pranshub2001Dec 22, 2024BAJFINANCE 6789 will react as a small hurdle. if sustain then 7200, or breakdown then 6500 possible.
iqrashahSep 14, 2024BAJFINANCE One of my Followers Asked my view on Bajajfin.I am bearish on bajajfinance till 7435.Follow me for INDEX|COMM analysis.Anyone want my view on another stock?comment stock name.
XDataAnalystJul 14, 2024BAJFINANCE BAJAJ FINANCE at Importnat Support | Testing breakout lineabove 6929 - 7291/7551/77427291/7300 will be support for New High 8300/9800
sandipkumarnandiJan 15, 2024BAJFINANCE 45 min 200 ema, have a watch one dragfly, one red doji after a green doji above