How do Earnings date filters work in the Screener?

These filters allow tracking the publication dates of company income reports. There are two types:

  1. Recent earnings date
    It makes it possible to filter out companies whose publication date of the last report is in the specified time period.
  2. Upcoming earnings date
    It makes it possible to filter out companies whose publication date of the next report is in the specified time interval. It is important to keep in mind that these dates may be inaccurate, as they are often based on analyst forecasts.

The filtered dates are aligned on the day the report was published in the symbol exchange's time zone without adjustments for the user's time zone.

Available filter options:

  1. Recent earnings date
    • Current trading day — reports published during the current/last trading day of the market, which includes pre-market, post-market, and regular trading sessions.
    • Previous day — after applying the filter, the output will contain symbols whose reports were published one calendar day before the current/last trading day of the market.
    • Previous 5 days — reports published within 5 calendar days prior to the current trading day.
    • This week — reports published in the current calendar week.
    • Previous week — reports published in the previous calendar week.
    • This month — reports published in the current calendar month.
  2. Upcoming earnings date
    • Current trading day — reports that will be published during the current market trading day, which includes pre-market, post-market, and regular trading sessions.
    • Next day — after applying the filter, there will be symbols in the output, which reports will be published on the next calendar day after the current/last trading day of the market.
    • Next 5 days — reports that will be published within 5 calendar days after the current trading day.
    • This week — reports that will be published in the current calendar week.
    • Next week — reports that will be published in the next calendar week.
    • This month — reports that will be published in the current calendar month.