NFLX & chilling until...Earnings. I have been bearish on this stock technically. Currently it is floating within the Bollinger Bands. Today (3/26) was pretty bearish on the market overall. I read that NFLX will be raising rates or creating alleged value within its ad tiers. I like commercials, so I'll keep watching them lol. Anyways... I just know that people will be affected by loss of jobs/income. NFLXing may not be top of mind for many. I also hear rumors of a stock split. That would be great. & if it happens, I'll still be looking for pullbacks. Will see how week and month close. Earnings 4/17.
***Side note... I remember when the original CD business launched during my college days. Oh how I wish that I was investor savy at the time. Sigh... Looking forward to earning some moolah on my trade ideas now.