Iron TariHi guys,
this is another iron condor from the strategy W1 5% strike.
Probability 63% gives a Rew/Risk = 100-63/63=0.58
Today the market does'nt pay enough, RR is 0.60, not that much we'd like to trade, but we can leave a pending order to get something more.
In this case I prefer to widen the spreads of the 2 vertical, always having a RR not lower than 0.58. This is because the wider the spreads are, the higher our prability of success are. In this case the breakeven moves a bit giving us an higher range to be protibable, plus the max loss moves on each side of 4$. 8$ more for the iron condor is a good extra room for the price.
So in this case we enlarge our probability of success, without touching the RR ratio.
Enjoy your Wallet!