5 Stocks we are looking into for the Covid-19 VaccineFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on an opinion based basis. That being said, let me get into my insights. There was rumors that AstraZeneca wanted to merge w/ Gilead. However, it looks like this may not happen. Until, the books are closed don't get your hopes up, but invest as if you expect something like this to go down. As far as stocks such as Pfizer, Pfizer so far is greatly underrated in terms of growth potential during the vaccine trials period, and likely because of that it is due for a bullish run quite soon. NVAX and Moderna, I believe already have the most stable growth potential given the logarithmic curves. These 5 stocks may be quite interesting to look at given all these giants from Pfizer to Moderna to Gilead are working on being the forefront of the expected Covid19 vaccine delivery. If this is a huge revenue booster, that means obvious profit turn over potential. Also, it is likely better for a buy entry previous to August, September, and the winter when hype may start increasing. Lots of the excitement have very recently slowed down, and you likely don't want to wait for the hype if you do long term holds.