up pressure for this week best place for inter buy is near gap best place for sell= green line Ema200 60min (100% put sl near 40point) trend is very + sell is very risky if above black trend break , dax can go to 15800 keep monitor AC and stoch on 30-240min chart Longby ramin_trader20060
exclent company earning profit news=+ energyin comming week dax can go up for new record (it can start new + wild trend) if it can break low ,must touch 14850 then fly up to 15800 advice =going sell is very risky ,trend is powerful + so stand on buy side ,looking for buy in deep (and buylimit on 14850 with tp=15600) dax easily can fly to 16000 KEEP MONITOR AC (accelator occilator indicator) ON 30-240MIN CHART (on dax full time chart not on cash xetra dax) when AC is green ,looking for buy not sell Longby ramin_trader20062
very powerful company earning behind all indexbe carefull , dax per second can fly up to 16000 if you have sell 100% put SL on high,,break high = new wild up wave,up trend to 16000 personaly i close my sells,looking for buy only www.marketwatch.comLongby ramin_trader2006221
FDAX bounced off oversoldFDAX bounced off of oversold yesterday, still heading up. Another indication of a gap up Mondayby hungry_hippo0
be carefull dax dow can fly up keep monitor Accelator occilator and stochastic 5.3.3 on 30-240min chart ,now show + trend comming looking for buy in deep if you have open sell ,100% put sl on high 15350 ,break it mean very powerful trend to 15800-16000 Shortby ramin_trader20061
dax on germany inflation news break down but then in evening dowjones fly up ,so on dax buy pressure will be high (company earnings comes exclent) AC accelator and stochaatic on 30-240min chart have sell now ALERT= if dax break up trend , can start new + trend to 15800 , personaly predict dax after little down move can fly up even 16000, so be carefull from sell 100% put sl company and retail traders open orders on FDAX www.comdirect.de Shortby ramin_trader20062
3angel : stoch and AC on 4hour chart near red dax is very range this week, now must go down ,touch yesterday close on cash xetra dax DEU30 if can break downer trend ,door will open to 1850(our target) Shortby ramin_trader2006110
again dax was range ,now dax 3angel comes AC and stoch 30-240min show downtrend comming up target =15800 down target=14850 and 14600 SL=40 point trailstop=40 point powerfull buylimit we put =14850-14600 www.marketwatch.com Shortby ramin_trader20061
dax was range on monday ,put sellstop buystop is clever idea still we sure dax must fill gap on 14850 (fibo 61% there too) if dax want to grow to 17000 must fill this gap for arrow=important place you can put limit order with SL =40 now AC and stoch 240and30min show seller comming secret of dax =when you seen dax is range 100% put buystop on 5-6 point above high(SL= day low) ,sellstop in low with trailstop=40 tp=min 180 in long term you must see 3sl 7 profitShortby ramin_trader20061
Wave 4 and Wave 5 prediction in FDAXHello, in my opinion the FDAX should correct further to the Fibonacci Retracement Range 38-50 bevor the next Wave 5 Rally begins. Let me know what you think about it. Best Regards Gold-EselShortby Gold-Esel0
dax on this weekred fibo show dax frist must touch fibo 61% ,then if can break trend will touch fibo 161%(in way to fill open gap 14850 but if can break up trend , must go to green fibo 161% pick sell under 15290 with sl on up trend is good idea anood wait 2-3 day to 14850 but buystop on 15320 sl=15160 tp=15590 is clever order Shortby ramin_trader20062
exclent MICRO DAX start on eurex now you can trade micro dax directly in frankfurt exchange Eurex with 500-1000$ (1 micro dax margin =200$ 1 point value=1 ) www.eurex.com if you trade big dax FDAX1!,you can use micro dax for hedge , for example when you buy 1 fdax ,if see market go dawn you can see 25 micro dax ninja trade and AMP futures and many futures broker have it ( futures dont have swap (night fee) and commission is under 2$ and spread is 1 ) best for scalp and day trader Shortby ramin_trader20060
Sell in May IDEA Short FDAX for a 1:7 RR tradeEuropean markets looking weaker than US markets so a short for the 10% correction everyone is waiting for is best traded on the FDAXShortby responsibletrad8r0
fibo extention show dax will see 14600trend base fibo extention (fibo projection) orange color work exclent on dax and dow (not good for trendy markets like gold) clearly show dax will fill 2 open gap !!! fibo raytrace (green ) 161% show buyer and seller target advice= put sellstop under 1hour Ema200 (green line ) and buylimit on down gap is best action pick buy 100% is risky not good (dax is over bought) but sellimit on 15800 is good idea all SL=40point ALERT=after dax touch 14850(gap) dax down currection complete,can fly to 16000Shortby ramin_trader20062
DAX: Favorite Child 🥰🥰🥰course, we love all of our analyzed markets, but the DAX is behaving particularly well. Therefore, it has become somewhat one of our favorites among the many markets we cover. Currently, we expect the DAX to increase a bit and then turn into a correction that would bring us down somewhere between 14806 – 14583 points. After that, we should be tackling the 16000 point mark here. Don’t underestimate the potential here!by MarketIntel0
Stop Loss Hunting – Are You The Hunter 🤠 Or The Prey 🍖 ? Hello guys, In today’s article, I am not going to tell you which type of order to use, because that was the main message of the previous one. Today, I will focus on another interesting phenomenon related to this topic – Stop Loss Hunting. “My Broker Is Hunting My Stop Loss” A typical thing beginner traders say: “My broker is hunting my SL, he knows exactly where it is and he always makes the price go exactly there.” Or “I am the most unlucky person ever – the price always hits my SL and then turns the way I predicted.” Sure, having a reliable broker is crucial but in this case, it’s very often the fault of the beginner trader. Well, in fact this is not just beginners. Even advanced traders have such problems… Let’s now talk about what is the reason of this “SL hunting” and let’s use a recent example. Heavy Volume Zones On DAX A couple of days ago I wrote an analysis on DAX. In this analysis, I showed a strong volume-based swing Support around 14.600. As a reaction to this I received a couple of emails from people asking me why not the higher area, around 15.250? Both are heavy volume zones , so why not trade both? Lets talk about the 15.250 zone now. Those heavy volumes you see there were accumulated in a rotation area around 15.250 (marked in red). That rotation area though, had a very “weak low“. The Weak Low There were so many little reactions to the low of the price channel, but not a single big and strong rejection. What many traders do is that they have their SL orders below the rotation channel. This is usually traders who trade breakout strategies, or traders who are trailing the trend. The picture below shows this rotation zone more in detail and it shows all those small and weak rejections. Below such rejections, many people place their SL orders. I call the areas where people place a lot of their SL orders “SL Clusters“. What usually happens is that the price goes there and “consumes”all those SL orders there. Who is doing this? Not the “evil broker”. It’s the BIG trading institutions who manipulate the price to go there. Then they take all that free liquidity there (liquidity from those SL orders). Big guys need liquidity. They need it to enter their trades. They actively manipulate the price and look for places with liquidity like the one I showed you. BOOM! – Everybody Out! A phenomenon worth noticing with such “SL hunting” is that the price usually shoots rapidly through such zones. BOOM! Everybody is out 🙂 Often with slippage. Why does the price shoot so fast through such areas? Because STOP LOSS order is a MARKET ORDER. This is important! Stop Loss Order = Market Order If you read the previous part of this article then you know that a Market Order means that you are able to quit (or enter) your trader NOW. The downside is that you may get a slippage, because NOW there might not be a big enough counter-party (exactly at your desired price level) to Buy what you Sell, or to Sell what you Buy. Stop Loss Hunting When there is a SL run, then all those people whose SL get hit enter a Market Order to quit their position. Market Orders are sort of catalyst that move the market. Those are aggressive orders. This is the reason the price shoots fast past SL Cluster areas. SL clusters are catalysts and people often get slippage when their SL gets hit there. Now, lets get back to that 15.250 level on DAX. Stop Loss Hunting On DAX – EXAMPLE Below this heavy volume area, there was a SL cluster. For this reason it was not a good idea to go Long from 15.250, because the SL cluster was right below it. As you can see, the institutions recognized this SL cluster and they moved the price towards it. When the price hit this area it was quick. Whoosh! All those SL orders got hit. The fact that SL orders are Market Orders helped the price to shoot past this area fast. Remember – Market Order means – I want in (or out) NOW! So, that’s exactly why I don’t like trading Longs when there is such SL cluster below the potential Long entry level – when there is the “weak low“ You guys liked this article? I hope you did! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Have a GREAT weekend and happy trading! -DaleEducationby Trader_Dale227
dax show down trend starting dax can stand under ichmoku main green line, this mean 99% dax pro big trader want fill open gap on 14850 ALERT=in right of chart , see green fibo 161% (technical trader target) it show 13800 for target , be carefull from buy ,put sl in low mr Biden 200% increase tax on investemts like buy stocks,index ... this will wake up bear(seller) reduce invest on stocks www.marketwatch.com technical say =looking for sell until 14850 , close buys,dont inter buy until 1850 =important open gap on cash xetra dax fill (100% will fill soon or late) AC acelator and stoch 4hour show sell now ,mean powerfull seller comming we will on green flash put buylimit with sl =40 trailstop=40 not=ichimoku is for trendy markets like gold,oil , not very good on zigzag market like dax dow,, use of it not advice , Donchian channel indicator better than itShortby ramin_trader20060
dax reach fibo 61% now must go down AC 240min going to red,,show down trend comming green arrow = place you must buylimit with sl=40 note= with calculation with robot , dax best SL =40point best TP=180 point Shortby ramin_trader20061
where is buyer next target ?do you see pinbar in low? do you see AC 4hour is green ? frist it give buy signal in low on near 15280 we have trend and support ,if it break ,dax will fly up to 15800 why target is 15800 : if you draw fibo extention(projection) it will give you target 15800 if you draw fibo raytrace on down move leg (to find TP,target) fibo 161% show target=15800 (target 2 =16150) note 75%= we bet dax next high is 15800 ,all buyer target is 15800 16000 note 25% = if low break (put sell stop in low),dax can go to 14850 then fly up (put buylimit on it) to 15800-16000 green arrow=powerfull order place , 2021 is up move , bull market,looking buy always,enjoy bull market by buy in deep,buystop on 15min high if you have old open sells little down ,hedge them by buy Longby ramin_trader20060
fibo 161% show buyer target is 15800 dax after vaccine news on j&j goes up as i predicred yesterday ,now 50% can go down , then start new + trend dax trader must check here per 30min ,these two must be open always www.marketwatch.com www.forexfactory.com keep monitor AC accelator and stoch 5.3.3 on 30-240min chart Longby ramin_trader20061
DAX Swing Trade Analysis With Volume Profile And Price Action 🤨Hello guys, in today’s post, I am going to look into the German index DAX. There I am going to show you a swing trade idea which you can best see on a 4 Hour or Daily chart. DAX is in a long-term uptrend. It has been like that for more than a year actually. For this reason, I am only interested in Long trades. So, I look for strong Supports. How do I look for them? Using Volume Profile, of course 🙂 DAX – Volume Profile Analysis When there is a trend I use my Flexible Volume Profile indicator over the trend and I want to see significant volume areas. Those are places where (in an uptrend) strong Buyers were adding to their Long positions. Why are those places important? They are important because the Buyers who placed their Longs there will want to defend those zones – their Long orders. If the price goes past those zones, the Buyers will be in red numbers. Obviously, they don’t want that. So they will defend those zones. Defend how? With Market Orders . They will use aggressive Market Orders to push the price up again. With enough Market Orders, they are able to manipulate the price to turn and go up again. This is why heavy volume zones that got created within an uptrend are strong Supports. One More Support On DAX Maybe you’ve noticed that there is also one more heavy volume area at the bottom of the chart. This is also a super important Support! I wrote about this one in an article around a month ago. You can check it out here: DAX – swing trading support around 13.900 – 14.000 I hope you guys liked today’s analysis. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Happy trading, -Dale by Trader_Dale225
time to buynow but sl in lowfibo extention (left side ,orange) show dax next target near 16000 now we close all sell and looking for buy AC and stoch on 240min chart give buy now too if you have old sell we advice close all,looking for buy Longby ramin_trader20065