NIO - Massive long at what could be the absolute bottom. I posted this a week ago but not much has changed. It was taken down by moderators because I mentioned something that went against house rules. Nonetheless:
Nio has double bottomed on the weekly at local level with bullish divergence on the MaCD. It is also showing a clear shift in momentum on the 4H and Daily timeframes. We took this position a few days ago, and have already taken very small profits at the first tp level. I was unable to post here as my account has been hacked for the past 3 weeks and I have only just gotten it back, hence the lack of updates overall. Having said that the community took this trade.
I am posting this now as I believe that if we get above 8.36 then one could strategise a trade on a backtest of that level, so you guys could enter there if you haven't already.
The weekly is posted below