Opening (IRA): XBI Sept 19th 60C/April 17th -90C LCD*... for a 26.68 debit.
Comments: Taking a bullish assumption directional shot near 52 week lows, buying the 90 delta back month and selling a front month that pays for all the extrinsic in the long, resulting in a break even that is at or below where the underlying is currently trading. The 60 long call is shown at 80 so that it fits on the chart ... .
Buying Power Effect: 26.68
Break Even: 86.88
Max Profit: 3.32
ROC at Max: 12.44%
50% Max: 1.66
ROC at 50% Max: 6.22%
Delta/Theta: 53.79/3.51
Will generally look to take profit on the setup as a unit at 50% max and/or roll out the short call at 50% max to reduce cost basis/downside break even.
* -- Long Call Diagonal