AlgoRhythmica - Liquidity MapThe AlgoRhythmica - Liquidity Map is a complex and performance heavy indicator, attempting to visualize and highlight areas of liquidity on the chart. It paints lines above and below price with different color and opacity based on the volume, and then highlight the areas with the highest cumulative volume.
What is liquidity and a liquidity map?
Liquidity refers to how quickly and easily an asset can be bought or sold in the market without affecting its price. High liquidity means that there are many buyers and sellers, and transactions can happen rapidly and smoothly.
Liquidity analysis involves examining where and how liquidity is distributed across different price levels.
Price often moves from liquidity zone to liquidity zone, and therefore, having an idea of where those zones are can give traders an understanding of potential support and resistance levels and where significant trading activities might occur.
Those looking to fill large buy orders for example would want to do that in liquid sell areas and vice versa. This indicator attempts to estimate the price levels where traders using leverage get liquidated, and therefore creates liquid areas for buying and selling.
In contrast to Bookmaps which chart the orders in the order book where traders want to transact, a liquidity map is charting where traders are 'forced' to transact due to stop-losses or margin calls. To do that, liquidity maps are mostly based on estimations. It could be based on pivot points, common stop-loss amounts, common leverage amounts or a combination of multiple factors.
As of the current version on release, this indicator is only using the leverage input by the user to estimate the liquidity.
How does it work and what makes it unique?
The indicator takes the volume in a candle and saves that volume in a line. Based on the leverage settings it then offsets that line above and below price. Say, a trader using 20x leverage without a stop-loss gets liquidated if price goes roughly 5% in the wrong direction. Therefore, by assuming common leverage amounts or common risk amounts, we can estimate where traders get liquidated or have their stop-losses based on their leverage or amount they are willing to risk.
Now keep in mind, this liquidity map is just estimating based on general assumptions, it doesn't have access to actual liquidity data.
But at the same time, we're not trading single individual traders, but we're trading the market as a whole, and interestingly enough, some risk and leverage amounts are more common than others. People like using those even numbers like 10x, 20x, 1% risk etc. That's why price do often react on the liquidity in liquidity maps such as this one.
So, when a candle is printed, and you are on a smaller timeframe and decided this is just the kind of market for 100x scalpers. You set the leverage to 100x in the settings and the indicator will paint lines above and below price offset by 1%. There are settings for three leverage amounts at the same time, so you might also set it to paint lines at 5% and 10%, just to catch those traders on higher timeframes if price really takes off.
Now let's talk about what makes this indicator really shine and stand out!
Normally, if we just left the indicator doing as above, there would be lines all over the place and very difficult to interpret which areas matter, or we could limit the indicator to only print lines at high volume candles. Now, you do have that option, but that wouldn't pick up areas where low volume trading has cumulated in the same range, such as over a weekend or during market gaps. Where other liquidity indicators out there might miss that liquidity, this indicator has several solutions for it.
The first solution is stacking semi-transparent lines on top of each other. Normally, lines of the same color and transparency wouldn't add and blend together. But this script offers a seamless transition from one color the next, blending those low volume liquidity lines together.
The second solution, and this is what I believe is really unique and powerful, is that this indicator also has the ability highlight certain liquidity. When enabled, it scans through all the lines, cumulate the volume within a specified range around the lines and then compare the cumulated volume range with the ranges around the other lines. New lines created in the range with the highest cumulated volume gets highlighted.
Without this feature you wouldn't necessarily be able to tell which of two strong areas are more liquid. When price later enters that area and crosses those lines, the liquidity there is then considered consumed and lines created in a different range will now begin to highlight.
All of this is of course enhanced, as in the picture above, when multiple copies of the indicator is used together and assigned to only calculate specific parts of the liquidity map, such as longs, shorts or specific leverage amounts.
Oh, and there's also options for assigning which part of the candle should generate the liquidity. Close, Middle Body or Open. The indicator will then assume that the majority of traders are entering their position in that part of the candle.
The offset is calculated from that part of the candle. By using multiple copies of the indicator, you can assign one for each part and that will give you the whole range of the candle. And you might assume more traders go long from the top, so to emphasize that liquidity, you could increase the size or transparency slightly of the lines generated from that part.
How do I use it?
Well, this isn't gonna give you trading signals or anything, but it will visualize the market for you in a new perspective.
Typically, high liquidity areas are often good areas for entry and TP. But always watch how the price reacts in those areas before entering a position. And remember, the liquidity estimation might not always be accurate.
Particularly watch the highlighted areas for long wicks and high volume, indicating that the liquidity was enough to meet the orders and a retrace or reversal could be imminent.
Watch what happens during consolidation, market gaps and weekends. Notice the lack of liquidity and how the market maker creates liquidity by inducing traders to take positions with quick moves that instantly reverses. You might know how that works in theory, but watching it happen real-time with visualized liquidity is very interesting.
While not necessary, and as I've mentioned earlier, dividing the different functions of the indicator on multiple copies will substantially increase it's accuracy and performance!
For example, use one copy of the indicator per leverage level, or one for shorts, one for longs. One that generates from the close, one from the middle etc. creating a much clearer picture of the liquidity like the picture comparison above.
This is what the indicator offers:
When you're estimating liquidity, you want to be able to do it with accuracy and interpretability. That's why the customization options of this indicator has been really important in the development.
Timeframe Options:
It supports a wide range of time periods, from daily to yearly, enabling traders to apply it across various trading strategies, from short-term day trading to long-term investment analysis. Assuming traders are eventually taking their profits, liquidity after the set time period disappears.
Rich Visual Settings:
The indicator comes with multiple preset color themes and a completely customizable option as well. These visual settings are designed to enhance the interpretability of liquidity data, with adjustable transparency and contrast features.
Liquidity Highlighting Function:
This unique feature emphasizes areas with high liquidity concentration. It scans and highlights significant liquidity zones, aiding traders in identifying critical market levels.
Liquidity Profile:
The LQ-Profile extends liquidity lines based on their associated volume, giving traders another way of identifying high liquidity zones.
Adjustable Liquidity Estimation:
Select and adjust leverage amounts based on your particular chart and analysis. Choose what positions and leverage amounts to display liquidity for. You also have the option to determine if wicks consume liquidity or not.
Since wicks indicate that price was rejected from that area, it doesn't necessarily mean all the liquidity in that area was consumed. You could assign an additional copy of the indicator consuming with wicks and another that doesn't. That way, half the liquidity gets consumed and the other half remains until another candle closes in that area. They choices are endless and it's all about your understanding and analysis here.
Multiple Performance Options:
Depending on your particular chart and timeframe, this indicator can be very performance heavy to load. Luckily it has plenty of performance options for limiting the calculations of the indicator.
As usual, this indicator comes with extensive tooltips for every function, making sure you understand every part of it.
Happy trading!
Relative Volume Standard DeviationThe Relative Volume Standard Deviation indicator is a powerful tool designed for traders seeking insights into volume dynamics. This indicator assesses the deviation of a security's trading volume from its moving average, shedding light on potential shifts in market sentiment.
Key Features:
-Length: Tailor the indicator's sensitivity by adjusting the length of the moving average.
-Number of Deviations: Customize the analysis by specifying the number of standard deviations to consider.
-Show Negative Values: Toggle the visibility of negative values in the plot for a comprehensive view.
How it Works:
-Moving Average Calculation: The script computes the simple moving average (SMA) of the trading volume over the specified length, providing a baseline for comparison.
-Standard Deviation Analysis: It calculates the standard deviation of the volume, identifying deviations from the average volume.
-Relative Volume Standard Deviation: The indicator then normalizes the difference between the volume and its moving average by the calculated standard deviation, producing a relative measure of volume deviation.
-Visual Representation: The result is visually represented on the chart using columns. Green columns signify relative volume standard deviation values greater than or equal to the specified number of deviations, while red columns represent values below this threshold.
Show Deviation Level: Optionally, a dashed horizontal line at the specified deviation level adds an extra layer of analysis, aiding in the identification of significant deviations.
Bitcoin ETF Tracker (BET)Get all the information you need about all the different Bitcoin ETFs.
With the Bitcoin ETF Tracker, you can observe all possible Bitcoin ETF data:
The ETF name.
The ticker.
The price.
The volume.
The share of total ETF volume.
The ETF fees.
The exchange and custodian.
At the bottom of the table, you'll find the day's total volume.
In addition, you can see the volume for the different Exchanges, as well as for the different Custodians.
If you don't want to display these lines to save space, you can uncheck "Show Additional Data" in the indicator settings.
The Idea
The goal is to provide the community with a tool for tracking all Bitcoin ETF data in a synthesized way, directly in your TradingView chart.
How to Use
Simply read the information in the table. You can hover above the Fees and Exchanges cells for more details.
The table takes space on the chart, you can remove the extra lines by unchecking "Show Additional Data" in the indicator settings or reduce text size by changing the "Table Text Size" parameter.
Upcoming Features
As soon as we have a little more history, we'll add variation rates as well as plots to observe the breakdown between the various Exchanges and Custodians.
Dollar Volume Last 20 CandlesThe "Dollar Volume Last 20 Candles" indicator, abbreviated as "DV", is a practical and insightful tool for traders and analysts.
This indicator focuses on enhancing the visualization of trading data by calculating and displaying the dollar volume for each of the last 20 bars on a financial chart. It achieves this by multiplying the closing price of each bar with its trading volume, providing a clear dollar value of the trading activity.
The script also features an intuitive formatting system that simplifies large numbers into 'k' (thousands) and 'M' (millions), making the data easily digestible.
The dollar volume data is displayed directly above each bar, adjusted for visibility using the Average True Range (ATR), ensuring that it is both unobtrusive and readily accessible. This overlay feature integrates seamlessly with the existing chart, offering traders a quick and efficient way to assess monetary trading volume at a glance, which is particularly useful for identifying trends and market strength.
Volume Sum BTC ETFsThis volume indicator tracks the volume of these 10 bitcoin ETFS:
It multiplies the traded shares with the hl2 share price and then devides the volume by the bitcoin hl2 price.
You can change to usd volume in settings.
Notice that historical volume comes from etfs which traded already before launch like GBTC.
Also notice that that btc trades also when tradfi markets are closed, so then the indicator will show the last available volume. Something to fix later.
Open Interest SThis script shows Open Interest. You can choose measure, view and highlight large OI changes based on Z-Score.
Measure USD or COIN
View OI Candles or OI Change columns with wicks
Z-Score Highlight Z Length is the period for calculations, Z Threshold is the standard
deviation from the average change in OI for the selected period
Color You can change the colors for OI
Split VolumeThe Split Volume indicator displays 'Upwards' and 'Downwards' volume with an additional method for distributing 'split' candle volume.
A 'split' candle is a candle whose direction is...'Split'...since the open and close are equal. (Ex. Doji)
Upwards and Downwards Volume is tracked by comparing the Open and Closes of the Lower Timeframes.
If the Close is Greater-than the Open, we track the Volume as 'Upwards' Volume.
If the Close is Less-than the Open, we track the Volume as 'Downwards' Volume.
If the Close and Open are Equal, we assume that the Volume is an even split 50/50, and track it as such.
The indicator pulls data from lower timeframes to achieve more granular Open,Close,& Volume Data
<5m Timeframe: 1 Second LTF
<60m Timeframe: 5 Second LTF
<1D Timeframe: 1 Minute LTF
>1D Timeframe: 60m LTF
We have also included some nice-to-have features
50% Volume Line: This line splits each columns in half, this is used as quick reference to see exactly which side the volume is on.
High Volume Candle Identification: We are detecting bars with high relative volume and coloring them on the upper chart for use as important zones.
Status Line Readouts: The Status line for this indicator is formatted for simple reading. It Reads(Left-to-Right):Total Volume, Downwards Volume, 50% Value, Upwards Volume
Frankie Candles Essentials [LuxAlgo]The Frankie Candles Essentials toolkit is a collection of essential features used by trader Frankie Candles. This toolkit focuses on the relationship between MTF oscillator divergences and volume profiles, allowing the detection of different kinds of reversals. Retracements from the "Golden Pocket" features are also included.
When adding the script to your chart you will be prompted to select the calculation interval of the "Top-Down Volume Profile", simply click on your chart where you want the starting and ending points of the calculation interval.
🔹 Top-Down Volume Profile
The Top-Down Volume Profile is a classical fixed-range volume profile and highlights the amount of traded volume within equidistant price areas. The amount of areas is determined by the "Rows" setting (Note that the volume profile can use up to 250 rows).
The value area (VA) highlights the area where the specified percentage of the total volume is traded, that is the area with the most recorded trading activity relative to a selected percentage.
Finally, the point of control (POC) highlights the price level with the most trading activity.
🔹 Divergences
Users can highlight divergences made by oscillators on their charts. The toolkit includes three indicators such as RSI, MFI, and WaveTrend with MTF support, users can also select external oscillators but these will not support MTF divergence detection.
Once the Top-Down Volume Profile is set historical divergences will be affected by its value area (VA), with bearish divergences located above the upper VA or bullish divergences located under the lower VA being highlighted with a sauce can, a signature display stel of Frankie Candles.
Users can also filter out divergences based on the point of control (POC) using the "Filter According To POC" setting, with bearish divergences located below the POC or bullish divergences located above it being filtered out.
Do note that divergences are detected N bars after their occurrence, where N is the divergence lookback setting
🔹 Golden Pockets
The script includes an MTF Golden Pockets feature displaying Fibonacci retracements on the user chart, these can be used to identify optimal trade entries (OTE) or serve as support/resistance levels.
Golden Pockets are based on maximum/minimum prices in a window determined by the "Golden Pocket Lookback" setting, using longer-term lookbacks will return longer-term divergences, this will also be the case when using HTF golden pockets.
🔹 Candle Coloring
Candle Coloring: Determine the candle coloring method used by the indicator. "Simple" will color the candles based on the candle body, while "Golden Pocket" will color candles using a gradient based on the golden pocket rolling maximum/minimum.
🔹 Top-Down Volume Profile
Top-Down Volume Profile: Enable Top-Down Volume Profile.
Rows: Amount of rows used by the Top-Down Volume Profile.
Width (%): Controls the histogram bar width as a percentage of the calculation window specified by the user set anchors.
Value Area (%): Area where the specified percentage of total volume is traded.
Extend To The Right: Extends the calculation window from the first anchor to the most recent bar.
🔹 MTF Divergences
Oscillator: Determines the oscillator and its length used for divergence detection. Options include "RSI", "MFI", "WaveTrend" and "External".
Divergence Lookback: Lookback period used to track oscillator tops/bottoms. Divergence will be detected n bars after an oscillator top/bottom, where n is the specified lookback period.
External Oscillator: External oscillator used for divergence detection if "External" is selected in the "Oscillator" dropdown menu, incompatible with Divergence Timeframe setting.
Divergence Timeframe: Timeframe used to calculate the selected oscillator and detect divergences. Incompatible with external oscillators.
Divergence From: Determines if price tops/bottoms evaluated to detect divergences are based on wicks (high/low price) or candle body (closing/opening price).
Filter According To POC: Filter displayed divergences based on the Top-Down Volume Profile POC.
Show Hidden: Display hidden divergences.
Show Sauce: Display canned source emoji on specific divergences.
🔹 Golden Pockets
Golden Pocket Lookback: Period used to calculate golden pockets, options include "Short-Term", "Medium-Term", and "Long-Term".
Extend: Extend Golden Pockets lines from the most recent bar by the specified amount of bars.
Golden Pocket Timeframe: Timeframe used to calculate the Golden Pockets.
Retracements: Display specific retracements, users can also control the ratio from the provided numerical setting.
Show Coordinate Line: Display a line connecting the top/bottom used to calculate the Golden Pockets.
Invert: Invert top/bottom for the Golden Pockets calculation.
Volume Candle DistributionThe Volume Candle Distribution (VCD) indicator examines the volume distribution across candle type, distinguishes between neutral, bullish and bearish volume pressures.
The VCD indicator calculates and displays the cumulative volume of bullish and bearish candles over a user-defined period, aggregates the volumes of bullish and bearish candles separately and plots them.
Bullish Volume : This is accumulated when the closing price of a candle is higher than the opening price, the VCD adds up the volume of bullish candle within the user-defined period, and consequently subtracts the volume when bearish candle.
Bearish Volume : Conversely, when the closing price is lower than the opening price, the volume of that candle is considered bearish, the VCD sums the volume of bearish candles over the same period, and consequently subtracts the volume when bullish candle.
Neutral Volume : In cases where the opening and closing prices are equal, the volume of that candle is treated as neutral, and the VCD subtracts the volume from both candles.
The 3 Simple Moving Average (SMAs) included is based volume calculated separately for both bullish and bearish volume data, and the sum of them.
VWAP LEVELS [PRO]32 VWAP levels with labels and a table to help you identify quickly where current price is in relation to your favorite VWAP pivot levels. To help reduce cognitive load, 4 colors are used to show you where price is in relation to a VWAP level as well as the strength of that respective level. Ultimately, VWAP can be an invaluable source of support and resistance; in other words you'll often see price bounce off of a level (whether price is increasing or decreasing) once or multiple times and that could be an indication of a price's direction. Another way that you could utilize this indicator is to use it in confluence with other popular signals, such as an EMA crossover. Many traders will wait till a bar's close on the 5m or 10m time frame above a VWAP level (developing 1D VWAP would be a popular choice) before making a decision on a potential trade especially if price is rising above the 1D VWAP *and* there's been a recent 100 EMA cross UP of the 200 EMA. These are 2 bullish signals that you could look for before possibly entering in to a trade.
I've made this indicator extremely customizable:
⚡Each VWAP level has 2 labels: 1 "at level" and 1 "at right", each label and price can be disabled
⚡Each VWAP label has its own input for label padding. The "at right" label padding input allows you to zoom in and out of a chart without the labels moving along their respective axis. However, the "at level" label padding input doesn't work the same way once you move the label out of the "0" input. The label will move slightly when you zoom in and out
⚡Both "current" and "previous" VWAP levels have their own plot style that can be changed from circles, crosses and lines
⚡Significant figures input allows you to round a price up or down
⚡A price line that allows you to identify where price is in relation to a VWAP level
⚡A table that's color coded the same way as the labels. The labels and table cells change to 1 of 4 colors when "OC Check Mode" is enabled. This theory examines if the VWAP from the Open is above or below the VWAP from Close and if price is above or below normal VWAP (HLC3). This way we have 4 states:
Red = Strong Downtrend
Light Red = Weak Downtrend
Light = Weak Uptrend
Green = Strong Uptrend
Something to keep in mind: At the start of a new year, week or month, some levels will converge and they'll eventually diverge slowly or quickly depending on the level and/or time frame. You could add a few labels "at level" to show which levels are converging at the time. Since we're at the beginning of a new year, you'll see current month, 2 month, 3 month etc converge in to one level.
🙏Thanks to (c)MartinWeb for the inspiration behind this indicator.
🙏Thanks to (c)SimpleCryptoLife for the libraries and code to help create the labels.
The Complex Chaikin Money Flow (CCMF) is an advanced technical analysis tool designed to provide a nuanced understanding of market momentum and potential trend reversals. By integrating the Modified Chaikin Money Flow with its Rate of Change (ROC), CCMF offers a dynamic view of buying and selling pressures, combined with the velocity of market movement. This indicator is particularly useful for traders looking to capture swift shifts in momentum and identify key trend changes early.
Guide on How to Use the CCMF:
Understanding the Components:
mCMF: Reflects the buying and selling pressure, combining price and volume. A higher mCMF indicates strong buying pressure, while a lower mCMF suggests increased selling pressure.
ROC of mCMF: Measures the speed at which the mCMF is changing. An increasing ROC suggests accelerating momentum, while a decreasing ROC indicates slowing momentum.
Setting Up the Indicator:
Add the CCMF to your chart from the TradingView public library.
Ensure you understand each input parameter and adjust them according to the asset and timeframe you're analyzing.
Interpreting Signals:
Buy Signals: Look for periods where the mCMF is rising, especially when the ROC is also increasing. A background turning green can also indicate a strong buying opportunity if it crosses above the predefined threshold.
Sell Signals: Watch for periods where the mCMF is falling, particularly when the ROC is decreasing. A background turning red can signal a potential sell opportunity if it crosses below the predefined negative threshold.
Using Alerts:
Set up alerts for when the ROC crosses above or below your set thresholds to be notified of potential buy or sell opportunities.
Complementary Analysis:
While CCMF provides valuable insights, it's always beneficial to use it alongside other indicators and fundamental analysis to confirm signals and provide additional context.
Backtesting: Before relying on CCMF for live trading, backtest it against historical data to understand its behavior and effectiveness.
Adjust Parameters: Fine-tune input values to match your specific trading style and the volatility of the asset you're trading.
Risk Management: Use stop-loss orders and only risk a small percentage of your trading capital on any single trade to protect yourself against sudden market moves.
Stay Informed: Keep an eye on market news and events that could affect asset prices and potentially lead to significant changes in the CCMF readings.
Volume Exhaustion [AlgoAlpha]Introducing the Volume Exhaustion by AlgoAlpha, is an innovative tool that aims to identify potential exhaustion or peaks in trading volume , which can be a key indicator for reversals or continuations in market trends 🔶.
Key Features:
Signal Plotting : A special feature is the plotting of 'Release' signals, marked by orange diamonds, indicating points where the exhaustion index crosses under its previous value and is above a certain boundary. This could signify critical market points 🚨.
Calculation Length Customization : Users can adjust the calculation and Signal lengths to suit their trading style, allowing for flexibility in analysis over different time periods. ☝️
len = input(50, "Calculation Length")
len2 = input(8, "Signal Length")
Visual Appeal : The script offers customizable colors (col for the indicator and col1 for the background) enhancing the visual clarity and user experience 💡.
col = input.color(color.white, "Indicator Color")
col1 = input.color(color.gray, "Background Color")
Advanced Volume Processing : At its core, the script utilizes a combination of Hull Moving Average (HMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA) applied to the volume data. This sophisticated approach helps in smoothing out the volume data and reducing lag.
sv = ta.hma(volume, len)
ssv = ta.hma(sv, len)
Volume Exhaustion Detection : The script calculates the difference between the volume and its smoothed version, normalizing this value to create an exhaustion index (fff). Positive values of this index suggest potential volume exhaustion.
f = sv-ssv
ff = (f) / (ta.ema(ta.highest(f, len) - ta.lowest(f, len), len)) * 100
fff = ff > 0 ? ff : 0
Boundary and Zero Line : The script includes a boundary line (boundary) and a zero line (zero), with the area between them filled for enhanced visual interpretation. This helps in assessing the relative position of the exhaustion index.
Customizable Background : The script colors the background of the chart for better readability and to distinguish the indicator’s area clearly.
Overall, Volume Exhaustion is designed for traders who focus on volume analysis. It provides a unique perspective on volume trends and potential exhaustion points, which can be crucial for making informed trading decisions. This script is a valuable addition for traders looking to enhance their trading experience with advanced volume analysis tools.
Whalemap [BigBeluga]The Whalemap indicator aims to spot big buying and selling activity represented as big orders for a possible bottom or top formation on the chart.
The indicator uses volume to spot big volume activity represented as big orders in the market.
for i = 0 to len - 1
blV.vol += (close > close ? volume : 0)
brV.vol += (close < close ? volume : 0)
When volume exceeds its own threshold, it is a sign that volume is exceeding its normal value and is considered as a "Whale order" or "Whale activity," which is then plotted on the chart as circles.
The indicator plots Bubbles on the chart with different sizes indicating the buying or selling activity. The bigger the circle, the more impact it will have on the market.
On each circle is also plotted a line, and its own weight is also determined by the strength of its own circle; the bigger the circle, the bigger the line.
Old buying/selling activity can also be used for future support and resistance to spot interesting areas.
The more price enters old buying/selling activity and starts producing orders of the same direction, it might be an interesting point to take a closer look.
The chart above is showing us price reacting to big orders, finding good bottoms in price and good tops in confluence with old activity.
Users will have the options to:
Filter options to adjust buying and selling sensitivity.
Display/Hide Lines
Display/Hide Bubbles
Choose which orders to display (from smallest to biggest)
Order Blocks | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Volumized Order Blocks indicator! This new indicator can render order blocks with their volumetric information. It's highly customizable with detection, invalidation and style settings.
Features of the new Volumized Order Blocks indicator :
Render Bullish & Bearish Order Blocks
Enable / Disable Volumetric Information
Enable / Disable Historic Zones
Visual Customizability
Order blocks occur when there is a high amount of market orders exist on a price range. It is possible to find order blocks using specific formations on the chart.
The high & low volume of order blocks should be taken into consideration while determining their strengths. The determination of the high & low volume of order blocks are similar to FVGs, in a bullish order block, the high volume is the last 2 bars' total volume, while the low volume is the oldest bar's volume. In a bearish order block scenario, the low volume becomes the last 2 bars' total volume.
The ability to render the total volume of Order Blocks as well as bullish / bearish volume ratio is what sets this Order Block indicator apart from others. Also the ability to combine overlapping Order Block zones will result in cleaner charts for traders.
1. General Configuration
Volumetric Info -> The volumetric information of the Order Blocks will be rendered if activated.
Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for Order Block Invalidation.
Swing Length -> Swing length is used when finding order block formations. Smaller values will result in finding smaller order blocks.
Breaker Blocks | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Volumized Breaker Blocks indicator! This new indicator can render breaker blocks with their volumetric information. It's highly customizable with detection, invalidation and style settings.
Features of the new Volumized Breaker Block indicator :
Render Bullish & Bearish Breaker Blocks
Enable / Disable Volumetric Information
Enable / Disable Historic Zones
Visual Customizability
Breaker blocks form when an order block fails, or "breaks". It is often associated with market going in the opposite direction of the broken order block, and they can be spotted by following order blocks and finding the point they get broken, ie. price goes below a bullish order block.
The volume of a breaker block is simply the total volume of the bar that the original order block is broken.
This indicator can not only detect breaker blocks, but it can also detect them with their volumetric information. Volumetric information can be crucial when considering an breaker block's strength, which can be a crucial form of confluence in certain trading strategies.
1. General Configuration
Volumetric Info -> The volumetric information of the Breaker Blocks will be rendered if activated.
Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for Breaker Block Invalidation.
Swing Length -> Swing length is used when finding breaker block formations. Smaller values will result in finding smaller breaker blocks.
Saty Volume StackBreaks volume into buy and sell volume and stacks them based on which side has higher volume.
Dynamic Buy / Sell Stack
Unlike other buy/sell volume indicators, which statically display this information (typically green over red), this indicator dynamically stacks the higher volume side on top. For example, green over red indicates more buy-side volume, red over green indicators more sell-side volume.
Current Candle Volume Buy/Sell %
A label shows the % buy vs sell volume for the current candle in real-time. This label is also dynamic with the left position being higher volume.
How the Buy/Sell Volume is Calculated
Buy/Sell % is calculated based on price.
Buy % is calculated using the distance between the low of the candle to the closing value of the candle and dividing that by the total range of the candle high to low.
Sell % is calculated using the distance between the high of the candle to the closing value of the candle and dividing that by the total range of the candle high to low.
Please note this is a proxy metric and while it is incredibly useful, it is not going to match up exactly with actual buy/sell volume that can be found on tape.
The “Volume Dynamic Scale Bar” is a method for determining the dominance of volume flow over a selected length and timeframe, indicating whether buyers or sellers are in control. In addition, it detects the average speed of volume flow over a specified period. This indicator is almost equivalent to Time & Sales (Tape) .
(1) Volume Dynamic Scale Bar. As we observe, it has similar total up and down volume values to what we're seeing in the table. Note they have similar default inputs.
(2) A notice of a significant volume came.
(3) It estimates the speed of the average volume flow. In the tooltip, it shows the maximum and minimum recorded speeds along with the time since the chart was updated.
(4) Info of entered length and the selected timeframe.
(5) The widget will flash gradually for 3 seconds when there’s a significant volume occurred based on the selected timeframe.
(1) Timezone.
(2) Widget location and size on chart.
(3) Up & Down volume colors.
(4) Option to enable a visual flash when a single volume is more than {X value} of Average. For instance, 2 → means double the average volume.
(5) Fetch data from the selected lower timeframe.
(6) Number of bars at chosen timeframe.
(7) Volume OR Price Volume.
The Volume Dynamic Scale Bar should not be taken as a major concept to build a trading decision.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Price Action Toolkit | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Price Action Toolkit indicator! Price Action Toolkit integrates key level strategy , traditional supply-demand analysis , and market structures to help traders in their decisions. Now with features that are available to use in multiple timeframes!
Features of the new Price Action Toolkit indicator :
Volumized Fair Value Gaps (FVGs)
Volumized Order & Breaker Blocks
Identification of Market Structures
Equal Highs & Lows
Buyside & Sellside Liquidity
Premium & Discount Zones
MTF Highs & Lows (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Pre-Market)
Customizable Settings
We believe that the analytical elements that are within this indicator work best when they co-exist with each other on the chart. Trading often requires taking multiple elements into consideration for better accuracy on market analysis. Thus, we combined some of the useful strategies in one indicator for ease of use.
1. Volumized Fair Value Gaps
Fair value gaps often occur when there is an imbalance in the market, and can be spotted with a specific formation on the chart.
The volume when the FVG occurs plays an important role when determining the strength of it, so we've placed two bars on the FVG zone, indicating the high & low volumes of the FVG. The high volume is the total volume of the last two bars on a bullish FVG, while the low volume is - of the FVG. For a bearish FVG, the total volume of the last two bars is the low volume. The indicator can also detect FVGs that exist in other timeframes than the current chart.
2. Volumized Order Blocks
Order blocks occur when there is a high amount of market orders exist on a price range. It is possible to find order blocks using specific formations on the chart.
The high & low volume of order blocks should be taken into consideration while determining their strengths. The determination of the high & low volume of order blocks are similar to FVGs, in a bullish order block, the high volume is the last 2 bars' total volume, while the low volume is the oldest bar's volume. In a bearish order block scenerio, the low volume becomes the last 2 bars' total volume.
3. Volumized Breaker Blocks
Breaker blocks form when an order block fails, or "breaks". It is often associated with market going in the opposite direction of the broken order block, and they can be spotted by following order blocks and finding the point they get broken, ie. price goes below a bullish order block.
The volume of a breaker block is simply the total volume of the bar that the original order block is broken. Often the higher the breaking bar's volume, the stronger the breaker block is.
4. Market Structures
Sometimes specific market structures form and break as the market fills buy & sell orders. Formed Change of Character (CHoCH) and Break of Structure (BOS) often mean that market will change direction, and they can be spotted by inspecting low & high pivot points of the chart.
5. Equal Highs & Lows
Equal Highs & Lows occur when there is a significant amount of difference between a candle's close price and it's high / low value, and it happens again in a specific range. EQH and EQL usually mean there is a resistance that blocks the price from going further up / down.
6. Buyside & Sellside Liquidity
Buyside & Sellside Liquidity zones are where most traders place their take-profits and stop-losses in their long / short positions. They are spotted by using high & low pivot points on the chart.
7. Premium & Discount Zones
The premium zone is a zone that is over the fair value of the asset's price, and the discount zone is the opposite. They are formed by the latest high & low pivot points.
8. MTF Highs / Lows
MTF Highs / Lows are actually pretty self-explanatory, you can enable / disable Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Pre-Market Highs and Lows.
Our new indicator offers a comprehensive toolkit for traders, combining multiple analytical elements with customizable settings to aid in decision-making across different market conditions and timeframes. The volumetric information of both FVGs and Order & Breaker Blocks will be present in your chart to serve you greater detail about them. The indicator also efficiently identifies market structures, liquidity zones and premium & discount zones to give you an insight about the current state of the market. And finally with the use of multiple timeframes , you can easily take a look at the bigger picture. We recommend reading the "How Does It Work" section of the descripton to get a better understanding about how this indicator is unique to others.
1. General Configuration
Show Historic Zones -> This will show historic Fair Value Gaps, Order & Breaker Blocks and Sellside & Buyside liquidities which are expired.
2. Fair Value Gaps
Enabled -> Enables / Disables Fair Value Gaps
Volumetric Info -> The volumetric information of the FVG Zones will be rendered if activated.
Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for FVG Zone Invalidation.
Zone Filtering -> With "Average Range" selected, algorithm will find FVG zones in comparison with average range of last bars in the chart. With the "Volume Threshold" option, you may select a Volume Threshold % to spot FVGs with a larger total volume than average.
FVG Detection -> With the "Same Type" option, all 3 bars that formed the FVG should be the same type. (Bullish / Bearish). If the "All" option is selected, bar types may vary between Bullish / Bearish.
Detection Sensitivity -> You may select between Low, Normal or High FVG detection sensitivity. This will essentially determine the size of the spotted FVGs, with lower sensitivies resulting in spotting bigger FVGs, and higher sensitivies resulting in spotting all sizes of FVGs.
3. Order Blocks
Enabled -> Enables / Disables Order Blocks
Volumetric Info -> The volumetric information of the Order Blocks will be rendered if activated.
Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for Order Block Invalidation.
Swing Length -> Swing length is used when finding order block formations. Smaller values will result in finding smaller order blocks.
4. Breaker Blocks
Enabled -> Enables / Disables Breaker Blocks
Volumetric Info -> The volumetric information of the Breaker Blocks will be rendered if activated.
Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for Breaker Block Invalidation.
5. Timeframes
You can set and enable / disable up to 3 timeframes. Note that only higher timeframes than the current chart will work.
6. Market Structures
Break Of Structure ( BOS ) -> If the current structure of the market is broken in a bullish or bearish direction, it will be displayed.
Change Of Character ( CHoCH ) -> If the market shifts into another direction, it will be displayed.
Change Of Character+ ( CHoCH+ ) -> This will display stronger Change Of Characters if enabled.
7. Equal Highs & Lows
EQH -> Enables / Disables Equal Highs.
EQL -> Enables / Disables Equal Lows.
ATR Multiplier (0.1 - 1.0) -> Determines the maximum difference between highs / lows to be considered as equal. Lower values will result in more accurate results.
8. Buyside & Sellside Liquidity
Zone Width -> Determines the width of the liquidity zones, 1 = 0.025%, 2 = 0.05%, 3 = 0.1%.
9. Premium & Discount Zones
Enabled -> Enables / Disables Premium & Discount Zones.
10. MTF Highs / Lows
You can enable / disable Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Pre-Market Highs and Lows using this setting. You can also switch their line shapes between solid, dashed and dotted.
Rolling VWAP [QuantraSystems]Rolling VWAP
The Rolling VWAP (R͜͡oll-VWAP) indicator modernizes the traditional VWAP by recalculating continuously on a rolling window, making it adept at pinpointing market trends and breakout points.
Its dual functionality includes both the dynamic rolling VWAP and a customizable anchored VWAP, enhanced by color-coded visual cues, thereby offering traders valuable flexibility and insight for their market analysis.
In the Image you can see the BTCUSD 1D Chart with the R͜͡oll-VWAP overlay.
You can see the individually activatable Standard Deviation (SD) Bands and the main VWAP Line.
It also features a Trend Signal which is deactivated by default and can be enabled if required.
Furthermore you can find the coloring of the VWAP line to represent the Trend.
In this case the trend itself is defined as:
Close being greater than the VWAP line -> Uptrend
Close below the VWAP line -> Downtrend
The R͜͡oll-VWAP can be used in a variety of ways.
Volatility adjusted expected range
This aims to identify in which range the asset is likely to move - according to the historical values the SD Bands are calculated and thus their according probabilities displayed.
Trend analysis
Trending above or below the VWAP shows up or down trends accordingly.
S/R Levels
Based on the probability distribution the 2. SD often works as a Resistance level and either mid line or 1. SD lines can act as S/R levels
Unsustainable levels
Based on the probability distributions a SD level of beyond 2.5, especially 3 and higher is hit very seldom and highly unsustainable.
This can either mean a mean reversion state or a momentum slowdown is necessary to get back to a sustainable level.
Please note that we always advise to find more confluence by additional indicators.
Traders are encouraged to test and determine the most suitable settings for their specific trading strategies and timeframes.
The R͜͡oll-VWAP is based on the inbuilt TV VWAP.
It expands upon the limitations of having an anchored timeframe and thus a limited data set that is being reset constantly.
Instead we have integrated a rolling nature that continuously calculates the VWAP over a customizable lookback.
To also keep the base utility it is possible to use the anchored timeframes as well.
Furthermore the visualization has been improved and we added the coloring of the main VWAP line according to the Trend as stated above.
The applicable Trend signals are also part of that.
The parameter settings and also the visualizations allow for ample customizations by the trader.
For questions or recommendations, please feel free to seek contact in the comments.
Intraday Volume Profile [BigBeluga]The Intraday Volume Profile aims to show delta volume on lower timeframes to spot trapped shorts at the bottom or trapped longs at the top, with buyers pushing the price up at the bottom and sellers at the top acting as resistance.
The indicator includes the following features:
LTF Delta precision (timeframe)
Sensibility color - adjust gradient color sensitivity
Source - source of the candle to use as the main delta calculation
Color mode - display delta coloring in different ways
In the image above, we can see how delta is created.
If delta is positive, we know that buyers have control over sellers, while if delta is negative, we know sellers have control over buyers.
Using this data, we can spot interesting trades and identify trapped individuals within the candle.
In the image above, we can see how shorts are trapped at the bottom of the wick (red + at the bottom), leading to a pump also called a "short squeeze."
Same example as before, but with trapped longs (blue + at the top).
This can also work as basic support and resistance, for example, trapped shorts at the bottom with positive delta at the bottom acting as strong support for price.
Users can have the option to also display delta data within the corresponding levels, showing Buyers vs Sellers for more precise trading ideas.
User can only display the most recent data for the last 8 buyers and sellers.
It is recommended to use a hollow candle while using this script.
VWAP RangeThe VWAP Range indicator is a highly versatile and innovative tool designed with trading signals for trading the supply and demand within consolidation ranges.
What's a VWAP?
A VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) represents an equilibrium point in the market, balancing supply and demand over a specified period. Unlike simple moving averages, VWAP gives more weight to periods with higher volume. This is crucial because large volumes indicate significant trading activity, often by institutional traders, whose actions can reflect deeper market insights or create substantial market movements. The VWAP is also often used as a benchmark to evaluate the efficiency of executed trades. If a trader buys below the VWAP and sells above it, they are generally considered to have transacted favourably.
This is how it works:
Multiple VWAP Anchors:
This indicator uses multiple VWAPs anchored to different optional time periods, such as Daily, Weekly, Monthly, as well as to the highest high a lowest low within those periods. This multiplicity allows for a comprehensive view of the market’s average price based on volume and price, tailored to different trading styles and strategies.
Dynamic and Fixed Periods:
Traders can choose between using dynamic ranges, which reset at the start of each selected period, and specifying a date and time for a particular fixed range to trade. This flexibility is crucial for analyzing price movements within specific ranges or market phases.
Fixed ranges allow VWAPs to be calculated and anchored to a significant market event, the beginning of a consolidation phase or after a major news announcement.
Signal Generation:
The indicator generates buy and sell signals based on the relationship of the price to the VWAPs. It also allows for setting a maximum number of signals in one direction to avoid overtrading or pyramiding. Be sure to wait for the candle close before trading on the signals.
Average Buy/Sell Signal Lines:
Lines can be plotted to display the average buy and sell signal prices. The difference between the lines shows the average profit per trade when trading on the signals in that range. It's a good way to see how profitable a range is on average without backtesting the signals. The lines will also often turn into support and resistance areas, similar to value areas in a volume profile.
Customizable Settings:
Traders have control over various settings, such as the VWAP calculation method and bar color. There are also tooltips for every function.
Hidden Feature:
There's a subtle feature in this indicator: if you have 'Indicator values' turned on in TradingView, you'll see a Sell/Buy Ratio displayed only in the status line. This ratio indicates whether there are more sell signals than buy signals in a range, regardless of the Max Signals setting. A red value above 1 suggests that the market is trending upward, indicating you might want to hold your long positions a bit longer. Conversely, a green value below 1 implies a downward trend.
MCV - Meme Coin Volume [Logue]Meme Coin Volume. Investor preference for meme coin trading may signal irrational exuberance in the crypto market. If a large spike in meme coin volume is observed, a top may be near. Therefore, the volume of the most popular meme coins was added together in this indicator to help indicate potential mania phases, which may signal nearing of a top. A simple moving average of the meme coin volume also helps visualize the trend while reducing the noise. In back testing, I found a 10-day sma of the meme coin volume works well.
Meme coins were not traded heavily prior to 2020. Therefore, there is only one cycle to test at the time of initial publication. Also, the meme coin space moves fast, so more meme coins may need to be added later.
The total volume is plotted along with a moving average of the volume. For the indicator, you are able to change the raw volume trigger line, the sma trigger line, and the period (daily) of the sma to your own preferences. The raw volume or sma going above their respective trigger lines will print a different background color.
Use this indicator at your own risk. I make no claims as to its accuracy in forecasting future trend changes of Bitcoin or the crypto market.
Short Interest Tracker [SS]This is a simple indicator that is designed to provide you with a synopsis of short interest on the daily, weekly and monthly timeframes.
How it works:
It pulls FINRA ticker data on short volume for whichever ticker you are on. It works with all tickers provided they are listed on FINRA (which is all tickers).
It will not work with futures, for futures, you would want to use a COT-based indicator, but for indices and equities, this indicator will provide you with the short volume information.
What it shows:
It breaks short volume down into current short volume, the 14-period SMA of short volume over the day, week and month, it also provides you with a short volume to SMA ratio. This is Short Volume divided by the SMA. Anything below 1 is good, it means short interest is low. Anything above 1 is not good, it means that short volume is above the SMA.
It also will show you the weekly, daily and monthly short volume change.
And last but not least, it will tell you whether short interest is falling, rising or steady. How it does this is by tracking whether the SMA is increasing, decreasing or stagnant.
You can customize the SMA length and the assessment of whether short volume is increasing or decreasing. The default SMA length is 14 and the default assessment of rising/falling short volume is 4. This means, short volume has to rise or fall over a 4-period timeframe for it to register. So on the week, if it displays short volume increasing, it means that, over the past 4 weeks, the sma has steadily risen. Inverse if it decreases. If you want it to be more sensitive, you can reduce it to 2 or 3. If you want it to be more strict, you can increase it to 5 or 6.
If the volume information for a ticker is not available, it will return a runtime error indicating as such.
And that's the indicator!
I wanted something similar to COT data for equities and indices, so this was my attempt to bridge that gap.
Hope you enjoy and find it useful! Leave your suggestions below.
Take care everyone!