Long? Yes I Am-genNothing revolutionary here today, just an algo call on a stock that has been a solid performer for me historically.
The rationale:
--In a trading range longer term, but a short/medium term uptrend
--right at short term support level
--1313-1* W/L record with my algo (the 1 being 2 days ago and still would be open)
--Avg. gain per trade is just over 2%
---Avg daily return is about 2.5x that of stocks in general, long term
Initial entry was at 305.70. Per my usual strategy, I'll add to my position at the close on any day it still rates as a โbuyโ and I will use FPC (first profitable close) to exit any lot on the day it closes at any profit.
As always - this is intended as "edutainment" and my perspective on what I am or would be doing, not a recommendation for you to buy or sell. Act accordingly and invest at your own risk. DYOR and only make investments that make good financial sense for you in your current situation.