TTWO stock splitI believe that TTWO will conduct a stock split in the near future. The reasoning behind this thinking is that I believe that the company is following past trends of rapid growth and expansion. The last stock split that TTWO did was in 2005 for a 1.5:1 ratio. But before this from 1998 -2005 the company went through a drastic amount of expansion with acquiring over 27 companies and the stock value rising over $20 dollars from an IPO price of around $2 dollars. Now correlating that information to todays data and the company seems to be doing the same thing. From 2016 -2024 the company has acquired 13 companies with two notably being Zynga and Gearbox Entertainment. When you look at the chart you can see both timeframes that they buy in patterns of multiple companies in short bursts of time. But to address the elephant in the room; yes GTA 6 will make an impact to stocks price and is another reason why they would want to initiate a stock split. To get new investors interested in the company at a cheaper price.