volatility, providing traders with immediate visual cues.
Dynamic Ticker Selection: Seamlessly switches between auto and manual ticker selection, providing flexibility for all types of traders.
How to Use:
Setup: Configure the indicator to your preferences. You can choose between automatic or manual ticker selection, set the multiplier for the high-volume threshold, and define the lookback period for the moving average calculation.
Analysis: The indicator plots differences in volume between futures and spot markets as columns on your chart, color-coded to indicate the direction of potential liquidations.
Decision Making: Use the indicator to identify potential liquidation events. High-volume thresholds are highlighted, suggesting significant market movements. Combine this information with other analysis tools to make informed trading decisions.
VWAP SpiderThe VWAP Spider indicator enhances the conventional Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) analysis by anchoring it to the first candle and incorporating an extensive series of standard deviation (SD) lines, extending up to +8 SDs with additional half-step increments. This configuration provides a more suitable set of lines for identifying support and resistance, distinguishing it from existing VWAP and SD indicators. Its design, featuring color gradients for fills and distinct labels for each line, aims to improve the utility and user experience.
Optimal Timeframes:
It is recommended for use on weekly or monthly resolutions to ensure all price and volume history is included.
Distinctive Features:
The indicator includes a more extensive array of SD lines than typically found in VWAP indicators, enhancing the depth of market analysis.
The visual presentation is optimized with color gradients and clear labeling, facilitating ease of use and integration into trading strategies.
Practical Use of the VWAP Spider:
SD Lines as Support and Resistance : Observe the interactions between the price and the SD lines closely. These can serve as dynamic support and resistance indicators, influencing trading decisions.
Analyzing Historical Price Action : Investigate how the price has historically interacted with the SD lines. Identify which lines have frequently acted as support and resistance in the past, as they will often continue to be revisited.
Strategic Application : Leverage insights from the interactions between price and SD lines to fine-tune entry and exit points. For example, a rebound from an SD line may suggest a strong entry point, while breaching an SD line could indicate a potential exit.
This indicator is freely available and open-source on TradingView for all. It is designed to help traders enhance their market analysis and strategic decision-making.
Entry FraggerEntry Fragger is a simple buy signal indicator.
It is most suitable for cryptocurrency, especially for altcoins on the 5 minute to daily timeframe and is based on simple volume calculations, in combination with EMA's.
Main Signal Logic explained:
A buy signal is generated by counting candles with an above average sell volume of 130% to 170%, taking into account the candles position below and above the 50 and 200 EMA.
If criteria meet, the first green candle above the 50 EMA's suggests upcoming higher prices.
The indicator has 2 input variables.
"Signal Confirmations (0 - 7):" Changes signal accuracy by a defining an ammount of high sell volume candles necessary below the 50 EMA.
"Volume Calculation Base (9 - 200):" Sets the exponential volume multiplier, this affects candle coloring and the volume calculation inside the candle.
"Style Settings": Turn ON/OFF Signals, Cloud, Bar Coloring, EMA's, etc...
There are no generally suitable default numbers for those 2 inputs, those have to be tested out, depending on cryptocurrency and timeframe.
The calculation is very basic, the underlying idea being, market maker initiating range breakouts through rapid increase of volume above or below the EMA's .
Example settings:
SOLUSDT: Signal Confirmations: 2, Volume Calculation Base 13.
SOLUSDT: Signal Confirmations: 0, Volume Calculation Base 20.
As you can see it affects signals quite a lot, but staying accurate.
Finetune the inputs to your preference.
Risk to Reward, Stoploss, Take Profit, position sizing, etc... is up to the user.
Recommended entry is to wait for following candle closes, entering half of the candle size and setting Stoploss outside the structure, like this:
Or right below the candles open, for safety.
Liquidity SpotterIndicator Setup:
The script sets up a TradingView indicator titled "Liquidity Spotter" with a short title "PWWTC LS". It's designed to overlay on the price chart (overlay=true).
Input Variables:
The script defines input variables that allow users to customize the behavior of the indicator:
atr_length: Length of the Average True Range (ATR) used in calculations.
volume_multiplier: Multiplier used to compare the volume of the current bar with the average volume.
range_multiplier: Multiplier used to calculate the range condition.
highlight_color: Color used to highlight bars when conditions are met.
The script calculates the ATR and average volume using the ta.atr and ta.sma functions provided by TradingView's Pine Script.
It sets the avg_range to the value of the ATR, essentially making it the same as atr_value.
The script checks several conditions based on the calculated values:
range_condition: Compares the range (high - low) of the current bar with the average range multiplied by the range multiplier.
volume_condition: Compares the volume of the current bar with the average volume multiplied by the volume multiplier.
range_volume_condition: Compares the ratio of range to volume with the ratio of average range to average volume.
Based on the conditions being met or not, the script sets the color of the price bars. If all conditions are met, the color of the bars will be set to highlight_color, otherwise, it will remain unchanged (na).
Overall, this script visually highlights price bars on the chart where specific conditions related to range, volume, and their ratio are met, potentially indicating trading opportunities.
REV01 - Combined WT and SQZMOM Indicator and VWAP [KMARHOUMI]The Combined WaveTrend and Squeeze Momentum Indicator with VWAP (CWT_SQZMOM) is a powerful trading tool designed for traders looking to capitalize on market momentum and volatility squeezes, with the added insight of volume-weighted average price (VWAP) levels.
This custom indicator integrates three key components:
WaveTrend Oscillator: A momentum indicator that highlights potential reversal points in the market by identifying overbought and oversold conditions.
Momentum Indicator (SQZMOM): Identifies market consolidation periods (squeeze) and potential momentum breakouts, offering visual cues for significant price movements.
Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP): Provides a baseline measure of the average price based on volume, crucial for understanding market direction within a trading day.
Visual Cues: Utilizes color-coded histograms, circles, and triangles to provide clear visual signals for trading opportunities.
Customizable Parameters: Allows traders to adjust input values for the WaveTrend Oscillator and Squeeze Momentum Indicator to fit various trading styles and timeframes.
Dynamic Indicators: Combines price momentum with volume data, offering a comprehensive view of market conditions.
How to Use
Setup: Apply the indicator to any chart in a trading platform that supports Pine Script (e.g., TradingView). Adjust the input parameters as needed to match your trading strategy and the asset's volatility.
Reading the Indicator:
WaveTrend Crossovers: Look for blue circles indicating a bullish crossover of the WaveTrend lines (wt1 crosses above wt2) and fuchsia circles for a bearish crossover (wt1 crosses below wt2). These points signal potential reversal opportunities.
Squeeze Momentum (SQZMOM): Green triangles at the bottom indicate a "Squeeze On" condition, suggesting market consolidation and potential for a breakout. Red triangles at the top signal a "Squeeze Off" condition, indicating the end of the squeeze and the start of a momentum phase.
VWAP: The price position relative to the VWAP line helps identify the overall market trend. Prices above VWAP may indicate bullish conditions, while prices below VWAP suggest bearish conditions.
Example Scenario for Going Long
Imagine the asset's price has been consolidating, and you observe a green triangle ("Squeeze On") at the bottom of the chart, indicating a potential breakout. Shortly after, a blue circle appears, signaling a bullish crossover in the WaveTrend Oscillator. If this crossover occurs above the VWAP line, it strengthens the signal for a long position. Traders might enter a long trade at this point, setting a stop loss below the recent low and a take profit at a previous resistance level or using a risk-reward ratio that suits their strategy.
Effort Versus ResultsThis indicator, named "Effort Versus Results" (CCB), is designed to visually highlight price bars on a TradingView chart based on user-defined criteria. The purpose of this indicator is to identify potential trading opportunities or signal areas of interest for further analysis.
Once the inputs are specified, the indicator calculates the ratio of the first ATR to the average volume and compares it to the product of the multiplier and the ratio of the second ATR to the average volume. If the calculated condition is met, indicating that the first ATR relative to volume is greater than the second ATR relative to volume multiplied by the specified multiplier, the indicator colors the corresponding price bars red.
By customizing the parameters, traders can adapt the indicator to suit their trading strategies, risk tolerance, and market conditions. The highlighted bars may signify potential areas of increased volatility or trading activity, prompting traders to further investigate potential trading opportunities. However, as with any technical indicator, it is essential to use this tool in conjunction with other analysis techniques and risk management strategies for informed decision-making.
The indicator utilizes three main inputs that users can customize:
1. **ATR Length 1 (`atr_length_1`)**: This parameter allows users to specify the length of the first Average True Range (ATR) period. ATR is a measure of market volatility and represents the average range of price movement over a specified period.
2. **ATR Length 2 (`atr_length_2`)**: Users can set the length of the second ATR period, allowing for comparison between two different ATR values.
3. **Volume Length (`volume_length`)**: This input enables users to define the length of the volume period. Volume is a measure of the number of shares or contracts traded during a given period and is often used to confirm price movements.
4. **Multiplier (`multiplier`)**: Users can specify a multiplier value to adjust the threshold for comparison between the two ATR values divided by volume. This parameter allows for flexibility in setting the sensitivity of the indicator.
High Volume Price Bar ChannelThe "High Volume Price Bar Channel" indicator for TradingView is a tool designed to highlight price bars that experience unusually high trading volume compared to the average volume over a specified lookback period. When the volume of a price bar exceeds a certain multiple of the average volume, a channel is drawn extending from the high to the low of that bar, indicating a potential surge in trading activity.
Key Features:
Customizable Parameters: Users can adjust the color of the channel, the lookback period for calculating the average volume, and the factor by which the current volume should exceed the average volume to trigger the drawing of the channel.
Volume-based Highlighting: The indicator identifies price bars with high volume relative to the average and visually highlights them by drawing a channel.
Flexibility: Traders can tailor the indicator settings to suit their trading strategies and preferences, allowing for adaptability across various market conditions.
High volume often indicates increased market activity and potential price volatility. Traders may use this indicator to identify periods of heightened interest or potential trend reversals.
When the channel is drawn, traders may look for confirmation from other technical indicators or price action to make informed trading decisions, such as entering or exiting positions, adjusting stop-loss levels, or assessing the strength of a trend.
The indicator can be applied to various timeframes and financial instruments, providing insights into volume dynamics across different market environments.
Overall, the "Customizable Volume Channel" indicator offers traders a versatile tool to spot significant volume spikes and potential trading opportunities within the context of price movements, aiding in more informed decision-making and risk management strategies.
Delta ZigZag [LuxAlgo]The Delta ZigZag indicator is focused on volume analysis during the development of ZigZag lines. Volume data can be retrieved from a Lower timeframe (LTF) or real-time Tick data.
Our Delta ZigZag publication can be helpful in detecting indications of a trend reversal or potential weakening/strengthening of the trend.
This indicator by its very nature backpaints, meaning that the displayed components are offset in the past.
The ZigZag line is formed by connecting Swings , which can be set by adjusting the Left and Right settings.
Left is the number of bars for evaluation at the left of the evaluated point.
Right is the number of bars for evaluation at the right of the evaluated point.
A valid Swing is a value higher or lower than the bars at the left/right .
A higher Left or Right set number will generally create broader ZigZag ( ZZ ) lines, while the drawing of the ZZ line will be delayed (especially when Right is set higher). On the other hand, when Right is set at 0, ZZ line are drawn quickly. However, this results in a hyperactive switching of the ZZ direction.
To ensure maximum visibility of values, we recommend using " Bars " from the " Bar's style " menu.
🔹 Volume examination
The script provides two options for Volume examination :
Examination per ZigZag line
Examination per bar
Bullish Volume is volume associated with a green bar ( close > open )
Bearish Volume is volume associated with a red bar ( close < open )
Neutral Volume (volume on a " close == open" bar) is not included in this publication.
🔹 Examination per ZigZag line
As long as the price moves in the same direction, the present ZZ line will continue. When the direction of the price changes, the bull/bear volume of the previous ZZ line is evaluated and drawn on the chart.
The ZZ line is divided into two parts: a bullish green line and a bearish red line.
The intercept of these two lines will depend on the ratio of bullish/bearish volume
This ratio is displayed at the intercept as % bullish volume (Settings -> Show % Bullish Volume)
* Note that we cannot draw between 2 bars. Therefore, if a ZZ line is only 1 bar long, the intercept will be at one of those 2 bars and not in between. The percentage can be helpful in interpreting bull/bear volume.
In the example above (2 most right labels), you can see that an overlap of 2 labels is prevented, ensuring the ability to evaluate the bullish % volume of the ZZ line .
The percentage will be colored green when more than 50%, red otherwise. The color will fade when the direction is contradictory; for example, 40% when the ZZ line goes up or 70% when the ZZ line falls.
More details can be visualized by enabling " Show " and choosing 1 of 3 options:
Average Volume Delta/bar
Average Volume/bar
Normalised Volume Delta
For both 'averages', the sum of " Volume "/" Volume Delta " of every bar on the ZZ line is divided by the number of bars (per ZZ line ).
The " Normalised Volume Delta " is calculated by dividing the sum of " Delta Volume " by the sum of " Volume " (neutral volume not included), which is displayed as a percentage.
All three options will display a label at the last point of the ZZ line and be coloured similarly: green when the ratio bullish/bearish volume of the ZZ line is bullish and red otherwise. Here, the colour also fades when it is bullish, but the ZZ line falls or when it is bearish with a rising ZZ line .
A tooltip at each label hints at the chosen option.
You can pick one of the options or combine them together.
🔹 Examination per bar
Besides information about what's happening during the ZZ line , information per bar can be visualized by enabling " Show Details " in Settings .
Split Volume per bar : show the sum of bullish (upV) and bearish (dnV) volume per bar
Volume (bar) : Total Volume per bar (bullish + bearish volume, neutral volume not included)
Δ Volume (bar) : Show Delta Volume (bullish - bearish volume)
🔹 Using Lower Timeframe Data
The ZigZag lines using LTF data are colored brighter. Also note the vertical line where the LTF data starts and the gap between ZZ lines with LTF data and without.
When " LTF " is chosen for the " Data from: " option in Settings , data is retrieved from Lower Timeframe bars (default 1 minute). When the LTF setting is higher than the current chart timeframe, the LTF period will automatically be adjusted to the current timeframe to prevent errors.
As there is a 100K limit to the number of LTF intrabars that can be analyzed by a script, this implies the higher the difference between LTF and current TF; the fewer ZZ lines will be seen.
🔹 Using real-time tick data
The principles are mostly the same as those of LTF data. However, in contrast with LTF data, where you already have LTF ZZ lines when loading the script, real-time tick data-based ZZ lines will only start after loading the chart.
Changing the settings of a ticker will reset everything. However, returning to the same settings/ticker would show the cached data again.
Here, you can see that changing settings reset everything, but returning after 2 minutes to the initial settings shows the cached data. Don't expect it to be cached for hours or days, though.
The timeframe used for LTF data should always be the same or lower than the current TF; otherwise, an error occurs. This snippet prevents the error and adjusts the LTF to the current TF when LTF is too high:
res = input.timeframe('1')
res := timeframe.from_seconds( math.min( timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period), timeframe.in_seconds(res) ) )
Data from: LTF (Lower TimeFrame) or Ticks (Real-time ticks)
Res: Lower TimeFrame (only applicable when choosing LTF )
Option: choose " high/low " or " close " for Swing detection
🔹 ZigZag
Left: Lookback period for Swings
Right: Confirmation period after potential Swing
🔹 ZigZag Delta
Show % Bullish Volume : % bullish volume against total volume during the ZZ line
Average Volume Delta/bar
Average Volume/bar
Normalised Volume Delta
See USAGE for more information
🔹 Bar Data
Split Volume per bar: shows the sum of bullish ( upV ) and bearish ( dnV ) volume per bar
Volume (bar): Total Volume per bar (bullish + bearish volume, neutral volume not included)
Δ Volume (bar): Show Volume Delta (bullish - bearish volume)