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2CK bonds

Below is the list of CK HUTCHISON HLDGS corporate bonds. Investors often opt for a company's bonds for their increased stability in times of market volatility. Study prices, yields, and other stats and find a reliable investment.
Price %
Coupon %
Maturity date
Outstanding amt
Face value
Min denom amt
XXS2057072477CkHutGroupTFin 2,625% 17/10/2034
7.72%071.94%2.63%2034-10-17300 M GBP1,000.00 GBP200,000.00 GBPCK Hutchison Group Telecom Finance SA
CCKHUF4880170CK Hutchison International (19) (II) Ltd. 3.375% 06-SEP-2049
6.42%5 M71.00%3.38%2049-09-06750 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (19) (II) Ltd.
CCKHUF4984493CK Hutchison International (20) Ltd. 3.375% 08-MAY-2050
6.13%5 M72.70%3.38%2050-05-08750 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (20) Ltd.
CCKHUF5165475CK Hutchison International (21) Ltd. 3.125% 15-APR-2041
6.12%361 K75.75%3.13%2041-04-15650 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (21) Ltd.
CCKHUF5798549CK Hutchison International (24) Ltd. 5.5% 26-APR-2034
5.46%200 K100.28%5.50%2034-04-261 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (24) Ltd.
XXS2057072121CkHutGroupTFin 2% 17/10/2027
5.37%092.41%2.00%2027-10-17500 M GBP1,000.00 GBP200,000.00 GBPCK Hutchison Group Telecom Finance SA
CCKHUF5890395CK Hutchison International (24) (II) Limited 4.75% 13-SEP-2034
5.36%2.04 M96.16%4.75%2034-09-13500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International 24 II Ltd.
CCKHUF5798547CK Hutchison International (24) Ltd. 5.375% 26-APR-2029
5.32%400 K100.22%5.38%2029-04-261 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (24) Ltd.
CCKHUF5573613CK Hutchison International (22) Ltd. 4.875% 21-APR-2033
5.14%5 M98.46%4.88%2033-04-211.25 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (22) Ltd.
CCKHUF5165473CK Hutchison International (21) Ltd. 2.5% 15-APR-2031
5.12%400 K87.87%2.50%2031-04-15850 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (21) Ltd.
CCKHUF5798550CK Hutchison International (24) Ltd. 5.5% 26-APR-2034
5.09%800 K102.57%5.50%2034-04-261 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (24) Ltd.
UUSG4672CAC94HutchWhamp03/33 7,45% 24/11/2033
4.94%0115.24%7.45%2033-11-241.5 B USD1,000.00 USD100,000.00 USDHutchison Whampoa International (03/33) Ltd.
CCKHUF4984491CK Hutchison International (20) Ltd. 2.5% 08-MAY-2030
4.92%3.74 M90.04%2.50%2030-05-08750.25 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (20) Ltd.
4.89%0101.13%5.63%2026-11-24309 M GBP50,000.00 GBP50,000.00 GBPHutchison Whampoa Finance UK Plc
CCKHUF5890393CK Hutchison International (24) (II) Limited 4.375% 13-MAR-2030
4.69%40 K98.73%4.38%2030-03-13500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International 24 II Ltd.
CCKHUF4819461CK Hutchison International (19) Ltd. 3.625% 11-APR-2029
4.62%9.95 M96.60%3.63%2029-04-11750 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (19) Ltd.
CCKHUF5798548CK Hutchison International (24) Ltd. 5.375% 26-APR-2029
4.61%1.82 M102.66%5.38%2029-04-261 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (24) Ltd.
CCKHUF4410284CK Hutchison International (16) Ltd. 2.75% 03-OCT-2026
4.60%1.95 M97.25%2.75%2026-10-03500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (16) Ltd.
CCKHUF5573612CK Hutchison International (22) Ltd. 4.75% 21-APR-2028
4.60%200 K100.41%4.75%2028-04-211.25 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (22) Ltd.
CCKHUF4880168CK Hutchison International (19) (II) Ltd. 2.75% 06-SEP-2029
4.57%200 K93.18%2.75%2029-09-06500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (19) (II) Ltd.
UUSG46715AC56HutchWhamFinCI 7,5% 01/08/2027
4.56%0106.25%7.50%2027-08-01500 M USD1,000.00 USD100,000.00 USDHutchison Whampoa Finance (CI) Ltd.
CCKHUF4480268CK Hutchison International (17) Ltd. 3.5% 05-APR-2027
4.54%3 M98.05%3.50%2027-04-05800 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (17) Ltd.
CCKHUF4547163CK Hutchison International (17) II Ltd. 3.25% 29-SEP-2027
4.53%520 K97.09%3.25%2027-09-29500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (17) II Ltd.
CCKHUF5165471CK Hutchison International (21) Ltd. 1.5% 15-APR-2026
4.48%3.42 M96.91%1.50%2026-04-15500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International (21) Ltd.
XXS240217856CK H.EUR.21 21/33
4.29%079.31%1.00%2033-11-02500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURCK Hutchison Europe Finance (21) Ltd.
XXS205707018CK HUT.G.TEL 19/31
4.02%086.90%1.50%2031-10-17750 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURCK Hutchison Group Telecom Finance SA
XXS205706976CK HUT.G.TEL 19/28
3.50%092.46%1.13%2028-10-171 B EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURCK Hutchison Group Telecom Finance SA
ZZ33ACK H.EUR.21 21/29
3.47%089.20%0.75%2029-11-02500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURCK Hutchison Europe Finance (21) Ltd.
XXS180613030CK HUTCH.FIN.(18) 18/30
3.33%094.23%2.00%2030-04-13500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURCK Hutchison Europe Finance (18) Ltd.
00KGACK HUTCH.FIN.(18) 18/25
3.28%099.90%1.25%2025-04-13750 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURCK Hutchison Europe Finance (18) Ltd.
UUSG46715AD30HutchWhamFinCI 6,988% 01/08/2037
3.07%0142.08%6.99%2037-08-0153.53 M USD1,000.00 USD100,000.00 USDHutchison Whampoa Finance (CI) Ltd.
XXS139108698CK HUTCH.FIN.(16) 16/28
2.95%097.35%2.00%2028-04-06650 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURCK Hutchison Finance (16) Ltd.
XXS205706909CK HUT.G.TEL 19/26
2.94%097.75%0.75%2026-04-171 B EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURCK Hutchison Group Telecom Finance SA
CCKHUF5890394CK Hutchison International (24) (II) Limited 4.75% 13-SEP-2034
4.75%2034-09-13500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International 24 II Ltd.
CCKHUF5890392CK Hutchison International (24) (II) Limited 4.375% 13-MAR-2030
4.38%2030-03-13500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDCK Hutchison International 24 II Ltd.
CCKISF4836373Hutchison Whampoa Finance (CI) Ltd. 7.5% 01-AUG-2027
7.50%2027-08-01500 M USD1,000.00 USD100,000.00 USDHutchison Whampoa Finance (CI) Ltd.