XOM- USO oil overdone!The oil trade has the masses crowding the same trades banks and energy up 26% in 5 weeks. Considering the economic data, the start of a bear market, slowing economy, possible rate hikes and the shift to EV oil got way ahead of itself and I would expect a 12-15% correction in the coming weeks. Some would look at this chart and call a breakout, I think an 8 year high in oil going into a slowing economy is reminiscent of 2008 when oil hit $151 intraday was a blowoff top, the same time Goldman Sachs was pounding the table predicting $250 a barrel oil, within a couple months later oil hit $35. I think as usual the crowd is wrong here and I am usually a contrarian on everything! BTW, Feb 9th is XOM ex-dividend date so likely the stock will remain artificially elevated until then. GL