Finer Market Points: ASX Top 10 Momentum Stocks: 31 Jan 2025TSX:ATH ASX:3DP NASDAQ:BXN NASDAQ:OPT ASX:ERM NYSE:PAR GETTEX:VTX LSE:GCM NYSE:EBR ASX:ESR Momentum leading shares are the market's best performers today. They are the fastest-growing shares on the ASX over the last 90 days. These companies can't get to be leaders without first appearing on our Launch Pad list. The Launch Pad List is shared on Thursdays and the video interview published after market close on Fridays. Today's ASX's Top 10 Quarterly Momentum Stocks are: Alterity Therapeutics Limited (ATH) Pointerra Limited (3DP) Bioxyne Limited (BXN) Opthea Limited (OPT) Emmerson Resources Limited (ERM) Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals Limited (PAR) Vertex Minerals Limited (VTX) Green Critical Minerals Limited (GCM) EBR Systems, Inc. (EBR) Estrella Resources Limited (ESR)