Bitcoin Flippening Theory Based On AriasWaveSince embarking on the creation of AriasWave, my primary objective has been to delve into corrections and unravel their expansive potential. My focus extended to scrutinizing the potency and characteristics inherent in 5-Wave movements, as they often offer insights into their upward limits. Regarding the Bitcoin pattern, from the outset, I harbored reservations about its purely impulsive nature, except for the cyclical pumps associated with halving events. While I don't predict Bitcoin's descent to zero, I discern indications that it may lag behind in performance compared to other projects efficiently fulfilling similar functions.
This isn't a dismissal of Bitcoin's revolutionary impact, as it undeniably fueled innovation. I remain open to all possibilities, but prudence dictates acknowledging superior risk/reward scenarios when alternatives with greater efficacy present themselves. Hence, I propound my flippening theory, shedding light on the potential future displacement of Bitcoin by various alt-coins, contingent upon their respective patterns.