BiliBili - Top Stock to OwnTechnical indicators:
100% technical buy signals
209.71+ Weighted Alpha
182.73% gain in the last year
Trend Spotter buy signal
Above its 20, 50 and 100 day moving averages
13 new highs and up 41.84% gain in the last month
Relative Strength Index 73.88%
Technical support level at 43.63
Recently traded at 45.43 with a 50 day moving average of 33.65
Fundamental factors:
Market Cap $14.52 billion
Revenue expected to grow 1,041.50% this year and another 39.00% next year
Earnings estimated to increase 49.10% next year
Wall Street analysts issued 6 strong buy recommendations on the stock
The individual investors monitoring the stock on Motley Fool voted 101 to 2 that the stock will beat the market
13,510 investors monitor the stock on Seeking Alpha