njordvbJun 6, 2024EURNOK i see huge potential in this i could see a trade of 2460 pips and a lot of sellers wich will be trapped to sign more up trend and ahead of lower rates in eu
PopiaMytravelbirdieJan 10, 2024EURNOK Idea: Precision helps make the decis… Precision helps make the decision - 5 charts in focus
PopiaMytravelbirdieOct 10, 2023EURNOK Idea: Treacherous candles stopped wi… Treacherous candles stopped win streak | EURNOK Balcony Drop
PopiaMytravelbirdieJul 6, 2023EURNOK Idea: EURNOK day chart | over extend… No coordinates. Private message or comment for coordinates.
PopiaMytravelbirdieMay 23, 2023EURNOK Idea: EURNOK | Strange pair doing a … EURNOK | Strange pair doing a loopie spring