Bobby's Homework Assignment1. 7. 23 This video is a look at Toyota. The focus is on structure. It is also about accepting did Marcus can give you very strong signals, and very good trade potential, especially if you understand that Traders can make very good returns in one direction, but will almost certainly be limited because the market dynamics suggest that the market is much more likely to trade in the other direction. In other words, if you think like a buyer and the seller, you can get a sense of direction, and possibly take advantage of the market in both directions. In this example, my belief is that our Market is breaks down it takes out structure is the tell if the market will go lower, but in this case, the market found a 28-point reversal higher even though the market was likely to make new lows... at this kind of behavior makes smart money a lot more profitable Group of Traders. Markets are designed to wash and rinse buyers and sellers... and this is what gives good Traders the ability to make more money.