Netflix FlexThis is not a flexing of the imagination project. You basically take a set of simulated projected potential future scenarios which also contains potential simulated future pivot points, or inflection moments, then you simulate a bunch of geometric objects which are basically just math functions, and you end up selecting the objects that hit the most points in the simulated scenarios, while also applying an algorithm that tries to select the most artistic of them all (/for the human eye).
In other words, this project is trying to catch at any of the elements in the snapshot: pivot points, turnarounds, bounces, reversals. These can be traded with Japanese Candlestick patterns, if such patterns occur at any of the shapes, with exit strategy using SL below the low or above the high of the entry signal candle. Best advised in this project to use quick trailing stop and securing profits or break even exit, because quick reversals in sentiment, zig zags, bounces, might occur, and are actually highly expected in the further evolution of this market.
You don't need to believe in the power of the nen math, therefore it is not required for you to risk your own money in this journey. Be skeptical, but give this project a chance. Grab your popcorn, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride in this binge worthy experience.
Spoiler alert: surprises are coming. While nen principles strongly agree to the concept of not letting yourself be fooled by randomness, we also support a thorough investigation of the phenomenon of repeated coincidences and occurrences that might defy, or at least challenge, the basic laws of random events distribution in the context of the law of large numbers.
Big numbers coming ahead in this one.