Morgan Stanley - Candles and GapsThis is not a trade ideea, I just wanted to label what happened last 8 months, so when I will see the next signal i can compare it with the recent history.
The chart is kind of full, so I recommend you watch the numbers in the elipses and look for the explanation, not the other way around.
Now, about the chart, I can't make a 100% prediction on the resulting profit because I didn't trade these patterns, I just saw them today when I was looking at a breakout ideea posted by 'flavisam', but I think they would turn out quite profitable because all the losses were small and a few of the good trades had really good gaines. The only problem is the high frequency trading, which means many commisions, but I think that on a decent account at a decent broker it wouldn't be a problem.
As you can see, last 4 months we had fewer signals with more profitable trades, so let's hope this will continue.
I'm sorry if I missed anything, please point it out to me if u find something.
If I will see another pattern, I will post a comment.
Right now we are in a consolidation period, I'm waiting for a breakout or a candle pattern at the bottom of the consolidation near the psychological level.