Dax Long Running 600+ Points ProfitsIn the update we review the long trade in the DAX and rolll up stops to protect partial gains Long0by Tickmill112
for buy dax , waiting gap fill in 15700 dax today reach fibo 161% , now can go down , in green arrow we can buy and hold 7 day to new high Shortby ramin_trader20067
buy dax near 15700 dont pick sell on dax when price is above EMA200 daily , only looking for buy by ramin_trader2006224
dax in weekly chart going to fibo 161% around 17000 germany company earnings coming exclent predict= in winter 2022 we will see dax around 17000 and in end of 2022, dax will see 20.000 then in 2023 can reach 24000 end of year rally start and in next 40 day dow,dax,nasdaq,sp500 must fly up (end of year rally avragly is +25% move) enjoy bull market like 2009 to 2020 (buy in deep,hold to new high) Longby ramin_trader20064
dax fill downer gap ,now going to 16000 area AC on 4 hour chart n give buy(+ trend will start) if you have buy ,dont close it sooner than 15880 (can take 3 day) if you have sell , close all sell now or hedge your sells (size=2* total sell) if you dont have buy, wait for deep ,low to inter buy and hold note= dax in way to 17000 Longby ramin_trader20065
2 scenario on dax as predict before,dax going to fill gap on 15612 ,but it can go downer technicaly to 15500 new gap on cash xetra dax apear on up tooShortby ramin_trader20065
DAX: Not Spooky! 🎃🎃🎃Halloween season is on, but nothing spooky for the DAX! We expect a correction shortly and new all-time highs above 16024 points. However, the course should not drop below 14795 points. Candy time!Longby MarketIntel4
as predict yesterday , dax going to fill downer gap around 15620wait for around 15620 for buy and hold (germany GDP forecast comes very bad , link below) www.forexfactory.com Shortby ramin_trader20066
we have open gap on cash xetra dax in down ,must fill AC 240min going to red true? let see cash xetra dax (phisical dax trade in frankfurt floor) but trend will remain ++++ up ( end of year rally) www.cnbc.com www.marketwatch.com again strongly advice dont pick sell ,looking for buy in deep ,dax going to 17000Shortby ramin_trader20065
break today low ,can push dax downer in green arrow we must put buylimit ,after open ,hold them 7-8 day to min 15800 areaby ramin_trader2006119
16830 is dax next target if you dont have buy yet , looking buy in deep and hold 7.8 day if you have sell , close them now or put hedge order on today high ALERT=fibo 161% show dax target is 16800-17000 strongly advice dont pick sell signals ,looking buy in deep Longby ramin_trader2006115
next open gap on cash dax =15850 put buystop on high is very good idea , if dax break high , can start new + trend earning news ( like Tesla) comes very good ,it can push dax to 16000 even 16300 (fibo 161%) advice dont pick sell signals until 16000 , sell now is very very risky,each second dax can fly up Longby ramin_trader2006114
DAX 1st Target Hit +300The Dax corrective pattern has played out nicely hitting the first upside objective of the descending trend line resistance +300 points, longs can take off half here and move stops to entry to play for a break of the descending trend line and look for a retest of prior cycle highsLong0by Tickmill8
2 powerful place for buy dax and hold dax can go down to 15300 then again fly up , in green arrow we can put buylimit for hold 7-8 day Shortby ramin_trader20065
FDAX overboughtRSI overbought MFI almost there. I wouldn't expect much of a gap up tomorrow, but you never know.by hungry_hippoUpdated 116
Current Dax ChannelAktuell könnten wir auf einen zweiten Schnittpunkt des großen Aufwärtstrendkanals seit Corona zusteuern. by patchontheedge2
dax next target =15555 as predict 2 days ago, dax go up ,,, today in low , you can buy dax and hold 7 day (sl in low) our target=16300 fibo 161% Longby ramin_trader2006227
Harmonic patternsPossible short related to a combination of harmonic patterns on Dax with target area in red. Not investment adviceShortby gabrivitturi1
Dax Wolfe Pattern Possible Wolfe Waves structure. Seems that in any scenario (long or short) the price should retouch the lower trendline of the pattern in area 15170. So we are positioned short from 15260. Not investment advice.by gabrivitturi1
2 powerful place for buylimit and hold minimum to fibo 61% you can hold these buys to fibo 161% too (can take 15 day ALERT=if you have sells , close all near 15077 , each second dax can fly to 16300 (fibo 161%) dont pick sell signals, main trend on daily chart is very + note=our target for close buys is fibo 161%=16300 area , be careful it can goes to 17000 too (dax40 is under fair value ) note=AC 4hour is green now , check it www.tradingview.comLongby ramin_trader20064
for coming week = fibo 61% show dax target is 15555 16300 is our target for next 30 day and 17000 until end of 2021 strongly advice dont pick sell signals ,looking for buy in deep(sl= day low) if you want pick sell signals ,Never Never remove your SL (on day high) ,each second dax can fly up to 16300 even 17000 if you have sell now,put sl on today high , break high mean start of + trend Longby ramin_trader20067
dax must go this way on cash xetra dax DEU30 we have gap in 15035 alert=if dax break high, can forget downer gap and fly up to 15555 gap Shortby ramin_trader2006226