Omnichart - Dividend pays - 2 - DSL,CCIF,JAAA,BUCK,TBIL,BNDJAAA has been the best stable performer. If you want to take risk and earn higher dividend then the right value for them is when their dividend adjusted performance meets JAAA's dividend adjusted performance. Till then stay in JAAA (Its the Janus Henderson AAA CLO ETF), the other closer alternatives are BUCK and TBIL. JAAA and BUCK provide excess returns over risk free return of TBIL. JAAA seems to outperform BUCK.
For a long term investor who wants to come out of equities during market turning events on a long term basis (lets say monthly chart) the following strategy may be help grow your wealth/ earn income :
Transfer from equities or risky assets into JAAA (or BUCK/TBIL depending on your preference) and another turn on a long term basis like on a monthly chart slowly scale out of JAAA back into the risk assets of choice.