ChungKhoanMyyesterdayWhen NIO drop 4.20, I just load up around 50 Buy Call strike $4, $4.50 and $7, same exp date 5/16. Like me if you support to my trade 🚀🌖
Jshi12115 days agoNIO Just when I thought we were going to break out of the consolidation, we are going straight back into it. This is some fuckery.
devigriffel6 days agoNIO Share price is going down because US can’t admit it that they have lost this war in EV sector.
StacksTradingLLCMar 18NIO One of the only longs I have right now. Like this to make a substantial move in a few weeks.
Jshi1211Mar 13NIO needs to hold above $4.8 this week or else we going back down again. Please hold, we can't go back inside the triangle/channel again.