BITF They have been hold 1118 BTCH as of 31st Oct 2024. They keeping the rate of 7.6 per day Which is like 83days by 22nd Jan 2025. They added up another 630BTC ($64mn at $103,000 per BTC) with Approx of another 60BTC to total of 690BTC at the end of Jan 31st ($71mn at $103,000 per BTC and $35mn Net Profit) to their total in last 90 days Which is 57% Increase in revenue compared to their last quarter $45mn. Which has potential upside of another 450BTC to total of 1140BTC (690+450). Which will increase the total BTC hold since Oct 31st to 2258BTC (1118+1140) which has value of $230mn ($103,000 per BTC) at the end of March 31st, 2025 with approx Net Profit of $100mn -120mn ( in 6months period).
So this the potential they have What are your all thoughts? ( These data solely based on their website which they have mentioned)