The Home Depot, IncIn 2016 shares of The Home Depot rose only 1.38%, while the Dow rose 13.41%. The company showed one of the worst growth results among the "blue chips". Due to the market expectations of growth of housing assets in the United States in 2017-2018 the company expects to exceed revenues of $ 100 billion in 2018.
Next month, the company will report in the fourth quarter, analysts predict that the growth of the rate of profit / share by 13.6% to $ 1.33.
Last week shares of The Home Depot showed a growth of 0.87% against the SP500 down 0.24%.
If the price is consolidated above 135.35, long positions can be opened with the targets at 136.10, 136.85 and 137.60. Stop-loss should be placed at the level of 134.60.